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To what extent have high-rise buildings improved city life?


Maximized Land Use: High-rise buildings enable cities to
accommodate larger populations and amenities on limited land. For
instance, Hong Kong's vertical cityscape has allowed it to support a
population density of over 6,500 people per square kilometer,
maximizing land efficiency[^1^].
Iconic Skylines: The Burj Khalifa in Dubai and the Empire State
Building in New York City are prime examples of high-rises that
define and symbolize their respective cities, attracting tourism and

Social Isolation: Research by psychologists Sherry Turkle and Keith
Hampton has shown that excessive reliance on digital
communication within high-rises can lead to decreased face-to-face
interactions and feelings of loneliness7.
Traffic Congestion: The high population density associated with
high-rises can strain transportation systems. Cities like Mumbai,
India, experience severe traffic congestion due to rapid vertical
Safety and Infrastructure: The Grenfell Tower fire in London
highlighted the importance of proper safety measures in high-rises.
The tragedy emphasized the need for adequate fire safety
regulations and maintenance in vertical living spaces12.
High-rise buildings have become emblematic features of modern urban landscapes, reshaping city
skylines and influencing the way people live, work, and interact…

One of the most significant benefits of high-rise buildings is their ability to maximize land use.
In densely populated cities like Hong Kong, where available land is scarce, vertical construction
has enabled the accommodation of larger populations and the provision of diverse amenities
within a limited area1. This efficient land utilization is not only a response to spatial constraints
but also a catalyst for urban growth and development.

Moreover, iconic skyscrapers have become synonymous with the identity of many cities. For
instance, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and the Empire State Building in New York City are emblematic
landmarks that define their respective urban environments and attract global attention and
investment. These structures showcase the innovative prowess of their host cities and contribute
to their recognition on the global stage.

However, the proliferation of high-rises has brought about certain negative consequences. Social
isolation is a growing concern as digital communication replaces face-to-face interactions in
high-rise communities. Psychologists Sherry Turkle and Keith Hampton have demonstrated that
excessive reliance on digital communication within such environments can lead to decreased
social interactions and heightened feelings of loneliness2. This phenomenon highlights the need
to balance technological connectivity with the preservation of genuine human connections.

Additionally, the high population density associated with high-rises can strain transportation
systems and lead to traffic congestion. Mumbai, a city experiencing rapid vertical growth,
exemplifies this issue as its transportation networks struggle to accommodate the increased
demand3. Efficient urban planning and public transportation systems are crucial to mitigate the
adverse effects of congestion on city life.

Furthermore, the tragic Grenfell Tower fire in London underscored the importance of safety
measures and proper infrastructure in high-rises4. This incident highlighted the need for stringent
fire safety regulations and maintenance protocols to ensure the well-being of residents. Safety
considerations must be at the forefront of high-rise construction to avoid such disasters and
ensure the security of those living within vertical living spaces.

However, the potential for social isolation, traffic congestion, and safety concerns necessitates
careful urban planning, infrastructure development, and community engagement. Achieving a
harmonious coexistence between the benefits and challenges of high-rises requires a
comprehensive approach that prioritizes human well-being, sustainability, and cultural
preservation. Ultimately, it is through this balanced perspective that cities can fully harness the
advantages of high-rise construction while minimizing its downsides.
Using a telephone is the best way of communicating. write points for
Real-time communication: The telephone allows for instant,
real-time conversations between two or more parties. This
immediacy is crucial in situations that require quick decision-making
or urgent matters. Emergency communication: In times of
emergencies or disasters when other communication infrastructures
might be affected, telephones can serve as a reliable lifeline for
reaching out for help or support.
65% of Americans still prefer voice calls because of the immediacy it
provides compared to other communication methods like email or

Global reach: Telephones have a vast global network, making it

possible to connect with people worldwide. This feature is
particularly beneficial for businesses and international relationships.
Accessibility: Telephones are widely available, and even in areas with
limited internet access, landline and mobile networks are often
accessible, ensuring communication continuity.
As of 2021, there were approximately 5.27 billion mobile phone users
worldwide, indicating the extensive reach of this communication
medium (Statista).
96% of the global population lived in an area covered by mobile
cellular networks, ensuring broad accessibility to telephony services.

Confidentiality: For sensitive matters that require confidentiality,

phone conversations can be more secure than digital messaging,
where information could potentially be intercepted or hacked.
Limited information transfer+smart phone can do it.: Telephone calls
lack the visual component, making it challenging to share complex
information, such as charts, graphs, or detailed documents. In
contrast, video conferencing or email allows for more comprehensive
data exchange. A study published in the International Journal of
Human-Computer Studies found that visual communication
significantly improved information transfer compared to audio-only

Costly international calls: Making international phone calls can be

expensive, especially for long-duration conversations. Many people
now prefer using internet-based communication platforms or apps
that offer free or low-cost international calling options. As reported by
the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), international calling
rates can vary significantly and lead to substantial charges.

War is only ever destructive and brings nothing good. Evaluate this
view. [30]

- War is a destruction that can be performed with weapons or

without weapons. It is caused by several reasons such as
inequality, religion, extreme nationalism, etc. War has never
contributed in creating something; it always advocates disaster.
War is itself an evil and is on the top of many kinds of evil like
unemployment, illness, poverty, illiteracy and instability.

- The main reason as to why war seems only negative is because

of the destruction of people's lives and resources. An example
can be that of WWII, An estimated total of 70–85 million people
perished, or about 3% of the world population in 1940. with an
additional estimated 19–28 million deaths from war-related
disease and famine. The war had also destroyed 70% of the
European infrastructure while the environmental impacts were
drastic as well. Hence the destruction and the loss of lives
caused by war cannot be justified for any reason.
- War uses the substantial economy of a nation and causes
economic instability. Even in the present Russia spends millions
of dollars daily in the war with Ukraine to fund the weaponry
and military. However, the lack of working population, decrease
in the nations GDP and the downfall of the nations currency ( in
this case the sanctions imposed on russia by the western
nations had decreased the value of Ruble by 30%). The finance
would rather be fruitful when used in other sectors than war. So
the capital invested and lost in war further adds to the evils of
- War degrades the quality of living of people and is the cause of
mass human rights violations. During the time of war, the
government is not able to provide for basic sectors like
education, health, nutrition, security, etc to its citizens. While in
the danger zones of the war, mass loss of lives, lack of security
and violence is faced. During the second world war, gang rapes
were so common especially from the Soviet Troops that almost
every German woman on sight had faced sexual violence. In
addition, many children died in postwar Germany as a result of
widespread starvation, scarce supplies and diseases such as
typhus and diphtheria. The infant mortality in Berlin reached up
to 90%. Hence, a war is not worth the negative effects upon the
lives of innocent citizens.
- War leads to forced migration causing potentially large
displacements of population. With the violence, loss of lives,
lack of infrastructure, etc. people have to leave their homes to
seek shelter. This was the case for 13 million Syrian refugees
who were forcibly displaced during the Syrian civil war. This
population was more than half of the Syrian population which
resulted in the nation crucially lacking human resources. Thus,
such displacements of the population caused by war further
deteriorate the nation's economy while adding more problems
to it.
- War has an impact on the neighboring states as well as the
nations worldwide. There is mainly an economic impact
because of the trade relation between various nations. In the
case of The Russia-Ukrain war the oil and gas prices have faced
a major inflationary gap because Russia being a petroleum
nation, couldnt export those products anymore. It isnt only the
economical concerns of the foreign nations, but there is also
problems of the refugees that other nations have to accept.
India was faced with 60,000 Srilankan refugees in Tamil Nadu,
While India itself was facing a dropping economy which
resulted in these refugees to be a problem.
- As a conclusion, war is disruptive in various ways and is not
worth the loss of lives, properties and resources under any
circumstances. With the humanitarian crises faced in the
present world, it doesnt make sense for the nations to fight
against each other when they should indeed be working
together. So, considering the effects of war, the world is a better
place without it.

Word count: 660 words

Evaluate the view that professional sport has become dangerously obsessed
with money.

1. “As soon as you take money for playing a sport, it isn't a sport, its
work.” This statement given by Avery Brundage is seen to be truer than
ever because of the commercial effects of globalization. aspects like
advertisement, sponsors, ticket prices, etc. have brought sports a long
way from its origin. The high influence and drive of money in sports has
lost the spirit of the game.

2. Professional sport has always been played for reward but the rewards have
hiked extraneously.
- Us salary 42,000. Players salary millions per match
- The amounts of money that go into the player’s salary are not
motivating them to strive for perfection.

3. The sports needs to be advertised to more audiences for which money is

required and hence advertisements come.
- Footballers, advertisements. Clubs players get 10 of millions of

4. The harmful effects of the want to win a game to win the economical
benefits. Desperation in sports.
- In December 2019, the World Anti-Doping Agency barred Russia
from international sports competitions after concluding that it had
orchestrated and run a sprawling and state-sponsored doping
scheme at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.
5. It is an economically driven time when such resources are valued the most,
and this seems to be constant throughout, hence the most viable reward is
money as it is the most useful. However players enrollment and betterment
is ensured through the high reward more people are encouraged to do better.
- The 1920s has been called the Golden Age of American Sports. It
also has been called the Age of the Spectator. The United States
had a strong economy for most of that decade. Many workers had
more leisure time. Because of the advertisements..

6. To conclude, sports have become too much about the money and less
emphasis is put on player talent. Taking the above steps will ensure that
sport stays competitive is available to all and is more pleasant to watch. On
top of that the money that will be saved will go to charities that will improve
the lives of others, although the economy of the rich countries will take a
blow it might be restores when the LEDCs are improved by the charity and
become more open to trade increasing economies globally. If all is
performed this way, there aren’t many downsides.

- Morally wrong
GP essay 30

museums have no right to hold and exhibit items that belong to other
countries. Discuss [30]
- A museum is an institution that researches, collects, and exhibits
heritage which represents history. And in today's world, heritges are
specially conserved to ensure the preservation of identity and
culture. Nonetheless, there are artifacts from colonial rule that have
been stolen or forcibly taken into museums all across the world. Such
foreign artifacts promote the culture of a nation to the other,
however, in the modern day with rising awareness and
consciousness it is not justifiable to hold and exhibit such stolen art.

- The consensual display of foreign art will provide people with an

insight into the culture and history of a distant land. When the
artifacts have not been stolen and have been gifted or achieved
diplomatically, then there isn't any conflict with its display but is
rather appreciated and educational for the viewers. In 2022, The
United States gifted Historical Artifacts to the Wangduechhoeling
Palace which added to the growing trove of tangible heritage that
could be integrated into the museum exhibits. Those artifacts were
willingly gifted by The US, ad had added more dimension to the
newly established palace, and was much admired by the visitors.
Therefore, the display of foreign art will add more elements to the
museum and more content to explore for the people.
- However, though gifted arts are innocuous, a majority of the foreign
artifacts that are exhibited were stolen, and the museums have no
right to hold it. the British Museum is the world's “largest receiver of
stolen goods” and still has not agreed to return Hoa Hakananai'a
from Eastern Island, Benin bronzes from Nigeria, the Rosetta Stone
from Egypt, and hundreds of other stolen artifacts from various
nations. Even when the nation is fully aware of the origin of the
artifact, and even when agencies such as UNESCO work against the
exhibition of stolen art, they seem unwilling to return the artifacts
back to its native land and have ignored the demand. Therefore, it is
morally and culturally incorrect in a globe of diversity and respect, for
a foreign museum to consciously withhold the historic items.
In modern times, there is a growing need to preserve one's heritage
which further doesnt allow any space for other museums to display
their artifacts. Heritage represents the identity, history and culture of
the people, while it also preserves the truth of the historical story for
generations to come. It is to be well noted that the native land
values, connects and relates to its heritages much more compared to
the simple admiration gained in foreign nations. An example can be
when Dr. Sweta Baniya saw the 400 year old necklace of Nepalese
goddess Taleju Bhawani at The Art Institute of Chicago and burst
into tears, bowed down, and began to pray. While the nationals see it
as an object of fascination, it is only the people who are culturally tied
to an artifact that feel its true importance. Thus, it is incorrect for
other nations to be exhibiting a stolen item in their museums.

- But in spite of that, it is to be considered that some artifacts may not be

getting equivalent care after being returned and may be unsafe out of
the museum. The FBI News recently published a story about 7,000
stolen global artifacts discovered in Indiana and encouraged native
tribes and foreign governments to cooperate for repatriations.
However, after 4 years, only 15% of total artifacts remain while the
other are unknown of or damaged. Secondly, The Catholic archbishop
of Sokoto, Nigeria believes the bronze and ivory masques on display
at the British Museum should remain in England because once the
artifacts are returned to the shrines that they belong to, they would
likely be stolen and the objects are more suited to be at the museum.
It is also to be considered that a museum regardless of its nationality,
serves to an object's presence that is appreciated by the public, the
curators, and museum experts. Therefore, museums may have the
right to exhibit items that belong to other nations as well.

In conclusion, it can be said that the historical semblance between an artifact and
its people relates the population to its history and culture. This attachment is much
more precious than any other acknowledgment that can be given in a foreign
nation, regardless of their ability to serve for the artifact. Thus, museums have
no right to hold

-I am suitable to be in the role because I have opted for leadership roles in the past
and I believe I am responsible enough to carry on the tasks.
-I have been to debating tournaments before and I have a good knowledge of what
needs to be done more than the people that have never had an experience in
debating events.
-I have managed MUNs, academic activities, competitions, etc. before which
ensures a smooth event this time as well.
-I have a very approachable and social personality which has connected me to the
students and teachers of the school, hence it is easy for me to communicate and
carry out works smoothly because of ma familiarity witch the people and the
-I have ideas on how this event can be a massive success with an appropriate
crowd, social media presence, proper opening and closing, smooth timing, etc.
which I can implement by being one of the organizing members.
- I am very proactive and hardworking, with these qualities, I would be able to
quickly solve problems along the way even if I am under pressure, I would still
thrive in the environment and make sure the event is a success.
Assess the human rights situation in your country. [30]

Human rights are standards that recognize and protect the dignity of all
human beings regardless of their differences. Nepal has ratified the UDHR
(Universal Declaration of human rights) on 22nd April 1991. Since then, the
government itself has ensured freedom, equality and dignity to all which
has created a pathway for the people to speak against any violations.
However because of deeply rooted social evils, illiteracy and poverty, there
are forms of HR violations that are seen in only in Nepal which shoes it still
has a long way to go before achieving any substantial progress.
Poverty is an ongoing detriment to human rights in Nepal. By fixing the
issue of poverty, Nepal would be able to minimize nearly 80% of the total
HR violations, especially fixing the problems of health and education. The
surveys of 1996, 2004, and 2011 show a steady decline in poverty from 68%
to 53.1% to 24.8% respectively. In 2019, a report showed, 17.4 percent of
Nepalis are multi-dimensionally poor, which is still a proportionately large
number of people compared to the 8.2% global poverty rate. In Nepal, the
highest number of people are deprived of housing materials, clean cooking
fuel, years of schooling, assets, and nutrition which all seem to originate
from unemployment and poverty. Therefore, poverty is the major cause of
human rights violations faced by vulnerable groups in Nepal.

human rights violations by the police and army, are one of the most
widespread and direct violations. This too has been caused by the lack of
awareness among the people that causes cases of alleged extrajudicial
killings and custodial deaths resulting from torture. There have been
numerous accounts of torture for an investigation like that in 2018 of a
minor girl from Simara who was beaten on the soles of her feet for hours
before her confession. Not only Nepal but even the North American region
has a high rate of police violence. The UDHR has specific articles for Torture
and physical abuse that are easily violated by the misuse of power by the
army and police personnel. Therefore, such forms of physical abuse
by the people in power have also degraded the human rights situation in
Eventhough the cast system in Nepal had been abolished in 1963, it is
deeply rooted in the society which gives birth to various human rights
The caste based discrimination or violence, is faced by dalits who dont
recive equal opportunities, equal respect and are faced with practices such
us “untouchability”. Caste based slavery itself is prevelant in forms of Haliya
and Kamaiya system where labourers are indebted to their landlords and
receive little or no pay in return for their hard labour. Eventhough, 43% of
dalits in Nepal live in poverty, which is a lesser rate than the 2/3rds of dalits
in India it is still is a significant number. Therefore, the deeprooted social
evils in the sub-Asian region cause the oppression of minorities which
further adds issues to the Human rights in Nepal.
Homosexuality has been legal in Nepal since 2007 and has one of the most
progressive LGBTQ+ rights in Asia, however such rights have not been
implemented well. The government policies itself has flaws such as the
requirement of medical reports in order to choose the “Other” option in
gender category, and the 2018 criminal code that only recognizes
marriages between men and women. The establishment of the Blue
Diamond Society, Mitini Nepal, Cruse AIDS Nepal and Parichaya Nepal
have contributed in Nepal having one of the most progressive LGBTQ+
rights however, some flaws in the laws itself have to be made inorder to
ensure proper execution.

Even though the UDHR and Nepal constituition has articles that ensure
rights to all sexes, Nepal’s 2006 Citizenship Act, as well as the 2015
constitution, contain provisions that discriminate against women. There
are 100 provisions under 43 Acts that contradict the constitution when it
comes to women’s rights. the Nepal Army have not even ensured 33
percent reservations for women, women are not able to pass the
citizenship down to their children, the proposed law for the requirement of
women under 40 to take permission from the local government to travel
abroad, etc. Though such provisions will benefit the women who are a
victim to human trafficking, it has to be considred by the government that
such laws will further create the ideology of women not being
independent. Therefore, though Nepal strives to move against patriarchy,
such legal provisions seem to go backwards compared to the rest of the

In conclusion, Eventhough Nepal is still progressing and has shown

development in terms of human rights through the years, it still falls
behind on the global scale and standards. The overall score in 2015 was 0.53
with the global average being 0.57, while the 2022 score was 0.52 with
global average being 0.55, which shows not much progress has been
made. Especially with the discriminatory laws and the ignorance of
government towards violence by authorities, it is a long way of progression
until Nepal meets a human rights situation that is up to the mark.

To what extent do simulations such as the Model United Nations foster

learning and personality development in high school students.
- The modern educational system is much more than just textbooks.
The school is required to shape competent students not only
through knowledge but extracurricular activities as well. One of such
activities is a simulation of the United Nations conferences that is
practiced throughout the world as “MUN”. The skills learned during
the high school years are more likely to build one's personality,
making MUNs especially beneficial for such age groups. The
diplomacy, debates, speaking skills and relations that are built
through an MUN, make such simulations foster learning and
personality development in high school students.
- MUNs creates an environment of diplomacy and formality for the
delegates to function within. The committee sessions require the
participants to present themselves as delegates of nations with the
proper clothing in accordance to the day and a respectful attitude.
By practising diplomacy at the MUNs, students become more
knowledgeable and experienced on the etiquettes required during
formal interactions. Therefore Model UNs bring in an experience that
teaches life long skills which contribute to shaping ones attitude.
- Furthermore, MUN also creates responsibilities and challenges for its
members that fosters personality development. The Chairs, Secretary
General, Logistics, IT team, Photography team, etc. all are faced with
their own challenges and responsibilities that contribute in making
the MUN conference happen. It is the students that usually run the
MUN fully by themselves with minimum support by the school,
which shows great leadership qualities of the organizing members.
Therefore, the planning, managing and implementation of
procedures by the students themselves express their ability to take
on roles.
- However with all the advantages brought by such simulations, it is
also to be considered that there is the disruption of a students
original schedule. Schools usually have a tight schedule to fullfill the
extensive course, and extra activities such as the MUN may act as a
distraction. The students slightly or heavily will definitely be affected
by the need to dress up differently each day and the need to look
presentable. This will be a major distraction when participants start
valuing the dressing up and the entertainment activities of the MUN
over the conference itself. Therefore, even with all the skills and
knowledge given by an MUN, participants may be faced with
deviation of mind from the actal conference towards other factors or
the need to show off.
- At the same time, MUNs bring people from various backgrounds
together. This platform includes participation of various national and
international delegates which makes it a great socializing ground.
The conference builds relations between comepletely different
people who have a common interest in international relations and
diplomacy. The introduction to new people and new faces is also one
of the factors why many people froma all around the world enjoy
MUNs so much. Therefore, MUN is also a social platform in which
there is the opportunity to make acquantances and build new
- Such simulations allow healthy debates and negotiations to take
place. The delegates are faced with clashing opinions and sudden
crisises which have to be resolved in a short period of time. This
requires them to conduct negotiations between groups in a tactful
and result-oriented manner, which is also known as “healthy
debates”. Such diplomatic negotiations allow both parties to express
their viewpoints and come to a common ground without much of a
conlfict. This is also the reason why these discussing skills matter
very much not only career wise but also in various points in life.
Therefore, the speaking skills built through MUN by high schoolers
help develop their personality.
- However, the participants may be faced with unhealthy competition
during the conference. The debates and conflicts faced by the
delegates migh be reflected outside of committee sessions as it
might be misinterpreted of taken at a personal level by the
candidates. Such cases, may also lead to the unhealthy desire of one
to win an award in the MUN and it might turn into an unhealthy
competition that negatively impacts the mental helath of the
participants while the whole simulation looses its function. Therefore,
the conflicts in the committee might result in an adverse outcome of
unhealthy competition.
- In conclusion, despite shortcomings in some areas, simulations such
as the MUN have positive impacts on its members. The fact that
MUNs helps foster speaking skills, builds relations, teaches students
to take on responsibility and introduces diplomacy, outweighs the
minimum number of downsides of it. Hence, it can be said that
MUNs foster learning and personality development in high school
Tourism is a major industry that has grown rapidly in recent years, with millions of
people travelling to different parts of the world for leisure, business, or other reasons.
While tourism has numerous advantages, such as boosting local economies and
creating job opportunities, it also has some disadvantages that cannot be ignored.
This essay will assess the advantages and disadvantages of tourism, highlighting
the economic, social, and environmental impacts of tourism on destinations.
Ultimately, it will argue that while tourism has the potential to bring many benefits, it
must be managed carefully to minimize its negative effects on local communities
and the environment.
1. The only way to reduce pollution is to regulate and penalize the
companies and countries responsible. Discuss.

3. The increased use in bicycles can provide an answer to the worlds

environmental problems. To what extent to you agree?

4. Fossil fuel extraction belongs to the past note the future. Evaluate this
statement. (30)

7. Evaluate what you consider to be the most significant future impacts of

climate change.

9. Assess weather or not resources of renewable energy offer a necessary

and viable alternative to fossil fuels.

Climate change is an existential crisis that poses a severe threat to humanity and the
natural world. The impact of climate change is multifaceted, encompassing rising
temperatures, sea-level rise, and extreme weather events. In this essay, I will examine
some of the most significant future impacts of climate change and their

One of the most significant impacts of climate change is the rising sea level. The
melting of ice sheets and glaciers, coupled with thermal expansion of oceans, is
resulting in an increase in sea level. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC), global sea levels could rise by up to 1 meter by the end of the
century. This could have disastrous effects on low-lying countries, including the
small island states, leading to displacement of millions of people. For instance,
Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million people, is highly vulnerable to
flooding due to sea-level rise. By 2050, 17% of the country could be underwater,
affecting up to 18 million people.
Extreme weather events are another significant impact of climate change.
Heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, and heavy precipitation events are expected to
become more frequent and intense. According to the IPCC, extreme weather events
could lead to food and water insecurity, increased mortality rates, and a rise in the
spread of water-borne diseases. In 2019, the devastating bushfires in Australia were
fueled by extreme heatwaves and droughts, leading to the loss of over a billion
animals and homes for thousands of people.

Climate change is causing significant changes in weather patterns and natural

systems, which is leading to an increased risk of scarcity of food and water. One
example of how climate change is impacting food and water scarcity is in Africa's
Sahel region. The region has experienced frequent droughts and erratic rainfall
patterns, leading to significant crop losses and food shortages. As a result, many
people in the region are forced to rely on food aid to survive. The region has also
seen a decline in the availability of freshwater due to decreased rainfall and
increased evaporation, which is causing water shortages for both people and

Climate change will also have significant economic implications. For instance, the
increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events could lead to
billions of dollars in losses due to infrastructure damage and agricultural losses. In
2017, Hurricane Harvey caused an estimated $125 billion in damages, making it one
of the costliest natural disasters in the United States history. The World Bank
estimates that climate change could push over 100 million people into extreme
poverty by 2030.

Furthermore, climate change will have significant geopolitical implications, including

mass migration, political instability, and conflicts over resources. For example, the
ongoing conflict in Syria has been partly attributed to the country's severe drought,
which led to crop failure, food insecurity, and migration. As climate change
intensifies, such conflicts are likely to become more frequent and widespread.

In conclusion, climate change poses a severe threat to humanity and the natural
world, and its impact is multifaceted. The rise in sea levels, extreme weather events,
economic implications, and geopolitical instability are some of the most significant
impacts of climate change. It is essential that the world acts urgently and
collaboratively to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mitigate the effects of climate
change and protect the most vulnerable.
Advantages of Tourism:
1.Economic Benefits: Tourism can create jobs, generate income for local businesses, and
increase tax revenues for governments. According to the World Travel & Tourism Council, the
travel and tourism sector accounted for 10.4% of global GDP and 320 million jobs in 2019.

2.Cultural Exchange: Tourism allows people from different parts of the world to interact and
learn from each other's cultures. For example, cultural tourism in Japan has been growing in
popularity, with visitors participating in traditional tea ceremonies, wearing traditional
clothing, and learning about the country's history and customs.

3.Preservation of Natural and Cultural Resources: Revenue generated from tourism can be
used to preserve natural and cultural resources. For instance, the Galapagos Islands in
Ecuador are a popular tourist destination known for their unique wildlife and ecosystems.
The Ecuadorian government has implemented strict conservation measures to protect these
resources, which are largely funded by tourism.

4.Improved Infrastructure: Tourism can stimulate the development of infrastructure such as

airports, roads, and hotels. The Dubai International Airport, for example, is one of the
busiest airports in the world, serving over 89 million passengers in 2019. The airport's
expansion was largely driven by the growth of tourism in the region.

Disadvantages of Tourism:
1.Environmental Degradation: Tourism can put significant pressure on natural resources and
contribute to environmental degradation. For instance, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia
has been impacted by tourism activities such as snorkeling and diving, which can damage
the delicate coral ecosystems.

2.Cultural Erosion: Tourism can lead to the commercialization of cultural traditions, causing
them to lose their authenticity and become diluted over time. This is a common issue in
places like Bali, Indonesia, where cultural practices such as dance and music have become
primarily performed for tourists rather than for local communities.

3.Overcrowding: Popular tourist destinations can become overcrowded, leading to traffic

congestion, long lines, and other negative impacts on the quality of life for both locals and
visitors. For example, Venice, Italy, is a popular destination that has struggled with
overcrowding, leading to concerns about the city's ability to accommodate the influx of
4.Dependence on Tourism: Some destinations may become overly dependent on tourism for
their economic well-being, leaving them vulnerable to fluctuations in the tourism industry or
changes in visitor preferences. The Maldives, for example, relies heavily on tourism as its
main source of income, making it vulnerable to events such as the COVID-19 pandemic,
which severely impacted the tourism industry.

Overall, while tourism can bring many benefits to a destination, it is important to manage its
impacts carefully to ensure that the negative effects are minimized, and the positive impacts
are maximized.In such way tourism can remain sustainable and beneficial for both the local
community and the visitors.


GP paper 1
Describe the limited points which had been planned out beforehand
Give appropriate examples rather than general
Always use trasitionary words to start a new paragraph
More structured content and language
Evaluate what you consider to be the most significant future impacts of climate change [30]
Climate change is an existential crisis that poses a severe threat to humanity and the natural
world. The impact of climate change is multifaceted, encompassing rising temperatures,
sea-level rise, and extreme weather events. In this essay, I will examine some of the most
significant future impacts of climate change and their implications.

One of the most significant impacts of climate change is the rising sea level. The melting of ice
sheets and glaciers, coupled with thermal expansion of oceans, is resulting in an increase in sea
level. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global sea levels
could rise by up to 1 meter by the end of the century. This could have disastrous effects on
low-lying countries, including the small island states, leading to displacement of millions of
people. For instance, Bangladesh, with a population of over 160 million people, is highly vulne
rable to flooding due to sea-level rise. By 2050, 17% of the country could be underwater, affecting
up to 18 million people.

Extreme weather events are another significant impact of climate change. Heatwaves, droughts,
wildfires, and heavy precipitation events are expected to become more frequent and intense.
According to the IPCC, extreme weather events could lead to food and water insecurity, increased
mortality rates, and a rise in the spread of water-borne diseases. In 2019, the devastating
bushfires in Australia were fueled by extreme heatwaves and droughts, leading to the loss of over
a billion animals and homes for thousands of people.

Climate change is causing significant changes in weather patterns and natural systems, which is
leading to an increased risk of scarcity of food and water. One example of how climate change is
impacting food and water scarcity is in Africa's Sahel region. The region has experienced frequent
droughts and erratic rainfall patterns, leading to significant crop losses and food shortages. As a
result, many people in the region are forced to rely on food aid to survive. The region has also
seen a decline in the availability of freshwater due to decreased rainfall and increased
evaporation, which is causing water shortages for both people and livestock.

Climate change will also have significant economic implications. For instance, the increase in the
frequency and intensity of extreme weather events could lead to billions of dollars in losses due
to infrastructure damage and agricultural losses. In 2017, Hurricane Harvey caused an estimated
$125 billion in damages, making it one of the costliest natural disasters in the United States
history. The World Bank estimates that climate change could push over 100 million people into
extreme poverty by 2030.
Furthermore, climate change will have significant geopolitical implications, including mass
migration, political instability, and conflicts over resources. For example, the ongoing conflict in
Syria has been partly attributed to the country's severe drought, which led to crop failure, food
insecurity, and migration. As climate change intensifies, such conflicts are likely to become more
frequent and widespread.

In conclusion, climate change poses a severe threat to humanity and the natural world, and its
impact is multifaceted. The rise in sea levels, extreme weather events, economic implications,
and geopolitical instability are some of the most significant impacts of climate change. It is
essential that the world acts urgently and collaboratively to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
mitigate the effects of climate change and protect the most vulnerable.

“International organizations . such as the World Health organization and International Monetary
Fund, have become more important in recent years” To what extent do you agree?

Important because the international orgs act as a reliable source of guidance to the diverse
population during the times of panic. UNs human rights declaration.. WHO in ebola outbreak in
west africa, covid 19 measures to control the spread, guidance to control the spread.

is the shift towards multilateralism. Countries are recognizing that they cannot solve all problems
alone and that working together through international organizations can be more effective. IMF:
economic policies, financial assistance-unstable nations. ( recover from economic crises, such
as the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s and the global financial crisis of 2008.)

crucial role in promoting global peace and security. The United Nations, for example, has a
mandate to maintain international peace and security and prevent the outbreak of wars. It does
this by promoting diplomacy, conflict resolution, and peacekeeping operations. Prevented wars in
Bosnia, Kosovo, and Sierra Leone.

However.. through diplomatic means, including by appointing a special envoy for Syria and
hosting peace talks in Geneva. . The UN Security Council has been unable to take decisive action
to resolve the conflict due to the veto power held by its permanent members..unsuccesful the
deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and the displacement of millions. Shows failure..

International organizations often rely on agreements or declarations that are not legally binding,
but serve as a way to promote cooperation and shared values. However, in some cases, these
agreements may be unnecessary or ineffective, particularly if they lack the support of key
stakeholders. For example, While the ICC is responsible for prosecuting war crimes, crimes
against humanity, and genocide, some critics argue that the organization may be unnecessary or
even biased. Some countries, including the United States and Russia, have refused to join the ICC
or cooperate with its investigations, citing concerns over sovereignty and impartiality.
So the laws wont be binding to all

In conclusion, though the orgs have their flaws, weighing….These organizations have played a
critical role in addressing global challenges, such as public health crises and economic instability,
by fostering collaboration and coordination among nations.
it is important that we continue to support and strengthen these organizations, while also holding
them accountable for their actions and decisions.
To what extent do you agree that democracy is the most effective way of governing a society?

1. Protection of individual rights: Democracy protects individual rights through legal

safeguards, such as constitutions and independent judiciary systems. For example,
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is endorsed by many democratic
countries, outlines essential rights and freedoms. Countries with democratic
systems tend to score higher on indices measuring civil liberties and political rights,
such as the Freedom in the World report by Freedom House. These indicators
demonstrate the commitment of democracies to upholding and safeguarding
individual rights, providing citizens with the freedom to express themselves,
participate in decision-making, and hold their governments accountable.
Evidence: The Human Freedom Index consistently shows that countries with
democratic systems tend to have higher scores in terms of personal freedoms and
individual rights (Source: Cato Institute).
2. Collective decision-making: Democracy allows for the collective decision-making of
the people. Citizens have the opportunity to shape policies and elect
representatives who align with their values and interests. Through elections and
participatory processes, individuals contribute to the formation of a government
that reflects the will of the people. The higher voter turnout and citizen engagement
observed in democratic countries indicate a desire for popular participation and
influence over governance. This collective decision-making allows for a diverse
range of perspectives to be considered, promoting inclusivity and ensuring that
policies are shaped with input from various segments of society.
3. In democratic systems, power transitions occur through regular elections, allowing
for the peaceful transfer of authority from one government to another. This process
helps maintain political stability and reduces the risk of violence or authoritarian
takeovers. Countries with democratic governance tend to have lower levels of
political violence and armed conflict, as evidenced by the Global Peace Index
published by the Institute for Economics & Peace. By providing a structured and
orderly mechanism for leadership change, democracy promotes stability and allows
for the peaceful resolution of political disputes, contributing to the overall well-being
and harmony of society.
1. Democracy's emphasis on consensus-building and deliberation can lead to slow
decision-making. evidence from legislative processes in democratic systems such
as the U.S. Congress found that the average time it takes for a bill to become law is
often lengthy, involving extensive debates, committee reviews, and amendments.
Furthermore, research comparing decision-making processes in autocratic and
democratic countries shows that autocracies can implement policies more quickly
due to their centralized decision-making structures. While deliberative processes in
democracy are intended to ensure thorough consideration, the inherent complexity
can result in slower outcomes compared to more centralized systems.

2. Voter incompetence and manipulation pose challenges to democracy. Uninformed

voters may make decisions based on misleading information, while elections can
be manipulated through tactics like misinformation campaigns. An example can be
that of the 2018 presidential election in Kenya, where allegations of voter
incompetence and manipulation arose, including technical glitches, inconsistent
systems, and allegations of bribery and intimidation. This highlights the challenges
of ensuring a competent and transparent voting process

Points in favor of democracy as the most effective form of governance:

Protection of individual rights: Democracies tend to prioritize and protect individual rights
and freedoms. Constitutional guarantees, independent judiciary systems, and the rule of
law are often hallmarks of democratic societies, ensuring that citizens' rights are upheld
and respected. Evidence: The Human Freedom Index consistently shows that countries
with democratic systems tend to have higher scores in terms of personal freedoms and
individual rights (Source: Cato Institute).

Peaceful transfer of power: Democracy provides mechanisms for the peaceful transfer of
power, typically through regular elections. This reduces the risk of political instability,
violence, and authoritarian takeovers. Evidence: The Global Peace Index consistently
demonstrates that democracies, on average, have lower levels of political violence and
armed conflict compared to autocratic regimes (Source: Institute for Economics & Peace).

Collective decision-making: Democracy allows for the collective decision-making of the

people. Through elections and participatory processes, citizens have the opportunity to
shape policies and elect representatives who align with their values and interests.
Evidence: The higher voter turnout and citizen engagement observed in democratic
countries indicate a desire for popular participation and influence over governance
(Source: United Nations Development Programme).
Accountability and transparency: Democratic systems often feature mechanisms for
accountability and transparency. Independent media, free press, and oversight institutions
play crucial roles in holding governments accountable and exposing corruption. Evidence:
The World Press Freedom Index consistently shows that democracies tend to have higher
levels of press freedom and media independence (Source: Reporters Without Borders).

Points against democracy as the most effective form of governance:

Slow decision-making: Democracy can be slow and cumbersome when it comes to making
decisions, as it requires consensus-building and deliberation among multiple stakeholders.
This can hinder swift action in times of crisis or urgent situations.

Tyranny of the majority: In some cases, majority rule in a democracy may result in the
oppression or neglect of minority groups. Minority rights may be at risk if the majority
consistently votes against their interests or rights, potentially leading to inequality and
social divisions.

Voter incompetence and manipulation: Critics argue that democracy assumes an informed
and competent citizenry, but in reality, voters may lack knowledge or understanding of
complex issues. Additionally, elections can be vulnerable to manipulation, including
misinformation, propaganda, and undue influence from powerful interest groups.

Policy instability: Democracy can be prone to policy instability, as changes in government

through elections may lead to significant shifts in policies. This can create uncertainty for
businesses, hinder long-term planning, and impede consistent implementation of policies.

It is important to note that the effectiveness of democracy can vary depending on the
specific context, cultural factors, and the quality of democratic institutions. The points
above provide a balanced overview, acknowledging both the strengths and weaknesses of
democracy as a form of governance.
Crime affects the whole society, not just the immediate victims.’ Discuss. [30]

Crime is a multifaceted issue that reverberates far beyond its immediate victims, permeating the very
fabric of society. While the direct consequences on individuals who fall victim to criminal acts are
undoubtedly severe, it is crucial to recognize that crime's impact extends well beyond their personal

Ripple effect Fear and Insecurity: High crime rates create a sense of fear and insecurity among the
general population. When people are afraid for their safety and the safety of their loved ones, it affects
their daily lives, restricts their activities, and reduces their quality of life.
-less tourism A study by the World Travel & Tourism Council estimated that crime-related factors, such
as violence and theft, were responsible for a loss of $7.6 billion in tourism expenditure in Mexico in 2019.

Economic Impact: Crime has significant economic consequences for society. It imposes direct costs,
such as expenses for law enforcement, criminal justice system, and victim support services. Indirect
costs include loss of productivity, decreased investments, higher insurance premiums, and a decline in
property values in crime-prone areas. USD OF JUSTICE: $295 BILLION DOLLARS

Direct Impact on Victims: The immediate victims of crime often suffer physical, emotional, and financial
harm. They experience the direct consequences of the crime, including injuries, trauma, and property
loss. The immediate victims may bear the brunt of the impact, as they directly experience the harm

Differential Vulnerability: Not everyone in society is equally vulnerable to becoming an immediate

victim of crime. Factors such as personal circumstances, geographic location, and lifestyle choices can
affect an individual's likelihood of being targeted by criminals. As a result, crime may disproportionately
affect certain individuals or groups, while others may experience fewer direct consequences. POOR

To what extent has space exploration benefitted humankind? [30]

- Technological advancements: driven breakthroughs, satellite system
for global communications/weather forecasting. GPS navigation
systems, and disaster management.
Scientific discoveries providing a better understanding of our surrounding
universe and where earth stands. We had been living under assumptions
and under teh religious beliefs. Now through various systems rovers we
know about into the formation of galaxies, the life cycle of stars, the
existence of exoplanets, and the fundamental laws of physics. Nebula's
Pillars of Creation, hubble telescope 1995.

- Educated population:
- Diplomacy ISS US, Russia, Europe, japan, canada.
During the cold war there was
A strong religious belief can both be beneficial and damaging, Discuss.
Religious beliefs have been an integral part of human societies throughout history, shaping culture,
values, and personal identities. A strong religious belief can provide individuals with a sense of purpose,
community, and moral guidance. However, the extent of its impact can be both beneficial and damaging,
as such devotion may foster positive traits and actions, but can also lead to dogmatism, intolerance, and
even violence.

Firstly, religious beliefs often provide individuals with a sense of emotional resilience and coping
mechanisms to navigate life's challenges. When facing adversity, people with strong religious beliefs
may find comfort and solace in their faith, which can act as a source of hope and support. For example,
during times of grief and loss, religious rituals and practices, such as prayers and funeral ceremonies,
can help individuals process their emotions and find closure. Studies have shown that religious coping
strategies are associated with better mental health outcomes and reduced levels of anxiety and
depression. Therefore strong religious belief provides the major advantage of emotional resilience and
solace to its people.

Secondly, Religious beliefs often provide adherents with a moral and ethical framework that guides their
behavior and decision-making. Many religious teachings emphasize principles of compassion, kindness,
honesty, and forgiveness. These moral values can serve as a moral compass, influencing individuals to
act ethically and conscientiously in their personal and professional lives. Notable examples come from
the teachings of Christianity, where the concept of the “Golden Rule” encourages believers to treat
others with empathy and fairness. Therefore through such ethical guidelines, individuals from a very
young age are taught to practice such beliefs and actions which will implement a more helpful and
positive attitude that benefits the society.

Thirdly, Religion serves as a powerful force in providing individuals with a sense of identity, community,
and belonging. It provides a comforting anchor, helping individuals form connections with like-minded
people regardless of their location. Moreover, Worshippers come together in places of worship, such as
churches, mosques, temples, or synagogues, forging deep bonds with fellow believers through shared
rituals, traditions, and values. For example, the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India, welcomes millions of
Sikhs and visitors yearly, fostering a strong sense of community. Hence, religion provides the benefit of
providing a sense of identity and community to which people can relate and connect on a global level as

However strong religious belief also holds potential for intolerance and conflict between different
religious groups. History is rife with examples of religious wars, persecutions, and discrimination
stemming from deeply held beliefs. For instance, the Crusades, a series of religiously motivated wars in
the Middle Ages, resulted in violence and bloodshed between Christians and Muslims. Even in
contemporary times, religious tensions can lead to societal divisions, hindering social harmony and
peaceful coexistence. The belief in love and togetherness taught itself seems to be backfiring, as religion
is seen as a factor so heavily influencing a marriage that people are not allowed to proceed with their
relationship just because of the religious differences. Therefore, religious beliefs turn out to be harmful
as they promote conflict and societal divisions.

Furthermore, a strong religious belief often brings the suppression of personal opinion and skepticism.
In some religious traditions, adherence to the set practices and unquestioning faith is encouraged,
discouraging individuals from critically examining their beliefs. In the past, religious authorities have
opposed scientific discoveries that challenged traditional religious narratives, such as the criticism that
Galileo faced while proposing the heliocentric model as it went against the Christian teachings. Hence,
strong religious beliefs can slow societal progress and limit our understanding of the natural world.

In conclusion, the existence of religion has undoubtedly played a crucial role in shaping human societies,
providing individuals with a sense of identity, community, and moral guidance. However, it is essential to
recognize that rigid beliefs in any context can hinder societal progress and inclusivity. By finding a
balance between the benefits of religion and the need to challenge inflexible beliefs, society can
collectively strive towards a better world.

Economic historical, moral
The role and value of history is modern society
The role of individual in a society
Sports and leisure
Matters of conscience, faith and tolerance
Role of international orgs
Freedom of speech, thought and action
Family, marriage and partnerships, social pressure, class and social attitudes

Surveillance and privacy
Transport, travel and tourism
Space exploration and its associated industry
Environmental concerns

Literature, langugage, media

Traditional arts and crafts; heritage
Censorship and freedom of the media and the arts

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