Thy 7-9-8

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1. To hear mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.

2. To fast and abstain on the days appointed.

3. To confess at least once a year.
4. To receive the Holy Eucharist during Easter Time.
5. To contribute to the support of the Church.
6. To never violate laws concerning marriage.

Civil Law
•Are manmade laws/decrees that bind all citizens of a nation.
•Promulgated by civil authorities.
• Highly encouraged to be in line with the Universal Values, Gospel and The Social
eg. Constitution, Family Code, Labour
Code, Bill of Rights.

Lesson 9 (Conscience: Man’s Sanctuary) (Subjective Norm of Morality)

- it is within the internal elements or dynamics of a person
- Can be guide in be our decisions (discern or way things that pros
and cons)
- Right or wrong
- Pwedeng nadedevelop or pwede ding nawawala (the more na
sinusunod natin ang conscience natin mas nag foform sa sarili natin
ang conscience) (E.g., Athlete the more na hindi tayo nag prapractice
mas mabilis tayo mapapagod the same with conscience the more di
natin sinusunod the more nawawala)
- Help us achieve our goals and reach our vocation
What conscience is not?
- not the devil and angel above one’s shoulders fighting over the
decision of the person.

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