Components of Effective Teaching

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Components of Effective Teachers are the most important part of

the learner’s educational environment.

Teaching From day to day, the teacher plays many
roles in the classroom.

Teaching Learning
Process Process Roles of a Teacher:
• Manager
• Counselor
• Motivator
• Model
• Public Relations Specialist
Elements or Factors of • Parent-Surrogate
Teaching-Learning Process • Facilitator
• Instructor
➢ Teacher
➢ Learner A competent teacher holds these
➢ Classroom characteristics:
➢ Curriculum
• A competent teacher is
➢ Materials of Instruction
knowledgeable about the subject
➢ Administration matter.
• A competent teacher understands
THE TEACHER: the process of learning.
• A competent teacher is an
• An effective teacher is one who “educational broker” / “computer
has honed his skill in the art of literate”.
• A competent teacher plans the
• More than knowledge and skills, lesson carefully.
an effective teacher is
• A competent teacher is
compassionate and
constantly striving to further
develop a repertoire teaching
• Teaching is one of the important strategies.
professions from the standpoint
• A competent teacher is open to
of human welfare.
change, willing to take risk, and
• Above all, an effective teacher is to held accountable.
one who recognizes personal
qualities and allows himself to
grow professionally.
• A competent teacher provides a • the learner as a biological
constructive and positive organism with needs, abilities,
environment for learning. and goals;
• A competent teacher makes • the social and psychological
special efforts to demonstrate environment; and
how the subject content may be • the cultural forces of which he is
related to the lives of the a part.
Characteristics of a Learner
• A competent teacher is skillful
and fair in the assessment of 1. A unique individual
student learning.
2. A learner has physical,
• A competent teacher uses
biological, psychological, social,
effective modelling behavior.
and spiritual needs.
• A competent teacher is an
effective communicator. 3. A learner follows a natural
• A competent teacher is skillful in pattern of development.
working with all stakeholders of
4. A learner has potentialities to be
the learner’s education and
nurtures friendly and ethical
relationships. 5. A learner has an impressionistic
• A competent teacher is quick to mind.
recognize a learner who may in
6. A learner is a person in context
need of special attention.
like family, community, and
• A competent teacher nation.
demonstrates continuing interest
in professional responsibilities 7. A learner is a human being with
and opportunities. a soul.
• A competent teacher is an active THE CLASSROOM:
member of professional
organizations, read professional The classroom is a place where formal
journals, and dialogues with learning occurs. This could be a standard
colleagues. classroom with a standard measurement
or an outdoor space where both the
THE LEARNER: teacher and the learners are interacting.
The learner is the subject of the
schooling process. Without him, the According to Aquino (1988), a good
educational system will not exist. classroom has stimulating climate on
that result not only from desirable
To understand the learner, the teacher physical surroundings and healthful
must know the following: conditions but also from social
relationship and emotional attitudes. 2. the actual implementation of this plan
through contrived experiences in the
classroom which is called “instruction”.

Good classroom is conducive to the MATERIALS OF INSTRUCTION:

teaching-learning process.
Types of instructional materials
1. Two-dimensional Materials such
Physical Intellectual as flat picture and graphics
Environment Environment
2. Three-dimensional Materials
such as model, realia, mock-up,
diorama, puppets
GOOD CLASSROOM 3. Audio-recording Materials such
ENVIRONMENT as recording and radio

4. Projected Materials such as still

projection, motion pictures, and
Emotional Social educational television.
Climate Climate
ADMINISTRATION is defined as the
THE CURRICULUM: organization, direction, coordination,
The term comes from the Latin root and control of human and material
currere which means “to run”. resources to achieve desired ends.
Administrator provides optimum
“Curriculum is at the heart of the educational opportunities for all children
teaching profession”. This is a sum in school.
total of all academic content, learning
experiences, and resources”

Curriculum, therefore, can be viewed as

having two mutually inclusive
components, namely:
1. the blueprint or master plan of selected
and organized learning content which
can be referred to as “curriculum”; and

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