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CHAPTER 1 where it all started

Narrator: Cheng born and raised in Shanghai. He moved to Japan for his higher
studies. Atsushi is good friend of him.
Cheng and Atsushi are two history students. They two are working on thesis about
ancient history of china and Japan

Cheng : Hey buddy!

Atsushi : Wassup

Cheng : Let's start our prep work at Tokyo Internalional museum. In that place, we
can come up with tonns of
Information that would be more helpful for our thesis.

Atsushi : Sounds good.

At Tokyo Internalional museum.

Atsushi : Grab a seat.

Cheng : all right.

Atsushi : When comes to think of Japan's history, Plenty of People ruled over in

Atsushi- Pottery and tools are left over by the prehistoric culture.
and later on newcomers from korea who fought with shiny weapons
and they started Farming and they started creating a fishing community
Traditonally Japanese people beleive in Deites and complex rituals.

Firstly Jomon Period.
It's the prehistoric period of Japan.The Jomon take their name from the pottery
they made.
“Jomon” means “cord-marked” which is the technique of making a clay pot.

Next up Yayoi Period.

In this people started the Agricultural and Technological Revolution.
They learned and mastered the metal works sooner in this period.
They replaced their stone tools with bronze and iron tools.

Kofun Period .
It's first era of Japan recorded in the history. Shinto, an ancient religion of
japan widely spread all over the
Japan in this period.

Nara period.
Nara period is named after the Japan city name Nara at that time. Throughout this
period, People built so many
temples and 50 foot tall statue of the seated Buddha — also the largest in the
world, weighing in at 500 tons built
during this time.

Heisei Era.
After Emperor Showa died, his son is rightful heir for the throne. In this period,
Japan had hard times, people
suffered by poltical and natural disasters.

Reiwa Era.

After the resignation of an previous emperor, Prime Minister Abe Shinzo took over
from the emperor and
leads Japan today.

Mount Fuji - It is the highest mountain in Japan.the country’s sacred symbol, and
temples and shrines are located around and on the volcano.
it is very popular tourist attraction in Japan.

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove- It's the one hell of iconic sight located in the outer
city of kyoto but often overcrowded

Sekinoo Falls- is one of Miyazaki's largest and most powerful waterfalls.

The Sekino-o Falls are believed to possess a special healing power.

Shibuya crossing- Shibuya crossing is looks similar to newyork times square. It's
the main attraction of tokyo.
In that place,countless films, magazines and blogs are pictured.

Cheng : incredile! it's really great to know about Japan.

Atsushi : In exchange, I like to know about china's history and landscape.

Cheng : yeah sure.

Speaking of China history,
Nuwa and fushi considered as Half human and Half dragon spirits created the Humans
out of clay as companions.
They ruled by 5 emperors. Here The tragedy started when the river flooded dooms the
Engineers fixed that up in 13 years. At that time they found the Xia dyansty

Xia - First ruling dynasty
It is the first traditional dynasty in china historography.
This era established through battle between two tribes- Xia tribe and Chiyou’s

Shang Dynasty : It's the first dynasty that posses the history record. In this
dynasty, the people are greatly
worshipping in different gods.They strongly believed in the highest God was Shang

Zhou dynasty: In this period, Confucianism got emerged and the birth of taoism is
happened in this time. It's
also know as Iron dynasty. Most commonly people used iron for everything.

Qin dynasty : In Qin, the first step is to unite the china as the country under
the emperor.
The Great Wall of China is fully completed by this period though it started in
previous period.
centuries later It is Standstill and one of the seven wonders of the world.

The republic of china :

The Republic of China was formed when the Qing Dynasty fell in 1912.
The republic had ended a very long reign of imperial rule.

People's republic of china :

After the War when Japan was defeated,
control of power in China was still friction by the Kuomintang and Communist Party.
In the end, On October 1, 1949, the Communist Party formed the People’s Republic of

Tiger Leaping Gorge: It is Zhuang and Yao people with a depth of 3,790 meters.
The valley is a part of the Three Parallel Rivers, which is considered as the
UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Longsheng Rice Terraces : it is a stunning beautiful location, which is built by

long ethnic minority people and It's great opportunity to experience ethnic folk
culture of Zhuang and Yao people.

Peaks of Huangshan : Generally, People used to call it as Yellow mountains and the
chinese people used to describe
this as sea of clouds.It's the picture perfect natural scenery.

Singing Dunes of Dunhuang : In this place, when the wind blows, give out a singing
or drumming sound.
It's orginally known as the "Gods' Sand Dunes".

Atsushi : Nicely done! I guess we gathered information as much as possible. let's

head out.

Cheng: All right.

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