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NAME: Paul Rupert J.

Obispo Date: April 03, 2023

SECTION: St. Nothlem Subject: CESC

1. How do we build a partnership with local groups?

A thoughtful and intentional strategy is needed to develop collaboration with neighborhood

organizations. Finding local organizations that share the values and goals of your organization
is the first step. Create open lines of communication once they have been identified to start a
conversation and determine their goals and requirements. The creation of collaborative projects
that are sustainable and beneficial to both parties can be guided by this knowledge. Lastly,
creating a long-term collaboration with neighborhood groups requires ongoing engagement and
being receptive to input.

2. Go back to your previous experience with the community immersion you've conducted in
Tahanang Mapagpala and Tahanang Mapagkalinga, how did you apply the methodology of
community profiling?

We took their profiles and utilized that to accommodate the needs we can offer them. For
example, we took their age, sex, and conditions and put that into account in terms of catering to
them what we think they need.

3. How will you identify the needs of a particular community in terms of:
3.1 perceived needs
3.2 expressed needs
3.3 relative needs

Identifying the needs of a particular community is a crucial step toward providing effective
interventions and programs that address the community's challenges. To identify the needs of a
community, we need to consider three key dimensions: perceived needs, expressed needs, and
relative needs.

Perceived needs refer to the needs that people believe they have. To identify perceived needs,
we need to engage with the community through surveys, interviews, or focus group discussions.
By gathering people's opinions and perceptions about their needs, we can gain insights into the
issues that matter most to them. This approach ensures that the interventions we develop are
relevant and responsive to the community's concerns.

Expressed needs, on the other hand, refer to the needs that people communicate or express.
This can be done through public meetings, town hall meetings, or community forums where
people can express their needs and concerns. Social media platforms or community-based
organizations can also be useful in gathering information on expressed needs. By creating
spaces where people can voice their concerns, we can better understand their priorities and
work together to address their needs.
Finally, relative needs refer to the needs that are determined by comparing the community's
situation to that of other communities. To identify relative needs, we can use statistical data or
indices to compare the community's indicators such as health, education, employment, and
income to those of other communities. This approach can help us identify areas where the
community needs improvement and highlight the gaps that need to be addressed.

In conclusion, identifying the needs of a particular community requires a comprehensive

approach that considers the community's perceived needs, expressed needs, and relative
needs. By engaging with the community, creating spaces for dialogue, and analyzing statistical
data, we can develop effective interventions and programs that meet the community's needs
and help them thrive.

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