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Tea leaves as Paint

A Research Paper

Presented to the

Senior High School

Basic Education Department

Holy Name University

City of Tagbilaran

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for

Research Project


Dwenmar Dave B. Ocdenaria

Sinead Christianne B. Rosco

Kevin T. Wahing

Keith T. Pasagad

In partial fulfilment of the requirement for Research Project, this research

proposal entitled “Tea Leaves as Paint”, has been prepared and submitted by:

Dwenmar Dave B. Ocdenaria

Sinead Christianne B. Rosco

Kevin T. Wahing

Keith T. Pasagad

Will be examined for acceptance and approval for proposal hearing.



Research Project Teacher


It is profound pleasure for the researchers to extend their deepest

appreciation and sincere gratitude to those who helped and contributed their

unselfish assistance and untiring support to the completion of this research work

Mr. Ace Uy, MA, our research adviser, for his brilliant ideas, valuable

suggestions and recommendations, constructive criticism, generous availability

and patience in going over the research paper despite his very hectic schedule.

Our fellow researchers, who sincerely spent their time, effort and

patience in conducting the study and sharing their knowledge with others to

support the study and make it possible all through the journey.

And above all, to God Almighty, whose guidance and enlightenment,

and love helped the researchers more than anything and anyone else. For the

greater glory and service in His Holy Name. Thank you, you have made life all


Thank you very much!

The Researchers

in behalf of us the researcher we humbly dedicated this piece of work to the

following people who served as our inspiration.

To The Almighty God,

For His never ending guidance and blessings

To Our Parents,

For their support, encouragement and inspiration

To Friends and Loved Ones,

For their moral support and inspiration

To Our Adviser,

For giving us knowledgeable experience, through the research project,

Table of Contents

TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………1

APPROVAL SHEET ………………………………………………………….2

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ……………………………………………………….....3

DEDICATION ……………………………………………………….…4




Rationale …………………………………………………..............7

Theoretical Background ………………………………….……………..8

Schematic Diagram …………………….………………..……………….9


Statement of the Problem …………………………………………….16

Statement of the Null Hypothesis …………………………...………16

Significance of the Study ………………………………………...…..16

Scope and Limitation ………………………………………………....17


Research Design ……………………………………….…………….....18

Research Environment ……………………………….……………….….18

Research Subject …………………………….…..…………….……..18

Research Instrument …………………………………………..……....18

Research Respondents ………………………………………………….… 19

Research Procedure ……………………………..…..………….……19

Statistical Treatment ……………………………………………….…….20

DEFINITION OF TERMS ………………………………………………....21





This study tested the effectiveness of tea as an element in paint since

the researchers think tea leaves have great potential for having alternative paint

because of its advantages. This study perceives ingredients that are important to

the environment as an alternative to paint the researchers have collected tea as

an alternative paint to lessen chemicals. We will test the effectiveness of the tea

if it is necessary to the environment if the pigment is identical to what artists

apply. Today painting plays a significant part. Painting in other people is where

they can express their emotions self-awareness and more. Most people

appreciate art paint is worthy and productive to create various writings on objects

of enormous productive and practical possibilities. Aside from its use for writing it

is also used in posters, banner, and calligraphy. It is also important to the

students considering the advantages of technology. They enjoy observing it or

creating it painting makes our lives incredible it makes the space we work in

more interesting. But we don't perceive that it has a big effect on the earth. Every

painting there are so many chemicals that have existed in that paint, we must

obtain a way how to reduce the chemical used in paint. With infinite use of paint,

many did not know that paint has limitations. It is a problem of the students,

artists, and calligraphers to supply for the paint they are using. The pigment use s

a good deal of paint that is made from synthetic materials like petroleum and
chemical solvents these materials are hazardous, especially to the health of the

user and also to the environment. The production of paints with an alternative

ingredient is a demand for the student's artist's calligraphers and people. There

are several types of tea like Darjeeling, Chinese greens, and astringent flavor,

while others have different profiles that include sweet, nutty, floral, and grassy

notes. According to the founder Shen Nung 5000 years ago, tea originated in

Southwest China, where it's a medicinal drink. They popularized as a recreational

beverage during the Chinese Tang dynasty spreading to other East Asia



Theory of arts, which is something in the eyes cannot descry. Painting

is sometimes thought to be the visual art par excellence. Confusingly, however,

the term painting is frequently used to indicate drawing, print and collage almost

any other method materials used to create something. Painting and drawing are

plausibly thought of as physical object; print, such as Rembrandt’s Medea

(1684), Jerrold Levison (1996) call paints have many impression, such as that no

individual impression is identical with the work itself. Painting are composed of

paints; how artists work with different physical material, such as paint, to make

art would seem to be relevant, even central ,appreciating them.

Republic Act: 7356 or also known as the National Commission for

Culture and the Arts of the Philippines. It is the official government agency for

Theory of Arts
Republic Act 7356
By Laurice Spieges

Tea Leaves

Extract of a Tea Leaves Waterbased Acrylic Paint

culture in the Philippines. It is the coordinating, and grants giving agency for the

preservation, development and promotion of Philippines arts and Culture.

It is the program that helps the artists promote their work and also

conserve it. A theory of art presumes each of us human employs different

conception of this unattainable art concept and as a result we must resort to

worldly human investigation. The intent behind the theory of art is to treat art as a

natural phenomenon that should be investigated like any others.

Tea leaves are small to medium in size and oval to elliptical, averaging

5-10 centimeters in length. The shiny green leaves grow in an alternate pattern,

are leathery texture, and have serrated edges that taper to a pointed tip. Tea

leaves are also known to have hairy undersides, and there is a central, light

green vein running the length of the blade. The leaves grow on a thick, dark

brown fibrous stem. Tea leaves have a bitter taste with herbal, grassy notes and

may offer a tannic mouthfeel when steeped. (“fresh Tea Leaves”) (1996)

“Paint,” n.d. It is a liquid, colored substance you can use to decorate or

protect a surface. If you want your bedroom walls to be bright purple, you need to

buy some purple paint. Artist uses color to create landscape, portraits, and

another style of painting and house painters use paints to coat and protect the

wood siding on houses. When you paint, you make a painting or cover


According to N A Hasbullah (2011), in their study entitled "Natural paint

production from anthocyanin extract of Gerbera jamesonii Bolus, "gerbera

jamesonII is a flowering plant with increasing commercial significance. Gerbera

petals can be a good colorant source, and the focus of this research thus mainly

aimed o extract anthocyanin pigments from fresh G.jamesonii leaves.

Concerning the present study, the researcher is going to use tea leaves

to be used as paint; this is relevant to our research because they are also using

eco-friendly paints to be used as paint to replace the color that is harmful to the


According to Fusun Sengul (2006), in their study entitled "Waste

minimization study in solvent-based paint manufacturing plants," this study

focuses on the waste minimization of plants they are using plants as paint, and it

is also beneficial to the environment. They are using waste plants to be used as


Concerning the present study, this is relevant to our research because

they are using plant to be used as paint, this is also helpful because they are

even thinking about the waste problem in the society, this is related to our study

because the researcher is using non-toxic elements to be used as the ingredient

in paint.

According to Papita Das Saha, (2012), in their study entitled "Extraction

of natural dyes from petals of flames of forest (Butea monosperma) flower," dyes

obtained from different natural sources have emerged as an essential alternative

to synthetic dyes. In this study, natural colorant from the petals of the flames of

forest (Butea monosperma) flower was extracted.

Concerning the present study, this is relevant to our research because

they are extracting petals form the (Butea monosperma) or flames of the forest

as one of the ingredients as paint/dyes. And the researchers are also using tea

leaves as one of our elements to be used as paint/colors because both of them

are non-toxic, not like the one that existed today that is harmful to our


According to Palanivel Velmurugan,(2016) in their study entitled as"

Extraction of natural dyes from (coreopsis tinctoria) flower petals for leather

dyeing," this study evaluated the Extraction of two colors of stains (yellow and

brown) from Coreopsis tinctoria flower petals extracted dyes as a source of non-

toxic and eco-friendly paint.

Concerning the present study, this is relevant to our research because

we are also using eco-friendly components to be used as paint the researcher is

using tea leaves as paint called as (Camellia sinensis), and the study is

extracting coreopsis flower to be used as paint they are both non-toxic elements

to be used as paint/dyes.

According to Maria Ingrid,(2017), in their study entitled" Natural red

dyes extraction on roselle petals" roselle plant or (Hibiscus sabdariffa). It has a

high quantity of pigments and Is a suitable colorant. The objective of this study is

to extract the petals of the roselle plant to have the red dye to use as paint.

Concerning the present study, this is related to our research because

they are extracting petals from the roselle plant so that they can get the pigment
from the flower. Ours is also to remove the leaves from the tea to have the

pigment also to use it as the replacement of the toxic paint to non-toxic paints.

According to Shaukat Ali et al. (2009), in their study entitled

"Optimization of Alkaline Extraction of Natural Dye for Henna Leaves and Its

Dyeing on Cotton by Exhaust Method," the research focuses on the

environmentally friendly dyeing using Henna leaves as a natural dye.

Researchers found out that alkaline extracts from henna leaves have edible

pigment than the dye extracts obtained in distilled water.

Concerning the present study, the researchers are going to use tea

leaves as an ingredient for paint, we are aiming to use environmental-friendly

ingredients to replace toxic parts of colors, and with those ingredients, it can

prevent harming the people who are going to use this paint.

According to Ho Chang et al., (2010) in their study entitled "Extraction

of Natural Dye from Red Calico Leaves: Gamma Ray Assisted Improvements in

Colour Strength and Fastness Properties," the research mainly focuses on

exploring the coloring potential of red calico leaves and on improving color

strength of dye using gamma rays radiation.

Concerning the present study, the researchers are going to use leaves

as one of the environmentally friendly ingredients for paint since this leaf has a

solid pigment, and it is has a coloring potential that is similar to the toxic colors

that people use today. This will allow people to go with paint with natural and

organic ingredients instead of the toxic ones.

According to Subodh Kumar Srivastava et al., (2008) in their study

entitled" A Folk Dye from Leaves and Stem of Jatropha curcas L. used by Tharu

Tribes of Devipatan Division," the research mainly focuses on the plant Jatropha

curcas L. that was noticed by the Tharu villagers that it has a color extract

through boiling the leaves and stem of the plant.

Concerning the present study, this is relevant to our research because

they are using leaves as an ingredient of paint, and the researchers use the

extract of the leaves to produce pigment. This will lessen the use of harmful

colours in the environment.

According to Kulkarane S. et al. (2011), in their study entitled "Cotton

Dyeing with Natural Dye Extracted from Pomegranate Peel," the use of natural

dye is increasing due to the eco-friendly approach of the people. The solvent

extraction method was used for the Extraction of the stain. The pomegranate

peel dye was used to dye the cotton.

Concerning the present study, the researchers are also going to use the

same method of extracting the tea leaves. Through Extraction, we can get all the

pigment from tea leaves and can be used as a replacement for toxic paints. Tea

leaves as an ingredient for paint are very eco-friendly.

According to S. Paramasivan (1936), in their study entitled "Dyeing

Properties of Wool Fabrics Dyed with Vitis Vinifera L. (Black Grenache) Leaves

Extract," their research focuses on the water extraction of the Vitis vinifera leaves
which is natural. The leaves have yielded shades with fastness properties and

are cost-effective for dyeing wool fabrics.

Concerning the study, the extract of the tea leaves has an intense color

pigment. It works well like the toxic paints people use today, but the ingredient is

very natural. It can also be used for a business that includes organic and eco-

friendly ingredients

Statement of the Problem

This study attempts to determine the effectiveness of tea as ingredients for

modern paint specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions.

1. Can the pigment from tea leaves be identical to what do painters apply today?

2. Can the pigment of the leaves be really effective in making paint?

3. Is there a significant difference between the levels of satisfaction in using tea

leaves as paint and a water based acrylic paint?

Statement of the Null Hypothesis

There is no significant difference between the commercial product to the

researcher product.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study can benefit the artists, the teachers and the future


ARTIST- the artist can benefit from this study by replacing toxic paints to organic


STUDENTS- this study will benefit the students to use harmless paints to

ADMINISTRATOR- To the administrator, these studies will help the

administrator to improve whatever is lacking that needs to be improved and it will

also help them whatever problem will occur in the future.

FUTURE RESEARCHER - The ideas presented may be used as reference data

in conducting new research or in testing the validity of other related findings.

This study will also serve as their reference.

Scope and Limitation

This study focused on tea leaves (extract). It aimed to determine, how can tea

leaves replace toxic paints to environmental friendly paint. The researcher will

only be using one color (brown) from the tea leaves extract.

Research Design

The researcher will utilize experimental design and will choose

innovative as their design as long as the researcher show if tea leaves are

effective in producing paint to be used as a replacement of acrylic paints to

organic colors. Through this, the researcher products as compared to

commercial products.

Research Environment

This study will be conducted at the medical technology laboratory at

Holy Name University. The reason why we have chosen the medical laboratory

because the researcher needs the result of the tea leaves if it is applicable to be

used as paint. It can help the process of experimentation since it has a complete

display of equipment, and it will establish the cause and effect relationship of the

commercial product to the current product.

Research Instrument

The researcher will be using a researcher-made questionnaire. The of

the survey is we will be using lengthwise bond paper. It has content that can be

answered by agreeing or disagree. The poll is helpful to the researcher in

gathering essential data in relevance to the researcher topic. The researcher will

be choosing this type of instrument since it will be more comfortable and easy to

collect data.

Research Respondents

The researcher's respondents are the students from HUMMS 11 at Holy

Name University. We have chosen HUMMS 11 because there is were courses

that offer arts example of this is the bachelor of arts in communication. It can

also be helpful from them since they can apply this to their artworks, and they will

be able to replace their toxic paint to environmentally friendly colors. The

researcher will use cluster sampling since they will only be surveying a particular


Research Procedure

1.) The letter will be sent to the Basic Education Department Principal Dr.

Prisciano S. Legitimas through the assistant Principal Mrs. Gladys


2.) After receiving permission, the researchers will distribute the


3.) The questionnaires must be answered honestly,

4.) After the distribution of questionnaire, the gathering of data will

Statistical Treatment

The researcher will be using the t-test because it is the appropriate method in

determining the difference between the existing product to the experimental


d = difference per paired value

n = number of sample

Σ = summation

t = t-value


Weighted mean is also used

in this study. It is to calculate the average mean of every question and to

determine which value contribute more than others. it is also dependent on the

responses in weight and frequency. The weighted mean is then calculated.


F = Frequency

X = Weight assigned to each scale

N = Number of test

Σ = Summation
Definitions of terms

Perceives - become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or

understand. Synthetic - attributing to a subject something determined by

observation rather than analysis of the nature of the subject and not resulting in

self-contradiction if negated

Plausibly - superficially fair, reasonable, or valuable but often specious

Elliptical - of, relating to, or shaped like an ellipse

Anthocyanin - any of various soluble glycoside pigments producing blue to red

coloring in flowers and plants

Coreopsis Tinctoria - is an upright, fast growing annual with abundant daisy-like

yellow flowers, up to 2 in. Across (5cm), adorned with reddish brown center


Optimization - an act, process, or methodology of making something (such as a

design, system, or decision) as fully perfect, functional, or effective as possible

Validity - the state of being acceptable according to the law or the quality of being

well-grounded, sound, and correct.

Innovative - (of a person) introducing new ideas; original and creative in thinking.

(of a product, idea, etc.) featuring new methods; advanced and original

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Janssen Heights, Dampas District, Tagbilaran City, Bohol,
Philippines 6300
Tel Nos. (038) 501 7731; 501 0125; 235 3934
Telefax ( 038) 501 7731


Principal Basic Education Department
Holy Name University
Tagbilaran City
Dear Dr. Legitimas
We, the students from 11- STEM H of Holy Name University are conducting a
thesis work entitled: “ Tea Leaves as Paint”, we intend to survey randomly
selected students of Gr 11 HUMSS 305F, 306F.
The researcher would like to ask permission from your consideration to conduct
the said survey during the respondents free time. With your approval, we will
make appointment with the concerned teachers so as not to interrupt their
Thank you very much for your favorable approval and endorsement of this
Very truly yours,
Sinead Christianne Rosco
Dwenmar Dave B. Ocdenaria
Kevin Wahing
Keith Pasagad

Janssen Heights, Dampas District, Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines 6300
Tel Nos. (038) 501 7731; 501 0125; 235 3934
Telefax ( 038) 501 7731


Assistant principal, Basic Education Department

Holy Name University

Tagbilaran, City

Dear Mrs. Floreta


We, the students from 11- STEM H of Holy Name University are conducting a
thesis work entitled: “Tea Leaves as Paint”, we intended to survey randomly
selected students of Gr 11 HUMSS 305F, 306F.

The researcher would like to ask permission from your consideration to conduct
the said survey during the respondents free time. With your approval, we will
make appointment with the concerned teachers so as not to interrupt their

Thank you very much for your favorable approval and endorsement of this

Very truly yours,

Sinead Christianne Rosco

Dwenmar Dave B. Ocdenaria
Kevin Wahing
Keith Pasagad

Name: Dwenmar Dave B. Ocdenaria

PLACE: Poblacion 1 Tagbilaran City

NUMBER: 09128181735


Personal Information

Nickname: Dave

Birthday: July 24, 2002

Birthplace: Manila

Age: 17

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Baptist

Father’s Name: Edwin B. Ocdenaria

Mother’s Name: Marivie B. Ocdenaria

Educational Background

Elementary: Grace Christian School

Secondary: Holy Name University

Name: Sinead Christianne B. Rosco

PLACE: Poblacion Lila Bohol

NUMBER: 09774898468


Personal Information

Nickname: Shin

Birthday: June 1, 2003

Birthplace: Iligan City

Age: 16

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father’s Name: Jerome B. Rosco

Mother’s Name: Susan B. Rosco

Educational Background

Elementary: Tambo Central School

Secondary: Holy Name University

Name: Kevin T. Wahing

PLACE: San Isidro Disctrict, Tagbilaran City

NUMBER: 09950325090


Personal Information

Nickname: Kevin

Birthday: August 13, 2002

Birthplace: Tagbilaran City

Age: 17

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father’s Name: Gerry Wahing

Mother’s Name: Esther Wahing

Educational Background

Elementary: Holy Spirit School of Tagbilaran

Secondary: Holy Name University

Name: Keith Luther T. Pasagad

PLACE: Dao District Tagbilaran City

NUMBER: 092719580101


Personal Information

Nickname: Keith

Birthday: May 23, 2002

Birthplace: Cebu City

Age: 17

Civil Status: Single

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father’s Name: Lito M. Pasagad

Mother’s Name: Nelda T. Pasagad

Educational Background

Elementary: Holy Spirit School of Tagbilaran

Secondary: Holy Name University

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