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Speaking Rubric

Each category will be assigned a value of 0 to 4 according to the rubric. See the second page for scoring explanations. Some categories are weighted more than
others (e.g., Organization is weighted more than Presentation Skills).

4 3 2 1 0
Component Score Multiplier Points (Max)

Content Knowledge Score x 3 ____ (12)

Organization Score x 3 ____ (12)

Time Management Score x 1 ____ (4)

Verbal Delivery Score x 1 ____ (4)

Presentation Skills Score x 2 ____ (8)

Total Points ____ (40)

Additional/General Comments:
Component 4 3 2 1 0

Technical content presented has

Technical content presented is some nontrivial errors. Persistent
Technical content is presented Technical content presented is
mostly correct with some minor misuse of terminology, unnoticed
fully, correctly, and with clear An adequate amount of technical grossly incorrect. Questions
errors. Most questions are nontrivial errors in the visual aids,
mastery of the material. content is presented and is mostly cannot be answered correctly. A
answered but some without significant errors of fact in the
Content Knowledge Questions (if any) are answered correct. Questions are answered total lack of understanding of
elaboration or sufficient speech, inability to answer
with clear and complete with no significant errors. the technical content is
explanation. questions, or over-reliance on
explanations. apparent.
reading directly from note cards or
slides are observed.
The presentation is well organized
Purpose and main points are clear
Organization: including an introduction in which
Purpose but presentation needs Main points or purpose are Main points or purpose are not The presentation's organization
the purpose (on the assigned topic)
Introduction improvement in one of the five evident but presentation needs clear. Content is poorly organized is so poor that the purpose and
is clearly stated. Main points are
Main Points areas: Purpose, Introduction, improvement in at least two of and needs improvement in least main points are not discernible.
clear and organized with effective
Transitions Main Points, Transitions, or the five areas. three of the five areas.
Summary transitions. Presentation is
summarized effectively
Poor time management is evident
The presentation appropriately
Very minor time management Minor time management by either not using the time
paced (neither rushed nor slow)
Time Management problems are present such as problems are present, especially available to develop main points Very poor time management is
with plenty of allocation of time
presentation being slightly rushed in terms of allocation of sufficient(presentation is very short) or not evident.
for development of main points
or a bit too short. time to develop main points. allowing sufficient time for
and for questions.
questions (presentation is too long).
Delivery has significant problems
Speech is clear and audible. Speech is clear and audible, using Speech is basically coherent and of register or volume that impede
Language is descriptive, accurate, language that is mostly fluid with understandable. Pauses, understanding for whole sections of Language or volume are so
Verbal Delivery and engaging. Language few noticeable pauses or dysfluencies, and use of jargon do the presentation. Pauses, poor that the presentation
appropriate to the presentation dysfluencies, and a minimal use of not distract significantly from the dysfluencies, or excessive use of becomes unintelligible.
topic and audience. jargon. presentation. jargon detract from the
The presentation is significantly
The speaker is poised, natural, A combination of distracting
The presenter’s nonverbal cues weakened by poorly designed
and confident, making appropriate The speaker is generally prepared habits and appearance, and
are mostly generally effective but visual aids or the absence of
gestures, facial expressions, and and confident. Design of absent visual aids, weakens the
distracting habits or poorly appropriate visual aids, requiring
eye contact, and using prepared or presentation aids or distracting presentation so much as to
designed presentation aids are extra effort from listeners to
Presentation Skills impromptu presentation aids habits are minor detractors. The render it incoherent and
present. The speaker maintain focus. Distracting habits
(slides, board notes) as speaker generally keeps the difficult to understand. The
occasionally strays off topic and detract from the presentation. The
appropriate. The speaker hold's audience's attention and speaker often wanders off topic
the audience's attention speaker has trouble staying on
the audience's attention and stays remains focused on the topic. and the audience pays no
occasionally wanders. topic and the audience pays little
focused on the topic. attention.

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