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Names :

Bintang Putri Maharani

Bonafentura Yoan Olivia
Doni Danuarta
Sari Wulan
Class : B ALL
Subject : Language Assessment
Lecturer : Eka Fajar Rahmani, M.Pd

1. Design a draft to design one objective (1 test type) for reading, listening, or vocabulary
2. Design a draft of one subjective test (1 test type) for writing or speaking
How to do?
1. Read a syllabus for years 7,8,9, 10,11,12
2. Take 1 or 2 topics (base competence) from the syllabus
3. Create your guiding questions
4. Create your specification
5. Design the test (instruction, rubric, and scoring)
The Syllabus for 10th Grade (Kurikulum K-

1) Topic : (4.7) Recount Text

2) Basic Competence : (4.7) Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks recount lisan dan tulis terkait
peristiwa bersejarah.
3) Objective Test : Reading
4) Guiding questions :
 What is the purpose of the test?
This test will be used as a daily test to capture the meaning and understand
the message of the folktale.
 What is the objective of the test?
a) By the end of the daily test, students will be able to understand the
meaning of texts orally and in writing.
b) By the end of the daily test, students will be able to understand the
level of completeness and coherence of the content of the folklore
c) At the end of the daily test, students can apply the attitudes of
responsibility, cooperation, peace love, and confidence that
accompany the action of understanding the content of folklore
 How will the test be practical?
a) Time : The test is designed to be relatively efficient
time-wise, because the students are given a maximum of 30
minutes to work on their reading test, and the students are not
supposed to work on the test at home.
b) Cost : The test is cost-efficient, as students only need
to prepare and use a piece of paper and their stationary, especially a
pen. The teacher will prepare a question sheet for students to work
on, and students answer it on a blank sheet of paper that students
have prepared.
c) Material : The material used for the test is Narrative text,
one of which is on the topic of folklore. The test will select
that are well-known and familiar to the students. This will make it
easier for them to engage with the material.
d) Grading : The grading of the test is structured because the
teacher will use the scoring to assess students’ writing.
e) Administration : This test is intended not to be too difficult for
students because the instructions given encourage students to think
critically according to their understanding of a story. It is also
intended that the teacher is not too burdened, because the teacher
only needs to assess student work based on the rubric that has been
 What are the specifications of the test?

No Aspect Item Number Total

1. Main Idea 1,6 2

2. Details 2,7 2

3. Inference 3,8 2

4. Reference 4,9 2

5. Vocabulary 5,10 2

Total Item 10

 The design of the test

a) Instruction :
The teacher introduces the task and explains the rules according to
the specification to the students, then gives this instruction as a

In this test activity, you will read 2 folktales. Each story is

followed by some questions about the story. for questions number
1-10, you have to choose the most appropriate answer, namely
(A), (B), (C), or (D) for each question. Then, on your answer
sheet, find the question number and fill in the space
corresponding to the letter of the answer you chose. Answer all
the questions below based on what is stated and implied in the

b) Grading :

Final Score = Number of correct scores / Number of all questions x 100

Final Score = 10 / 10 x 100 = 100
A student answers 5 questions correctly, then:
Score = 5 / 10 = 50
The Syllabus for 8th Grade (Kurikulum K-13)

1) Topic : (4.11.) Recount Text

2) Basic Competence : (4.11.2) Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek
dan sederhana, terkait pengalaman pribadi di waktu lampau (personal recount),
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara
benar dan sesuai konteks.
3) Subjective Test : Writing
4) Guiding questions :
 What is the purpose of the test?
This test will be used as a practice session at the end of the topic material.
 What is the objective of the test?
At the end of the practice, students can create short and simple texts about
personal experiences in the past.
 How will the test be practical?
a) Time : The test is designed to be relatively efficient
time-wise, because the students are given a maximum of 30
minutes to work on their writing, and the students are not supposed
to work on the test at home.
b) Cost : The test is cost-efficient, as students only need
to prepare and use a piece of paper and their stationary, especially a
c) Material : The material for the test is easy to find since
the students are instructed to write a recount text based on their
personal experiences in the past.
d) Grading : The grading of the test is structured because the
teacher will use rubric to assess students’ writing.
e) Administration : The test is intended not to overwhelm students
because the instruction encourages students to think critically and
to be creative. It is also intended not to overwhelm teachers too
much because they only need to check the students’ work based on
the rubric that has been made.
 What are the specifications of the test?
a) Time : 30 minutes
b) General description: The test aims at assessing students’ recount
text writing competence. The target of the test is 8th-grade students
from junior high school. The length of the test is at least one
paragraph that contains 5 sentences.
c) Task demand and response format:
- Input : In written form, with the text written in
the target language at the level of 8th-grade students. The
topic is personal past experiences.
- Expected output : A short and simple recount of text in
written form by paying attention to social functions, text
structures, and linguistic elements, correctly and in context.
d) Number of items : 1
e) Grading plan : A rubric will be made for assessing students’
written recount text work. The grade will range from A to D. The
skills assessed are the originality of the idea, the appropriate use of
text structure, and the correctness of grammar.
 The design of the test
a) Instruction :
The teacher introduces the task and explains the rules according
to the specification to the students, then gives this instruction as
a guideline:

about your experience in the past. You are given 30 minutes to do your writing and a maximum o
b) Grading :

Components of
Score Level Indicators Weighting
Content (C) 4 Excellent Present the written work 3
with well-chosen details
across the text

3 Good Present the written work

with details in parts of the

2 Fair Present the written work

with some details

1 Poor Present no clear

Vocabulary (V) 4 Excellent Good in vocabulary 2.5

3 Good Error in vocabulary

choice are minimal and
do not interfere with

2 Fair Error in vocabulary

choice are frequent and
sometimes they interfere
with understanding

1 Poor Many errors in

vocabulary choice
severely interfere with
Grammar (G) 4 Excellent Good in grammar 2.5

3 Good Error in grammar are

minimal and do not
interfere with

2 Fair Errors in grammar are

frequent and sometimes
they interfere with

1 Poor Many errors in grammar

that severely interfere
with understanding
Vocabulary (V) 4 Excellent Good in vocabulary 2.5
3 Good Error in vocabulary
choice are minimal and
do not interfere with

2 Fair Error in vocabulary

choice are frequent and
sometimes they interfere
with understanding

1 Poor Many errors in

vocabulary choice that
severely interfere with
Mechanics (M) 4 Excellent Good in spelling, 2
punctuation, and

3 Good Error in spelling,

punctuation, and
capitalization are few

2 Fair Error in spelling,

punctuation, and
capitalization sometimes
interfere with

1 Poor Error in spelling,

punctuation and
capitalization severely
interfere with

(3C) + (2.5V) + (2.5G) + (2M) / 40 x 100 = Final Score

C = Score for Content
V = Score for Vocabulary
G = Score for Grammar
M = Score for Mechanics

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