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Matter: Safety and Industrial Hygiene

Project: OSHAS 18000 and ISO 45000 STANDARD

• Angel Omar Santiago Torres 4007
• Luis Andrés Bautista Aguilar 4009
• Luis Angel Félix Hernández 4038
• Luis Enrique Yáñez Duran 4036

Career: Industrial Engineering

Ing. Enrique Esteban Espinosa Sosa

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 3
What is OSHA? HISTORY...................................................................................................................... 4
Objectives of the Group that elaborates and develops OHSAS (HSAS Project Group) ................... 4
OSHA Standards Example 1: General Industry ................................................................................ 6
OSHA Standards Example 2: Construction ...................................................................................... 7
OSHA Standards Example 3: Marine ............................................................................................... 8
OSHA Standards Example 4: Agriculture ....................................................................................... 10
OSHA BENEFITS ......................................................................................................................... 11
OHSAS 18001 Requirements ......................................................................................................... 12
ISO 45000 STANDARD ....................................................................................................................... 13
STANDARD? ................................................................................................................................... 13
CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................... 15
References......................................................................................................................................... 16

Safety in industries is essential since the first appearances of companies and
industries, which is why in 1998 a group of certified organizations from 15 countries
in Europe, Asia and America came together to create a standard to certify
occupational health and safety systems. This is how the OSHAS 18000 standard
was born, but what are they? And what is its importance today?


OHSAS (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series), is a protocol that

determines a series of distinctions on health and safety at work. These distinctions
are reflected in Spain in the British Standardization Institution, as well as in the ISO
18001 and 18002 standards. Each and every one of the companies, both public and
private, must comply with the ISO 18001 standard to guarantee safety and
prevention employment among its employees.

OHSAS 18001 was born in 1998 when a group of certifying bodies from 15 countries
in Europe, Asia and America met to create the first standard for the certification of
an occupational health and safety system that had a global scope. OHSAS 18001
encompasses a series of international standards related to occupational health and
safety, developed based on the BS 8800 guideline and UNE 81900 EX. It was
officially published by the British Standards Institution and entered into force on April
15, 1999.

Objectives of the Group that elaborates and develops OHSAS (HSAS

Project Group)
1.- Promote the publication of a specification on Occupational Health and Safety
Management Systems standardized by ISO.
2.- The development of a specification/norm on Occupational Health and Safety
Management Systems that is widely accepted, adopted and used.
3.- Support national standardization organizations and institutions that work in OSH
in the promotion and development of Occupational Health and Safety Management
Since its publication, OHSAS 18001 has been widely accepted worldwide and has
been implemented by companies of various sizes and sectors. Such was their
demand that in 2007 it was revised, giving rise to OHSAS 18001:2007 "Occupational
health and safety management systems" (OHSAS Project Group, 2007).
The OHSAS standards on OSH management are intended to provide organizations
with the elements of an effective OSH management system that can be integrated
with other management requirements, and to help organizations achieve OSH and
economic objectives. . These standards, like other international norms, are not
intended to be used to create non-tariff trade barriers, or to increase or change an
organization's legal obligations.
The definition of the OHSAS required a journey through a long path of modifications
and regulatory evolution, which was influenced by the occupational health and safety
background of the regulations developed in different countries (in 1974 in Great
Britain, 1970 in the USA, France in 1976, Denmark in 1975, Sweden in 1977,
Colombia in 1979). The British Standards Institution (whose initials correspond to
BSI), as a collaborating body of the ISO and standards provider, having established
the BS 8800 standard in 1996 as "Guide for the implementation of occupational
health and safety systems", later develops the Occupational Health and Safety
Assessment Series (OHSAS) normative series, establishing in 1999 the OHSAS
18001 standard "Specifications for occupational health and safety management
systems" and the OHSAS 18002 standard "Guidelines or guide to implement
OHSAS 18001". Subsequently, in 2007, the OHSAS 18001 update was published
as a "specifications for OSH Management Systems" standard.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published the Final Draft
International Standard (FDIS) ISO 45001, in November 2017, which will replace
OHSAS 18001, after years of tripartite conciliation with unions, employers and
states, to rapprochement with the ILO (acronym in English of the International Labor
Organization, ILO). With the publication of the final ISO 45001 standard in the first
half of 2018, the OHSAS 18001 standard is withdrawn and organizations certified
under it are given a three-year period to transition to the new ISO 45001 standard
and lost. of validity of the OHSAS 18001 standard.
An interesting or important fact is that the OSHAS standard is based on the Deming
PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACT (PDCA) methodology.

OSHA Standards Example 1: General Industry
Employers must provide the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to
each employee when necessary. This includes respirators, safety glasses, face
shields, ear plugs, protective gloves, flame retardant clothing, etc. If proper PPE is
not provided, the employer may be in violation of OSHA standards for each
Employers must provide appropriate safety training to employees, either in-house or
through third parties, to adequately prepare them for the hazards they may
encounter on the job. Failure to provide proper safety training can cause employers
to violate OSHA standards for each employee.
Employers must ensure that all areas used for work, including production floors,
warehouses, and walking surfaces, are kept clean, orderly, and sanitary.
Employers must ensure that all walking work surfaces are strong enough to support
the combined weight of workers, equipment and machinery located in the designated
Employers must ensure that walking work surfaces are free of hazards, including
sharp/protruding objects, loose planks, chemical leaks, spills, snow, and ice.
Employers must ensure that employees have access to safe entry and exit points
from work areas on foot.
Employers must ensure that walking work surfaces are inspected and maintained
regularly and as necessary to maintain a safe condition.
Employers must ensure that work areas dangerous for walking are corrected or
repaired before employees can re-access those areas. If it cannot be corrected or
repaired immediately, access must be closed until the necessary corrective
measures have been taken.
Employers must provide portable fire extinguishers and ensure that they are easily
accessible to employees.
Employers are responsible for the inspection, maintenance, and testing of portable
fire extinguishers.

OSHA Standards Example 2: Construction
This standard makes it possible to satisfactorily control the risks of the organization
and improve compliance with the management system requirements.
The employer must ensure that the employees have the appropriate training and
experience to operate the equipment and machinery.
The employer must ensure that first aid services and medical supplies are available
to all employees.
The employer must provide and require employees to use appropriate personal
protective equipment (PPE) in all operations where hazardous conditions exist.
During the course of construction work, employers must ensure that harmful debris
such as scrap wood, protruding nails, and other debris is removed from work areas,
walkways, and stairwells.
Employers must ensure that adequate lighting, either natural or artificial, is available
in walk-up work areas where work is being done.
Where detrimental sound levels exist, employers must use feasible engineering and
administrative measures. If these measures fail, employers must ensure that
workers have access to PPE that protects them from excessive noise exposure and
harmful sound levels.
Employers must provide fall protection, such as guardrails, safety nets, and safety
harnesses, to employees working at heights of two meters or more.
Employers are responsible for the development and consistent application of an
effective fire protection and prevention program throughout the duration of
construction, repair, alteration, and/or demolition work.
Employers must ensure that all electrical equipment used in the workplace is safe
and free from recognized hazards that can cause injury or death.
Employers must ensure that pressure vessels and boilers have current and valid
certification from an insurance company or regulatory authority as proof of safe
installation, inspection and testing.

OSHA Standards Example 3: Marine
This section discusses some of the salient employer responsibilities for employee
safety and health in the maritime industry, as required by OSHA standards:
Employers should ensure that atmospheric tests are conducted for oxygen content,
flammability, and toxicity, in that order.
Employers must ensure that the following spaces are inspected and tested by a
qualified person to determine the oxygen content of the atmosphere before allowing
employees entry:
• Sealed spaces, including but not limited to spaces that have been resurfaced
and non-ventilated spaces that have been freshly painted.
• Spaces that contain or have contained flammable liquids and/or gases
• Spaces that contain or have contained corrosive liquids, gases or solids
• Spaces that have been fumigated.
• Spaces that contain materials or elements that reduce oxygen from the
Employers must ensure that all rooms determined to be oxygen deficient or oxygen
enriched are labeled “Not Safe for Workers”.
Employers must ensure that the oxygen content of all rooms and spaces is within
the range of 19.5% to 22.0%. All rooms and spaces whose oxygen content is outside
the accepted range must be labeled “Not Safe for Workers”.
Employers must ensure that each employee, as well as anyone entering confined
spaces and other hazardous atmospheres, is properly trained to exit the space in
cases where:

• An authorized person orders an evacuation

• An evacuation signal or an alarm is activated
• The person determines that he is in danger
The employer must establish a rescue team at the shipyard or hire a third-party
rescue team prepared to respond quickly to rescue requests:
• In the event that an employer establishes its own rescue team at the shipyard,
each employee assigned to the team must receive adequate training to
perform their rescue tasks, which include entry into confined areas, as well as
other areas with an atmosphere dangerous.
• Employers must ensure that shipyard rescue teams must practice their skills
through practice drills every 12 months using equipment and facilities that can
effectively simulate an actual rescue situation.

When a change made to a container could alter the conditions of a confined space
and introduce potential hazards, work in the affected space must stop and can only
be resumed once safety has been restored through appropriate inspection and

OSHA Standards Example 4: Agriculture
This section discusses some of the salient responsibilities of employers with regard
to employee safety and health in the agricultural industry, as mandated by OSHA
Employers must ensure that each tractor used by employees for work has a work
seat belt tight enough to keep the worker confined to the safe zone within the
operator's station.
Employers must ensure that batteries, fuel tanks, oil containers, and coolants are
located and sealed in an area where employees are protected from potential
Employers must ensure that the protective frames of wheeled tractors used by
workers have undergone and passed standard laboratory and field tests to certify
their effectiveness in preventing injuries due to accidental starts.
Employers must ensure that employees assigned to operate machinery receive
adequate training in the safe operation and maintenance of farm equipment,
including the following minimum safety practices:
• Keep all guards in place during machine operation.
• Do not allow other riders on the team other than the operator and the
necessary personnel.
• Stop the engine, disconnect it from the power source, and make sure the
machine has come to a complete stop before performing repairs or cleaning,
except in cases where the machine must be running for proper service.
Employers must provide free drinking water to employees working in the fields:
The water must be fresh enough and sufficient taking into account the temperature
and humidity of the air, as well as the nature of your work, to meet the needs of all
field workers.
Agricultural inspections are designed to prepare farms and food processing plants
to bring current procedures in line with best practices and standards. Review these
checklists of OSHA standards for the agricultural industry to ensure company
compliance with safety protocols to prevent workplace hazards.


• Safer workplace: implementing this regulation, both in a public company and

in a private one, makes it possible to make the work area a much safer place.
It makes it possible to identify hazards, in addition to preventing risks and,
furthermore, it promotes fundamental control measures so that accidents do
not occur.
• Audit: from the shareholders' point of view, an audit guarantees compliance
with regulations, providing added confidence in the company.
• Moral: another of the great benefits of OHSAS in the corporate sphere has to
do with moral ethics. And it is that its implementation implies a firm
commitment to both the health and safety of each and every one of the
workers. An aspect that contributes to increasing their motivation and,
therefore, their productivity in the workplace.
• Operational costs: Of course, fewer accidents mean cheaper downtime for a
business. Of course, the OHSAS 18001 regulation implemented significantly
improves the position that the company maintains in relation to liability with
regard to insurance.
• Supervision: companies must pass a series of audits, improving the operation
in the field of safety and health in the workplace.
• Enabling Frontline Workers to Proactively Respond: OSHA standards can be
easily met when organizations train frontline workers to mitigate health and
safety risks early on. Before starting work, site supervisors should regularly
conduct an OSHA Toolkit Talk so workers are aware of or reminded of job
hazards, best practices, and preventative measures.
• Celebrate wins to increase motivation: EHS managers need to recognize safe
and on-time performance to encourage safe behavior in the workplace.
Facilitate peer observations, provide informal feedback, and participate in
follow-up discussions to further support safe behavior among employees.
• Maximize the use of cost-effective digital tools: Proper record keeping and
documentation of health and safety programs are critical to verifying
compliance with OSHA standards. Risk assessments, security inspections,
and paper incident reports can be time consuming and burdensome to use
and manage.

OHSAS 18001 Requirements
The OHSAS 18001 requirements are prepared so that they can be applied in
organizations at all times, they promote the implementation of an Occupational
Health and Safety Management System. They are tools in the form of requirements
to control the safety, health and risks of your organization's workers.
The main OHSAS 18001 requirement is the establishment within the organization of
a system to protect the assets of the organization that is exposed to certain inherent
risks during its daily activity.
The Occupational Health and Safety Management System requires a commitment
to maintain the implemented system, with the main objective of continuously
improving occupational health and safety.
1. Definition of the occupational health and safety policy, establishing the
responsibilities of senior management with the objectives of improving health and
safety at work.
2. Define an analysis and control plan for all the risks to which the company is
exposed in terms of occupational health and safety.
3. Plan actions to control and minimize the effects of these risks
4. Identify and maintain continuous vigilance on legislation on Occupational Health
and Safety.
5. Implement the policy designed by the company
Raise awareness and promote the understanding of this regulation throughout the
company with the corresponding communication and training actions.
Documentary system and document control
Definition of procedures in emergency situations
6. Ensure the continuous review of the system through control and verification of the
preventive and corrective actions that are gradually incorporated into the system.

It is the international standard for occupational health and safety management
systems, intended to protect workers and visitors from accidents and occupational
diseases. The ISO 45000 certification was developed to mitigate any factor that
could cause irreparable damage to employees or the business. The standard is the
result of the efforts of a committee of occupational health and safety experts who
sought an approach to other management systems, including ISO 9001 and ISO
14001. In addition, ISO 45001 was designed to consider other management
systems. OSH such as OHSAS 18001 and other safety guidelines and conventions.

With a special focus on management, ISO 45000 has the ultimate goal of helping
businesses provide a safe working environment for employees and anyone in the
workplace. This can be achieved by controlling factors that can potentially cause
injury, illness, and in extreme cases, death. As a result, ISO 45001 focuses on
mitigating any factors that are harmful or pose a risk to the physical and mental well-
being of workers.
OSHA 18001 and ISO 45001 are related in that they both focus on occupational
health and safety management in organizations. However, there is a key difference:
OSHA 18001 is an American standard developed by the US Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA), while ISO 45001 is an international standard
developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
ISO 45001 is a more recent and more globally recognized version that has been
developed with the aim of establishing an international standard for occupational
health and safety management systems. It offers a more integrated and adaptable
approach to various industries and countries.
In summary, although both standards have similarities in terms of focus on
occupational health and safety, ISO 45001 is more widely accepted and
internationally recognized.
But, although both are related, there are some differences such as the following:
• Objectives and performance: ISO 45001 has a greater focus on objectives as
drivers for improvement and performance evaluation. These objectives may
vary in topics such as worker participation, internal and external
communication, as well as acquisitions.
• Structure – The structure of ISO 45001 is based on Annex SL, which is the
framework for other ISO management system standards, making
implementation easier and more effective.

• Leadership and management commitment: ISO 45001 requires a greater
emphasis on top management to actively incorporate health and safety into
the organization's overall management system.
• Risk and opportunity management – Using ISO 45001, companies identify,
consider and take action to address both risks and opportunities that can
disrupt production. Although ISO 45001 considers both, OHSAS 18001 deals
exclusively with hazards.
• Worker and third party involvement: ISO 45001 presents an enhanced focus
on the needs and expectations of all workers and interested parties; In
addition, it requires the training and education of employees to identify risks.
OHSAS 18001 does not allow for broader employee participation.

The regulations regarding industrial safety and hygiene allow us to improve in each
work area of an Industry, on the other hand, training ourselves avoids occupational
accidents as much as possible, in the same way it teaches us how to act in a risk
situation .
For this reason, it is important to keep these standards in mind at all times, no matter
the area in which we work, in the same way we must be aware of all information
about the new standards implemented to always be updated.
To close this topic we can say that these topics are of the utmost importance, since
they will serve us throughout our professional career.


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