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Clinical case

A 4-year-old boy is brought to the pediatrician by his worried mother. She notes
that he “urinates 10 times a day and is always drinking water.” She also reports
that despite eating more than either of his brothers did at the same age, he is not
gaining any weight. Which of the following human leukocyte antigen (HLA) types is
associated with the most likely diagnosis for this child?

A) HLA-B27
B) HLA-B51
C) HLA-D11

English Traducción Interpretación

A 4-year-old boy is Un niño de 4 años, traído al Un paciente de 4 años es
brought to the pediatra por su mamá traído al pediatra por su
pediatrician by his preocupada mamá
worried mother.
She notes that he Ella observa que el “orina Ella nota que el paciente
“urinates 10 times a day 10 veces al día y siempre orina 10 veces al día y
and is always drinking toma agua” siempre está tomando
water. agua
She also reports that Ella también menciona que Tambien reporta que a
despite eating more than a pesar de comer más que pesar de comer más que lo
either of his brothers did sus hermanos a su edad, que sus hermanos comían
at the same age, he is not no aumenta de peso a su edad, no gana peso
gaining any weight.
Which of the following ¿Cuál de los siguientes ¿Cuál de los siguientes
human leukocyte antigen tipos de antígenos tipos de antígenos
(HLA) types is associated leucocitarios humanos está leucocitarios está asociado
with the most likely asociado con el diagnóstico con el diagnóstico más
diagnosis for this child? más probable del paciente? probable del paciente?

The correct answer is E. Given that type 1 DM is most likely an autoimmune

disease, it is not surprising that it is associated with certain HLA types. HLA-DR3 is
associated with type 1 DM and is found in about 4% of patients. It is also
associated with systemic lupus erythemato- sus and Graves’ disease.

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