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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Escuela Industrial y Preparatoria Técnica

“Álvaro Obregón ”

Ingles Progresivo 1
Allyson Illari Martinez Vargas
Ramsés Alejandro Juárez Rosales
David Alejandro Moya Alonso
Azrael Antonio Lopez Reyes
Yael Alejandro Mendoza Ginez
Ariel Josue Caleb Martínez de la Rosa
Daniel: Hi Andres, we haven't seen each other in
a long time.

Andres: Hello Daniel, yes, it's been a long time

than 1 year, no more or less.

Daniel: Yes, almost that time and tell me how are

you, what has been with your family.

Andres: Well, the truth is that these days we have

been struggling a bit.

Daniel: Or seriously why what happened

Andres: Well, because of Hurricane Hillary,

because of the hurricane, I didn't work and it also
affected my wife because an uncle of hers died
because of the hurricane.

Daniel: Or how bad about your work and my

most sincere condolences for the death of your
wife's uncle
Andres: Well, yes, but there are more families
that have lost more than my family

Daniel: Well, as far as I understand it, it was a

category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson scale.

Andres: Seriously, I got to that category because I

was lucky because I got to my job with category

Daniel: Yes it was very ugly and I also heard that

there are several families who lost their homes
and also their jobs

Andres: Or at that time there are families having a

worse time than mine

Daniel: Well, if there are many families having a

bad time, think that I went through Baja
California and ended up in the United States in
Nevada and also in the limits of California
Andres: Well, if you're right, the only thing left to
do is move on and everything happens for a

Daniel: True but well I have to go bye whatever

you tell me

Andres: yes of course bye

suggestions when a hurricane
-If authorities indicate that evacuation is
necessary: Get out as soon as possible.
-Avoid flooded roads and watch out for washed-
out bridges.
-Secure your home by unplugging electrical
appliances and turning off the main electricity
and water valve.
-Keep the gas, electricity and water disconnected
until you make sure there are no leaks or danger
of short circuit.
-Make sure electrical appliances are dry before
plugging them in.

that's all thanks for your attention have a good


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