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In recent months there have been many indications that the

initiative in Flight Safety activities is now being accepted at all
organizational levels . Safety directives from commands to
units, minutes of command and unit flight safety meetings, pro-
duction of safety educational material at unit level and the
introduction of flight safety topics into other RCAF magazines a(I
. indicate that the theme "flight safety is everyone's business" is
R~ bemg subscribed to all down the lme.
,1 These are encouraging signs at a time when the accident
rate is at an all time low and when comments such as "where do
` we go from here?" and "can we afford to be this safe?" crop up
all too often in flight safety discussions . We can afford to be
1 "this safe" and some organizations have decided "where to go
from here" . The facts are, that with few exceptions the serious
accidents that still occur are avoidable and rnost can be prevented
within command and unit resources. Improved supervision and
higher aircrew and technician standards are old themes, but
they ~till embrace the most profitable accident prevention areas.
If your organization has had serious accidents or potentially
. serious occurrences in tfie past year, examine the cause factors .
_ l`
' Were these accidents avoidable? Could your supervisory staffs
, have taken action that would have prevented or made these
occurrences less likely? Was anything lacking in the standards
1 or ability of your aircrew or technical personnel?
If your answer to any of these questions is "yes" and if
` you are honest with yourself, it will be - then you know that we
can afford to be "even safer" and you have found your answer
to "where do we go from here?"

A unit in ADC initiated a program to eliminate FOD. " 1

All aircraft are thoroughly insQected at every opportunity,
and their eHorts are producing results . Any of these
items pictured here could have caused an accident. L
Have you an active FOD program? t


They learned the art of aerial and underwater the viruses are unaffected by such measures ,
warfare before we did . Regardless of their It is a misconception that colds and flu can be
ultimate or favourite site in the body many of cured more quickly with the anti-germ drugs ,
the invaders first show themselves in the nose To further complicate the picture of infec-
and mouth tissues . This is why upper respir- tious disease incidence there are a few non-
atory infections, either as distinct diseases or infectious conditions of the nose, throat or
as the dominant or first feature of a more gen- sinuses which masquarade as infections . Typ-
eral infection, are the commonest and the ical of these are the allergies such as hay fever
most expensive diseases of man ; fortunately which in spite of its name is not a fever al-
they are not the commonest cause of death, though the general debility may be severe and
These diseases are, therefore, a worthy topic prolonged . Irritations from smoke or dust
or comment in relation to their effect on safe are locally distressing but without sickness,
nd efficient air operations . And, for shame, there are some afflictions
The most successful hunter is the common which, like grandmothers' funerals, are ima-
cold virus . Probably it acquired this name be- ginary but convenient .
cause it often follows upon exposure to cold or If you have had the fortitude to struggle

HEAD HUNTERS damp weather . Other names such as acute through this brief micro-biological, patho-
coryza, catarrhal fever, rhinitis, pharyngitis, logical and sociological dissertation you may
laryngitis, tracheitis, or bronchitis, are less stih ask patiently, "What has this to do with
familiar but it is the same miserable little safe flying?" There are obvious reasons why
disease regardless of name or region chiefly respiratory infections may indirectly, affect
by S ;~L W. K. Hobbs
affected . These names may also be used to the general efficiency and therefore flying
describe infections due to other germs . We safety but first let us consider those aspects
are all acquainted with the symptoms which which involve aircrews and so affect flying
occur in varying frequency and severity : the safety directly .
burning and itching of the nose or throat ; the lnfections have a disabling effect on the body
chills and feverishness ; the aches and pains of as a whole although this may not be so apparent
the face, head, back and extremities ; the in- with minor infections such as colds . The sev-
flamed eyes and nose ; the swollen, stuffed erity and extent of the disability arising from
nasal membranes with copious, watery dis- any one type of infection varies from person to
charge ; the husky voice ; the loss of smell, person and from infection to infection . It de-
taste and appetite ; the painful swallowing and pends on such factors as ; level of immunity and
dry, burning cough ; the depression, the weak- fitness, virulence of the germ, habits and
ness and the lassitude . People in this sad state mental attitudes, and motivation to work . Some
can be found anywhere, at work, on the streets people are crippled by colds and stay close to
and buses, in aeroplanes . Less often are they the hearth ; others are seemingly unaffected
found at home in bed . A close relative of the and weather it out on the job, Most victims
cold is influenza . It has similar but more make a day by day decision . They have a
Either blind lo Y alt Y or this curious title has infectious agents contribute to lowered aircrew strong urge to check in each morning and so
severe symptoms and is more inclined to be
just lured you into reading at least the opening performance and to less diligence in the sup- epiden~ic . Add to these the other diseases such they become committed for the day . We are
sentence of this short article, In any case porting ground personnel . They also make as measles, scarlet fever and polio, which all familiar with the lassitude, weakness and loss
keep going . There may be something in this aircrews more vulnerable to some specific look like a cold at their onset, and it is apparent ofmentalacuityaccompanying theseinfections .
for you . The subject head hunters are neither ill-effects of the usualenvironmental stresses thatthehordes of differentvirusesandbacteria This would have little effect on occupations
the South American dart-blowing kind nor the of fl Y in g . responsible for these ailments are in constant requiring a minimum of human capability . But
irate group captain kind . They are muchmore In these days of equipment and procedural warfare with us . Both man and germ suffer in aircrew normal demands on physical and
common and well known, the many micro- perfection, should we not be making a more heavily in these conflicts, but fortunately mental faculties are heavy and the reserves
organisms (let's call them germs~ that invade critical examination of the many complex fact- lengthy periods of truce permit each side to beyond what is normally required of aircrew
the nose, throat and other areas of the upper ors contributing to human error ? Anything represents their margin of safety for unusual
recuperate for the next engagement .
reapiratory passages of humans . We all have that detracts from an individual's full mental In addition to the common viral infections
periodic, unwelcome visitations from these and physical capacity places that individual there are a number of bacterial organisms
little creatures . No one is immune to oc- closer to an error of perception, judgment or such as the well-known 'strep' and 'staph'
casional colds, sore throats, or other inflam- action . Just as a number of small defects in which invade the tissues and cavities of the
matory annoyances . Even 'tigers' get runny an aircraft may combine to produce a lar espiratory system giving rise to more serious
noses . malfunction, in human activity the summati flammatory or abscess-forrning infections
So what does respiratory infection have to of little influences may result in the big error . of tonsils, sinuses, ears, throat or lungs,
do with air operations or flight safety? Any- Germs are little things . Let's see how they These however are the complicating, secondary
thing that affects the capabilities of service bite us . invasions of the mucous linings of these areas
personnel must ultimately influence flying There are many germ types that may affect which have been weakened and made more vul-
safety and efficiency in some way, Perhaps humans . Their proper names, descriptions, nerable by a preceding 'cold' war . These
the relationship is not so direct or dramatic distributions, and behavioral characteristics bacteria may even have been friendly residents
as in the case of aircraft materiel failures, are of interest only to the medics . Many of of the tissues until the disorder of the viral
errors of flying judgment, bad weather, fatigue, these germs are friendly or at least innocuous war provided them with the opportunity for the
or any of the other cause factors to which we most of the time ; other gerrns are notoriously scavenging and looting role , The bacteria,
frequently attribute flying accidents or inef- hostile, Most of them enter the body through however, are usually easilydestroyed by one of
ficiencies . But in an insidious manner these the mouth or nose either air or water borne .
the specific antibiotic dr : creatments whereas


with real pride and lots of it,

Disci P line comes in two p acka g es ; P lain and fanc Y ,
Airmen are a unique and distinct group of humans,
Plain is the military kind and the kind most people submit to
select in their intelligence,
most of the time, It rneans working under the close
emotional control, and judgement, We should never forget
direct supervision of the boss,
that we are the men who make the dreams of the engineers
who is always handy and ready to criticize the work,
come true .
and people behave rnainly because they wish to avoid
that criticism . Fancy is self-discipline,
The individual integrity of the members of a profession
which is both the privilege and the trial of all
is vital to the quality of that profession
who are self-employed, of a11 executives and professional
and the respect it earns .
people whether self-employed or not,
We have all seen how a "sharp practice" lawyer
and some non-professionals who work without supervision,
or a "quack" doctor can bring discredit to tiis profession
and have observed how quickly the other members
Self-disciplining people must maintain their own output
have disassociated themselves from the guilty person .
and regulate their rnethods and behavior on their own, N

The principle of honesty in work applies equally

They are responsible to someone
to aircrew and groundcrew
but are only indirectly supervised because
for there is a wealth of opportunity for evil practice,
of the complicated nature of their work,
ranging from thz criminally liable to simple cheating,
Actually, self-discipline is self-criticisrn and
It is impossible for any individual
if it is going to work at all,
to do dishonest work and not become personally degraded .
one must have certain standards
It is impossible for any group to accept or ignore
to which one can hold oneself accountable,
such work without also becoming degraded .
Without such there is not self-discipline,
and the freedom and latitude offered
All codes of ethics include loyalty in their standards,
works to the individual's deterioration, both as a person
It is one of man~s greatest virtues,
and in the public eye,
placing the well-being of the group ahead of the interests
These standards of self-discipline are usually called ethics,
of the individual,
rules which all people of high morals impose on themselves,
to guide their conduct through their life,
But remember, true loyalty is not blind,
The respect earned by any occupation depends on its ethics
and no person or group has the right to claim it in support
and how well they are observed .
of a wrong action,
A satisfactory code of ethic5 rnust contain several elements
All self-diciplining people must make a constant effort
if it is to provide a well-rounded standard
to keep their standard of performance high in all respects,
satisfactory to the occupation and its people,
Self-criticism demands
It must express the pride of the group,
a permanent dissatisfaction with a technique,
for if there is no pride in the work, no other standard
a continuing interest in appearance and in bearing,
can hold . The aims of the occupation,
a desire for good relations with other people,
what it is trying to do,
a healthy attitude toward the job, and manline s s in trouble,
need inclusion for both pride and direction .
he very definition of self-discipline
There has to be a better reason for work
equires this inclusion among the ethics,
than just to make money,
Integrity is very important and requires expression
Many people seem anxious to attain high position,
in spite of our good religious up-bringing,
but when there,
for the opportunity to cheat is ever present
try to duck out of the responsibility it carries,
and often attractive to the self-disciplined man,
In fear of retribution they avoid taking the initiative
And, of course,
and make constant attempts to ease the decision
the ethics must include the manner of doing business,
on to someone else,
We the aircrew and ground technicians
No work can ever be satisfying
carry heavy responsibility, most of which is non-transferable,
unle s s the re i s pride in that wo rk,
It is essential that we accept all the liabilities
It is a fine thing to be part of the growing fraternity
of our responsibility .
of airmen, a situation which a man can occupy
the F17 . As the trip would have to be made As the aircraft swung off course, I started to
under IFR I asked the flight commander for a take corrective action, I looked down and he
co-pilot, He had previously attempted to ar- was pulling on the wing de-icers . I shouted to
range for one but had met with little success, him to leave it alone and commenced a turn
At the last minute, a co-pilot (a senior toward base, I also called Radar Departure,
officer) was found and I met him a few minutes advised them that I was on single engine and
later, At the same time, I learned that we requested immediate clearance to the airport.
would only be taking three passengers, I con- I asked the co-pilot to tune ina beacon that I
tacted the passengers, and as I knew them, I would use but even this ended in confusion,
didn't spend any time with introductions, I At this point, one of the passengers who
told them we were heading for the aircraft, was an experienced Expeditor pilotand current
s the co-pilot and I walked down the hangar on local procedures asked if he could help, I
line, I discussed the trip with him, asked the co-pilot to change seats with the
I then proceeded to the servicing section passenger .
and signed out in the L-14 and obtained the Once the change-over had occurred, every-
travelling copy, When I asked where the air- thing settled down, The GMS check showed that
craft was parked, I was told thatit was still in there was insufficient carb heaton and shortly
the hangar . As wet snow was falling, I sug- thereafterfull powerwas restored onthe star-
gested that the hangar doors be opened to cool board engine,
FOR WANT OF ATTENTION off the aircraft before it was pulled outside . As the situation was intolerable under the
However, by the time the aircraft was pulled existing circum stance s, I continued to the
outside it had not cooled sufficiently and it airport for a normal landing . Shortly after
A pilot on proficiency flying duties was ring forcibi~~ to the attention of the NCO ijc
iced up rapidly, touchdown, met reported that heavy icing was
is sued a flex back parachute on daily loan that SE Section,
As we had entered the aircraft while it was reported by several aircraft in the area in
hadthe D ring sewnonthe right shoulder strap, This parachute had just been returned from
still inthe hangar, we remained inthe aircraft which I had been,
The pilot noticed the change in D ring location, SE Maintenance, The repacking, the mainten-
during the de -icing proce s s, This action took The following conclusions can be drawn
but because of recent modifications to para- ance, the inspection, and the actual error in
approximately 15 minutes, from the foregoing ; (a) I did not give the co-
chutes and several user trial parachutes in installation of the D ring on the parachute had
I taxied the aircraft to the run-up position ; pilot a complete briefing on the weather . (b)
use at this unit, he assumed that having the D been carried out by qualified tradesmen .
the ATC clearance was passed to us and the I did not check his qualifications, (c) I did not
ring on the right shoulder strap was a new Further, this parachute had been handled
co-pilot repeated the clearance but did not assign him specific duties, (d) When he took
modification . Two sorties were flown using several times by the user section without the
attempt to write it down on the flight plan over duties which I intended to do, I failed to
this parachute . It was then issued to another fault registering on any tradesmen, over-ride him immediately, (e) Because of
pilot who brought the faulty location of the D Aircrew are prone to accept articles of I moved to the takeoff position but had to (a)(b)(c)(d) I failed to maintain sufficient carb
safety equipment from the SE section in good heat and allowed the starboard engine to ice
hold for severalminutes before receiving take-
faith as to their condition and serviceability, up, (f) I failed to investigate power failure as
off clearance, During this time I kept the
In the event of a bail-out in which the auto- e ngine s running at about 1 t00 rpm and exe r- soon as it occurred,
matic release mechanism fails, one could It just wasn't my day. A serious accident
cised the carb heat once,
easily imagine ttie lookof consternation on the could have occurred if corrective action had
On receiving takeoff clearance, I pulled out
pilot's face as he bears the bones of his right onto the runway, did my last check (tailwheel, been delayed any longer . What makes a pilot
fingers while clawing for the: D ring that isn't pitot heat, gills) and opened up the throttles . with almost 500 hours on type over the last
there! Thegravityofthis situationonly serves eight years do a thing like this? I believe it is
I got up to 30" when the co-pilot topped my
to re-emphasize the need for aircrewto inspect hand and indicated that he would continue with because I am so familiar with proceduresthat
personal safety equipment, and the folly of the throttles ;he opened upto maximum takeoff I got careless, Familiarity breeds contempt,
accepting something at face value when its It also breeds accidents .
power .
purpose is not completely understood, Now that I have had time to look over the
The aircraft took off in approximately 4000
feet . I was kept busy wiping the steam off the record, there is one thing that I would be very
CAST OFF FOR'ARD, CAST OFF AFT, window in order to see the runway, I retracted interested in ascertaining . As I am an ab-
the wheels and allowed the speed to build up to stainer, is it possible that I breathed sufficient
ENGINES FULL AHEAD 105 knots for the climb . fumesfromthede-icingprocess onthe aircraft
As I had been instructed to contact Radar to become intoxicated?
It just wasn't my day . In early February I Departure Control after takeoff, I expected (This is a voluntary report and we admire
was assigned tofly an Expeditor carrying four the co-pilot to switch from tower frequency the self-criticism thathas been offered by this
passengers from a base in Central Ontario t~~ soon as the tower advised our time off, pilot in the hope that it will prevent others
an RCAF base in the Maritime s, he co-pilot apparently did not hear the tower from making the same mistakes, We would
On the morning of the trip, I arrived at met and I had to answer the tower transmission add to his conclusions that on this day he was
briefin g and learned that a warm front with andthenadvise the co-pilotto switch frequency, not an aircraft captain ; he was merely a throttle
multiple layers of cloud was lying just west of Atthispointit became apparent the co-pilot pusher-and nota very good throttle pusher at
our base and extended approximately 100 miles was not familiar with piston aircraft departure that, Out-of-practice rank in the right hand
to the east . The forecaster advised that I procedures andIwa~ forced totell the co-pilot seat and bad weather is a dangerous combina-
would encounter some icing but would run out what was necessary as we went along even tion, But being outranked is no excuse for not
of it shortly after takeoff, Base weather at though he had acknowledged ATC clearance, being a captain, Senior officers like to bounce
briefing time was 900 feet . Weather at destin- Instead of working the radios only, he kept their grandchildren on their knees too, and if
ation was CAVU . trying to synchronize the engines, the worst comes to the worst, your CO and
. . . while dawing at the D ring I flight planned at 7000 feet to get between In my attempt to discuss procedures, the your command organization have the rank and
ihat wasn't there. layers of cloud and proceeded to sign out on starboard engine iced up and lost all power, the responsibility to back you up-ED)

10 11
wheel folded , Hard as it is to believe, the Argus . One of the crew disconnected the nose

LOOK before you lower technicians did not notice thatthe nose jacking
pad had been removed and the jack lowered .
The "thief" in such cases should be severely
wheel hydraulic lines and struts . The aircraft
had not been jacked !
story .
The picture tells the

punished, one-for tampering with another This then is the pattern that is emerging : on
0 crew's work, and two-for not leaving some the part of the technician, shortcuts, careless-

3 obvious indication that the work had been tamp-

ered with .
ness and either ignorance or disobedience of
EOs ; and on the part of the supervisors, lack
Two cases do not fit the pattern, In one of supervision, These accidents are an indic-
case an LAC was doing a BFI on a T-33 and ation of where the supervisor's attention is
~~ Disci P linar ~ action has been taken . . .and rnade an up selection . There was pressure in needed, At the organization level provision
those in charge . . , ordered to ensure . , , al1 sup- the system and the ground locks were not in- must be made to encourage supervisors to spend
ervisory personnel exercise more personal 5talled . The nose wheel folded, The unit more time "on the floor" so the technicians
control over proceedings . . . ." accepted his explanation (he said he thought may have the benefit of the supervisor's exper-
This is a quote from a ground accident re- raising the selector was part of a normal BFI), ience and example . In any event, the practice
port concerning an inadvertent undercarriage and by so doing implied that its technicians of moving the selector to the up position while
retraction that cost the air force $6000 .00 and were not sufficiently familiar with EOs . Tech- the aircraft is on the ground is dynamite . It
60 man-hours of work to rectify . An LAC was nicians should not be permitted to fiddle with should only be done during a retraction test
detailed to jack a CF100 for a retraction test, the undercarriage selector while an aircraft and then only under direct supervision . And
Wing jacks were used to lift the mainwheels is parked ; and if it is ever necessary to move any technician who leaves the undercarriage
clear of the floor, but contrary to EOs the it, they must be absolutely sure that the un- selector in the up position after the retraction

nose wheel was not jacked . When an up selec- dercarriage has ground locks installed and that test is completed is not worthy of the name .
tion was rnade the nose wheel retracted-prov- there is no pressure in the system, In the You have to save an awful lot of minutes to
ing the adage "There is never enough time to other case a MRP crew was modifying an pay for a ten thousand dollar accident .
do it ri g ht ; but always enough time to do it
over" ,
In the past three years there have been 17
Moving the selector is not part of a BFh similar ground accidents . (During this period
there were also five inadvertent nose wheel
retractions which were assessed "Aircrew" ,)
The costs of these accidents have ranged from
$Z .00 and a fewrnan-hours to over $11, 000 .00
and several hundred man-hours . These ac-
cidents can only be attributed to carelessness,
shortcuts, and lack of supervision ; and be-
cause they follow a pattern, they should not be
hard to stop .
Fifteen of the seventeen accidents were due
to one of the following ; An aircraft was given
a retraction test and then parked on the flight
line with the undercarriage selector in the up
position . Whenthe engine was startedthe nose
wheel retracted . Any one of three people-the
technician, the supervisor, or the man in the
cockpit when the engine was started-could
have prevented this accident . An aireraft,
Another T 33 whose nose wheel retracted on start-up.
after a retraction test, was taken off the jacks
before the undercarriage locking devices were
installed . When the hydraulic system was
pressurized the undercarriage collapsed, The
rnen who lowered the aircraft did not follow
the EO procedure . The men who pressurized
the system could have stoppedthis accident'~

doing a cockpitcheck to ensure that the select-
or was in the down position . In the third case
the crew left an aircraft on jacks while th~y
went for lunch . While they were away some-
one lowered the nose jack in order to take a
jacking pad . (In two cases the jacks were not
touched but the tail trestle was taken , True,
this has no bearing on nose wheel retractions,
but these cases are mentioned because they
are cases of unauthorized removal of a safet~~
r, ._h
Y;°~f~"\.L . r Ir-,~~

device .) The crewreturned andwithout check-

The nose gear was disconnected before Ihe Argus was jacked .
The crew did not notice that the jack had been moved. ing they pressurized the system . The nose

torqued hydraulic fitting . In another case an
aircraft just out of overhaul crashed on take-
off because the control cables had been reversed
during installation, And finally, a report

SEALED and recently received cited a very lengthy list of

discrepancies, many of a Safety of Flight
nature, which were discovered on aircraft
received for interim rework, In each of the

DELIVERED above cases these aircraft supposedly received

an inspection prior to being released, and as
an indication that an inspection had been per-
formed various persons signed an inspectior~
~nc_ of the im P ortant factors that has made sheet, signifyingthatthe aircraft was r~~echan-
military aviation great over the years is the ically acceptable .
excellent material condition of its aircraft . A man~s signature affixed to any document
This has been made p ossible b Y the man Y is a statement that the man is ready to stand
icated people, civilian and behind the thingsto which he has attested, The
work for the aviation industry . pcrson who does not live up to the responsib-
The confidence that pilots place in their air- ilitie s ve sted in hirn and further perpetrate s
craft in p art reflects the ability of these people this by falsely signifying that he has honestly
manufacture, overhaul, and maintain done his jobis a person who cannot be retained
so that they remain in "top-notch"
in any organization, especially one involved in
rial condit.ion over extended periods . the field of aviatiorz . Too many lives and
Occasionally, however, a person comes dollars are at stake .
by S;- l G. L Sheahan
alon g who, even thou g h he may be technically Therefore, it behooves cach of us, whether
qualified, has either forgotten or refuses to in industry, or in the KCAF , to first uphold
assume the responsibility vested in and rc- our own personal integrity, and secondly not
quired of him to insure thatthe work for which to tolerate those who do not consistently uphold
Have Y ou ever seen a P or Poise ~ P or P oise?
he is responsible is done properly, As a their own, Persons assigned supervisory It is indeed a sight to see . They leave the
result his jobs are done in a lackadaisical responsibilities must be alert to detect those water so gracefully, dive back in to appear
manner and without the professional attention who fail to rneet the high standards required again almost immediately, each time rising a
required, Three typical cases that illustrate in every aviation function, and to take any little higher thanthelast . Yes, it is a wonder-
the results of this approach are given here to required action to prevent loss of personnel ful sight to see,
point up the hazards involved, An aircraft and aircraft, We must consistently and posit- Have you ever seen a T-Bird porpoise?
just received from the factory was severely ively know that when the goods, in this case Well it tries to copy the mammal for which the
damaged by a fire which resulted from a aircraft, are signed, sealed, and delivered, manoeuvre was named, Trouble develops when
hydraulic leak caused by an inadequately they are ready to go in all respects, the nose of the bird tries to complete the
US Naval Aviation Safety Center porpoise by going underground . Normally, on
the third or fourth porpoise the nose wheel
assemblybreaks off or the airframe is damaged .
This porpoising business in a T-33 is a
known landing hazard , It is a condition in which


the aircraft bounces back and forth between
the nose wheel and the main gear during the
initial phase of ground contact . It happens
when the aircraft is landed at too high an air- This broken tasting shows the violence of porpoising .
A recent Flight SafetyFoundation bulletindescribes two accidents speed and the nose wheel touches down before
caused by reversed power supply leads to fuel booster purnps, One the main gear , The result is a violent, unstable
airman was killed, two were seriously injured, and two aircraft were oscillation about the lateral axis of the aircraft,
destroyed in the explosions, causing repeated heavy impacts of the aircraft
In both cases the motor circuits were being tested prior to final on the runway .
installation of the pumps in the fuel tanks, The airman who was There is another way that a porpoiae can
killed was holding the pump in the tank opening while the others had ~ ~~elop and did-during a landing run, The
loosely bolted their pump to the rnounting flange, In both cases the ~ircraft approach speed was maintained at
loose connections caused an intense arc which ignited the explosive 1-10 knots . The aircraft was flared andtouched
fuel-air mixture when the current was turned on, down L00 feet from the end of the runway at
If the pumps had been solidly bolted in place before the motor 115 knots with the power off . The runway had
circuits were tested, the arcing, and therefore the explosions would an upward slope for the first 500 feet and when
nothavetaken place, The circuit breaker in the rnotor circuit would the aircraft rolled over the hump it became
have tripped under the short circuit conditions and there would have airborne , The nose of the aircraft was in a
been no damage . moderate nos e high attitude and the pilot stated
This type of accident could happen inthe RCAF under our present that the aircraft bounced on touchdown . He did
procedures, AMC are preparing an EO in the 00-80-4 series which not elaborate further except to say that he
«~ill eliminate this accident potential, The EO will advise allcon- recognized a porpoise, so he centralized the
cerned of the importance uf proper installation and testing procedures
when installing components inoraround aircraft fueltanks or in any
14 other areas where explosive fumes are present, iS
controls and warned the co-pilot . The aircraft
came down for the last time on the main wheels ;
the nose wheel whipped down and the nose wheel
fork fractured on impact .
It can be seen that the circumstances leading
up to this porpoise differs from the information During pre-flight inspection of an aircraft,
contained in EO 05-50C-1, para 8l, In this while the pilot was inspecting the port landing
case it's easy to figure out how the porpoise gear the serviceman climbed atop the port
developed . The pilot stated that on becoming wing to open the access doors and gas caps to
airborne incrossing the humpthe aircraft was facilitate inspection, As he opened the main
in a nose high attitude, and either consciously fuselage fuel cap, JP4 overflowed from the
or unconsciously he must have tried to lower cell due to expansion during the heat of the da,
the nose slightly before touching down . When and P oured on the P ilot's back,
the rr~ain gear did touch down the nose was Instead of showering and changing fligF~t CONTROL MALFUNCTION
droppir~g and this slammed the nose gear onto suits, the pilot chose to continue the flight
the runway . The resulting porpoise caused withoutdelay . Subsequent events caused him to Oncompletionof an air-test after a periodic
the nose wheel fork to break off . regret this decision . inspection, the pilot of a CF100 touched down
The EO is very specific . The corrective During the flight, approximately a two-hour normally, and while easing the control column
action is to position the control column in hop frorn chock to chock, the pilot perspired forward during the landing run, he found that
neutral or slightly back of neutral and advance profusely . On completing the hop, he imme- the control column was restricted in its for-
the throttle to 100% . The pilot in this case diately took a shower, put onfresh clothes and ward movement to approximately half way
centralized the control column but didn't add reported to the dispensary, The chemical between neutral andthe fully forward position,
power . Why he didn't addpower onlyheknows . contact with the JP4 had resulted in lst and After turning off the runway a check by the

Now you might be wondering why the por- lnd degree burns of the entire lower back re- pilot failed to reveal the cause of the re stric-
poising problem is being brought up again after quiring five days hospitalization . tion, Subsequent investigation revealed the
all the years we have been flying T-Birds . The reporting flight surgeon recornmends glass cover of the rear cockpit map light had
In the last year we have had four accidents that all persons coming in contact with JP4 become detached and lodged under the control
caused by the aircraft porpoising due to pilots should imrnediately remove the clothing over lay shaft .
using poor landing technique . It is interesting the affected area, wash thoroughly with soap After the periodic inspection the aircraft

to note that Training Command recognizes the and water, then report to the dispensary, had been test flown three times for various
problem and has taken positive corrective snags, During these flights no control mal-
action ; Training Command has not had an USN: Approach
function occurred . Prior to the fourth and
accident due to porpoising during this period . final air-test it was necessary to remove a
It is more interesting to note that all four

time-expired item of telecom equipment, It is
accidents were caused by our operational deduced that at this time the light cover was
squadron pilots , inadvertently knocked loose and entered the
It would appear that operational pilots are
trying to land the T-33 a la Sabre or CF100 .
A Ba r g a i n An For Free control area .
This Maintenance Er~ror is attributed to :
The results have been costly, When flying the one-failure during the periodic inspection to
T-33 use T-33 techniques , If you are in doubt I~m an old familiar product . I was one of replace all time-expired items which neces-
refer to the dash l . Supervisors take note . the standard brands long before brands or sitated the opening up of a control area that
Are your squadron pilots up to scratch in the standards existed, But in spite of my time- had previously been signed out as free of
T-Bird ? tested pedigree, the retailers claim I have
It has been stated before, but it bears always be e n a tough one to sell .
mentioning again . With every reduction in What~s wrong'? Can~t belack of advertising
our accident rate it gets more difficult to main- or lack of selling points, Iwe always been a
tain the rate of reduction ; so any problem bargain . What~s more, I~m for free, And what
area thatcauses four accidents in a year bears do I offer? A few rninor advantages like hap-
looking into , piness, health, well-being, security---and a
major advantage like life itself . I don~t claim
to prevent dandruff or halitosis, but I~ve been
knowntopreventhurnanpain, sorrow, tragedy,
Un ers oot P ro bem poverty, death . Not bad for a free product
But why doesn~t everyone use me?
Part of the undershoot problem is the time I won~t deny that it's got rne baffled, or
it takes to accelerate a jet engine from idle to that itts brutally discour~ging at times, Don~t
high rpm, and the fact that most of the thrust think I~m calling it quits, No, the advertising
increase takes place in the last few percent of campaign will go on, I~11 keep hammering
rpm, One modern engine gets a 40% increase away at you for carelessness, indifference
in thrust in the last 7% of engine rpm increase, and ignorance . I~11 sell myself to you if you
Moral : Don~t wait until it~s too late to start a will give me half a chance---or else my name
go-around, isn~t SAFETY !

Flight Safety Sentry US Naval Aviation Safety Center , 7 " ~ ~ ' .

~rr '?a-~r_ ..,,~ ..~'+h,"~':nJ~~c ~ '. .
2 . Light cover caused control malfunction here .

16 17
foreign objects and restrictions ; and two-the In approximately 5 minutes the pilot felt hot short circuit, GCA vectored the aircraft back 1238Z - Sky : partially obscured
failure of the electrical technician, who carried and cold and he stated that he took action for to final where the first visual contact was Visibility : 3 ; 4 mile
out a BFI, to notice the missing light cover, hypoxia and hyperventilation and felt better . made with the runway lights at a 1 f 4 of a mile . Weather : fog
It was fortunate indeed that the restriction He carried on with the exercise . The pilot completed the approach and on round-
to the elevator control did not occur during Shortly afterwards the pilot found that he out he discovered that he was to the left of the 1243Z - Sky : partially obscured
takeoff or during the air test, The results of was unable to read the instruments ; at this runway lights and that he had lined up on a Visibility : l ; 2 mile
this would have been disastrous to say the tirne the navigator felt dizzy again . The pilot stretch of bare ground instead of the runway, Weather : fog
lea5t, informed GCA and made an immediate descent . He was able to correct and landed on the
During the descentGCI suggested that the air- runway at approximately 120 knots and slightly 1247Z - Sky ; partially obscured
crew pull their emergency bottles . The pilot off the runway heading, He attempted to hold Visibility : 1 ; 4 mile
BAD CHEQUES pulled the apple and felt better immediatel~~,
A normal landing was carried out .
the aircraft on the runway but towards the end Weather: fog
f the landing run the aircraft ran off the runway
This is not the first case where aircrew, reaking off a runway light and coming to rest 1252Z - Sky : partially obscured
On takeoff for a routine air test the pilot of
carried on after experiencing oxygen trouble, on the grass area adjacent to the runway, The Visibility : zero
a CF 100 had trouble retracting the nose wheel,
This is not only astounding, but it leaves the aircraft was not damaged, The pilot checked Weather : fog
After the test the undercarriage locked down,
Flight Safety organization with a feeling of
The pilot then decided to check the nose wheel the drifts on the runway and estimated their
defeat . This is especially true of the Flight depth to be six inches, Three aircraft were airborne on local train-
retraction again, On the up selection both the
Safety Educational branch . When a thing like There were several factorsthat contributed ing exercises, The last one to take off asked
nose wheel and the port main gear showed un-
this happens we feel that either we are not tothis near accident . There were no approach for taxi instructions at 1232Z, and took off at
safe . On the down selection the indicators
informing everyone about these incidents or lights to this runway and the runway was not 1235Z . Two of the aircraft were under GCA
showed safe, so the aircraft was landed .
else you are not getting the message, marked with evergreens, The bare ground on control and were practicing square pattern
The port main fairing assembly, Part
In this case the aircrew obviously did not the port side of the runway was very distract- GCAs ; the third was flying locally .
No, 1 ; K 31053, was damaged beyond repair,
getthe rnessage . The pilothadover 1000 hours ing particularly with the runway snow-covered One of the aircraft on GCA asked for a low
because it had not been connected properly,
in jets . He should live so long . and drifted . In fact the pilot stated that the approach but because of the reduced visibility
It is routine to disconnect this fairing to check
tire pressure, and someone apparently thought grass area to the port of the runway looked on final the pilot elected to land, This inform-
ation was passed by GCA to the second aircraft
he could not make a mistake in anything as WEATHER WORRIES darker than the runway and looked more like
as he was turning final at ? miles, so the pilot
routine as checking tire pressure 5o he did a runway than the runway itself . The weather
deteriorated rapidly during the approach . also requested a full stop landing, When the
not double check his work . In this case weather was also a factor, It
While the pilot may be criticized for his aircraft was 3-lj 2 r~~iles on final the pilot was
(When a technician signs for a job it is the was as follows ;
handling of the letdownhe couldhave been given advisedthatthe visibility wasdownto 1/2mile,
same as signing a cheque (no pun intended),
more assistance from the ground . Firstly, the At lj 2 mile out, GCA informed the pilot that
His signature should represent something of Forecast
value . The signature of the technician in this weather deteriorated during the letdown with he was going through GCA limits, that he was
1800-Z400Z - Ceiling 5000 partially obscure
the visibility reduced to a 1~2 mile and the on t}~e glidepath, and that he was lined up to
case wasn~t worth the trouble of writing it . Visibility : 6 miles
snow intensity increased from light to moder- the left of "on course", At this point the
He issued a bad cheque,,ED) Weather : light snow
ate . The pilot was not informed of this fact, aircraft veered to the left and was instructed
W eathe r
Improper instollotion after tire check taused this failu~e . to ove r shoot by GCA,
1810Z - Ceiling 1000 obscure Secondly, the small drifts that were reported
to the pilot by GCA turned out to be six inches The pilot stated that he descended to GCA
Visibility : 5 ;'8 mile
decp, Thirdly, andmostimportant, ttie runway minimum and looked out to see if he could see
Weather : light snow
was not marked with the standard evergreen the runway, A wisp of cloud went by the cockpit
marking, and then the lights in the undershoot area ap-
1838Z - Ceiling 700 obscure
The business of landing an aircraft in peared .
Visibility : 1 ;' L mile
Weather : moderate snow marginal weather conditions is a difficult one At this point the pilot became slightly
and everyone must be on their toes, If you, disoriented and before he could adjust himself
When the flight plan was filed the weather the pilot, arc_ in doubt ask for information . If from IFR to VFR flight the aircraft was in
for the destination was forecast to be 5000 you, the ground staff, realize that the condi- such an attitude that he was unable to prevent
broken 6 miles in light snow, tions are lowering advise the pilot . Remember the aircraft from strikingthe runway extension
The aircraft arrived over destination at everyone isinthis accidentprevention business stiort of the runway button . The undercarriage
1 B09Z and was cleared for an ADF letdown and every accident saved is money in the bank, collapsed, the drop tanks were sheared off,
with a GCA pick up during penetration turn, and the aircraft slid for a furttier 1500 feet,
The weather was given as 1000 obscure 5/8 The pilot received minor injuries and the air-
of a mile in light snow, VHF contact was made craft was written off .
with GCA during the penetration turn at ap The third aircraft in the area was diverted
proximately 1814Z . GCA advised that th~.~ to the alternate where it was landed safely .
was small snow drifts on the runway, 'The This accident was caused by the pilot de-
GCA letdown was normal until about 3j4 to scending through GCA minimum, The fact
l ;!2 milefrom touchdown whenthe GCA opera- that he became disoriented can be attributed
tor called for increasingly large corrections to his breaking out of the fog, if you can call
HE SHOULD LIVE SO LONG to port, Visual contact was made with the coming throubh fog breaking out, at too low
an altitude . It does seem ironic that a pilot
ground at a 1%4 mil~ and the aircraft was
While cruising at 35, 000 feet in a CF100, the situated sorne distance to the right of the run- is allowed to carry out practice flying in
Obs /AI complained of feeling dizzy . The pilot way, A s a safe approach could not be completed DESCENDED BELOW LIMITS deteriorating weather to the point that he is
an overshoot was initiated . On the overshoot committed to land below limits,
told the Obs/AI to use the "press to test" and
hold his breath . This seemed to work and the the pilot maintained visual contact at approxi- 1'he observed weather for the day went as The problem of changing from instrument
Obs /AI felt better . The pilot carried on . mately 400 feetand called for a GCA monitored follows : to visual flight in marginal conditions is a

18 lg
difficult one to solve . One of the ways to solve run-up installation was recognized when we that would explain why the hitch had failed . but due to the darkness, the tower could not
this problem is dontt descend below limits, first got the Sabre aircraft . Although the This left two possibilities, either there was see the gear .
requirement existed, no action was taken to dirt in the hitch that prevented it from locking The pilot then subjected the aircraft to G
NOW WE LOCK THE BARN provide units with the proper equipment . This properly (considered unlikely) or the hitch was forces and yawed the aircraft from side to side .
resulted in units designing their own locally not locked to begin with, The horn continued to sound ; the starboard gear
In one ground accident, three Sabre aircraft devised run-up installations . These installa- Aboutthree years ago several similar cases still indicated unsafe . The port and nose gear
suffered category "C" damage . The accident tions worked wellbutthey were not considered occurred, And now just when we think we have indicated down and locked .
occurred during a ground run-up after a No .l ground handling equipment, or for that matter the problem licked it pops up again, This brings A decision was made to land wheels-up
inspection . An aircraft was positioned on the they were not really considered anything . us right back to where safety begins--to the rather than land with one wheel unsafe . On final
chained ground run-up platform, Two run-ups I3ecause of this, the installations were not individual and the need for constant vigilance . the speed brakes were selected out, the flaps
were completed without trouble , On the third subject to the same care and inspections that down, the canopy was unlocked, and the harness
run, at 100%, the starboard chock broke loose are given to standard RCAF ground support tightened and locked, Prior to touchdown the
from the anchor plate ; the aircraft sw~ung to equipment, The result, a materiel failure of engine was flamed out and the battery was
port and bent the portchock on its anchor plate the run-up installation that could have been switched off . The landing w~as a good one, and
which allowed the aircraft to surge forward prevented by normal inspection, if such an the aircraft sustained "C" category damage,
m an arc to port . Before the airman could inspection had been called for . The seat and canopy were safetied and the
stop the aircraft, the port mainplane collided Preventative action was prompt . The plan aircraft was abandoned, The crew were not
with the intake duct of a second aircraft and for a newly designed chock was submitted to injured .
ran into the mainplane of a third aircraft . AMC for approval and introduction into the The aircraft was hangared, put on jacks
The investigation attributed the cause of the RCAF vocabulary as standard group handling and given a gear extension test . On the first
accident to the materiel failure of the starboard equipment for the Sabre aircraft . down selection all three wheels extended and
anchor plate , The anchor plate had broken This sounds pretty good, but when you locked ; but the starboard main gear indicator
across its width just behindthe position where
the chock was welded to the plate .
consider that the 5abre has been with us these
many years, this problem area should have
SAND IN THE DOWN-LOCK in the cockpit showed unsafe, and the horn blew,
A visual inspection of the wheel well showed
On the surface this is a straight forward been recognized and rectified before this A T-33 returned from a cross-country and that the plunger on the starboard landing gear
case of materiel failure, but a little digging accident happened . It is easy~ to say that iore- arrived over the beacon «~ith 196 gallons of fuel down-lock indicator switch, Part No, 178188-6,
sure stirs up the mud, sight is better than hindsight in the accident on board . The pilot did an overhead procedure, had jammed preventing proper operation of the
A requirement for a permanent aircraft prevention business, but the fact remains that an ADF and a lowapproach GCA, and an over- down-lock indicator, This switch was removed
this is so . To prevent accidents everyone of shoot followed by a normal GCA circuit, On and an examination showed that one of the arms
us will have to use foresight and ferret out the downwind leg, the starboard gear was slow on the plunger which holds the rollers was bent
problern areas before the accident happens . to lock down but all wheels indicated down and slightly . This distortion did not interfere with
You all know the story of locking the barn after locked on turn to the base leg . On the bas e leg, the movement of the plunger, because the
the horse has run away . Well tirnes have the pilot saw an aircraft on a long low approach plunger had a considerable amount of side play.
changed but the principle still applies , so he overshot and returned to initial, On the (Side play is common even in a new switch .)
down~~ind leg the starboard gear did not indicate
ENERGIZERS ESCAPE down and locked . The pilot advised the tower,
Sand from the runway had gotten between the

" An LAC who had held an ME6 for three and continued downwind and reselected, He re-
plunger and the bushing in which it slides and
caused the plunger to jam . Once free of
turned to initial and tried the emergency gear sand the switch worked normally, As an ac-
a half accident free years was detailed to tow
three energizers to the squadron's dispersal extension, advised the tower of his low fuel cident prevention measure the unit carried
with a unimog . Just as he was turning into the state - 68 gallons, and asked for advice from outan inspection of all undercarriage switchea
dispersal, the the ground . Alowpass was made bythe tower, to ensure cleanliness,
last two energizers in the
''train" broke loose and crashed into a Sabre,
The wing tip, under surface of the wing and a
drop tank were darnaged . Total damage
amounted to over $13,OOO .UO,
No materiel failure, etc ., could be found
The end of a run~up to 100°~fo.


The last two energizers broke free and crashed into a Sabre. Damage caused in the wheels-up londing when sand interfered with the down lock indicator.

From this it can be seen that the starboard was sufficiently intense to render both pilots
wheel was in fact down and locked even though totally blind for a few seconds and minimum
the indicator in the cockpit showed unsafe . vision returned after about thirty seconds , The
While it is not the intention to find fault with aircraft was allowed to fly on trim during this
the pilot's decision to carry out a wheels-up time and whenvision returned the aircraft was
landing, he did contravene EO 05-50C-1, still on course with the desired rate of descent .
Part 3, para 35(a) and (d), in that he unlocked The strike was accompanied by a loud sustained
the canopy while airborne instead of jettisoning bang and sizzling sound, The navigator noticed
it, and he left the speed brakes out instead his radar set sparking just as the lightning hit
of up . Unlocking of the canopy was dangerous and had the presence of mind to turn it off,
because it could have come off in flight and The radar was left off as a ground inspection
damaged the empennage , was considered desirable before it was oper-
A review was carried out of similar ac- ated again ,"
cidents . There have been eight previous
accidents in which the aircraft landed on two
wheels when one of the main gear indicated
unsafe and was, in fact, unsafe and one accident
in which the gear was locked down . Six of these Number 3 combustion chamber, when he let out the clutch the tractor jumped
cases concerned the T-33 . In 4 cases the forward and struck the aircraft . He tried to
Nene air casing failures are not new . They
starboard undercarriage was unsafe ; in 1 case move the tractor back from the aircraft and
have been discussed many times in the past .
theport undercart was unsafe, and inthe other this time he managed to get the D1Z into re-
The following is a quote fromFlightComment,
case starboard wheel came off, The damage verse, He was so intent on not hitting the
January - February 1959 issue ; "In-flight
was categorized as 1 "E", 2 "D", and 3 "C" . aircraft again that he backed into the energizer .
failures do not follow any pattern, however in
No one was injured . In the "E" category damage We are fortunate another aircraft wasn~t parked
eachcase thereare symptoms noticeabletothe
case an unsafe indication showed in the cockpit where the energizer was located .
pilot . It is extremely important to be familiar
but the wheel was locked down , The other three It goes without saying that this airman was
with these symptoms and to take immediate
caseb concern a Vampire-port undercarriage, not an authorized driver . It also goes without
action . Any one or all of the following symp-
category "D", a Sabre-starboard undercar- saying that he had no business driving the
toms rnay be experienced . LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
riage, category "D", and a CF100-port unde r- tractor in the first place . So what is there to
JPT higher than norr~~al
carriage, category "C" . say that can put a stop to this sort of thing?
Increase or fluctuation of JPT without
It can be seen from these statistics that This business of an untrained operator driving Dear Sir
throttle rnovement
landing with one main gear not locked down is a tractor has caused a large number of the
Smoke or fumes in the cockpit Clipped from page 3 of the Jan-Feb ~b0
not any more hazardous than landing with a11 ground accidents throughout the RCAF . Per-
Amber overheator fire warning lights on . issue of the Roundel (Vol ll, No 1) ;
the wheels retracted . For comparison, in the haps our regulations are not strict enough,
If any of these symptoms are experienced,
same period there were 2b cases where jet Then again perhaps we are not impressing on THIS LS FLIGHT SAFETY?
power should be reduced to minimum neces sary
aircraft were landed wheels-up . The result the man onthe line the seriousness of the whole
to ensure immediate landing at the nearest
was 1 "A", 7 "B", 15 "C", 3 "D" category of thing . This problem is a unit problem and
s uitable airfield . " Unquote .
damage . In these cases there were no serious must be handled at the unit level . The fact
In this case two very experienced pilots
injuries , that these unnecessary accidents must stop
igncred the syrnptoms and carried on with the
is obvious, so let~s get with it,
flight . We a re happy that they are with us today.
On takeoff in a T-33 the pilot noted that the
engine rpm was 97 .5% and that the JPT was
685 ° , During the climb to 30, 000 feet the
JPT increased progressively, so the throttle
was retarded . To keep the JPT under 700 °
during the climb a power setting of 94-95%
was necessary . On levelling a power setting
of 89% gave a JPT of 575°
The flight was continued . After an IFR
letdown and GCA the flight was continued to IAS ; 170K ALT ; 7, 000~
base VFR, During the flight back to base the HANGAR GUARD ~GHTNING STRIKE Or is Juliette actually a qualified pilot flying
pilot experimented by advancing the throttle a North Star as a qualified horsewomen rides
to full throttle . This produced 98% power and A Neptune and a Comstock starting ener- Although the C119 was not damaged, the
a horse - side saddle?
aJPTof730to750°, gizer were damaged by a D12 tractor . The pilot's report of a lightning strike is indicative
The power was reduced to 80% and the aircraftsuffered damage tothe nose, the barrel of what the uninitiated might expect, C. W. Sreacy, F l
aircraft landed at base . On landing the pilot section of the port jet pod and the undercarriage "I was westbound at 18,000 feet . Several RCAF Station Cold lake
reported abnormally high JPT . door . The front wheeland axle of the energizer thunderstorms were circumnavigated enroute
An investigation revealed the following were damaged . using radar . A night instrument descent wae Transient Facilities
damage ; a hole blown in No , 3 combustion Now let~s examine the details that led up to initiated and on passing through 15, 000 lightning
chamber, one stator blade broken off, and this accident, An airman whv was on hangar struck the nose of the aircraft . No CB activity We, the staff of the POL School Saskatoon,
several more stator blades nicked at their guard duty decided to familiarize himself with close to the aircraft showed on the radar at agreealmostcompletelywithCpl R,C . Hutton's
trailing edge . the DIZ tractor, He wanted to back up, but the tfme . The resultant light from the lightning recently publishedletter concerningthe stand-

2Z 23
r .,.
,r ,;
t, , ._


ards of accommodation and refuelling proced-
The whole staff undertook a trip layt sum-
mer which took us from Comox to Greenwood
plus a visit to Air Div and we were amazed,
delighted, dismayed, and horrified although
not in that particular order, at the varying ISSUED BY
akx ~. A . a t
degreesof efficiencywhich rangedfrom eYCel- DIRECTOR :ITE OF FLIGIIT S :IFETT
le nt to poor,
One situation, which Cpl Hutton may not
have met with, was the question of returning
beddingwhentherewasanearly takeoff, Some-
times this situation necessitated arranging May " June 1960
with a friend to turn in the bedding on your z
behalf and trusting that the G90 would be des- ~ ~~`=s
Echtonal , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 __
troyed . r'=`"~, - . ~al~ ' ~~ fl ~, \~
W e think that a standardized critique has
some merit but believe that routine critiques
}Zave a tendency to become trivial and dwell on
Head Hunters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Good Write-Ups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
minor deviations and as a result are ignored, ,
It is felt that a special report should be sub- I Didn't Know It Was Loaded . . . . . . . . . 7 )'
mitted where there is a major departure from ;
the normal such as encountered by the hOL Ethics, . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . 8
staff at one unit . We were put in a transient \ ...
room where it was obvious that the floor had Near Miss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . .  . . 10 v,:~. .

not been swept for several days, By a strange
coincidence the refuelling procedures on this Look Before You Lower , . , . . . . . , , . . . , . 12
base were among the worst encountered on the
Slgned, Sealed and Delivered . , . . . . . . . 14
whole trip,
Porpoisinq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . 1S .
V. L. Ollson, F;1 1'v
OC PQl School
Arrivals and Departures . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 17 i~

Tire Trouble Thrust'n'Parry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 s~

In the January-February issue, I have just
read a most interesting article "Retreads Pro STAFF
and Con'' by S/L E,D, Harper, He has brought
out very nicely considerable information that Editor-in-Chief $quadron Leader George Sheahan NO
is not available in EOs,
Editor- Mr . Garth Harvey '~SS~~ASs~H~
-------- -
However, SjLHarper states thata Type 7 tire
"may be given up to a maximum of four retreads"

Circulation-Fliqht Lieutenant Peter Bremner
Contraryto this statement, EO 110-5-3, page l,
para 3 states "Retreadable tires are not limited Artists Mr .lean A . Dubord
Mr . Harry K . Hames
to any number of retreads provided they have
none of the above defects  " Editorial Assistani -Mrs . Nancy L. Chenier
On the subject of aircraft tires and tubes, ~p,~CS
I have been using the above referenced EO 8pp(.AER
OFFICIAL INFORMATION-The printing of thia pub-
when instructing our airframe students in trade lir lion has been approved by the Minister, Department of
advancement classe5 . Naturally, the inform- National Defence . Contributions are welcome, as are comment . /
and criticism . Address all correspondence io the Editor, Flight 1
ation quoted in class must be correct . For Comment, Directorate of Flight Safety, ACAF Headquartera, Ifl~y 'IY ~i~ .. ., '`Ik°'~
thi5 reason, I would like to know if the EO is Ottawa 4, Oniario . The Ediior reservea the right to make any -- ._-` -~, . -_A`_=... . .. .` . - . -
chanqes in the manuscript which he beliaves will improve the . , ` .
in error, and if so what are the correct regul- material without alterinq the intended meaning . Service orqani- -_ -
ations and the reference . zations may reprint articlea from Flight Commeat without further v
authorization . Non-Service organizations must obtain official " ~ ,-~ °' i .t_ - ~~~c ._ .+i
L t- ~~
Again, many thanks to Sj L Harper for a permission--in writinq-- from RCAF Headquarters before re- ' ' ~-,c~`''
very fme art~cle, printing any oi the contents of this publicatioa . The opinions
expressed in Flight Comment are the personal viewe of con-
trihuting writers ; they do not necessarily reflect the official

T. 0. Smythe, Cpl opinion of the Aoyal Canadian Air Fotce. Unless otherwise
RCAF Station Moose Jaw stated, contents should not be construed as regulations, orders or fl
directives .

(It is all a matter of timing, Cpl Smythe

hadthe correctinformation, TheEO, however,
Published every two months, Flight Comment
may be purchased from The Queen's Printer,
Department of Public Printinq and Stationery,
was in the process of amendment when the Ottawa, Ont . Sinqle copy 50 cents ; 1 year This species flies through areas where angels fear to tread . To
article was written and Flight Comment beat subscription $2, get to the nesting grounds they blunder through the sanctuaries of
the amendment to the field .-ED~ other birds causing many a ruffled tail feather . They cause con-
sternation m their own flock and in that of the Departmentus Offus
Transportus . When fingered by the flock, their activities can be
24 curbed by having them digest the Radious Facilitus Chartus .

IMMEDIATELY upon detecting, any syinptoins suspected as due to oxygen lack,

take the following action :


(a) IF NO PRESSURE IS FELT IN THE '1IASK pull tile eniernemergency oxygen
bottle iiiulictliatclv.


regulator select safe[-,- pressure (if applicable) ti-Iitcti or hold mask
to face

2 . DESCEND I?VIIIIEDIATELY TO A SAFE (: :WIN %urri-tit-w (10 .000' OR






The Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, Ottawa, 1960

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