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Chemistry Laboratory Work Report

Effect of Temperature on Diffusion Rate

Hezekiah (9B)
Deandra (9B)
Oliver (9B)
(Group 1)

Date of Investigation / Experiment



Introduction/Background Knowledge
In this experiment we want to know if different temperatures would actually affect the rate of
diffusion of the ink/dye with water. We also want to observe particles movement that we usually
call diffusion.

Experiment Design
In this experiment we hope that we can know if water temperature actually affects the rate of
diffusion. Our goal is to find out if diffusion rate can be affected by liquid temperature.
How can temperature affect the rate of diffusion?

Hypothesis (if needed)

Our hypothesis is that yes, temperature will affect the rate of diffusion. The higher the
temperature the faster the diffusion happens. We think like this because from what we learn
particles move faster when temperature rises so particles tend to move faster and diffusion
will happen faster.

Variables Note

Independent - Water temperature (6.0 ⁰C, 25.8 ⁰C,

36.4 ⁰C, 42.2 ⁰C, and 56.3 ⁰C)

Dependent - The time of the ink to diffuse in the

water in different temperature

Control - One drop of ink in every beaker


Materials/Apparatus & Chemicals

Measuring the Variables
List the apparatus used.
1. Infrared Thermometer
2. 3 Beakers
3. Hot plate
4. Gloves
5. Stopwatch
6. Food coloring
7. Ice cube
8. Water

1. Pour water into the beaker and check the water temperature (use the hot plate to heat the
water and use the ice cube to make it colder for temperature variation).
2. Use Infrared Thermometer to measure the temperature of the water.
3. Put one drop of food coloring in the beaker and observe how long it takes to diffuse with
the water. (make sure to use gloves so your hand will not get stained by the food
4. Using the stopwatch, we recorded the time taken for the food coloring to diffuse in water
of different temperatures.
5. Do the experiment 4 more times using water in different temperatures

Controlling the Controlled Variables: using the food coloring by counting the amount of drops
the food coloring drops.

Raw Data/Data Collection
Temperature of the water ( ⁰C) Time (s)

6.0 412

25.8 291

36.4 187

42.2 181

56.3 170

Processed Data/Calculation
Analysis and Discussion :
From our experiment, we realize that there are changes in the rate of diffusion that we can
see from the time recorded in seconds. First when the water temperature is 6 degree celsius,
the time taken for the ink to diffuse in the cold water is 412 seconds and we can compare the
result with the highest temperature that is 56.3 degree celsius. The water with the highest
temperature took 170 seconds for the ink to diffuse with the water. So water or liquid with
higher temperature help the diffusion rate increase and the time needed for the diffusion is
faster and more time saving.

Conclusion & Evaluation

Conclusion (Answers from the questions)
From the processed data, it is concluded that the higher the temperature of the water the
faster the rate of diffusion will be. This is because the particles with a high temperature will
move faster causing the food coloring to spread faster. The 6.0⁰c water diffused the slowest
with 412 seconds. The 25.8⁰c water diffused in 291 seconds. The 36.4⁰c water diffused in 187
seconds. The 42.2⁰c water diffused in 181 seconds. The 56.3⁰c water diffused the fastest with
170 seconds.

The controlled variables aren’t needed to be improved upon. It’s accurate as it is. The
conditions of the experiment such as the temperature of the water changing because of
the temperature of the lab should be improved. The equipment and methods used are fine
and aren’t needed to be improved upon. Range of values could be improved upon by
being the same difference to one another for example, all the water temperatures are 10⁰c
apart. The size of the samples are the same for each trial, it’s not needed to be improved
upon. The time used for this experiment was more than enough to complete it.

The temperature of the water changing due to the room temperature of the lab created errors,
we could stop the chances of an error happening by putting the water in a room where the
temperature is the same as the water. The temperature differences are not the same, which
could lead to errors, we could stop the chances of an error happening by creating the
difference between each water temperature the same.

Use the Harvard system.
Unknown Author, (2020) How long does it take for food coloring to diffuse in water?,

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