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Clare: What are you looking at?

Oliver: I´m looking at photographs of my holidays
Nasim: Where do you go for your holidays?
Oliver: I got France.
Clare: Let´s find out where other people go for their holidays.
Nasim: Great idea.
Nasim: Hi, Where do you go for your holidays?
Interviewee 1: I go to the mountains. It´s brilliant. I like camping. We go to a different
Nasim: Thanks
Clare: Hello, Where do you go for your holidays?
Interviewee 2: I like going to the beach. I go to Spain.
Clare: What activities do you do doing at the beach?
Interviewee 2: We go swimming and play beach volleyball. Spain is beautiful and the
food is good. We eat paella and fish.
Clare: Thanks
Oliver: Hi, Where do you go for your holidays?
Interviewee 3: We go to stay with our grandparents. It´s great!
Interviewee 4: We play basketball and … look this is a photo of my grandparents. They
like playing tennis.
Interviewee 3: This is a photo of all of us in the kitchen. We like cooking and here’s a
photo of us dancing.
Oliver: Thank you very much.
Oliver: What about you Nasim? Where do you go for your holidays?
Nasim: I stay with my cousins in the countryside. They live on a farm. We go
swimming in the river and walking in the forest. It´s great! I love holidays.
Oliver: You´re sleeping in the photo.
Nasim: Yes, after all the swimming and walking I like sleeping.

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