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Google is a multinational technology company known for its search engine, online advertising
technologies, cloud computing services, and various software and hardware products. Google's
organizational structure has evolved over the years, but it has generally been characterized by a
flat and decentralized model, often referred to as a "matrix" structure. This structure allows for
cross-functional collaboration and innovation. At the top level, Google operates under Alphabet
Inc., its parent company, which was established to oversee various businesses, including Google.
Alphabet serves as a holding company for various businesses, each with its own CEO and semi-
autonomous structure. This approach enables Google's different ventures, such as Google Search,
YouTube, Android, and Google Cloud, to operate with a degree of independence while benefiting
from shared resources and oversight.
Google places a strong emphasis on employee well-being, offering various perks such as free
meals, on-site healthcare, and recreational facilities. This approach aims to maintain a positive
work environment and foster employee satisfaction.
The Company has blend of Collegial , Supportive and Custodian System-

1. Collegial: Google encourages a collaborative work environment where employees are

often given the freedom to share their ideas and work on projects that interest them. The
company's famous "20% time" policy, which allows employees to spend a portion of
their work hours on personal projects, exemplifies this collegial aspect. This approach
promotes a sense of ownership and involvement among employees, contributing to a
more decentralized decision-making process.
Innovation - Google's focus on innovation and experimentation sets it apart from many other
organizations. The company encourages employees to take risks and explore new ideas,
contributing to a culture of continuous learning and improvement. This innovation-centric
approach aligns with the collegial aspect of the organizational model.
Decentralized Decision Making - Google values input from its employees and promotes a
relatively flat organizational structure. This means that decision-making is often distributed
across various teams and levels, allowing for more democratic input and participation in shaping
the company's direction. This aspect aligns with the collegial model.
2. Supportive: Google's leadership philosophy leans towards being supportive of
employees' growth and development. The company offers various training programs,
opportunities for skill development, and a range of benefits to ensure employees' well-
being. This supportive approach is aimed at fostering a positive work environment that
encourages creativity and innovation.
3. Custodial: While Google values employee well-being, it also exhibits some custodial
tendencies. For instance, the company is known for providing numerous perks to its
employees, such as free meals, on-site recreational facilities, and other amenities that go
beyond the standard benefits package. These perks can create a sense of loyalty and
dependency on the company, somewhat resembling a custodial approach where
employees are taken care of in exchange for their commitment.
Leadership Style: Google's leadership style, at least historically, has been more
collaborative and less hierarchical. Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin preferred a
relatively hands-off approach, allowing teams to operate with a fair degree of autonomy. This
approach contributes to the collegial and supportive aspects of the organizational model.

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