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Disruption to left inferior frontal cortex modulates semantic prediction effects in reading

and subsequent memory: Evidence from simultaneous TMS-EEG

Jack W Silcox1, Brian Mickey2,3, Brennan R. Payne1,3

Department of Psychology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
Department of Psychiatry, Huntsman Mental Health Institute, University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
Neuroscience Program, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

Financial Disclosures/Conflict of Interest: The research was supported by a research grant from
the Office of the Vice President for Research at the University of Utah. The authors have no
competing interests to disclose.

All correspondence should be addressed to:

Jack W Silcox, 380 South 1530 East, Suite 906 BEHS, Salt Lake City, UT 84112.
Author Contributions:
Jack W Silcox = Conceptualization; Methodology; Formal Analysis; Investigation; Data Curation;
Writing – Original Draft; Visualization; Software
Brian Mickey = Conceptualization; Resources; Writing – Review & Editing; Funding Acquisition
Brennan R. Payne = Conceptualization; Methodology; Resources; Writing – Review & Editing;
Supervision; Project Administration; Funding Acquisition

Readers use prior context to predict features of upcoming words. When predictions are accurate,
this increases the efficiency of comprehension. However, little is known about the fate of
predictable and unpredictable words in memory or the neural systems governing these processes.
Several theories suggest that the speech production system, including the left inferior frontal cortex
(LIFC), is recruited for prediction but evidence that LIFC plays a causal role is lacking. We first
examined the effects of predictability on memory and then tested the role of posterior LIFC using
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). In Experiment 1, participants read category cues,
followed by a predictable, unpredictable, or incongruent target word for later recall. We observed
a predictability benefit to memory, with predictable words remembered better than unpredictable
words. In Experiment 2, participants performed the same task with electroencephalography (EEG)
while undergoing event-related TMS over posterior LIFC using a protocol known to disrupt speech
production, or over the right hemisphere homologue as an active control site. Under control
stimulation, predictable words were better recalled than unpredictable words, replicating
Experiment 1. This predictability benefit to memory was eliminated under LIFC stimulation.
Moreover, while an a priori ROI-based analysis did not yield evidence for a reduction in the N400
predictability effect, mass-univariate analyses did suggest that the N400 predictability effect was
reduced in spatial and temporal extent under LIFC stimulation. Collectively, these results provide
causal evidence that the LIFC is recruited for prediction during silent reading, consistent with
prediction-through-production accounts.

Impact statement
It has been proposed that the left-hemisphere dominant speech production network in the brain is

recruited during silent reading comprehension to make predictions about possible upcoming

words, but causal evidence is lacking. In the current study, we found evidence that disrupting a

hub of the production network (the left inferior frontal cortex) via repetitive TMS during active

prediction impaired subsequent predictive benefits to both real-time word processing and memory

in silent reading.


The human brain is widely considered “a fundamentally proactive device” (p. 184, Van

Berkum, 2010), that “continuously generates predictions that anticipate the relevant future” (p.

1235, Bar, 2009; see also Bar, 2007; Mesulam, 2008). In language comprehension, it has been

argued that readers/listeners use prior context in an anticipatory manner, leading to the pre-

conscious prediction of semantic, syntactic or perceptual features of likely upcoming words. This

pre-activation, when accurate, facilitates processing when the predicted word is encountered

(Federmeier, 2007). Although the idea that prediction occurs during comprehension has become

ubiquitous, with debates moving from whether or not prediction occurs to determining how this

prediction takes place, there is still substantial debate on the mechanisms by which linguistic

prediction is implemented (see Kuperberg & Jaeger, 2016; Kutas et al., 2011, 2014; Van Petten &

Luka, 2012; Federmeier, 2007; Friederici, 2011; Pickering & Garrod, 2013; Ferreira & Lowder,

2016; Luke & Christianson, 2016; Lau et al., 2013; Dell & Chang, 2014; Huettig, Audring, &

Jackendoff, 2022). One leading idea is that such prediction is implemented by recruiting the speech

production system during comprehension (Federmeier, 2007; Dell & Chang, 2014; Pickering &

Garrod, 2007, 2013; Mani & Huettig, 2012). The goal of the present study is to assess this theory

using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to directly modulate a key neural node of the

language production system during an online reading comprehension and subsequent memory

task. Before describing the current study in detail, we first review relevant background information

on production theories of prediction, TMS, and implications for memory.

The Production Affects Reception in the Left (hemisphere) Only (PARLO) model

(Federmeier, 2007; see also, Federmeier, 2022) hypothesizes that the left-hemisphere dominant

production system is recruited for prediction during comprehension. Consistent with this theory,

hemispheric asymmetries in the sensitivity of the N400 event-related potential (ERP) component

to predictive processes have been consistently reported (Federmeier, 2022). The N400 is a centro-

posteriorly distributed negative deflection that peaks around 400 milliseconds after the onset of

meaningful stimuli and is an index of semantic memory access for meaningful stimuli (Kutas &

Federmeier, 2011). While using the visual half-field paradigm to bias processing towards the right

or left hemisphere, Federmeier and Kutas (1999b) found prediction-related facilitation of the N400

only when words were biased to the left hemisphere, consistent with the recruitment of the left-

hemisphere dominant production system to generate specific predictions. Older adults, as a group,

are less likely to show such prediction-related ERP effects (e.g., Federmeier et al., 2002, 2010;

Federmeier & Kutas, 2019; Payne & Federmeier, 2018; Wlotko et al., 2012). This may be because

older adults rely less on the left-hemisphere dominant language production system, as evidenced

by decreased left-hemisphere asymmetry in brain activation during verbal tasks (Cabeza, 2002;

Berlingeri et al., 2013; Eyler et al., 2011; Johansson et al., 2020), and reduced fluency in explicit

production (Burke & Shafto, 2004; Tremblay et al., 2019). At the same time, a number of studies

have found that older adults with intact language production skills—for example, higher verbal

fluency—are more likely to elicit young-like prediction-related ERP effects (for a review see

Payne & Silcox, 2019), which has been taken to reflect a putative link between the left-hemisphere

dominant speech production system and prediction. Similarly, work with patients with intact

temporal cortices but lesions in the left inferior frontal cortex (LIFC)—a hub of the speech

production network—failed to elicit early ERP syntactic prediction effects that are typically seen

to subject-verb agreement violations, which has been argued as evidence for a lack of top-down

predictions coming from LIFC (Jakuszeit et al., 2013; see also Opitz & Kotz, 2012). Further

evidence for links between production and comprehension come from functional neuroimaging

studies showing overlap in activation in the LIFC during separate production and comprehension

tasks performed by the same participants (Silbert et al., 2014; Giglio et al., 2021; Menenti et al.,

2011). Moreover, a recent study by Bonhage and colleagues (2015) measured simultaneous eye

movements and fMRI during a reading task in which the final (predictable) word position varied

on the screen based on predicted syntactic category. They found evidence for increased activation

in LIFC when participants showed language-driven anticipatory eye movements, suggesting a link

between LIFC and predictive processing (see also Fiebach & Schubotz, 2006). Collectively, these

findings suggest that LIFC represents a strong candidate for linking implicit prediction during

comprehension with explicit verbal production.

Finally, recent studies have attempted to more directly engage the language production

system during comprehension by having participants perform a secondary production task while

reading (Lelonkiewicz et a., 2021; Martin et al., 2018). For example, Lelonkiewicz and colleagues

(2021) had individuals read either highly predictable or less predictable sentences while measuring

response times to recognizing, naming, or using a sentence-final word to identify a picture. They

found that response times were generally faster for words read in a more predictable sentence

context but that this effect was even greater when the sentences were read aloud compared to when

they were read silently. In contrast, Martin and colleagues (2018) found that when the production

system was engaged by a secondary production task that was unrelated to the reading task,

prediction-related N400 effects were attenuated. Collectively, these studies suggest a strong

relationship between the engagement of production and predictive effects during reading—when

the production system is engaged in a task that overlaps with comprehension, prediction effects

are augmented but when the production system is made unavailable during comprehension, by

engaging in an unrelated production task, prediction effects are attenuated. At the same time, these

studies are not informative about the neural locus of such prediction-through-production effects.

While the benefits of predictive processes for word processing are well understood, less is

known about the fate of predictable words in long-term memory. Some work finds that when

context-based prediction during comprehension is possible, words and sentences are better

remembered (e.g., Gordon-Salant & Fitzgibbons, 1997; Kutas, 1993; McCoy et al., 2005). For

example, Silcox and Payne (2021) found that sentences that provided contextual constraints that

supported prediction were generally remembered better than sentences that did not. Moreover, the

negative effects of background noise on memory were attenuated for sentence contexts that

allowed for predictive processes. Rommers and colleagues (2020) found that the production effect

(i.e., superior memory for words read aloud versus read silent) was smaller for sentences that were

predictable compared to sentences that were not, consistent with the idea that the production

system is used for making predictions during reading. Additionally, they found that participants

had a harder time remembering whether a sentence was read aloud or not if the sentence was

predictable, consistent with the idea that the production system is brought online for prediction

during silent reading, leading to poorer source discriminability as to whether a sentence was read

aloud or silently.

While there is evidence which suggests that the production system may be recruited in

generating predictions during comprehension, prior work implicating a specific neural generator

(such as LIFC) has either been correlational in nature or relied on indirect manipulations of the

involvement of the speech production system. In the current study we directly test the neural

underpinnings of prediction during comprehension and its effects on subsequent memory using

transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). TMS is a safe and non-invasive way of directly

modulating brain activity (Eldaief et al., 2013; Fregni & Pascual-Leone, 2007; Murphy et al., 2016;

Noda et al., 2015). Short, controlled bursts of TMS can create temporary “virtual lesions” that

induce transient changes in language (Nuñez et al., 2020; Klaus & Hartwigsen, 2019; Hartwigsen

et al., 2015) and memory (Ferrari et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2018; Gatti et al., 2021). Importantly,

TMS has been used successfully to disrupt cortical activity and impair speech production (e.g.,

Pascual-Leone et al., 1991; Epstein et al., 1999; Hauck et al., 2015; Freigang et al., 2020; Krieg et

al., 2014; Rösler et al., 2014). So-called “speech mapping protocols” combine a production task

(e.g., object naming) with (typically) a 5-pulse train, 5-Hz repetitive TMS stimulation, with

stimulation time-locked to the onset of the visual object. Stimulation is continued as the coil is

systematically moved around pre-selected cortical targets to map out speech-eloquent cortical

areas in the brain (Krieg et al., 2017). During an object naming task, this type of protocol has been

shown to consistently elicit temporary speech disruptions (e.g., speech arrest, paraphasias, etc.) in

both patients and healthy controls (Hauck et al., 2015; Krieg et al., 2017). This stimulation protocol

when applied over posterior LIFC specifically elicits consistent speech disruptions (Hernandez-

Pavon et al., 2014; Picht et al., 2013; Nettekoven et al., 2021; Sakreida et al., 2018). For example,

Rogic and colleagues (2014) found that all of the participants in their study showed some speech

disruption when using the above described TMS protocols over the LIFC. Tarapore and colleagues

(2013) reported that the most consistent speech positive site in left perisylvian mapping was the

posterior IFC, which was also the same region that showed the highest overlap in these patients

when they later underwent pre-surgical direct cortical stimulation speech mapping (see also, Picht

et al., 2013). Thus, TMS speech mapping findings consistently implicate LIFC as a major hub in

the language production system that is sensitive to TMS stimulation.


For the present work, we first examined the effects of predictability on subsequent memory

(Experiment 1) and then tested the role of LIFC on online predictive processing and subsequent

memory by disrupting its function during silent reading (Experiment 2). In both experiments, we

used a silent reading category decision task that has been used successfully in the past to study

predictive processes (Federmeier et al., 2010; Ryskin et al., 2020). Although the

electrophysiological responses in this task have been previously characterized, to the best of our

knowledge, no one has examined the fate of predictable or unpredictable words in long-term

memory in this task. Therefore, the purpose of Experiment 1 was to establish the type of pattern

that may be expected when adding a delayed cued recall task to the category decision task. Thus,

in Experiment 1, the primary outcome of interest was memory performance so that we can assess

whether there were any benefits of prediction to subsequent memory.

In Experiment 2, we simultaneously recorded electroencephalography (EEG) and

administered repetitive TMS over posterior LIFC using a stimulation protocol known to impair

speech production, while participants performed the same category decision and subsequent

memory task that was used in Experiment 1. Importantly, stimulation was applied just prior to the

target word, when predictive mechanisms should be most strongly engaged (see below for more

details). Like in Experiment 1, we were primarily interested in performance on the memory test.

If the LIFC-mediated language production system is implicated in prediction-related memory

benefits, then we predicted that whatever prediction-related benefit was observed in Experiment 1

should be reduced or eliminated in Experiment 2 when repetitive TMS was applied over posterior

LIFC but not right IFC. In addition to prediction-related effects on memory, we examined how

TMS over the LIFC influences the N400 predictability effect. If LIFC is recruited for predictive

processing, then stimulation over LIFC during prediction should lead to a reduction in the

subsequent N400 predictability effect at the target word.


Materials & Methods


Informed consent was obtained for thirty-one adults (16 female, mean age = 21.4, range =

18-35) from the University of Utah community who participated in the experiment for course

credit. For all participants, English was their first and primary language. For this sample, 9.7%

were Latinx, 74.2% were Caucasian, 3.2% were of Chinese descent, 3.2% reported being

multiracial, and 9.7% declined to report their ethnicity. Thirteen of the participants self-reported

having some history of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, ADHD or bipolar.


Experimental stimuli included 120 category cues (e.g., “A type of condiment”, “A common

color”, “A type of bird”), each with three different types of target words: a highly predictable target

(i.e., high typicality), a low predictability target (i.e., low typicality), and an incongruent target.

For example, if the category cue was A type of flower, then a high predictability target word would

be rose, a low predictability target word would be poppy, and an incongruent target word would

be opera. Target words were controlled for word length and frequency. Category cues were taken

from those used by Federmeier and colleagues (2010; see also Ryskin et al., 2020), and from

norming studies done by McEnvoy and Nelson (1982), Hunt and Hodge (1971), and Van

Overschelde and colleagues (2004). Categories for this study were modified such that the defining

word of the category was in the final word position. A complete list of the categories and

corresponding target words can be found in the Supplemental Materials found at To ensure that each stimulus was used in each of the conditions, stimuli were

counterbalanced across three separate lists.


Participants were seated approximately 55 cm from a monitor. Participants were instructed

that they would be seeing categories followed by a target word, and that their task was to decide

whether the target word belonged to the preceding category. They were not instructed that there

would be a delayed memory test after the entire category decision task was completed. All

responses for the category decision task were made on a Cedrus RB-840 response pad. Each of the

120 trials followed the same pattern. A trial would begin after a self-paced break. After the

participant pressed a button on the response to end the self-paced break, a white fixation cross

appeared in the middle of a black screen for 3,000 msec. The category cue would then be presented

one word at a time in the center of the screen in white text. Each word of the cue was presented

for 500 msec before being replaced on screen by the subsequent cue word. Between the category

cue and the target word a fixation cross was displayed. The target word would then remain on

screen until the participant responded with their decision about whether the target word was part

of the preceding category cue. On average, this category decision task took approximately 15

minutes. An example of a single trial can be seen in Figure 2. Immediately upon completing this

category decision task, participants completed a cued word recall task. Participants were given a

list of sixty category cues that they had seen previously and were asked to recall the corresponding

target word that they had seen.

Data Analyses

Similar analytical approaches were used for both category judgement accuracy and delayed

cued recall accuracy. Item-level responses were used as the response. First, generalized linear

mixed effects models assuming a binomial distribution with a logit link function were fit using

either judgement accuracy or recall accuracy as the response variable and target word predictability

as the predictor. Random intercepts for subjects and items were used (adding random slopes did

not allow for convergence; Barr et al., 2013; Bates et al., 2015). These mixed models were fit using

the glmer() function from the lme4 package in R. Second, omnibus likelihood ratio tests were run

using the mixed() function from the afex package in R to assess the significance of the fixed “target

word type” factor. Lastly, to parse condition differences, pairwise odds ratios were calculated and

assessed using the emmeans() function and pairwise comparisons between conditions were

estimated with the pairs() function from the emmeans package in R.

Data and Code Availability Statement

All data and code related to this study can be found at:


The left panel of Figure 1A show the estimated marginal means of the category judgement

accuracies. For the analysis of category judgement accuracy, we found that there was a significant

effect of target word type (χ2(2) = 75.82, p < 0.001). Decision accuracy was not significantly

different between highly predictable and incongruent words (Odds ratio (high vs incongruent) =

0.55, SE = 0.24, z = -1.38, p = 0.35). However, low predictability words were significantly less

likely to be judged accurately than both highly predictable (Odds ratio (high vs low) = 11.85, SE

= 4.30, z = 6.82, p < 0.001) and incongruent words (Odds ratio (incongruent vs low) = 21.45, SE

= 8.65, z = 7.60, p < 0.001).


Figure 1 Behavioral results from both experiments. A. Category judgement accuracy. Left portion of plot contains the

results from Experiment 1. Right portion of the plot contains results from Experiment 2. B. Recall accuracy results

for both experiments. Left portion of the plot contains results from Experiment 1. Right portion of the plot contains

results from Experiment 2. HP = Highly predictable target words; LP = Low predictability target words; IN =

Incongruent target words. Error bars represent standard error.


The left panel of Figure 1B show the estimated marginal means of accuracy from the

delayed cued recall test. For the recall accuracy analysis, we found that there was a significant

effect of target word type (χ2(2) = 255.15, p < 0.001). Incongruent words were much less likely to

be recalled than both low predictability words (Odds ratio (low vs incongruent) = 49.89, SE =

12.55, z = 15.54, p < 0.001) and high predictability words (Odds ratio (high vs incongruent) =

93.91, SE = 25.07, z = 17.02, p < 0.001). Importantly, within congruent words, the more expected,

highly predictable words were recalled significantly better than less predictable words (Odds ratio

(high vs. low) = 1.88, SE = 0.42, z = 2.85, p < 0.05).


In summary, in Experiment 1, we found that participants had near-ceiling performance

overall in accuracy judgement, and a small but significant decrease in judgement accuracy when

judging whether a less predictable target word is part of a category. This pattern is expected and

consistent with prior work (Federmeier et al., 2010) that shows that for less typical words (i.e., the

less predictable words), whose fit to the category cue was more marginal by design, accuracy was

poorer, but still quite high (over 90%). For the delayed cued recall measures, we found that

participants were able to generally recall in-category words (i.e., highly predictable and less

predictable target words) much better than out-of-category words (i.e., incongruent target words).

This is in line with a long line of work showing that cue-target pairs that share semantic or

categorical associations tend to be remembered better than items that are wholly unrelated (e.g.,

Epstein et al., 1975; Koriat & Bjork, 2005; Castel, McCabe, & Roediger, 2007).

Importantly though, we found evidence for a predictability benefit within congruent

conditions such that higher predictability words were remembered better than lower predictability

words. Better cued recall performance for predictable versus unpredictable words replicates what

has been seen previously (e.g., Silcox & Payne, 2021; Kutas, 1993; McCoy et al., 2005; Miller &

Selfridge, 1950; Riggs et al., 1993). Silcox and Payne (2021) argued that this type of predictability

effect in memory suggests that “predictive processes [may] help to alleviate some of the burden of

processing, allowing for more resources to be available for memory encoding and maintenance”

(pg. 310).

Therefore, having established that there is a predictability effect seen in the memory

outcome for this paradigm, in Experiment 2, we sought to investigate the role that LIFC may play

in modulating this effect. Additionally, we examined the role that this system may play in the N400

predictability effect previously reported by Federmeier and colleagues (2007; 2010). To do this,

in Experiment 2, we utilized an online, event-related TMS protocol.


Materials & Methods


Informed consent was obtained for thirty-seven community-dwelling adults (17 female,

mean age = 22.8, range = 18-35) who participated in the experiment for $15/hour. All were right-

handed individuals (handedness was assessed using the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory;

Oldfield, 1971) with no prior history of neurological issues and no exposure to a language other

than English before the age of 3. All female participants took pregnancy tests upon arrival at the

lab, per the University of Utah’s IRB requirements for TMS studies. All female participants were

negative on their pregnancy tests. All participants were native English speakers. One participant

exited the study before data collection began because of a temporary malfunction with the

neuronavigation system. Two participants were turned away after obtaining consent because it was

learned that they were taking medications that are known to lower seizure threshold. Two

participants requested to terminate their participation early because they reported discomfort with

the TMS protocol. One participant’s session was terminated after a few TMS pulses because the

participant reported feeling faint and nauseous. This left a total sample size of 31 (16 female, mean

age = 22.7, range = 18-35). Of the final sample, 6.5% were Latinx, 3.2% were African American,

77.5% were Caucasian, 3.2% were Pacific Islander, and 9.7% declined to respond to the question

about ethnicity. Eight of the participants self-reported having some history of mental health issues,

including depression or anxiety.

Materials and Design

The same stimuli were used for Experiment 2 for both the category decision task and the

delayed cued recall task. The three target-word conditions were then crossed with two levels of

TMS stimulation (left IFC vs right IFC), with counterbalanced stimulation order, creating twelve

stimulus presentation lists (3 target word x 2 stimulation site x 2 stimulation order). Thus, the final

design was a within-subjects, repeated-measures design crossing stimulation site (2: LIFC vs.

RIFC) with target word type (3: high predictability, low predictability, incongruent). Stimulation

site was blocked, while target word type was counterbalanced across items within each stimulation



Participants were seated in a specialized TMS chair and then co-registered to an MNI

template brain (ICBM152) using BrainSight software (Rogue Research) to assist in real-time

stereotactic localization of stimulation targets (Mazziotta et al., 2001; Lancaster et al., 2007). Next,

TMS stimulation intensity was determined by acquiring the resting motor evoked potential (MEP)

threshold for each subject (Rossini et al., 2015). We used a Rogue cTMS stimulator to deliver

biphasic pulses with a 15.87-uH (regular inductance) figure-8 coil. This was done by using single

pulse TMS over the left primary motor hand area cortex with the coil oriented at an angle of 45

degrees and finding the lowest stimulation intensity that elicited a MEP in the relaxed abductor

pollicis brevis muscle in the right hand of approximately 50 µV from peak to peak, 50% of the

time. To locate a participant’s specific primary motor hand area cortex, we used the MNI co-

ordinates on the template brain (x = -36, y = -19, z = 48) as the starting point and methodically

searched the area using a stimulation intensity that was higher than average until we found a spot

that consistently elicited a MEP. We then lowered the stimulation intensity until we reached the

50% threshold. Participants were then offered a break, after which they were equipped with EEG

and reregistered to the neuronavigation system.

For the category decision task, trial-level procedures were identical to Experiment 1, with

a few exceptions. Repetitive TMS stimulation (described below) was applied to the scalp directly

over the mean MNI coordinates for the posterior left (x = -48, y = 13, z = 17) and posterior right

IFC (x = 49, y = 12, z = 17). For stimulation over the left and right IFC, we used a stimulation

intensity that was 100% of the MEP threshold but lowered the stimulation intensity for comfort if

the participant requested. Participants were told that stimulation intensity could be lowered at any

time to ensure that they felt no pain. Sixteen participants requested that we lower stimulation

intensity. For those that requested this, the average stimulation level was at 91.3% of resting MEP

threshold (SD = 6.0%).

Figure 2 depicts a single trial. Online, event-related stimulation was performed over the

left and right posterior IFC, time-locked to the last word in the category cue (i.e., the defining word

of the category). The TMS protocol was based on clinical speech mapping research (e.g., Krieg et

al., 2017), where stimulation over LIFC consistently leads to speech arrest and transient

paraphasias during object naming in speech mapping tasks, strongly suggesting that this

stimulation protocol inhibits speech production, as reviewed above. Specifically, we used a burst

of 5 pulses at 5 Hz with the coil oriented at a 45-degree angle to the sagittal plane, time-locked to

the category-defining pre-target word. This type of stimulation over posterior LIFC, in particular,

has shown to consistently inhibit speech production during speech mapping (Sakrieda et al., 2018).

It is important to emphasize that stimulation was not induced at the presentation of the target word

but rather prior to the target word, at the presentation of the defining word of the category cue,

when readers are putatively recruiting the language production system to generate predictions for

likely upcoming words. Figure 2 also shows the estimated e-fields for the RIFC and LIFC

stimulations generated with SimNIBS software, version 3.2.6 (Thielscher et al., 2015).

Figure 2. Diagrams depicting the structure of a single trial for each experiment (on the left), as well as the results of

e-field simulations for the two experimental TMS targets (on the right) for Experiment 2. Note that for Experiment 2,

TMS stimulation occurs at the defining word of the category cue (depicted by the brain and magnet icon). In

Experiment 1, judgement responses occurred at the target where, whereas in Experiment 2, judgement responses

occurred at the “Yes or No?” prompt. Judgement responses are represented by the gavel icon. Times displayed below

each screen show the SOAs.

Between the category cue and the target word, there was a 2,000 msec interval to

accommodate event-related repetitive TMS. Also, because we were recording EEG, decision

responses were delayed until a “Yes or No?” prompt appeared on screen 2,000 msec after the offset

of the target word to avoid decision-related contamination of event-related brain potentials to the

target word. The 120 trials were split into 60-trial blocks, with each block consisting of one of the

two stimulation conditions, with order counterbalanced across participants. Between each block,

participants took a fifteen-minute break. After the break, the TMS coil was moved to the second

stimulation site. From the beginning of the category decision task in the first block to its conclusion

in the second block, on average, it took approximately 1 hour and 5 minutes for a participant to

complete. Once the category decision task was complete and all EEG and TMS equipment had

been removed from the participant, the incidental cued recall test was administered, which was

identical to the test used in Experiment 1. The average amount of time that a participant was in the

lab was approximately 3.5 hours.

EEG Recording and Processing

EEG data were recorded from 64 evenly spaced silver-silver chloride actiCap slim active

electrodes distributed by Brain Products (Brain Vision, LLC, Morrisville, NC, United States of

America), following the standard international 10-10 localization system for 64 electrodes.

Electrode impedances were kept below 15 kOhms. Electrodes were referenced online to the Cz

electrode and re-referenced offline to the average of the TP9 and TP10 electrodes, which are close

to the left and right mastoids, respectively. Continuous EEG was amplified through a BrainAmp

DC amplifier and was recorded with a lower cutoff at DC (0Hz) and an online low pass filter of

1000 Hz at a sampling rate of 500 Hz using BrainVision Recorder software. EEG data were

downsampled offline to 250 Hz. Prior to analysis, data were bandpass filtered at 0.1 to 30 Hz.

The continuous EEG data were then epoched 100 msec before to 920 msec after the onset

of the target word. The epoched EEG was baseline corrected using the mean amplitude from -100

msec to 0 msec. Epoched EEG data were examined for artifacts, including eyeblinks, eye

movements, flatlines, and signal drifts. We excluded from analysis any trials that had been flagged

as containing any of these artifacts. Any subjects that had more than 40% of their trials flagged as

containing artifacts were completely removed from any EEG analysis. Three subjects had greater

than or equal to 40% of their trials containing artifacts. With these subjects removed, the average

number of trials containing artifacts was 9.5% (SD=7.6%; range across participants <1-30.8%).

There were no reliable differences in artifact rates between conditions. It is important to note that

TMS stimulation (which occurred during the word just prior to the target word) had completely

resolved well before the target word was presented, so there was no direct stimulation induced

artifacts related to TMS in the ERPs. This can be seen in the Supplementary Materials found at: Details on the selection of time windows and electrodes for statistical

analyses are discussed in Data Analyses, below.

Data Analyses

In Experiment 2, there were two main sets of analyses. First, we conducted similar as in

Experiment 1 on the behavioral data. Second, we ran a set of analyses on the ERP data. For each

statistical model, we followed the general pattern seen in the models for Experiment 1. That is, we

fit a (generalized) linear mixed effects model and then conducted likelihood ratio tests for each

fixed factor. We then followed those tests up with pairwise post-hoc tests on the estimated odds

ratios or the contrast between estimated marginal means. However, it is important to note that

because of the change in experimental design (i.e., adding TMS stimulation) our models for

Experiment 2 would now have two main effects and an interaction, instead of just one main effect

like we did in Experiment 1. In addition to a priori ERP analyses, we conducted an additional

exploratory mass-univariate analysis on the ERP data, which is detailed below. Adjustments were

made for all multiple comparisons using the false discovery rate (FDR) procedure.

For both category judgement accuracy and delayed cued recall accuracy, single-trial level

responses were used as the response variables. For both models we fit generalized linear mixed

effects models assuming a binomial distribution with a logit link function with either judgement

accuracy or recall accuracy as the response variable and target word type (high predictability, low

predictability or incongruent), stimulation type (LIFC vs RIFC), and their interaction as the fixed-

effect predictors. Random intercepts for subject and item were used (Baayen et al., 2008).

However, the addition of a random intercept for item in the model for the recall data did not allow

for convergence. Therefore, we did not include this in our random effects structure for the recall

data (Barr et al., 2013). We then ran likelihood ratio tests on the fixed effects and followed these

up with pairwise odds ratio tests to parse any significant omnibus effects.

For the ERP-related analyses, three participants had greater than 40% of their trials

containing artifacts and were excluded from ERP analyses (but were not removed from the

behavioral analyses). This left 28 participants to be used. Our first analysis was done on the N400

ERP component. This analysis was conducted using an a priori spatio-temporal region of interest

(ROI) encompassing six centro-parietal electrode sites (CP1, CP2, CPz, P1, P2, and Pz), where

N400 effects are typically the largest and a 300-500 msec time window, which is standard for

visual-N400 responses (see Kutas & Federmeier, 2011). Measurements of mean amplitude were

made at the single-trial level. For analysis, we used single-trial N400 mean amplitude as the

response variable and, like the above-described behavioral analyses, we used target word type,

TMS stimulation site and their interaction as predictors in our N400 mean amplitude model.

However, we added a random intercept for electrode in addition to a random intercept for subject

and item. We ran likelihood ratio tests for each fixed effect and followed these up with pairwise

contrasts on the estimated marginal means to help decompose any significant effects.

Because this is among the first studies to examine effects of repetitive TMS on prediction-

related ERPs, and therefore the effects are largely unknown, we also conducted a supplementary

exploratory analysis to more broadly examine the effects of TMS on the prediction-related ERP

responses. Specifically, we conducted a mass-univariate analysis of the predictability effect (low

predictability minus high predictability) over all channels and timepoints. Difference waves were

constructed via pointwise subtraction of the subject-level ERP waveforms for the high and low

predictability conditions separately for the RIFC and LIFC stimulation conditions across

electrodes. We then used these difference waves to construct raster plots by calculating t-statistics

at each time point for representative electrodes (i.e., except for the temporal channels, to improve

visualization of raster plots) and plotting these separately for the RIFC stimulation and LIFC

stimulation conditions (Groppe, Urbach, & Kutas, 2011a,b). An FDR correction on the p-values

associated with each t-statistic was applied accounting for both the number of electrodes and

timepoints included in the analysis. After applying FDR correction, we can then visualize the

temporal and spatial extent of statistically reliable predictability effects under LIFC and RIFC

stimulation across electrodes and timepoints, allowing for a broader examination of predictability

effects than ROI-based analyses (for an example see Silcox & Payne, 2021). Only t-statistics with

FDR-adjusted p-values less than .05 were included in these visualizations.


Category Decision Behavior Results

The right panel of Figure 1A show the results of accuracy on the category judgement

portion of the task from Experiment 2. We found that there was no significant interaction effect

(χ2(2) = 0.62, p = 0.73) and no significant main effect of TMS stimulation site (χ2(1) = 0.55, p =

0.46) on judgement accuracy. However, there was a significant main effect of target word type

(χ2(2) = 47.22, p < 0.001). The effect of target word type on judgement accuracy followed a pattern

similar to that seen in Experiment 1, with highly predictable words having a similar accuracy rate

as incongruent words (Odds ratio (high vs incongruent) = 0.68, SE = 0.39, z = -0.68, p = 0.78),

highly predictable words being judged more accurately than low predictability words (Odds ratio

(high vs low) = 18.01, SE = 8.63, z = 6.03, p < 0.001), and incongruent words also being more

likely to be judged accurately than low predictability target words (Odds ratio (incongruent vs low)

= 26.67, SE = 13.82, z = 6.34, p < 0.001). Thus, there was no apparent effect of TMS on participants

ability to judge whether a target word was part of a cued category, resulting in a replication of the

pattern observed under no brain stimulation in Experiment 1.

Memory Results

The right panel of Figure 1B show the results of the delayed cued recall test. We found a

significant main effect of target word type on recall accuracy (χ2(2) = 757.28, p < 0.001) but no

main effect of TMS stimulation site (χ2(1) = 0.49, p = 0.49). However, we did find a significant

interaction between TMS stimulation site and target word type (χ2(2) = 7.84, p = 0.02), suggesting

that TMS modulated the effects of target word type on memory. For RIFC stimulation, we found

that both high (Odds ratio (high vs incongruent) = 71.78, SE = 21.12, z = 12.54, p < 0.001) and

low predictability words (Odds ratio (low vs incongruent) = 33. 89, SE = 9.62, z = 12.41, p < 0.001)

were recalled better than incongruent words. Importantly, we found that for the RIFC stimulation

condition, highly predictable words were recalled better than low predictability words (Odds ratio

(high vs low) = 2.12, SE = 0.42, z = 3.81, p = 0.002). Thus, in the RIFC stimulation condition we

replicated the predictability benefit to memory that we observed in Experiment 1. For the LIFC

stimulation condition, we found that both high (Odds ratio (high vs incongruent) = 36.15, SE =

9.89, z = 13.12, p < 0.001) and low predictability words (Odds ratio (low vs incongruent) = 34.87,

SE = 9.44, z = 13.12, p < 0.001) were recalled better than incongruent words. However, in the

LIFC condition we did not see that highly predictable words were recalled better than low

predictability words (Odds ratio (high vs low) = 1.04, SE = 0.19, z = 0.20, p ≈ 1.00). Therefore,

we saw that the predictability benefit seen in the absence of stimulation and during control (RIFC)

stimulation, was not present under the experimental (LIFC) stimulation condition. In comparing

recall of target word types between the RIFC and LIFC conditions, we found that there was no

difference in recall for incongruent (Odds ratio (LIFC incongruent vs RIFC incongruent) = 0.89,

SE = 0.30, z = -0.35, p = 0.99) or for low predictability words (Odds ratio (LIFC low vs RIFC low)

= 0.86, SE = 0.16, z = -0.82, p = 0.96). However, we did find a significant reduction in recall

accuracy for high predictability words from RIFC stimulation to LIFC stimulation (Odds ratio

(LIFC high vs RIFC high = 1.76, SE = 0.35, z = 2.89, p = 0.04). To assess whether there were any

significant effects of the order of stimulation (i.e., LIFC first vs RIFC first) on recall accuracy, a

separate model was created which included stimulation order as a covariate. This model showed

that there was no significant effect of stimulation order on the original model.1

Electrophysiology Results

Figure 3A contains the ERPs from the average of the six posterior electrodes used in our

N400 mean amplitude analysis (i.e., CP1, CP2, CPz, P1, P2, and Pz). Additionally, the scalp

topography maps for the predictability effect (ERP response to low predictability targets minus

the response to high predictability words) are also presented in Figure 3B. For our a priori ROI-

based analysis on the single-trial N400 mean amplitudes, we found that the interaction between

target word type and TMS stimulation site was not statistically significant (χ2(2) = 2.33, p = 0.31).

There was no significant main effect of TMS stimulation site (χ2(1) = 2.93, p = 0.09). We found

evidence of a main effect of target word type on N400 mean amplitude (χ2(2) = 123.84, p < 0.001).

The N400 response to highly predictable words was smaller than the responses to both low

predictability words (z = 4.01, p < 0.001) and incongruent words (z = 11.52, p < 0.001). The N400

response was larger to incongruent words than it was to low predictability words (z = 7.54, p <

0.001). This set of patterns replicates what has been seen previously with similar stimuli

(Federmeier et al., 2010). To assess whether there were any significant effects of the order of

stimulation (i.e., LIFC first vs RIFC first) on N400 mean amplitude, a separate model was created

which included stimulation order as a covariate. This model showed that there was no significant

effect of stimulation order on the original model.2

This model found that there was a significant main effect of target word type on recall accuracy (χ2(2) = 757.61, p
< 0.001) but no significant main effect of TMS stimulation site (χ2(1) = 0.48, p = 0.49). However, there was a
significant interaction between TMS stimulation and target word type (χ2(2) = 7.82, p = 0.02). Note that these
statistics are almost identical to the model reported in the main text that did not include stimulation order as a
covariate. We also saw that stimulation order had no significant impact on recall accuracy (χ2(1) = 2.30, p = 0.13).
Like the original model, we found no significant interaction between TMS stimulation site and target word
type(χ2(2) = 2.33, p = 0.31), a significant main effect of target word type (χ2(2) = 123.93, p < 0.001) and no

Figure 3 This figure displays the ERP results from Experiment 2. A. The ERP waveforms from all six experimental

conditions. The top ERP waveforms are under RIFC TMS stimulation. The bottom ERP waveforms are under LIFC

TMS stimulation. These ERPs are the average across the six electrodes used in the N400 mean amplitude analyses

(i.e., CP1, CP2, CPz, P1, P2, and Pz). B. Scalp topography plots for the predictability effect (low predictability minus

high predictability) during the 300-500 msec time window. C. Raster plots of the predictability effect (i.e., the

difference between the low and high predictability conditions). Only t-values that survived false discovery rate

significant main effect of TMS stimulation site (χ2(1) = 2.93, p = 0.09). Note that the statistics are quite similar
between this model and the original model. We also found no significant stimulation order effect (χ2(1) = 3.42, p =

correction are displayed. HP = High Predictability; LP = Low Predictability; IN = Incongruent; RIFC = right inferior

frontal cortex; LIFC = left inferior frontal cortex.

In addition to our ROI-based analysis, we conducted an exploratory mass-univariate

analysis (Groppe, Urbach, & Kutas, 2011a,b) of the target predictability effect (low minus high

predictability) under LIFC and RIFC stimulation. The results of the mass univariate analysis are

summarized in Figure 3C using FDR-corrected raster plots, plotting the predictability difference

separately for the LIFC and RIFC stimulation. Under RIFC stimulation, we observe a clear

negativity between 300-500 msecs largely over central posterior electrodes, consistent with a

robust N400 predictability effect. However, under LIFC stimulation, that negativity, while still

present, is reduced in both spatial and temporal extent, suggesting a weaker N400 predictability

response under LIFC stimulation (see also Figure 3B).

We also ran a planned analysis to investigate how the late frontal positivity ERP

component—which has been seen in other studies using these same types of stimuli (Federmeier

et al., 2010; Ryskin et al., 2020)—was modulated by TMS stimulation to LIFC. We, however, did

not find any evidence for the typical late frontal positivity in either condition in this study. These

results can be found in these supplemental materials here: Similarly, there

was no evidence for the presence of the late frontal positivity in the mass univariate analyses

which, if present, would have been observed as a sustained difference over anterior channels

following the N400 (see Figure 3C).


In Experiment 2, under RIFC stimulation, we saw a similar pattern in recall that we saw in

Experiment 1. That is, in-category words were remembered better than incongruent target words

and for in-category words, we saw that high predictability words were recalled significantly better

than low predictability words. Thus, under RIFC stimulation conditions, we replicated the

predictability benefit to memory that was seen in Experiment 1. However, under LIFC stimulation,

while in-category words were recalled better than incongruent words, we found that the

predictability benefit effect seen to in-category words was completely eliminated. It is important

to keep in mind that stimulation occurred during the defining word of the category (when

prediction in this paradigm would arguably be able to begin) rather than at the target word. Thus,

the application of TMS protocol over LIFC known to disrupt speech production (Sakrieda et al.,

2018), prior to the processing and encoding of the target word, appeared to completely eliminate

the beneficial effects that prediction afforded in allowing individuals to better encode and/or recall

high predictability words. This finding provides strong evidence of the involvement of LIFC in

making top-down predictions during reading. Because the LIFC is unarguably a part of the

language production system, and we used a TMS protocol known to impair production, this finding

is consistent with the claim that the LIFC-mediated production system is recruited for generating

predictions during silent reading, consistent with a number of prediction-through-production

models (Federmeier, 2007; Dell & Chang, 2014; Pickering & Garrod, 2007, 2013; Mani & Huettig,


While the memory results offer strong evidence in support of the prediction is production

hypothesis, the N400 results are less clear. We did find a typical N400 pattern in the a priori mean

amplitude analysis, with the N400 response being largest to incongruent target words, smallest to

high predictability target words, and there being an intermediate response to low predictability

target words. However, our mean amplitude analysis did not find that this measure was statistically

sensitive to our TMS stimulation protocols. Moreover, we found no evidence that N400

congruency effects (i.e., in versus out of category) were modulated by TMS, suggesting that

disruption of the LIFC-mediated speech production network does not impact the canonical N400

congruency effect. However, our mass univariate analysis, which allows for a broader examination

of predictability effects across all time-points and electrodes, did reveal evidence that the N400

predictability effect was reduced in its spatial and temporal extent selectively for LIFC stimulation,

consistent with our prediction that disrupting speech-eloquent LIFC via TMS attenuates predictive

processing, leading to a reduced N400 facilitation for more predictable target words. This, taken

together with the memory results, again supports the hypothesis that prediction during

comprehension may be at least partially driven by LIFC. Importantly however, N400 effects of

both congruency and predictability were still clearly present under LIFC stimulation. This is not

necessarily surprising. Although the N400 has been found to be at least partially sensitive to

predictive processes (e.g., Federmeier & Kutas, 1999a), it is far more sensitive to contextual fit

than prediction (for a recent review of the N400 see Federmeier, 2022). We return to this point in

the general discussion.

One possible explanation for the discrepant results between the ROI-based and mass-

univariate-based results centers on the distribution of the N400 effect. Our conservative ROI-based

approach relied on selecting a small number of central and posterior electrodes and a small time

window in which the canonical N400 effect is largest. While visual N400 effect timing is

remarkably stable (Federmeier & Laszlo, 2009; Payne & Federmeier, 2017), the spatial

distribution of N400 effects is known to differ across studies as a function of different experimental

conditions (see Kutas & Federmeier, 2011 for a review). Moreover, the effects of TMS on N400

timing and scalp distribution are not well characterized, with this study being one of only a few

studies to examine such effects (see also Dave et al., 2020; Kroczek et a., 2019). In the mass-

univariate analysis, we observed the predictability effect under RIFC stimulation appeared largest

over central and posterior electrodes, consistent with our conservative ROI, but the spatial extent

was much larger than the six a priori electrodes, extending through all posterior and occipital

electrodes, as well as showing some significant effects across frontal electrodes as well. Similarly,

the temporal extent of the effect onset prior to 300 ms and extended well beyond 500 ms,

suggesting that the N400 predictability effect under RIFC stimulation was broader than what was

covered by our a priori ROI. As seen in Figure 3c, under LIFC stimulation, the predictability effect,

while still present, was largely diminished across the broad array of electrodes, and effects outside

of the a priori 300-500 ms window that were present under RIFC stimulation were largely

eliminated. These differences in spatial and temporal extent are likely driving the difference across

the two analysis approaches.

We also found similar patterns in online category judgement task accuracy as those seen

in Experiment 1. That is, that high predictability and incongruent target words were correctly

identified as being part of a category significantly better than low predictability words.

Importantly, this pattern held for both TMS stimulation conditions. This suggests that the TMS

stimulation at the category cue did not affect participants’ ability to perceive and judge target

words. In fact, our model showed that participants did even better in Experiment 2 than Experiment

1 at correctly identifying low predictability words as part of a category. Thus, the effects we found

on memory performance and the N400 predictability effect were likely not driven by an

elimination of the ability to comprehend or accurately categorize target words.

We note that, across Experiments 1 and 2, there did appear to be a general reduction in

recall accuracy. While this could suggest that TMS over both RIFC and LIFC globally impaired

verbal memory compared to no stimulation, we are cautious in drawing such conclusions across

the two samples due to the protocol differences added in order to accommodate adding TMS and

EEG to Experiment 2. For example, we increased the length of each trial and instituted mandatory

breaks between stimulation blocks. This led to a longer period of time between the start of the

category decision task and the start of the cued recall test in Experiment 2 compared to Experiment

1. Likewise, there were more protocols added before the beginning of the category decision task

(e.g., finding the MEP threshold, EEG capping, registering the participant to the neuro-navigation

system, etc.) all of which could have increased fatigue levels before beginning the category

decision task. Therefore, we restrict our interpretation to the within-subject effects of interests (i.e.,

the predictability effects) within each experiment.


In two experiments, we investigated whether prediction benefits memory (Experiment 1)

and what role the LIFC plays in providing those benefits (Experiment 2). Our findings were clear.

In our first experiment, we established that there is a predictability benefit to long-term memory,

with better cued recall for higher predictability words compared to lower predictability words. In

the second experiment, we introduced a novel modification of an event-related TMS protocol

originally used to disrupt speech production (Krieg et al., 2017), which allowed us to disrupt LIFC

activity while participants read the same category-target pairs that were presented in Experiment

1. Critically, our event-related rTMS was applied prior to the target word, during presentation of

the meaning bearing word in the category context (e.g., A type of insect), when predictive

processing would be engaged, if it were engaged.

Thus, by using a protocol that is known to disrupt speech production when applied over

posterior LIFC (Hernandez-Pavon et al., 2014; Picht et al., 2013; Nettekoven et al., 2021; Sakreida

et al., 2018; Rogic et al., 2014; Tarapore et al., 2013), during a period of time when prediction

should be taking place, we could directly test if the LIFC-mediated language production system is

providing prediction-related benefits to memory by observing whether prediction-related benefits

observed in Experiment 1 were reduced when this system was disrupted. Indeed, we found that

the predictability benefit observed in the first experiment was completely eliminated under LIFC

(but not RIFC) stimulation. Importantly, online judgement accuracy was not affected by TMS

stimulation, suggesting that LIFC stimulation did not interfere with eventual comprehension or

categorization performance. In other words, our stimulation protocols did not disrupt the ability to

recognize and categorize the target word and integrate the target and context to make the

appropriate judgements during the online task. However, it did selectively impair any

predictability benefits to memory encoding. Below we discuss these findings in more detail, as

well as the electrophysiological findings from Experiment 2, and discuss the implications of these

findings for theories and models that implicate the production system in prediction.

In Experiment 2, we additionally measured the ERP response to target words. In both

stimulation conditions, we replicated past work showing graded brain N400 amplitudes as a

function of semantic fit between the category and target (e.g., Federmeier et al., 2010; Rysin et al.,

2020). Specifically, we found that the N400 response was largest to completely incongruent target

words, smallest to highly predictable targets and intermediate to low predictability but

categorically-congruent words. This adds to the ever-growing literature supporting the theory that

the N400 represents processes associated with accessing semantic memory (for a recent review

see Federmeier, 2022). Importantly however, while this general pattern was observed across both

RIFC and LIFC stimulation, we did observe some evidence that the N400 predictability effect (i.e.,

difference between high- and low- predictability target words) selectively differed in spatial and

temporal extent as a function of stimulation. Although our a priori mean amplitude analysis did

not reveal a statistically significant interaction, our mass univariate analyses did reveal evidence

consistent with a reduced predictability effect under LIFC stimulation compared to RIFC

stimulation (see Figure 3c). That is, under the control RIFC stimulation, we observed a robust

predictability effect in the expected N400 time window (300-500 ms) across a large array of central

and posterior electrodes, as well as significant predictability effects starting earlier (before 300

msec) and persisting later (600-700 msec) than the canonical N400 time windows. However, under

LIFC stimulation, the predictability effect appeared to be substantially reduced in both spatial and

temporal extent, with only a small number of posterior electrodes showing any statistically

significant time-points between 300-700 msec.

Much of the work on the N400 over the past several decades has found that, while the N400

is at least partially sensitive to predictive processes (e.g., Federmeier & Kutas, 1999a; Van Petten

et al., 1999), its amplitude is also strongly sensitive to contextual fit (see Federmeier, 2022; Kutas

& Federmeier, 2011), even in the absence of prediction (e.g., Federmeier & Kutas, 1999b, 2019;

Federmeier et al., 2002, 2010; Payne & Federmeier, 2018; Wlotko et al., 2012). Thus, it is not

surprising that our TMS protocol did not completely eliminate the N400 predictability effect, but

instead appeared to weakly modulate the magnitude of the benefit. It is important to keep in mind

that prediction is most likely not necessary for comprehension to occur (Huettig & Mani, 2016).

Indeed, we saw that performance on the online category decision task was the same in both

stimulation conditions, suggesting that our disruption to prediction, which was easily seen in the

memory data, did not impair individuals’ ability to categorize target words.

Importantly, our collective pattern of findings would be difficult to reconcile with a purely

bottom-up account, for example as driven by associative priming (Rhodes & Donaldson, 2008) or

difficulty in integration/unification (Zhu et al., 2019). Under this account, stimulation of LIFC

during the context would weaken or impair the representation of the context, leading to reduced

effects at the target word in the absence of any appeal to a predictive mechanism. First, LIFC

stimulation did not have any influence on the magnitude of the congruity ERP effect (incongruent

versus unpredictable but congruent). Under a bottom-up account, the out-of-category target by

definition shares fewer semantic features with the target and would be more difficult to integrate

with the prior context. However, LIFC stimulation did not appear to influence processing of the

incongruent target word. More strikingly, our primary memory results—a reduced predictability

benefit selectively under LIFC stimulation—appears to be driven by reduced memory for the

predictable word, whereas LIFC stimulation did not appear to have any effect on memory for

unpredictable or incongruent words (in fact, memory was numerically but not significantly better

for unpredictable words under LIFC stimulation). Finally, we observed that performance on the

online category decision task was the same in both stimulation conditions, suggesting that our

disruption to LIFC did not impair individuals’ ability to categorize target words, which would be

expected under a purely bottom-up account. Instead, our findings are more compatible with the

idea that LIFC-mediated predictive processing selectively facilitates some stages of processing for

predictable words (i.e., semantic access, memory encoding and/or retrieval), but does not appear

necessary for all aspects of comprehension (Huettig & Mani, 2016), such as processing a word as

incongruent with its prior context.

It is also important to interpret our findings within a growing set of literatures suggesting

that the LIFC clearly plays multiple roles in both language-specific and domain-general functions

(Fedorenko & Blank, 2020; Novick et al., 2005, 2010; Matchin, 2018; Friederici, 2020;

Grodzinsky & Santi, 2008; Hagoort, 2013; Matchin & Hickok, 2020; Tremblay & Dick, 2016;

Zaccarella et al., 2017). Moreover, while LIFC clearly plays a role as a hub of the speech

production system, the neural architecture supporting speech production is complex, widespread,

and context-dependent (Hickok et al., 2022; Bulut, 2022; Coutinho et al., 2021). Indeed, whereas

the anterior portion of LIFC (pars triangularis or Brodmann’s Area 45) is often associated with

semantic processing (Schell et al., 2017; Friederici, 2011, 2012; Hagoort, 2013), the posterior

portion of LIFC (pars opercularis or Brodmann’s Area 44) is involved in syntactic processing

(Hagoort, 2013; Ullman, 2016; Friederici, 2011, 2012) and domain-general cognitive control

processes (Novick et al., 2010; Fedorenko & Blank, 2020), in addition to being strongly linked to

multiple features of high-level speech production, including phonological retrieval (Matchin,

2018), lexical selection (Conner et al., 2019), and syllabic sequencing (Rong et al., 2018; Hickok

et al., 2022). Although, it is important to note that these mappings between anatomical sub-

divisions of LIFC and functional role do not always maintain at the individual level, as there is

substantial individual variability in the language network (Fedorenko, 2021), a topic we return to


Although the functions of LIFC are multiply determined, we review below why we believe

our findings are still most compatible with a prediction-through-production interpretation of LIFC

stimulation. In our study, we specifically targeted posterior IFC not only because it was the

strongest candidate site for disrupting speech production based on the existing TMS literature but

also to avoid directly disrupting semantic processing. This approach appears to have been

successful, as categorical semantic processing was still clearly evident under LIFC stimulation

(see above discussion). Additionally, we designed our stimuli, simple sentence fragments with

identical syntactic structure (e.g., “A type of X”), to reduce any difficulty with syntactic parsing

that may be induced under LIFC stimulation (Udden et al., 2017). Because the locus of the

semantic predictability effect in our items was driven by a single category-defining word (and thus,

arguably, a message-level syntactic representation is not even necessary to elicit these effects) it

would be difficult to attribute our current findings to a selective disruption in syntactic parsing—

particularly the sort of non-adjacent dependency processing that has been recently proposed as

being disrupted due to TMS of LIFC (Udden et al., 2017).

Finally, we consider our pattern of findings under a domain-general cognitive control or

multiple demand account, whereby LIFC stimulation impairs domain-general (non-linguistic)

cognitive resources. First, under this account, we would expect the effects of stimulation to be

strongest in the most cognitively challenging conditions (e.g., Thompson-Schill et al., 1997). We

thus chose a task and stimuli that has very little demand on cognitive control and working memory

resources (Federmeier et al., 2010). Moreover, as discussed above, our TMS effects had no

influence on categorization performance for any condition, much less the unpredictable condition,

which showed relatively poorer categorization performance (despite high overall performance

levels, above 90%). Instead, the effects of LIFC TMS, as reflected in the memory task, appeared

to be more selective to the least-challenging high predictability condition. These findings are

difficult to account for under a domain-general cognitive demand account.

Overall then, while we relied on a stimulation protocol that reliably disrupts speech

production (Krieg et al., 2017), we do not argue that our stimulation selectively or only disrupted

production. It is entirely possible that our stimulation protocol over LIFC disrupted other linguistic

and non-linguistic processes in addition to (or in concert with) modulating one or more core

processes underlying successful speech production. However, given the simplicity of the stimuli

used and the task being performed, we believe that the most parsimonious explanation of the results

from this study is that the selective effects of LIFC TMS stimulation on prediction were likely due

to disrupting production-mediated predictive processing, as predicted under multiple models

(Federmeier, 2007; Dell & Chang, 2014; Pickering & Garrod, 2007, 2013; Mani & Huettig, 2012).

While we argue that evidence from our study is consistent with the involvement of the

production system in generating predictions during comprehension, it is difficult to make strong

claims underlying what stages of production or prediction are jointly disrupted by LIFC

stimulation. Indeed, Huettig (2015) argued that at least four different mechanisms are minimally

required for prediction to occur during comprehension, including: (1) recruitment of the production

system, (2) simple associative priming that occurs due to the structure of the lexicon, (3) the

buildup of higher-order meaning, and (4) pre-activation via event simulation. Based on these

proposals for multiple mechanisms, we cannot conclude from the present study that all kinds of

pre-activation or anticipatory phenomena in comprehension engage the production system nor that

we have found the neural locus of language prediction during comprehension. Indeed, Lesage and

colleagues (2012) found that repetitive TMS over the right cerebellum disrupted anticipatory eye

movements in a visual world paradigm. Likewise, Dave and colleagues (2020) found that theta

band TMS stimulation over the cerebellum specifically modulated episodic memory outcomes

while stimulation in the beta band range over the same region selectively modulated semantic

prediction, as measured by the N400 response. Taking this together with our study suggests that

there is no one location in the brain in which prediction occurs during comprehension. Therefore,

much work is needed to tease apart multiple different types of predictive mechanisms and how

these mechanisms are implemented in the brain. Additionally, the current study stimuli and

experimental task make it difficult to know which specific production processes are recruited for

prediction in general. For example, Pickering and Garrod (2007) proposed that the production

system is used to predict multiple features including phonological, syntactic, and semantic

features. Although our study was not designed specifically to differentiate between these potential

mechanisms, our target words were always nouns. Thus, it is unlikely that syntactic predictions

would be beneficial in our paradigm. Likewise, our category cues were non-constraining contexts,

so it is plausible that the prediction mechanism used could have co-activated multiple candidate

words—or at least features associated with multiple candidate words. Future work could use online

neuromodulatory techniques inspired by clinical speech mapping, such as the event-related TMS

protocol introduced here, to help differentiate which production processes are required for

predictive processes, and which are shared between prediction and production systems.

In the present study, our TMS targeting was selected using MNI coordinates for posterior

L/RIFC on a template MNI brain that was registered to each participant for stereotactic neuro-

navigation (Mazziota et al., 2001; Lancaster et al., 2007). Therefore, a successful registration relies

on reliable mapping between individual anatomy and the group-based template. Indeed, while

individualized anatomical mapping is the gold standard, recent evidence suggests that template-

based MNI localization can be used as an accurate and effective alternative to individualized

anatomical localization for TMS studies (Fleischmann et al., 2020). Perhaps more importantly,

given that the functional organization of LIFC can vary substantially from individual to individual

as discussed above (Mahowald & Fedorenko, 2016; Fedorenko et al., 2012), a need for

individualized functional localizers is critical for future research, arguably more so than

individualized anatomical targeting. Indeed, we believe that our findings provide a useful proof-

of-concept for considering speech mapping TMS stimulation as an individualized functional

localizer in future research. Building on our current findings, we are currently conducting work in

which we use a speech mapping protocol to identify individualized LIFC speech positive targets.

We believe this functional targeting may allow for even stronger modulatory effects in future work.

Nevertheless, without individualized imaging or a functional localizer, we still observed robust

theory-congruent effects of TMS on brain and behavioral outcomes.


In conclusion, we add to the growing evidence that prediction during comprehension can

benefit memory performance. Importantly, we found that the posterior LIFC, which is strongly

implicated in speech production, plays a major role in providing this prediction-related memory

benefit and may modulate real-time semantic-access during word processing, as reflected in the

N400 predictability effect. More broadly, this study demonstrates the pivotal role that combined

event-related TMS and ERPs play in delineating the neural mechanisms underlying complex

higher-order processes of human language comprehension.



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