Lesson Plan

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Subject: Oral Communication in Context

Grade Level: Grade 11

Objective: Functions of Communication

Learning across the curriculum:

1. Science - Discussing the process of scientific inquiry

2. Mathematics - Presenting mathematical concepts and problem-solving strategies

3. Social Studies - Analyzing historical events and their impact on society


1. Show a video clip of a famous speech and ask students to identify the purpose
and function of communication in that speech.

2. Conduct a class discussion on the importance of effective communication in

various settings such as school, work, and personal relationships.

3. Share personal anecdotes or stories related to the power of communication to

engage students' interest.


Activity 1 - Role Play: Students will be divided into pairs and given a scenario
to act out. Each scenario will require them to use a specific function of
communication, such as persuading, informing, or entertaining. Materials:
Scenario cards, props if needed.

Instructions: Students will choose a scenario card and prepare a short role
play based on the given function of communication. They will perform their
role play in front of the class. Rubrics: Criteria - Content, Delivery, Creativity;
Points - 10
Assessment Questions:

1. How did the role play effectively demonstrate the assigned function of

2. What improvements can be made to enhance the effectiveness of the role play?

Activity 2 - Debate: Students will be divided into groups and assigned a topic
to debate. Each group will have to present arguments using different functions
of communication, such as explaining, persuading, or justifying. Materials:
Debate topics, research materials.

Instructions: Students will research their assigned topic and prepare

arguments using the given functions of communication. They will engage in a
debate with the opposing group, presenting their arguments and countering
the opposing side. Rubrics: Criteria - Content, Delivery, Rebuttal; Points - 15

Assessment Questions:

1. How effectively did the debaters use the assigned functions of communication to
present their arguments?

2. How well did the debaters respond to the opposing arguments using the
appropriate function?

Activity 3 - Advertisement Creation: Students will work in small groups to

create an advertisement for a product or service. Each group will have to
incorporate different functions of communication, such as attracting attention,
persuading, or providing information. Materials: Art supplies, props if needed.

Instructions: Students will brainstorm ideas, create a storyboard, and design

their advertisement. They will present their advertisement to the class,
explaining the functions of communication used. Rubrics: Criteria - Creativity,
Visual Appeal, Function Integration; Points - 20

Assessment Questions:

1. How effectively did the advertisement utilize the assigned functions of

communication to promote the product or service?

2. How well did the group explain the functions of communication used in their
Activity 4 - Public Service Announcement: Students will work in small groups
to create a public service announcement (PSA) on a social issue of their
choice. Each group will have to incorporate different functions of
communication, such as raising awareness, persuading, or advocating for

Materials: Video recording equipment, props if needed.


1. Students will choose a social issue they are passionate about and research
relevant information.

2. They will brainstorm ideas and create a script for their PSA, ensuring that it
incorporates the assigned functions of communication.

3. Students will film their PSA, using props, visuals, and persuasive language to
effectively communicate their message.

4. They will present their PSA to the class, explaining the functions of communication
used and the intended impact.


Criteria - Content, Delivery, Impact; Points - 15

Assessment Questions:

1. How effectively did the PSA utilize the assigned functions of communication to
raise awareness or advocate for change?

2. How well did the group explain the functions of communication used and the
intended impact of their PSA?

Activity 5 - News Reporting: Students will work individually or in pairs to

create a news report on a current event. Each report will have to incorporate
different functions of communication, such as informing, analyzing, or

Materials: Research materials, video recording equipment.


1. Students will choose a current event and gather information from reliable sources.

2. They will create a news report script, ensuring it incorporates the assigned
functions of communication.

3. Students will film their news report, presenting the information in a clear and
engaging manner.

4. They will present their news report to the class, explaining the functions of
communication used and the impact of their report.


Criteria - Content, Delivery, Analysis; Points - 15

Assessment Questions:

1. How effectively did the news report utilize the assigned functions of
communication to inform or analyze the current event?

2. How well did the student explain the functions of communication used and the
impact of their news report?

Activity 6 - Persuasive Speech: Students will individually prepare and deliver a

persuasive speech on a topic of their choice. Each speech will have to
incorporate different functions of communication, such as convincing,
motivating, or influencing.

Materials: Research materials, presentation slides if needed.


1. Students will choose a topic they feel strongly about and research supporting

2. They will create a persuasive speech outline, ensuring it incorporates the

assigned functions of communication.

3. Students will deliver their speech in front of the class, using effective speaking
techniques and persuasive language.

4. After the speech, they will explain the functions of communication used and the
desired outcome.

Criteria - Content, Delivery, Persuasiveness; Points - 15

Assessment Questions:

1. How effectively did the speech utilize the assigned functions of communication to
persuade or influence the audience?

2. How well did the student explain the functions of communication used and the
desired outcome of their speech?


1. Lecture: The teacher will provide a comprehensive lecture on the different

functions of communication, emphasizing examples and real-life applications. The
students will actively participate by sharing their own experiences and observations.

2. Group Discussion: The teacher will facilitate a group discussion where students
analyze different communication scenarios and identify the functions being utilized.
Students will be encouraged to express their thoughts and opinions, promoting
interaction and critical thinking.


1. Interview Activity: Students will interview a person of their choice, focusing on a

specific function of communication. They will prepare interview questions and record
their interview. Afterward, they will present their findings to the class, highlighting the
function of communication observed.

2. Multimedia Presentation: Students will create a multimedia presentation

showcasing different examples of communication functions in various forms of
media, such as advertisements, speeches, and social media posts. They will explain
the functions used and the effectiveness of each example.


1. Role Play Assessment: The teacher will assess the role plays based on the rubric
criteria, providing feedback on content, delivery, and creativity.
2. Debate Assessment: The teacher will assess the debates based on the rubric
criteria, evaluating the content, delivery, and effectiveness of the rebuttals.

3. Advertisement Assessment: The teacher will assess the advertisements based on

the rubric criteria, considering creativity, visual appeal, and integration of different
functions of communication.


Students will write a reflection paper on the importance of understanding and utilizing
different functions of communication in their daily lives. They should provide
examples and personal experiences to support their reflections.

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