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Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP)


Lead Author
Lalan K Bharti
A Prakash, Manish Jain

Under the Auspices of the IAP Action Plan 2022

Remesh Kumar R
IAP President 2022
Upendra Kinjawadekar Piyush Gupta
IAP President-Elect 2022 IAP President 2021
Vineet Saxena
IAP HSG 2022–2023
© Indian Academy of Pediatrics

IAP Standard Treatment Guidelines Committee

Remesh Kumar R
IAP Coordinator
Vineet Saxena
National Coordinators
SS Kamath, Vinod H Ratageri
Member Secretaries
Krishna Mohan R, Vishnu Mohan PT
Santanu Deb, Surender Singh Bisht, Prashant Kariya, Narmada Ashok
Neonatal Resuscitation 1

;; Perinatal asphyxia is an important preventable cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity, and
contributes around 20% of neonatal mortality.
;; Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) is the most effective tool to reduce perinatal asphyxia. NRP is a
standardized, structured program which brings in updated evidence-based practice.
;; Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) and National Neonatology Forum (NNF) are aiming at one NRP
trained personnel at all deliveries through IAP-NNF-NRP-FGM program.

Resuscitation Program
Overview of Neonatal
Neonatal Resuscitation Program

The key to successful neonatal resuscitation is anticipation and preparedness.

Assessment Action and possible outcome Points to remember
Pre-delivery questions Prepare team and team briefing ;; Cord clamping should be delayed at
regarding: Check equipment and supplies: least 60 seconds if baby is breathing well
;; Gestational age Functioning of Ambu bag ;; Functioning of Ambu bag (self-inflating
;; Meconium-stained (Video link 1), laryngoscope and bag) is assessed by squeezing bag with
amniotic fluid (MSAF) availability of endotracheal (ET) palm covering the mask
;; Additional risk factors tubes, suction catheter, and pulse ;; With air-tight seal around the mask, pop-
Preparation for Delivery and Care at Birth

oximeter with target saturation off valve opens and makes hissing sound
A Discussion about umbilical
table. ;; Feel for the air or pressure against the
R cord management with
palm. This ensures opening of the fish
E obstetrician before delivery
mouth valve.
;; Bag should recoil instantly when pressure
is released
;; Breathing well (routine care):
Deliver to mother’s abdomen
in skin-to-skin contact (SSC)
→ dry the baby and remove
Assess for wet linen and cover the baby
breathing with warm towel → DCC →
or crying initiate breastfeeding → baby
and mother to be in SSC (zero
I ;; Baby not breathing
N (initial steps): Clamp cord
I immediately → shift to the Positioning the head and neck using
T warmer → dry and replace shoulder roll (Video link 2)
I wet linen with another pre-
A warmed towel → stimulate
L → place the baby in sniffing
position → suction the
S mouth followed by the nose
T ;; Baby breathing and HR >100
Target oxygen saturation table:
but appears cyanosed, check
P for saturation → saturation ;; 1 minute: 60–65%
S below target → provide free ;; 2 minutes: 65–70%
After initial flow oxygen ;; 3 minutes: 70–75%
steps, assess ;; If baby has labored ;; 4 minutes: 75–80%
breathing and breathing—nasal continuous
;; 5 minutes: 80–85%
heart rate (HR) positive airway pressure
;; 10 minutes: >85%
(CPAP) should be considered
;; Baby not breathing or if MSAF does not influence the resuscitation.
breathing but HR <100— Intubation for tracheal suction in non-
provide positive pressure vigorous baby born through MSAF is not
ventilation recommended.

Neonatal Resuscitation Program

Positive pressure ventilation (PPV) is the most important step in neonatal resuscitation. 99% of
apneic babies can be revived if PPV is provided in the correct manner at appropriate time (within the
first golden minute).

Effective Positive Pressure Ventilation

Steps to Provide Effective Positive Pressure Ventilation

Mask position PPV with “C” and “E” clamp to provide tight seal

(Video links 3 to 6)

Positive Pressure Ventilation Via Endotracheal Tube (EtPPV)

Steps to Provide Effective Positive Pressure Ventilation

Neonatal Resuscitation Program

(Video links 7 to 11)

Neonatal Resuscitation Program

Coordinated Chest Compression and PPV

(Video link 12)

Image showing chest compression from head end

and PPV from the right side of the infant

Neonatal Resuscitation Program
Resuscitation If HR <60 after 1 minute of Coordinated CC and EtPPV

Assessment Action Reassessment Action

If HR <60 after ;; Continue coordinated PPV and CC Reassess HR ;; If HR >60: Stop CC and
“CARDIO” ;; Access umbilical venous line (UVL) after 60 continue EtPPV. Once
check to administer drugs. With aseptic seconds HR >100 and SpO2 is
precautions, cord is tied and cut within target range,
about 1 cm above skin → vein shift the baby for PRC
is identified and saline flushed ;; If HR <60: Continue
umbilical catheter (size 3.5–5 Fr), is EtPPV and CC, reassess
inserted and secured at about after 60 seconds
2–4 cm until there is free backflow
M of blood. Injection adrenaline
E 1:10,000 dilutions of 0.2 mL/kg
D (0.1–0.3) followed by a saline flush
I of 3 mL. ET adrenaline may be
C administered at a dose of
A 1.0 mL/kg till umbilical venous
T access is established
I (Video links 13 to 14)
O If HR <60, after ;; Repeat dose every 3–5 minutes If there is no ;; Consider discontinuing
N 60 seconds and assess every 60 seconds for response to resuscitation, if HR is
of EtPPV and response. adrenaline zero after 20 minutes
CC following ;; If history of blood loss and signs of of life
intravenous shock present, then give one bolus ;; Post-resuscitation
dose of of normal saline @10 mL/kg debriefing and family
adrenaline over 5–10 minutes should be counseled
;; If chest transillumination test is
positive → place Intercostal drain
using three way stopcock and

Neonatal Resuscitation Program

There are situations where resuscitation may not improve the baby or resuscitation may need to be
modified. Some of such situations are mentioned here.
Situation Problem Resuscitation technique
Preterm delivery Preterm newborns are at higher ;; Preterm infants <32 weeks, should be
risk for hypothermia and have covered with a plastic sheet without drying
immature lungs (Video link 15)
;; Initial oxygen concentration during PPV is
between 21 and 30%
;; Labored breathing warrants delivery room CPAP
;; It is preferable to provide peak end-expiratory
pressure (PEEP) and peak inspiratory pressure
(PIP) during PPV using T-piece resuscitator
(Video link 16)
Persistent bradycardia ;; Severe asphyxia No change in the resuscitation sequence. Suspect

Special Considerations
after ensuring ;; Congenital heart block heart block if there is maternal history of lupus
effective PPV
Baby not improving ;; Pneumothorax Intercostal drain (ICD) (Video link 17)
or suddenly worsens ;; Pleural effusion
Baby is not ;; Congenital diaphragmatic ;; CDH: Intubate immediately after birth and
improving with hernia (CDH) or other lung insert orogastric tube for draining the
resuscitation malformation (antenatal stomach
diagnosis) ;; Lung hypoplasia: PPV with high pressures to
;; Lung hypoplasia (presence move the chest and this in turn predisposes
to oligohydramnios) for pneumothorax
;; Severe primary pulmonary
hypertension of the
newborn (PPHN)
Chest is not moving Obstruction in the airway Attach the tracheal aspirator to the ET tube and
despite providing possibly due to thick secretion remove the ET tube with suctioning. Do not
EtPPV or aspirated meconium move to next step until chest movement is
seen with PPV (Video link 18).
No spontaneous ;; Severe asphyxia Resuscitation sequence is no different
breathing efforts ;; Neuromuscular disorders
;; Central nervous system
(CNS) malformation
Airway malformation ;; Retrognathia—Robin Robin sequence: Put the baby in prone and
is suspected difficult sequence insert nasopharyngeal airway through the nose
to provide effective ;; Mass in the lower jaw— using 2.5 size ET tube to be placed beyond the
PPV and difficult to cystic hygroma tongue. If not improving, then tracheostomy
intubate may be required. If severe obstruction suspected
antenatally, then multidisciplinary meeting
for ex-utero intrapartum therapy (EXIT) and

Neonatal Resuscitation Program

Situation Problem Resuscitation technique
Airway malformation Choanal atresia— Oral airway can be inserted to maintain the airway
suspected if baby bilateral
improves with
crying but becomes
cyanosed when
mouth is closed
Gastrointestinal (GI) Gastroschisis and ;; Gastroschisis and omphalocele, umbilical cord should
malformations omphalocele be clamped as far away as possible. Place the baby
and the exposed bowel in a sterile clean plastic bag
and position the baby and bowel on the right side.
Insert orogastric tube for continuous gastric drainage.
Special Considerations

Handle the bowel gently

;; If baby requires PPV in babies with gastroschisis, then
intubation is preferred over bag and mask
Neural tube defect Meningomyelocele is ;; Baby to be placed in prone or lateral position.
prone for rupture ;; If baby needs resuscitation, prepare a donut using
towel and placed at the level of the lesion to avoid the
pressure effect on the lesion due to the body weight.
Use non-latex plastic wrap over the lesion.

Neonatal Resuscitation Program

NRP is a standardized and evidence-based, structured program. Every person attending
delivery should be NRP trained to improve neonatal care at delivery and to prevent the
neonatal morbidity and mortality due to birth asphyxia. To become NRP provider login to
IAP-NNF-NRP-FGM program.

1. Testing self-inflating bag:

2. Initial steps:
3. Use of self-inflating bag:
4. PPV administration:
5. HR assessment during PPV:
Video Links

7. Intubation supplies:

8. Intubation procedure:
9. Role of assistant in Intubation:
10. NTL:
11. Securing ET tube:
12. How to administer chest compression:
13. Review of emergency umbilical venous access:
14. Closed loop communication and administering adrenaline:
15. Preterm resuscitation:
16. T-piece resuscitator:;
17. ICD for pneumothorax:
18. Intratracheal aspirator:
Further Reading

;; Berkelhamer SK, Kamath-Rayne BD, Niermeyer S. Neonatal resuscitation in low-resource settings.

Clin Perinatol. 2016;43(3):573-91.
;; Indian Academy of Pediatrics. Advanced NRP Workshop Manual: A Joint Initiative by IAP and NNF.
Mumbai, India: Indian Academy of Pediatrics; 2021.
;; Weiner GM, Zaichkin J. Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation, 8th edition. Itasca, United States:
American Academy of Pediatrics; 2021.


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