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Internship Report
1. BBA Internship Report will be submitted hard Bounded. Maroon ‘Color Code Format’ will
be followed by our department for the purpose of binding: -

S. No. Name of the Department Binding Color Code

1. BBA Maroon

2. Students must submit three Copies of the project report in the Department Office. The
department will retain 1 copy; 1 copy will be send to library for records, 1 copy is student’s


1 Standard A4 size (297mm x 21mm) paper should be used for preparing the report. The
report must be printed on a good quality white paper (20-40 lb bond).

(a) Oversize or undersize papers can be included but should not be binded in the
report. They can be placed in a pocket at the back side of the report.

(b) Complete project work report will be typed in English using MS Word.

(c) Tables and figures should conform to the margin specifications (i.e. in line with
the text). Large size figures should be photographically or otherwise reduced to
the appropriate size before insertion.

2 For binding purposes:

(a) The margins of every page of the report must be as follows:

Top: - 1” Bottom: - 1’’ Right: - 1” Left: - 1-.5"

(b) To ensure that the margins are correct:

Header: - 0.5” Footer:- 0.5”

(c) All the data/text must fit within the above specified margin requirements (including
tables, figures, graphs etc.). Full paper points of diagrams/image must confirm to the sure
margins as specified above.
(d) Right Header: Project Title (In Italicized Font)
(e) A Left Footer: Name of Department and College.
(f) Right Footer: Page No.

3 Other specifications will be as under:

(a) Font type: Times New Roman

(b) Chapter Headings: Center/Right Aligned, Bold and Underlined with Font Size 18-20.
(c) Sub Heading: Bold & Font Size 14-16 (may be-underlined if required)
(d) Contents: Font Size 12
(e) Paragraphs: Justified
(f) Line spacing: 11/2
(g) Double line spacing should be used for typing, tables & references.
(h) Foot ‘notes/contents with in header/footer can be 9 or 10 point size. (i.e. must be less
than normal text)
(i) The Title of the Project must be in ‘Title Case’ or ‘All Caps’
(j) The Title of all the entries in the ‘Table of Contents’ must be in Title Case.
(k) Minimum Pages should be 100.


(a) All the page numbers (whether it is in Roman or Arabic number) should be typed without
punctuation in sequence. The preliminary page of the report (such as Title page,
Acknowledgment, Table of Contents etc.) should be numbered in lower case Roman
numerals. The title page will be numbered as (i) but this should not be typed. The page
immediately following the title page shall be numbered (ii) and it should appear at the
right-hand corner in the footer as already specified. Pages of main text, starting with
Chapter 1 should be consecutively numbered using Arabic numerals. Please ensure that
there are no missing, blank, or duplicate pages
(b) Minimum font size is 10-point for page nos. and must be kept consistent throughout the
(d) Tables and. figures appearing anywhere in the project should bear appropriate numbers.
If figures (or tables) appear in appendices then figure 3 in Appendix 2 will be designated as
Figure A 2.3.


The term ‘Table’, is meant for tabulated numerical data in the body of the report as well as in
appendices. All other non-verbal material used in the body of the report and appendices such as
charts, graphs, & diagrams may be designated as figures
The headings of all items listed under this head should be typed in capital letter without
punctuation. The page numbering for all items mentioned under (A) & (C) should be done using
lower case Roman Numerals and the pages thereafter under (B) should be numbered using
Arabic Numerals. (From Chapter-1)

The sequence in which the Project Report should be arranged and bound should be as follows:

(A) Preliminary Pages (to be numbered with lower case Roman Numerals)
Cover Page
Table of Contents

• Cover/Title Page: The first page of the report is the cover page; and the print-out of this
must be taken on glossy paper. As per the prescribed format. (Please refer Appendix- ‘A).
This title page will be also printed on the hard bound cover of the Project Report.

• Certificate: The Certificate shall be typed in double line spacing using Font Style Times
New Roman, Size’14, as per the format shown.

• Declaration: This should be written as per the format mentioned (in Appendix-‘C’)

• Acknowledgment: The acknowledgment shall be brief and should not exceed one page.
The students’ signature shall-be made at the bottom of the page above their name typed in
capital. Over here the students can acknowledge the help and guidance received from
different persons.

• Preface: The first paragraph of the preface must give a brief introduction to the work and
the subsequent paragraphs must cover the overview of how the material is structured and
covered chapter wise in the body of the Project Report.

• Table of Contents: This should list all the material following it as well as any material
which precedes it. The Title Page, Certificate and Acknowledgment will be placed in the
Table of Contents along -with the page numbers in lower case Roman Numerals. Page
starting with Introduction (Immediate after the Table of contents) should be consecutively
numbered using Arabic Numerals. The contents page must be typed in Times New
Roman; Font Size- 14 and 1.5 line spacing.
(B) Main Pages (numbered with Arabic Numerals)
Chapter-1: Introduction to topic
Chapter-2: Company Profile
Chapter-3: Research Methodology along with objectives & scope of study.
Chapter-4: Use & Importance of the Study
Chapter-5: Data Collection Methods & Its analysis
Chapter-6: Findings
Chapter-7: Recommendations
Chapter-8: Conclusion
Chapter-9: Limitations
Chapter-10 Bibliography

Introduction to Topic: The introduction must detail out the actual overview to the project. It
must cover the problem definition along with the aims and objectives.

Proposed Methodology: This should detail the proposed path of solution of the problem.
• Conclusion: This covers the various set of conclusions/inferences that are derived at the
end of the work.
• Appendices are provided to give supplementary information. They should be numbered
using Arabic numerals.
• Bibliography: to be followed as per instructions.
• Appendices: Appendices are provided to give supplementary information, which.
included in the main text may serve as a distraction to the central theme under discussion.
Appendices should be numbered using Arabic numerals,
• References & Bibliography: The format for writing ‘Bibliography’ & ‘References’
must be followed as given.

(C) Appendices [Continuation of lower-case Roman Numerals from (A)]

List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Abbreviations and Symbols Used
References & Bibliography

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