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Fertility Self-Care Guide

25 Potent Self-Care Practices

to help you enjoy

Faster Fertility Success

Hello my Fertile Friend,
You're here because you made that first, important step to book an initial
Complimentary Fertility Consultation. Congratulations on taking this beautiful
step to receive the support you deserve.

Me and my team are really excited to connect with you during your upcoming
Complimentary Fertility Consultation. But we decided we didn’t want you to have
to wait to start feeling the benefits of Faster Fertility Success – we want to help
you right now!

That’s why we’ve created this gorgeous gift, just for you. This guide has been
formulated to help inject some self-love into your life.

But in case we haven’t officially met yet – I’m Fiona Boulton, Fertility Expert and
the founder of Awakening Fertility. I have been helping women and couples have
their happy, healthy babies since 2007.

What’s more, my online Fertile Lifestyle Course has an 80% success rate. What
does that mean? It means that 80% of the women that enrol in my Fertile Lifestyle
Course give birth to healthy babies.

The question I’m asked most commonly is,

“What’s the one thing that I can do that will help me to fall pregnant, and hold my
pregnancy full term?”
Can I share a secret with you? Over the last 15 years,
I’ve served thousands of women with countless different
fertility challenges. Time after time, the women that
succeed on my course are those that:
commit to the course; and
most importantly, commit to themselves.

Yes. It’s that ‘simple’. The women that succeed are

those that make self-love their number priority,
each and every day.

Fertility Self-Care Guide 01

No one else is prioritising you, so you have to be the one to start prioritising
yourself. No doubt, if you’ve made it this far, then having a happy healthy baby is
your dream. To make that dream become reality, the first thing you need to do is
to make your health and happiness your number one priority.

Oh – and before we go any further – I need to make one thing crystal clear. Self-
care is not self-love. Sure, self-care is important and it is part of self-love, but self-
love isn’t just bubble baths and massages.

What is self-love?
Self-love is more than just those beautiful things you do for yourself. It’s about how
you treat yourself in all aspects of your life.

Self-love is knowing:
your values
setting your personal standards
knowing your boundaries and most importantly, unapologetically sticking
to your boundaries

Whereas self-care is the beautiful things that you do for yourself, to nurture
yourself. You could call it mindfulness that fills up your love tank. And self-care is
important – in fact, it’s a necessity. It’s not an expense, it’s an investment.

Self-care isn’t selfish, it’s about filling up your cup so that you have something to
give from.

When we’re focusing on creating faster fertility success, joyously (yes! Not only is it
possible, it is a MUST!), your mindset, habits and routines are your golden ticket to

Implementing powerful daily self-care rituals will turn your dream of having a
happy healthy baby into reality and will allow you to craft an extraordinary life for
yourself that you LOVE!

Fertility Self-Care Guide 02

With that being said, it’s time to take your self-love up a notch. If you’re ready to:
experience faster fertility success,
take back control of your fertility journey,
feel excited and empowered, and
genuinely enjoy trying for your baby,

then it’s time to take action by following what I’ve set out for you in the remainder
of this guide.

Sending you infinite fertility blessings

Fiona Boulton xo

Fertility Self-Care Guide 03

What Our Clients Are Saying
"This course gave me “I fell pregnant in my “If you really want to
more than I ever first round of IVF after make changes in your
thought possible, a doing Fiona’s life to have the baby
pregnancy, and I have program!” you long for, then this
never been pregnant Dee, 34, Lawyer course is for you.”
before (instead I have Denise H, 49,
endured failed
attempts with clomid,
“Fiona’s Fertile Lifestyle
IVF, ICSI and IUI).”
Course was
Mary P, 30, East instrumental in "I had been trying
London helping us get our everything to fall
happy, healthy baby pregnant for 4 years
boy after five years of before I found Fiona.
“I urge anyone who no trying, three rounds of After just 5 months of
longer wants to IVF, countless doing the program I
struggle with fertility to medicated cycles and fell pregnant with my
do Fiona’s program. It IUIs. It gave me the lovely twins!”
works and I couldn’t be tools to step away from
Pippa, 34,
happier.” the stresses of
infertility and instead Pharmacist
Alicia W, 34, Lawyer
embrace my body and
tap into the healing
“The Fertile Lifestyle abilities of my mind “After having
Course is a wonderful while setting up day to ‘unexplained infertility’
tool to help anyone on day routines to help for years, the only
their fertility journey. welcome a baby. It was treatment that worked
Its various modules a great resource and for me was using the
guide you through without a doubt our combination of the
some excellent advice baby wouldn’t be here Fertile Lifestyle Course
and the most relaxing without it.” and IVF.”
meditations. I highly Libby B Mari, 39, Media
recommend it.” Lawyer
Louise, 44, London

Fertility Self-Care Guide 04

How to Use this Guide
And Joyously Create Faster Fertility Success
1. Read through the list of 25 self-care practices that can change your life.
2. Select those that appeal to you most – not what you think you should do,
or what you think makes the most sense – select the ones that feel like
they light you up the most!
3. Now narrow this down to the 1-3 (really, a maximum of 3!!).
4. For the next 14 days your challenge is to implement the self-care
practices you have chosen and to keep track in your Self-care Tracker
(found on the last 2 pages of this guide).

Each of the practices in this guide, when implemented daily, absolutely have the
power to transform your habits and your life.

Imagine going from feeling like a fertility failure, to waking up each and every day,
feeling excited to be on this miraculous journey!

Not only is this possible – but for my clients, it’s a reality.

Radical change requires only one thing. Radical, consistent action. To see results
doesn’t require a lot. It just requires a lot of consistency. That’s why you’re invited
to implement just 3 of these powerful practices into your daily life for the next 14

Fertility Self-Care Guide 05

Bonus Support
Are you ready to take this to the next level? If consistent action is key to achieving
your goals, then accountability is your best friend! Making a commitment to
consistently doing something new is made easier when we have a buddy on our
side that we stay accountable to.

We’ve all had those moments when we’ve ‘tried’ to make a change, but within a
week that new habit fell by the wayside. Not this time!

You’re cordially invited to join our private Facebook group, Fertility Help and share
your daily progress in the group. It could just be a simple post such as:
“Today is day 1 of taking action with the Fertility Self-care Guide and I did XYZ for
myself today!”
Not only will you be keeping yourself accountable, you’ll also be inspiring others to
do the same. Talk about a win/win!

Join Our
Facebook Community

It’s time for you to be a fertility success. It’s time for you feel in control of your body
again. And the fastest way to create fertility success, is to feel amazing. I’m sure
that by implementing this guide, you will start to feel incredible – and I can’t wait
to hear all about it on our initial Complimentary Fertility Consultation.

Fertility Self-Care Guide 06

A Little Bit More Love From Our Clients
“Since starting the “We have some really “We want to thank you
course I seriously have exciting news - we're for all your support and
noticed a positive having a baby! We had everything you taught
difference and my our 12-13 week scan us through the
partner has noticed a today which was program. I feel that the
difference in me too... v amazing. It came as a program, combined
quickly in fact! The complete surprise - we with taking up new
course helps you to fall were planning a round hobbies which helped
in love with life and of IVF and I went to the ease the focus on our
trying for a baby doctor because I fertility journey and
again.” thought I had a urine bring more joy into our
Claire, G, Aylesbury, infection but it turned lives and the new
out I was pregnant!” supplements my
Judy, S, Self husband began to take
all played an essential
Employed. North
“"I do love this course.... London, England.
I'm learning a lot about Mr & Mrs J,
Had her baby at 39
me....but it’s a weird Accountant and
one as you relax on Engineer.
some issues others
“I got a positive Guildford, England.
need working through
pregnancy test this Had her baby at 39
that you did not know
morning! I can't believe
were there....always
it! I'm in shock a bit to
more complex than
be honest. I can't thank Many thanks to Fiona’s
you think! Thank you
you enough I put this program for making it
for your advice as
100% down to your happen and preparing
always and being
Awakening Fertility me for the dreaded IVF
available via the ‘bolt-
course Fiona.” process, but she made
on’ service you offer, it
Caroline A, my body and mind
makes a huge
strong so we fell
difference.” Teacher, London.
pregnant first time we
Geraldine C, Had her child at 37 tried IVF.”
Hampshire, Rebecca, S.
England. Fell Petersfield,
pregnancy at 43 England. Gave
birth at 37

Fertility Self-Care Guide 07

25 Self-Care Practices
That can change your life
Write your dreams and goals, then read them first thing when you wake up.
As you do, create the intensity and energy within yourself as if you’d already
succeeded at your goals
Meditate upon waking – either guided or silent
Practice journaling, by writing out your deepest desires, thoughts and
feelings, at least 1 full page
Lovingly move your body – go for a walk, run, lift weights, do yoga. Move in a
way that makes you feel good
Spend 9 minutes visualising – 3 minutes seeing and feeling yourself
achieving a goal, then the next 3 minutes on another goal and the final 3
minutes on a third goal
Have morning cuddles with your pet – spend 5 minutes cuddling your pet,
while noticing your breathe
Do a detox foot spa
Spend 5 minutes repeating a positive affirmation, e.g. “everyday in everyway
I become happier and happier” or “I am happy, healthy and grateful to be
Read 3 pages of an inspiring or motivating book
Write out 10 things you’re grateful for
Play your favourite song, nice and loud, and dance like crazy
Give yourself a face mask
Make yourself a healthy and nourishing breakfast
Ground yourself by walking in nature for 5 minutes (even if it’s just on the
front lawn)

Fertility Self-Care Guide 09

25 Self-Care Practices
That can change your life
Look yourself in the eyes in the mirror and say “I love you, you are powerful”
Light a candle and set a positive intention for your day
Make your bed
Sit outside in nature for 5 minutes without any devices
Put on an inspiring podcast
Have an infrared sauna
Say a prayer of gratitude (to whomever you believe in)
Stretch for 5 minutes, sending love to each part of your body as you go
Drink a big glass of water with lemon in it
Sit in front of your vision board, visualise and feel your goals coming true
Write out your ‘to do’ list for the day and ask yourself “how can I make today

Fertility Self-Care Guide 10

Self-Care Tracker






Self-Care Tracker







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