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TVO ILC EWC4U Lesson 12

6 Tips for Writing a Persuasive Speech (On Any Topic)

6 Tips for Writing a Structure matters. It’s usually harder to

figure out the right structure for a speech –
Persuasive Speech the order of the points to make – than the
(On Any Topic) words themselves. The order of those points
matters because an argument that’s clear
Adam Frankel and logical is more likely to be persuasive.
There is a reason that some of America’s
Obama’s former speechwriter shares greatest speechwriters – from Lincoln
tricks of the trade to JFK’s speechwriter Ted Sorensen to
By far, the best way to learn how to write President Obama himself – studied the law,
speeches is to read the great ones, from a profession that values the ability to make a
Pericles’ Funeral Oration, to Dr. King’s logical argument. Tip: Lists (like this one) are
Mountaintop speech, to Faulkner’s Nobel one way to impose a structure on a speech.
acceptance address. But if you’re looking Be concise. It is said that Woodrow Wilson
for some quick tips, here are a few things to once gave the following reply to a speaking
bear in mind next time you’re asked to give a request: “If you’d like me to speak for five
speech: minutes, I’ll need a month to prepare. If
Write like you talk. There is no First Law you’d like me to speak for 20 minutes, I’ll
of Speechwriting, but if there were, it would need two weeks. But if you’d like me to
probably be something like this: a speech is speak for an hour, I’m ready right now.”
meant to be spoken, not read. That simple As Wilson knew, it’s harder to be concise
(and obvious) fact has a few important (and than verbose. But the best way to make
less obvious) implications. Use short words. a point is concisely, as Churchill did when
Write short sentences. Avoid awkward he announced during a wartime address:
constructions that might cause a speaker “The news from France is very bad.”
to stumble. Tip: Read the speech aloud as Next time you think you can’t afford to cut
you’re writing. If you do it enough, you’ll start that paragraph you love, remember: the
hearing the words when you type them. Gettysburg Address, perhaps the greatest
speech in American history, is fewer than
Tell a story. I once wrote speeches for a
300 words. Tip: Challenge yourself to cut as
governor whose aide told me: speechwriting
many words as possible from each sentence
is about slinging soundbites together. That
without losing the line’s meaning.
approach is a recipe for writing neither good
speeches nor good soundbites. Whenever Be authentic. If you’ve ever given a speech,
we sat down to discuss a speech for the first you’ve probably been told, “Just speak
time, President Obama would ask us: What’s from the heart.” It’s not very helpful writing
the story we’re trying to tell? Like any good advice, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong.
story, a speech has its own narrative arc. For Once, when we were writing President
the President, it’s usually a slow warm-up, a Obama’s 2008 Democratic Convention
substantive middle, and an inspirational end. address, we got stuck on a certain section
That’s his style. Tell your story in whatever of the speech. The President advised us:
way feels natural. Tip: A good story can be a Think about the moment we’re in, think
lot more powerful than the most compelling about what the country is going through,
facts and statistics.

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TVO ILC EWC4U Lesson 12
6 Tips for Writing a Persuasive Speech (On Any Topic)

and write something that feels true. It was

a helpful reminder to stop focusing on polls
and soundbites and simply say something
we believed in as simply as we could. Tip:
Sharing a personal story can help you find
your voice and build a connection with the
Don’t just speak – say something. When
Michelangelo was tasked with painting the
Sistine Chapel, he considered it a thankless
job. He would have much rather spent his
time sculpting than painting. But he used the
occasion to paint perhaps the most revered
fresco in history. So, the next time you’re
asked to speak, don’t just write a speech,
write a great one. A speech’s greatness has
as much to do with its values as anything
else. No one remembers the speeches of
segregationists, though there were no doubt
eloquent preachers spewing hate in the days
of Jim Crow. No one remembers Hitler’s
speeches, though few would dispute his
oratorical prowess. Of course, Hitler, like the
segregationists, lost. But it’s also because
hope will always be more compelling
than hate. It’s no accident that the best-
known, best-loved speech in history – the
Sermon on the Mount – is an articulation
of humanity’s highest ideals. Tip: Before
sitting down to write, get inspired by reading
great speeches from collections like William
Safire’s “Lend Me Your Ears.”
Adam Frankel is VP, External Affairs at
Andela. Previously, he was Special Assistant
and Senior Speechwriter to President
Barack Obama.
Source: Adam Frankel, “Six Tips for Writing
a Persuasive Speech (On Any Topic),” Time
Magazine, 12 January 2015. © Time Inc.
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