MPV Inflamm Thrombosis

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Mean Platelet Volume: A Link Between Thrombosis and Inflammation?

Article in Current Pharmaceutical Design · January 2011

DOI: 10.2174/138161211795049804 · Source: PubMed

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George Kitas
The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust


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Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2011, 17, 47-58 47

Mean Platelet Volume: A Link Between Thrombosis and Inflammation?

Armen Yuri Gasparyan1*, Lilit Ayvazyan2, Dimitri P. Mikhailidis3 and George D. Kitas1,4

Clinical Research Unit, Russell’s Hall Hospital, Dudley Group of Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Dudley, West Midlands, UK,
Department of Medical Chemistry, Yerevan State Medical University, Yerevan, Armenia, 3Department of Clinical Biochemistry
(Vascular Prevention Clinic), Royal Free Hospital, University College London Medical School, University College London (UCL),
London, United Kingdom, 4Arthritis Research UK (AR UK) Epidemiology Unit, University of Manchester, Manchester, United

Abstract: Platelet activation is a link in the pathophysiology of diseases prone to thrombosis and inflammation. Numerous platelet mark-
ers, including mean platelet volume (MPV), have been investigated in connection with both thrombosis and inflammation. This review
considers MPV as a prognostic and therapeutic marker as well as the factors influencing its measurement. Established cardiovascular risk
factors, such as smoking, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes, can influence MPV, depending on confounding factors. Low-grade
inflammation is one such factor. Evidence, particularly derived from prospective studies and a meta-analysis, suggest a correlation be-
tween an increase in MPV and the risk of thrombosis. High MPV associates with a variety of established risk factors, cardio- and cere-
brovascular disorders, and low-grade inflammatory conditions prone to arterial and venous thromboses. High-grade inflammatory dis-
eases, such as active rheumatoid arthritis or attacks of familial Mediterranean fever, present with low levels of MPV, which reverse in the
course of antiinflammatory therapy. Lifestyle modification, antihypertensive, lipid-lowering and diet therapies can also affect MPV val-
ues, but these effects need to be investigated in large prospective studies with thrombotic endpoints.
Keywords: Platelets, mean platelet volume, arterial thrombosis, venous thromboembolism, inflammation, rheumatic disease, prognosis.

INTRODUCTION also reviewed and cited. The reference lists of the selected sources
Recent advances in clinical laboratory techniques have opened were searched to identify relevant original papers and reviews.
new horizons for a better understanding of the role of platelets in
thrombosis, immunity, inflammation and angiogenesis [1-4]. As a
result, platelet activation is now viewed as a therapeutic target in
atherothrombosis [5], hypertension [6] and diabetes [7]. Experimen- Steady-state megakaryocytopoiesis contributes to the circulat-
tal and clinical evidence has also been suggestive of the involve- ing blood by producing disc-shaped anucleate particles measuring
ment of platelet-derived agents in inflammatory disorders, such as 1-2 μm in size, with a lifespan of 8-10 days [12]. These particles,
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) called platelets, are cytoplasmatic fragments of megakaryocytes,
and associated thrombotic complications [8-11]. There is, however, and their morphology and functional capacities are determined by 2
no strong evidence supporting the use of antiplatelet therapy in sets of factors: those affecting the process of megakaryocytopoiesis
inflammatory disorders. This might be, at least partly, due to the and the circulation of platelets. The first set of factors is thought to
diversity of pathways activating platelets and lack of tools for plate- have more pronounced impact on the size of platelets and their
let function monitoring in these disorders. function [13]. The morphology of platelets remains fairly constant
during their life-span [13]. In other words, the regulation of platelet
This review examines the evidence for the use of mean platelet
function and aging, primarily aimed at maintaining platelet mass
volume (MPV), a readily available marker of platelet activation, in
(platelet count multiplied by MPV) and persistent hemostatic poten-
the assessment of prothrombotic and pro-inflammatory potentials in
tial, is dependent on the ploidy (ability to reduplicate DNA) and
several clinical conditions. We also consider factors confounding
maturity of thrombopoietic progenitors [14].
changes in MPV.
Several hormonal and immune agents influence the maturation
SEARCH STRATEGY of thrombopoietic cells and release of platelets into the circulation.
We searched Medline/PubMed, Scopus, EMBASE, DARE, and Of these, thrombopoietin, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimu-
Web of Science (1983-2010) using terms “mean platelet volume” or lating factor, interleukin (IL)-1, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha,
“MPV” in combination with “thrombopoiesis”, “platelet function”, and IL-6 are important [15]. In steady-state conditions, throm-
“methods”, “flow cytometry”, “automated hematology analyzer”, bopoietin levels are affected by gender (significantly higher in
“thrombosis”, “cardiovascular risk”, “smoking”, “hypertension”, males) and platelet count (slightly higher in subjects with lower
“diabetes”, “dyslipidemia”, “obesity”, “coronary artery disease”, platelet count) but not by reticulated (large) platelet count and MPV
“heart failure”, “stroke”, “venous thrombosis”, “inflammatory dis- [16]. In stress conditions, however, a positive correlation between
orders”, “rheumatic disease”, “antiplatelet agents”, “treatment”, and thrombopoietin, ploidy of platelet progenitors, functional activity
“genetics”. The preference was given to the sources published and high platelet count is more apparent [17].
within the past 5 years and to the large clinical studies focusing on The regulation of megakaryocytopoiesis is programmed to meet
the role of MPV in thrombosis and inflammation. Highly-cited old demands for activated platelets in physiological and pathological
publications on thrombopoiesis and platelet size heterogeneity were conditions, resulting in time-dependent changes of platelet indices
[18]. This process can be thrombopoietin-dependent and independ-
*Address correspondence to this author at the Dudley Group of Hospitals ent [19]. The interpretation of the resultant changes in platelet indi-
NHS Trust (Teaching Trust of University of Birmingham, UK), Russells ces, however, is not always straightforward, considering the com-
Hall Hospital, North Block, Clinical Research Unit, Dudley, West Midlands plexity of inflammatory and immune mechanisms involved.
DY1 2HQ, United Kingdom; Tel: +44-1384-244842;
Fax: +44-1384-244808; E-mails:;
The frequently described inverse relationship between platelet count and MPV in physiological and some pathological conditions

1381-6128/11 $58.00+.00 © 2011 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

48 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2011, Vol. 17, No. 1 Gasparyan et al.

reflects the tendency to maintain hemostasis by preserving a con- cell counters only MPV is well-standardized. Moreover, the prog-
stant platelet mass [18]. This inverse relationship is often seen in nostic value of PDW is not well explored; the reliability of PDW as
inflammatory disorders, where enhanced thrombopoiesis increases a marker of platelet activation is still questioned [33].
the quantity of circulating platelets, and large amount of highly Finally, automated cell counters allow calculating platelet-large
reactive large-sized platelets migrate to inflammatory sites, where cell ratio, which may provide additional information on the pre-
they are intensely consumed [14]. Importantly, defective throm- dominant size of circulating platelets, particularly in conditions
bopoiesis and enhanced destruction and swelling of circulating associated with platelet count changes (for example, in reactive
platelets in an environment rich in activating agents can affect the thrombocytosis due to inflammation). In one large laboratory study,
relationship between platelet count and MPV. this parameter was positively correlated with MPV and PDW, and it
Circulating platelets contain matrix ribonucleic acid, mitochon- was shown to be affected by platelet count (an increase of the ratio
dria, alpha- and dense granules which provide mechanisms of self- in thrombocytopenia and a decrease in thrombocytosis) [34].
regulation by shape-change and release of biologically active sub-
stances [20]. Rapid (minutes-hours) shifts in platelet indices, in- PLATELET SIZE AND PROTHROMBOTIC RISK FAC-
cluding an increase of MPV, may take place as a result of the syn- TORS
thesis of prothrombotic and pro-inflammatory agents in platelets, The effects of established cardiovascular risk factors and their
degranulation of alpha-granules, and release of highly reactive combinations on platelet morphology and thrombogenesis have
platelets from stores (the spleen). The crucial role of stores in de- been investigated.
termining reactive changes of platelet indices is confined to exer-
cise-induced stress and activation of the sympathetic nervous sys- Smoking
tem [21, 22]. Cigarette smoking and exposure to nicotine exert a range of
effects on platelet function, which were confounded by age, sex,
METHODOLOGICAL CHALLENGES IN PLATELET SIZE duration of smoking and other risk factors. For example, a double-
QUANTIFICATION blind, placebo-controlled study comparing response to chewing
MPV is measured by cell counters employing impedance and nicotine gum over 30 min in non-smoking hypertensive and nor-
optical effects [23]. The discordance between the results of differ- motensive middle-aged men reported an increase of platelet count
ent and even the same cell counters limits the interchangeable use and MPV only in hypertensive subjects [35].
of MPV [24]. This can explain, at least partly, why hematological A study with young (median age 22.8 years) male subjects
laboratories sometimes do not display the MPV and some other failed to reveal any association between smoking status and MPV
indices of platelet function. [36], which was apparent in another study with older subjects of
Inaccurate measurement of platelet indices may be due to inap- both sexes (mean age 36 years) exposed to smoking over 3-45 years
propriate blood sampling and storing. The platelet indices have (an increase of MPV in smokers) [37]. In the latter study, MPV
been shown to be sensitive to the differences in blood sample anti- elevation was shown to be part of smoking-induced low-grade in-
coagulation, storage temperature and delays in processing. In par- flammation, measured by high-sensitivity C-reactive protein
ticular, the time-dependent swelling of platelets in samples antico- (hsCRP).
agulated with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) can result in The gender differences in the response of platelets to smoking
an artefactual increase of MPV and misinterpretation of pro- may contribute to the risk of thrombosis. Postmenopausal women in
thrombotic changes [25]. Storage-dependent changes are also char- general [16, 38] and smokers in particular [39] present with a high
acteristic for other simultaneously measured indices, such as mean quantities of large platelets that correlate with an increase of other
platelet component (MPC; reflects density and platelet degranula- markers of platelet activation. In a study with 27 monozygotic,
tion) and platelet distribution width (PDW; relates to the platelet predominantly female twin pairs (mean age 47.4 years) with a life-
pseudopodia and shape change) [25]. long discordance for smoking, co-twins exposed to this risk factor
It is widely accepted that platelet swelling in test tubes can be had a higher MPV, which was independently associated with athe-
minimized by rapid processing of samples (within less than 1 h) or rosclerotic lesions in the carotid arteries [40].
by using tubes with sodium citrate (time-dependent changes are There is evidence from a study of 121 subjects exposed to long-
more characteristic for EDTA) [26]. Notably, within the first hour term smoking (20 cigarettes/day for at least 5 years) suggesting
of sampling, MPV values of EDTA samples are at least 9% higher positive effects of smoking cessation on platelet size (a decrease of
than those of citrated samples [27]. MPV within several months) and their responsiveness to anti-
Earlier, it was suggested using tubes with high concentration of aggregating agents [41].
sodium citrate to obtain more reliable measures of MPV [28]. This
recommendation, however, did not meet routine practice demands; Hypertension
instead, most laboratories continue relying on EDTA as a standard The course of hypertension is characterized by platelet activa-
hematological anticoagulant by further shortening processing times tion primarily due to the effects of sympathetic and renin-
and by adding MPV stabilizers in standard tubes [29]. For example, angiotensin systems, shear stress, increased production of reactive
it was shown that wortmanin and tyrphostin (ED-WORTY) solution oxygen species, altered regulation of calcium signaling, endothelial
used as additives to EDTA blocks platelet signaling pathways and dysfunction and decreased bioavailability of nitric oxide [6]. The
preserves samples, allowing reliable measurement of MPV and additive effect of comorbid conditions and other risk factors such as
other platelet indices within 6 h of sampling [29]. diabetes and hypercholesterolemia further contribute to the altera-
Another challenging factor is a poor correlation of MPV with tion of platelet morphology and enhanced risk of thrombosis [6].
simultaneously measured indices (i.e., PDW and MPC) and with With a one exception [42], an increase of MPV in hypertension
the results of other platelet function tests [30]. The lack of agree- has been reported in numerous studies. The observed association
ment may reflect differences in the assessed pathways of platelet was stronger with the advance of hypertension and presence of
activation, poor laboratory standardization as well as diurnal varia- target organ damage: a higher MPV was noted in patients with es-
tion of MPV in both physiological and pathological conditions [31]. tablished hypertension compared with those with white coat hyper-
One recent study suggested recording both MPV and PDW to tension [43] or prehypertension [44]. Likewise, those with a higher
provide more reliable information [32]. An argument against this, blood pressure during night-time (non-dipper hypertensives) had a
however, is the fact that of all the variables produced by automated higher MPV than dippers [45]. The MPV elevation in adult non-
Mean Platelet Volume Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2011, Vol. 17, No. 1 49

dippers was shown to be part of low-grade inflammation, with a In animal models of alimentary hypercholesterolemia, a choles-
correlation between MPV and hsCRP (r<0.482; P<0.002) [46]. terol-rich diet enhanced megakaryocyte ploidy and led to reactive
One well-designed study comparing groups of healthy controls, thrombocytosis, with a decrease in platelet size [72, 73]. A similar
patients with hypertension and those with “malignant” or treatment- pattern of changes in platelet count and MPV was noted in patients
resistant hypertension revealed a stepwise increase of MPV with with hypercholesterolemia undergoing coronary artery bypass sur-
elevation of systolic blood pressure and target organ damage [47]. gery [74]. In subjects with hypercholesterolemia and unaltered
Apparently, left ventricular hypertrophy, retinopathy, myocardial platelet count, an increased ploidy of megakaryocytes, enhanced
infarction (MI), and stroke, complicating the course of hyperten- expression of platelet glycoprotein IIIa and elevated MPV were
sion, further disturb the megakaryocytopoiesis and present with a noted [75]. The effect of dyslipidemia on MPV in apparently
much higher MPV [48-50]. healthy subjects is probably time-dependent, as it was shown that
diet-induced hypercholesterolemia has no effect on platelet count
Blood pressure control over a sufficiently long period (at least and MPV over a 2-month period [76]. In contrast, uncontrolled
5-6 months) was associated with decreasing MPV and related risk primary dyslipidemia, fatty liver disease, and obesity are all found
of thrombosis. Lifestyle modification appeared to be useful for to be associated with elevated MPV [77-79]. Furthermore, when
correcting blood pressure and MPV in prehypertension [51], while dyslipidemia (hypertriglyceridemia) and abdominal obesity com-
more aggressive antihypertensive therapy was suggested for hyper- bine with elevated blood pressure and hyperglycemia, MPV eleva-
tension [52, 53]. Newly diagnosed, drug-naïve hypertensive sub- tion becomes more expressed and dependent on metabolic status
jects with a high MPV were shown to respond to 6-month amlodip- [80, 81]. Insulin resistance was shown to trigger the MPV elevation
ine- [52] or nebivolol-based therapy [53] with a significant decrease prior to clinical manifestation of the metabolic syndrome [80]. Fur-
of MPV and other indices of platelet activation. thermore, a study with 207 patients with the metabolic syndrome
Diabetes reported that waist circumference and fasting blood glucose con-
tribute to the elevation of MPV more significantly than angi-
Disturbances in endothelial and platelet function coupled with ographically documented coronary artery disease (CAD) [81].
injurious effects of hyperlipidemia on the vascular wall trigger dia-
betic vasculopathy and thrombosis [54]. Numerous factors are re- Lipid-lowering and weight-reducing therapies have been shown
sponsible for platelet activation and release of proinflammatory and to exert both increasing and decreasing effects on MPV. In one
prothrombotic agents in diabetes. Of these, systematic inflamma- longitudinal study with 55 hyperlipidemic subjects, cholesterol-
tion, oxidative stress, altered calcium metabolism, decreased lowering diet high in plant sterols, soy protein, viscous fibers, and
bioavailability of nitric oxide, and increased phosphorylation of almonds slightly increased MPV (0.16±0.07 fl; P=0.033) at the end
cellular proteins are important [55]. Diabetic platelets are hyperac- of a 12-month period [82]. An increase in MPV was also observed
tive, hyposensitive towards the anti-aggregatory effects of prosta- with short-term dietary supplementation of cod liver, olive or whale
cyclin and nitric oxide, and produce large amounts of thromboxane oil [83, 84] and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids [85]. It was pointed
A2, thus attenuating the antiplatelet effects of aspirin and clopi- out that negative consequences of weight-reducing therapies, in-
dogrel [7, 56, 57]. cluding the rise of MPV, are often due to low calorie [86] or purely
vegetarian diets [87]. The positive, decreasing effect of drug thera-
In a large series of case-control and cohort studies, platelet acti- pies on MPV in metabolic disorders was recorded in only few small
vation in diabetes has been linked to the production of large plate- studies with rosuvastatin [78], gamma-tocopherol [88] or doxazosin
lets, shape change and enlargement of circulating platelets. Notably, [89]. Obviously, more prospective studies with thrombotic end-
in one of the earliest studies, MPV correlated with blood glucose, points are warranted to assess the prognostic role of MPV values in
glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and urinary 11-dehydro-thromboxane these disorders.
B2 (a metabolite of thromboxane A2) levels [58]. An increase of
MPV and its correlation with blood glucose and HbA1c were also PLATELET SIZE IN PROTHROMBOTIC DISEASES
noted in prediabetic subjects with impaired fasting glucose and Evidence derived from both retrospective and prospective stud-
impaired glucose tolerance [59, 60]. With the advance of insulin ies suggests that large platelets and high MPV, in particular, are
resistance and transition from prediabetes to diabetes, the elevation predictors of thrombotic events in several predominantly arterial
of MPV reaches its highest level [61] and remains fairly constant disorders [90].
and independent of age, sex and duration of diabetes [62, 63].
Within diabetic subjects, MPV was found to be greater in those Cardiovascular Disease
with microangiopathy (i.e., retinopathy, microalbuminuria), in-
Experimental and clinical evidence supports the concept that
flammation, nephropathy, atherosclerotic vascular disease and heart
the main triggers of platelet activation, enlargement and involve-
failure [64-66].
ment in acute coronary syndromes are factors affecting the matura-
Therapeutic options for decreasing MPV and attenuating the tion and ploidy of megakaryocytes [91]. A variety of inflammatory
associated risk of thrombosis in diabetes have not been specifically cells and bioactive agents, such as IL-6 and CRP, alter the mor-
addressed. It seems, however, plausible to decrease MPV by im- phology and reactivity of platelets released from the bone marrow
proving glycemic control (HbA1c <7%) [68]. several weeks before thrombotic coronary events [91]. Actually, a
high MPV is detectable from the first hours of the destabilization of
Dyslipidemia and Obesity CAD and onset of MI [92-95].
Hypercholesterolemia is an established vascular risk factor, In a large comparative study with subgroups of patients (n=981)
which interacts with a wide range of inflammatory and pro- differing in the extent (one-, two- and three-vessel disease) and
thrombotic agents and contributes to atherogenesis [69]. Notably, stability of CAD (stable, unstable angina and angina requiring ur-
dyslipidemia triggers release of CD40 ligand, IL-1beta, platelet gent percutaneous coronary intervention [PCI]), differences in
factor (PF)-4 and other chemokines from platelets [69]. The over- MPV values were noted only between patients with stable and un-
production of platelet cytokines in dyslipidemia mobilizes progeni- stable angina [96]. Patients requiring PCI had the highest MPV
tors from the bone marrow and causes thrombocytosis [70]. Platelet (10.4±1.03 fl).
activation and changes in MPV values are not entirely related to the
quantitative shifts in cholesterol metabolism; qualitative modifica- Another comparative study with patients with stable CAD
tions in platelet membrane phospholipids also play a role [71]. (n=185) and those who suffered MI (n=188) highlighted the impor-
tance of MPV monitoring [97]. In this study, the highest quintile of
MPV (>11.6 fl) was associated with the greatest risk of MI (ad-
50 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2011, Vol. 17, No. 1 Gasparyan et al.

justed Odds Ratio [OR] = 2.6, 95% Confidence Interval [CI] 1.3- Antiplatelet therapy with GPIIb/IIIa blocker abciximab was
5.1). Moreover, in a cohort study (n = 282), MPV above the 10.35 shown to reduce the risk of short-term mortality after PCI in pa-
fl cut-off level predicted unstable angina and MI with 78.3% sensi- tients with MPV >8.95 fl (adjusted Hazard Ratio [HR] 1.44 in those
tivity and 74.6% specificity [95]. who were treated with abciximab vs 3.67 in those who were not)
Contrasting are the results of some case-control studies that did [107]. Additionally, it was demonstrated that elevated MPV can
not detect a difference in MPV values between patients with MI and help stratify cardiovascular risk and predict thrombotic events in
healthy controls [98, 99], which might be due to the intense con- those who fail to respond to aspirin therapy [108].
sumption of large, hyperactive platelets at the sites of ongoing To sum up, a recent large meta-analysis on MPV in cardiovas-
thrombus formation, myocardial injury and inflammation. cular disease provided evidence supporting the association of ele-
The most valuable evidence in favor of MPV as a marker of vated MPV with MI, restenosis after PCI and mortality [109]. A
thrombosis in cardiovascular disease derived from prospective stud- pooled analysis of 3 cohort studies with a total of 3,184 patients
ies (Table 1). Despite some limitations due to the lack of laboratory with MI yielded a significant mortality prediction value of high
standardization, these studies, to a certain extent, support value of MPV (OR 1.65, 95%CI 1.12-2.52; P=0.012) [109].
elevated MPV in predicting recurrent MI and death in post- A few studies have focused on MPV in heart failure. It should
infarction period [100], impaired myocardial reperfusion after be noted that heart failure is an endpoint of untreated cardiovascular
thrombolysis [101] or PCI in ST-elevation MI (“no-reflow” phe- disorders [110]. Low-grade inflammation has been shown to ac-
nomenon in an infarct-related artery) [102, 103] and restenosis after company heart failure [111]. Platelet size was found to be increased
PCI in angina [104-106]. in stable heart failure along with the elevation of other markers of

Table 1. Prospective Studies on MPV in Prothrombotic Disease States

Refs. P T Endpoints Main Results Antiplatelet Effects

[100] 1,716 post-MI M 24 h MI and death within 2 126 P had MI and 88 P died. Their baseline MPV and NS
aged <70 y from y fibrinogen were . P at the highest quartile of MPV were
21 centers twice more likely to develop MI or die compared to P at
the lowest quartile.

[101] 122 P with A Coronary artery oc- MPV was  in P with failed thrombolysis (P=0.019). NS
STEMI on few clusion (TIMI flow Cut-off value 8.6 fl was used. The failure was more fre-
thrombolysis min grade 0-1) and in- quent in P with MPV >8.6 fl (31.8% vs. 16%; P=0.048).
(91% M; MA hospital mortality
58.5 y)

[102] 388 P with 30 Impaired reperfusion Mortality was  at the highest tertile of MPV (10.3 fl). Abciximab  mortality in P
STEMI and PCI min (based on TIMI scale) MPV10.3 fl predicted “no-reflow” (adjusted OR 4.7, with MPV10.3 fl (OR 0.02,
(72.2% M; MA and 6-m all-cause 95%CI 2.3-9.9; P<0.0001) and 6-m mortality (OR 3.2, 95%CI 0.01-0.48;
60 y) mortality 95%CI 1.1.-9.3; P=0.0084). P=0.0165).

[107] 617 P with 1 h Impaired reperfusion MPV was  in P with TIMI 0-1 compared to TIMI 2-3 MPV>8.95 fl predicted
STEMI and PCI (based on TIMI scale) (median MPV 9 fl vs. 8.5 fl; P<0.0001). MPV predicted mortality in those who were
(82% M; MA 64 and 1-m mortality successful reperfusion (OR 0.63, 95%CI 0.51-0.78; not on abciximab compared
y) P<0.0001). to those who were (HR

[122] 3,134 P (71% M; 24-48 Stroke during a mean 1fl increment of MPV was associated with a 15% P received perindopril plus
MA 65 y) with h follow-up of 3.9 y ischemic stroke RR . indapamide or perindopril.
CVD Baseline and follow-up MPV
were not different.

[126] 25,923 subjects 12 h VTE during 1994- There were 186 (42%) unprovoked events (DVT and NS
aged 25-94 y 2007 PE). Those with MPV9.5 fl had a 1.5-fold  risk of
unprovoked VTE compared to those with MPV<8.5 fl
(HR 1.5, 95%CI 1.0-2.3; P=0.04).

[127] 192 P with acute 30 1-m mortality MPV was  in non-survivors compared to survivors Aspirin intake did not differ
PE (113 F, 79 M; min (P<0.01). Kaplan-Meier curves revealed differences in 7- between survivors and non-
MA 64 y) (18% vs. 4%; P<0.01) and 30-day mortality rates (18% survivors and P with  and 
vs. 7%, P<0.05) between P with MPV>10.9 fl and 10.9 MPV.
fl. MPV predicted 7- (HR 2.0, 95%CI 1.3-3.0; P<0.001)
and 30-day mortality (HR 1.7, 95%CI 1.2-2.5; P<0.01).
MPV: mean platelet volume; M: male; F: female; y: year; m: month; MI: myocardial infarction; h: hour; T: time of MPV measurement after sampling in ethylenediaminetetraacetic
acid-containing tubes; P: patient; STEMI: ST-elevation MI; MA: mean age; TIMI: Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction (angiographic flow grade scale); NS: not studied; PCI:
percutaneous coronary intervention; OR: Odds Ratio; CI: Confidence Interval; HR: Hazard Ratio; RR: relative risk; CVD: cerebrovascular disease; VTE: venous thromboembolism;
DVT: deep venous thrombosis; PE: pulmonary embolism; : increased or high; : decreased or low.
Mean Platelet Volume Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2011, Vol. 17, No. 1 51

platelet activation [112]. The increase of platelet size was especially In conclusion, elevated MPV was noted in some other disorders
expressed in decompensated heart failure and found to be predictive frequently associated with arterial and venous thrombosis, such as
of related mortality [113]. atrial fibrillation [129], mitral stenosis [130], dilated cardiomyopa-
thy [131] and thyroid dysfunction [132, 133]. It is possible that the
Cerebrovascular Disease elevation of MPV in these conditions results from the effect of low-
Elevated MPV is a characteristic laboratory feature of ischemic grade inflammation and metabolic perturbations on thrombopoiesis.
stroke, detectable from the early hours of its onset. It is probably The latter is particularly obvious in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
present well before the acute cerebrovascular event, and it persists associated with both elevated MPV and CRP [129].
during the long-term recovery period (3-6 months) [114]. A higher
MPV is associated with a larger volume of cerebral damage and PLATELET SIZE IN INFLAMMATORY DISORDERS
greater risk of poor outcomes (death or dependence) during the Evidence has accumulated suggesting an important role of
early post-stroke period [115, 116]. MPV as a marker of inflammation, disease activity and efficacy of
In a large multi-center cross-sectional study with 776 patients antiinflammatory treatment in several chronic inflammatory disor-
with ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack, those within the ders (Table 2). It would seem that the size of circulating platelets is
highest baseline quintile of MPV (11.3-15.3 fl) suffered a more dependent on the intensity of systemic inflammation, with contrast-
severe stroke 1 week after the admission (adjusted OR 2.2, 95%CI ing features of MPV in high- and low-grade inflammatory disorders
1.2-4.0; P=0.013), with a modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score of 3- and in the course of antiinflammatory treatment. Disease-specific
6 (death or dependence) [115]. The association between high MPV and cardiovascular confounding factors affect the direction of MPV
and severity of ischemic stroke was also reported in another cohort changes. Platelet count estimations further complicate the interpre-
study (n=384), which, however, did not find any differences in tation of MPV values in thrombocytopenia.
relation to the cause, localization, and size of cerebral infarcts
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
[117]. The absence of association between high MPV and severity
and outcomes of ischemic stroke was confirmed in a recent 12- The autoimmune reactions and abundant production of an-
month follow-up study [118]. tiphospholipid antibodies directed against blood cells, including
platelets, are thought to contribute to platelet activation, release of
Notably, the differences in MPV within the patients can be
vasoactive and thrombogenic agents and accelerated atherogenesis
related to an increased consumption of large platelets at the sites of
in SLE [134]. Antibodies targeting platelet glycoproteins IIb/IIIa,
cerebrovascular thrombosis and inflammation [119, 120] as well as
Ib/IX and IV were identified and linked to thrombocytopenia in
to the level of hypertension. The latter turned out to be the strongest
SLE [135].
independent determinant of MPV in stroke patients [121].
In one of the earliest laboratory investigations of MPV [24], low
The prognostic value of MPV was investigated in a prospective
MPV (<7.2 fl) was recorded by 2 different hematology analyzers in
multi-center study with 3,134 hypertensive patients within 5 years
5 (14.3%) and 23 (65.7%) patients with SLE, mostly at active stage
of stroke and/or transient ischemic attacks [122] (Table 1). During
of the disease (n=28, 80%). Unfortunately, no conclusion was made
the follow-up period (a mean 3.9 years), 301 ischemic, 59 hemor-
with respect to the role of MPV, since there was no proper calibra-
rhagic, and 42 strokes of unknown origin were registered. MPV
tion and timing of blood samples processing.
was associated with ischemic strokes only, with the highest number
of events at the highest quintile of MPV. When baseline and more Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
than 1 year on-treatment MPV measurements were compared be-
tween the treatment arms (perindopril plus indapamide vs perindo- An increased P-selectin, CD40 ligand, beta-thromboglobulin,
pril alone) there was no difference. The results of this study led to a PF-4, and platelet-leukocyte aggregates propagate intestinal in-
conclusion that MPV can serve as a prognostic marker of stroke in flammation in IBD by forming microaggregates and obstructing
high-risk patients and that angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) mesenteric circulation [136]. Some, but not all, of these platelet
inhibition does not provide an antiplatelet effect. markers are associated with activity and extent of the disease [136].
Thrombocytosis with an increase in the quantity of low-sized plate-
Antiplatelet therapy may seem to be a challenging task, particu- lets is a frequent feature in both ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s
larly given the inability of widely used aspirin at 75-300 mg/daily disease (CD) [137, 138]. Based on observational studies, MPV has
dose to alter megakaryocytopoiesis and to decrease MPV in patients been identified as a marker of IBD activity [138] and the extent of
with ischemic stroke [123]. intestinal inflammation, assessed clinically and endoscopically
[139, 140]. Compared with acute-phase reactants, a higher predic-
Other Diseases
tive value of MPV was demonstrated in relation to disease activity
It has been increasingly recognized that platelets are involved in in UC [140]. In UC and CD, MPV was inversely correlated with
venous thromboembolism (VTE). Activated by abnormal venous acute-phase reactants, beta-thromboglobulin and PF-4 [139]. Gen-
blood flow, platelets may interact with erythrocytes, endothelial der differences might also affect this association [141]. In patients
cells, neutrophils and monocytes and released fibrinogen, tissue with UC, a low MPV was recorded in those with extraintestinal
factors as well as other agents resulting in venous thrombosis [124]. inflammatory manifestations [140], suggesting an intense consump-
Relatively few studies have focused on MPV in conditions tion of large platelets.
associated with venous thrombosis and right ventricular dysfunc-
tion. Though an increase of MPV was noted in deep vein thrombo- Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
sis [125], pulmonary thromboembolism [126, 127] and pulmonary RA is the most common inflammatory arthritis associated with
hypertension [128], determinants of this marker in these disorders high-grade systemic inflammation, progressive destruction of pe-
are ill-defined. The Tromsø Study (Table 1), which is the largest ripheral joints and extraarticular manifestations, of which acceler-
and longest population-based study on MPV, demonstrated a strong ated atherosclerosis is the main contributor to premature mortality
independent association of high MPV (9.5 fl) with venous throm- in these patients [142, 143]. Though it has been long known that
boembolism without underlying surgery, trauma, immobilization or thrombocytosis is a frequent finding in active RA, only recently
cancer (adjusted HR 1.5, 95%CI 1.0-2.3; P = 0.04) [126]. MPV was platelet-derived microparticles and other markers of platelet activa-
also found to be a predictor of poor outcomes in patients with acute tion were recognized as triggers of arthritis and an essential link
pulmonary embolism (a 30-day mortality adjusted HR 1.7, 95%CI between RA and accelerated atherosclerosis [11].
1.2-2.5; P<0.01) [127].
52 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2011, Vol. 17, No. 1 Gasparyan et al.

Table 2. Studies on MPV in Inflammatory Disorders

Refs. P Main Results Effects of Therapy MPV -marker of

[139] 93 with UC (33 F; CCAI>4 in active UC and CDAI>150 in active CD. In UC and CD (vs. NS Disease activity
MA 49.5 y) and healthy controls), MPV , platelet count . MPV  in active vs. inactive
66 with CD (25 F; states. MPV was much  in UC with pancolitis vs. limited colitis and in
MA 43.3 y) CD with ileocolonic disease vs. only colonic or terminal ileal inflamma-
tion. MPV inversely correlated with CRP, ESR, beta-TG, and PF-4.

[140] 61 with UC (20 F; MPV was  in P in active compared to inactive disease (P=0.01). MPV NS Disease activity
MA 42.2 y) and endoscopic activity index correlated (r=-0.358; P=0.005). P with ar-
thritis and uveitis had much  MPV. The MPV cut-off value 8.0 fl was
highly specific (73%) for prediction of UC activity.

[141] 195 with UC (102 A significantly  MPV was in males with UC and CD. In UC male P, NS Inconclusive data
F; MA 46.4 y) and MPV correlated with CCAI (r= -0.341; P= 0.001) and CRP (r= -0.276;
76 with CD (26 F; P=0.015). In CD, MPV correlated with CDAI (r= -0.32; P<0.001) in males
MA 45.4 y) only.

[144] 32 with RA (25 F; MPV was  in RA P compared with osteoarthritis controls (P<0.001). On therapy, ESR and Inflammation
MA 49 y) Platelet count and ESR (55±30.6 mm/h) were  in RA. DAS28 ; MPV 

[145] 21 with RA (13 F; P with high DAS28 (mean 4.22) were eligible for anti-TNFalpha therapy. On therapy, DAS28  Efficacy
MA 56.5 y) (P<0.001); MPV 

[146] 97 with early RA MPV  in RA (P<0.004). P had also  platelet count, ESR and CRP. MPV MPV, DAS28, ESR, and Disease activity
(78 F; MA 51 y) correlated with DAS28 (r=0.27; P=0.007) only. CRP  after therapy. and efficacy

[147] 400 with RA (292 Both MPV and platelet count were  in RA compared with non-RA con- Groups with high and CV risk
F; MA 61.6 y) trols (P<0.0001). MPV10.7 fl was more frequent in RA cohort than in low MPV did not differ
non-RA controls (21% vs. 9.2%; P<0.0001). Hypertension was a strong in terms of treatment.
predictor of high MPV (OR 2.2, 95%CI 1.3-3.7; P=0.003).

[144] 30 with AS (15 F; MPV was  in AS vs. healthy controls (P<0.001). ESR (60±24.5 mm/h) ESR and BASDAI , Inflammation
MA 36 y) and platelet count . MPV  (P<0.001),
correlated (r=0.507;
P=0.004) after therapy

[149] 68 with AS (22 F; MPV was  in AS vs. healthy controls (P<0.001). Platelet count, CRP and BASDAI, ESR, platelet Disease activity
MA 36.4 y) ESR . count, and MPV  after and efficacy

[150] 20 males with P had mild to moderate disease severity, were free of CV risk factors and NS Inflammation
psoriasis (MA 23 were drug naïve. MPV and CRP were  in P vs. in healthy controls. MPV
y) positively correlated with PASI.

[151] 106 with psoriasis MPV was  in P vs. healthy controls (P<0.001). P with arthritis had much NS Disease severity
(47 F; MA 41.4 y)  MPV. MPV positively correlated with PASI and duration of psoriasis.

[153] 111 children with MPV was  in attacks vs. attack-free period (P<0.001). MPV correlated NS Disease severity
FMF (52 F) with platelet count (r=-0.45; P<0.01) and FMF severity (r=-0.38; P<0.01)
but not with acute-phase reactants.

[154] 35 with FMF (16 Attacks and CV risk factors were excluded. P were on colchicine. MPV  MPV and duration of CV risk
F; MA 34 y) in P vs. healthy controls (P=0.001). therapy correlated (r=-
0.40; P=0.017)

[156] 60 with BD (29 F; MPV was  in venous thrombosis. No difference in MPV between P with NS Venous
MA 40.5 y) active and inactive BD. thrombosis
P: patients; F: females; MA: mean age; y: years; NS: not studied; UC: ulcerative colitis; CD: Crohn’s disease; CCAI: Clinical Colitis Activity Index; CDAI: Crohn’s Disease Activity
Index; : lower (decreased); : higher (increased); CRP: C-reactive protein; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; beta-TG: beta-thromboglobulin; PF-4: platelet factor 4; RA: rheu-
matoid arthritis; DAS28: Disease Activity Score 28; TNF: tumor necrosis factor; AS: ankylosing spondyloarthritis; BASDAI: Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index;
CV: cardiovascular; PASI: Psoriasis Area and Severity Index; FMF: familial Mediterranean fever; BD: Behçet's disease.
Mean Platelet Volume Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2011, Vol. 17, No. 1 53

High-grade inflammation accompanies a decrease of MPV in pathophysiological factors (e.g., antiphospholipid antibodies in SLE
RA, possibly due to the increased consumption of platelets at the or vasculitis in BD) can also either decrease or increase MPV.
sites of rheumatoid inflammation. A reverse shift of MPV results MPV has been regarded as a prognostic marker of not only
from the suppression of inflammation by disease-modifying and arterial but also venous thrombosis, particularly in subjects without
anti-TNF-alpha agents [144, 145]. Importantly, an association of any provoking factors and in patients with BD. The relevant data,
MPV with inflammatory markers and severity of RA was depend- however, can not explain mechanisms triggering changes of MPV
ent on the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors. In one study, in venous thrombosis, and more specifically designed prospective
where only dyslipidemia among risk factors was excluded, MPV studies with better standardized laboratory tests are warranted.
was significantly higher in RA patients compared with healthy con-
trols (P<0.004) [146]. Moreover, in a large cohort study, hyperten- In contrast to the conditions where thrombopoiesis determines long-
sion was a strong predictor of high MPV (10.7 fl) (OR 2.2, 95%CI term changes of MPV (e.g., MI and stroke), the activation of the
1.3-3.7; P=0.003) [147]. sympathetic system and release of platelets from the spleen may
underlie rapid shifts in MPV values (within minutes-hours). How-
Other Diseases ever, the rapid increase of MPV due to the release of large platelets
from the spleen is more likely in the presence of an underlying pro-
A low MPV was noted in ankylosing spondyloarthritis (AS) in
thrombotic condition [21].
connection with a high disease activity (Bath Ankylosing Spondy-
litis Disease Activity Index [BASDAI] >4) and an intense inflam- Recently, genome-wide association studies have discovered yet
matory reaction [148]. It is, however, more likely to see an increase another determinant of MPV, genetic polymorphisms predisposing
in MPV in active AS and a decrease in response to anti- to thrombosis. In a population-based study, single-nucleotide poly-
inflammatory therapy, with a positive correlation between MPV morphisms of rs7961894 located on chromosome 12q24.31,
and BASDAI [149]. A similar increase in MPV was noted in pso- rs12485738 on chromosome 3p13-p21, and rs2138852 on chromo-
riasis [150, 151], especially in psoriatic arthritis [151]. some 17q11.2 were found to account for 4-5% variation of MPV
[158]. In addition, sequence variations at the 7q22.3 region were
Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), an autoinflammatory dis-
identified as modifiers of thrombopoiesis and MPV in another large
order characterized by febrile, short-lived (1-3 days) attacks of
study [159]. Clearly, more studies are warranted to ascertain the
polyserositis and symptom-free periods of subclinical low-grade
role of these genetic factors in the regulation of MPV in inflamma-
inflammation [152], was associated with a decrease of MPV in
tion and thrombosis.
attacks in pediatric patients [153]. A possible explanation could be
the consumption of large platelets at the sites of serosal inflamma- A few studies have investigated the effects of therapeutic inter-
tion, which may occur well before clinical manifestation of the ventions on MPV in various clinical conditions. Aspirin, with its
attacks. In attack-free periods in adult FMF patients, circulating specific action on the arachidonic acid cascade in megakaryocytes
platelets tend to be larger which may be viewed as a marker cardio- and platelets, was found to exert little, if any, effect on MPV [123,
vascular risk [154]. 160]. The failure to affect platelet size was also reported in the case
of dual (aspirin + clopidogrel) therapy [161]. It was, however,
MPV changes have also been investigated in Behçet’s disease
demonstrated that purinergic receptors (P2Y1 and P2Y12) are inti-
(BD) [155, 156], another autoinflammatory multisystem disorder
mately involved in the control of platelet shape and volume change
characterized by recurrent oral and genital ulcers, eye and skin le-
[162], and it is more likely that P2Y12 receptor blockers, particu-
sions and generalized vasculitis. BD is a model of venous thrombo-
larly thienopyridine compounds at loading doses and novel P2Y12
sis, where platelet activation may play a role [157]. It was shown
blockers with an increased bioavailability, rapid onset of action and
that an increase of MPV may indicate the presence of venous
potent inhibition of platelets, can influence MPV. A relevant exam-
thrombosis [156], but MPV is an inappropriate marker of activity in
ple, in this regard, is the study showing an inhibition of purinergic
BD [155, 156].
and serotoninergic platelet activation and volume change within 4 h
CONCLUDING REMARKS of clopidogrel intake at a 300 mg loading dose [163].
Understanding of the role of platelets in a variety of thrombotic Another potent antiplatelet agent, a GPIIb/IIIa blocker abcixi-
and inflammatory disorders has substantially improved, owing to mab, proved to be efficient in reducing MPV and associated risk of
the recent advances in the quantification of laboratory markers of thrombotic events in patients with MI undergoing PCI [107].
platelet function. MPV has emerged as a relatively reliable marker Whether the clinically significant effect of abciximab on MPV is
of thrombopoiesis and platelet function. MPV is routinely measured dependent on platelet shape and volume regulating mechanisms, as
by automated cell counters but sometimes disregarded because of well as whether the positive effect on MPV is universal within the
the inappropriate storage of blood samples and artefactual, time- whole group of GPIIb/IIIa blockers remain to be ascertained. At
dependent changes in EDTA anticoagulated samples. As with most least, an in vitro investigation with tirofiban, another GPIIb/IIIa
platelet function tests, the reliability of the MPV quantification is blocker, indicates the complexity of the raised questions: tirofiban
subject to preanalytical factors. non-specifically inhibits platelet aggregation, the late stage of plate-
let activation, but does not exert any effect on initial platelet shape
It has become evident that MPV is a reflection of both pro- change [164].
inflammatory and prothrombotic conditions, where thrombopoietin
and numerous inflammatory cytokines (e.g., IL-1, IL-6 and TNF- The results of investigations of pleiotropic antiplatelet effects of
alpha) regulate thrombopoiesis. The intensity of systemic inflam- several drugs may have implications for future therapeutic strate-
mation can be viewed as a distinctive factor for classifying condi- gies. Of interest, a large prospective study failed to detect the plate-
tions associated with large and small-sized circulating platelets let inhibiting effect of an ACE inhibitor perindopril, based on re-
(Fig. 1). From this standpoint high-grade inflammatory conditions peated measurements of MPV in patients with stroke [122]. It was,
(e.g., active IBD, RA or attacks of FMF) are associated with circu- however, expected that perindopril through the activation of nitrer-
lation of predominantly small platelets, whereas the same disorders gic mechanism could suppress activated platelets and decrease
at remission and controlled by antiinflammatory drugs are associ- MPV. The study had some limitations inherent to the lack of labo-
ated with large circulating platelets (Table 1). Established cardio- ratory standardization and chosen treatment arms (perindopril plus
vascular risk factors, such as smoking, hypertension, diabetes, as indapamide vs perindopril alone), which may indicate the need for
well as age, sex, and possibly ethnicity can modify shifts of MPV, better designed investigations on the effects of ACE inhibitors on
affecting the expected inverse relationship between MPV and plate- MPV. It would be also useful to test the same pleiotropic effect of
let count seen in inflammatory thrombocytosis. Disease-specific
54 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2011, Vol. 17, No. 1 Gasparyan et al.

Cardiovascular risk factors

Smoking Hypertension Dyslipidemia

Diabetes Obesity

Low-grade inflammatory disorders High-grade inflammatory disorders


Low-grade systemic inflammation High-grade systemic inflammation

IL-1 IL-6

MI Stroke Consumption of
Involvement of
large platelets large platelets at
in thrombi the sites of


thrombosis MPV

AS: ankylosing spondylitis; FMF: familial Mediterranean fever; BD: Behcet’s disease; SLE: systemic lupus erythematosus; RA: rheumatoid
arthritis; IBD: inflammatory bowel disease; IL-1: interleukin-1; TNF-: tumor necrosis factor alpha; IL-6: interleukin-6; MPV: mean platelet

Stem cell



Activated platelet
Fig. (1). Possible factors affecting platelet size and its association with thrombosis and inflammation.

angiotensin II antagonists, as an in vitro investigation showed inhi- The shifts in MPV in studies on lipid-lowering, weight-reducing
bition of MPV increase by losartan [165]. [78, 83-87] as well as antiinflammatory [145] therapies support the
In hypertension and conditions associated with a complex of role of this marker in monitoring therapeutic effects. It is highly
risk factors affecting platelets and the vasculature (e.g., the meta- likely that the elaboration of universally acceptable standards of the
bolic syndrome), doxazosin inhibited serotonin-induced platelet MPV measurement will allow utilizing this tool in large prospective
volume increase [89, 166]. In high-risk patients with dyslipidemia studies on conditions associated with both thrombosis and inflam-
and increased MPV an appropriate therapeutic option is statin ther- mation.
apy [78], which demonstrated antagonism toward platelet perox-
isome proliferator-activated receptors [167] and independent bene-
ficial effect on thrombotic risk [168]. It is, however, relevant to AYG and GDK thank the Dudley Group of Hospitals NHS
prospectively investigate an impact of different statins in various Foundation Trust, UK (A Teaching Trust of University of
conditions (e.g., in dyslipidemias with and without low-grade in- Birmingham, UK) for their support.
flammation) on MPV and thrombosis.
Mean Platelet Volume Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2011, Vol. 17, No. 1 55

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Received: December 22, 2010 Accepted: January 17, 2011

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