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Module No. _6_

Module 6
6 Keep Me Balanced!


Values are a fundamental building block of your Mission in Life (Clarke, 2012). Brown
(1995) in her Values-Based Holistic Approach to Career Development third tenets stated that
values play an important role in the career decision-making process of individuals more than
their interests. An individual’s value orientation greatly molds and influences his/her
functioning as this presents the direction to a desired end state and has a central role in
setting goals or expected outcomes. Values also serve as the basis for evaluating one’s own
actions and the action of others, particularly in terms of how the individual and others must
function (Villar, 2009).

This module will let our learners identify their possessed values to keep them balanced
with those values shared by their significant others—school, family, and community. They
may be able to know their selves better as they continue navigating vast opportunities in their
lifelong journey.

Module 6

At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:

1. identify their values that leads to the attainment of their career goals;
2. evaluate their values that influenced their career and life decisions; and
3. plan ways on how to resolve conflict in their values to successfully achieve their
career and life goals.

I. Lecturette (15 minutes)

Values are acquired as a result of value-laden information from the environment
interacting with the inherited characteristics of the individual. Since cultural
background, gender, and socio-economic level influence social interactions and
opportunities, priorities placed on values by people from various multicultural grouping
will vary and influence the choice of careers and other life roles.

Values that are influenced by other people’s value systems may not truly
represent the individual’s true values.

We have different kinds of values. These are:

• personal values like self-respect, self-fulfillment, health, privacy, peace of
mind, financial stability, independence
• family values like love, close family ties, family happiness
• spiritual values like establishing a close personal relationship with God,
seeking His will in our life, following His commandments, working for the
good and well-being of the less fortunate
• work values like precision work, power, exercising competence, public
contact, fast pace, change and variety
• career values like personal growth, advancement, prestige and status,
• social and humanitarian values like service to others, helping people in need,
love of country, moral fulfilment, etc.
• cultural values like debt of gratitude or utang na loob, getting along with
others or pakikisama, authority

Conflicts in values may be intrapersonal, interpersonal, or organizational. An

intrapersonal conflict is a situation wherein one experiences conflict of values and
needs within oneself. (Example: Achievement conflicts with health; independence
conflicts with security.)

Module 6
People with divergent values but who must live or work together experience
interpersonal conflicts. (Example: Your teacher values authoritarianism but you value

Organizational conflict is experienced by a person whose personal value

system clashes with corporate values. (Example: Your class values teamwork but you
value independence, time freedom, or working alone.)

Value conflicts create tension and anxiety which can lead to stress. They can
make people indecisive, a situation that can confuse the ones they live or work with.
If these behaviors become inconsistent, this can result in interpersonal problems. So,
how do people resolve conflicts in values?

To resolve an intrapersonal conflict, one has to be clear about his or her

priorities. Priorities depend on one’s roles, goals, and personal mission. Interpersonal
conflicts can be resolved through communication in which both parties try to see and
understand the situation of the other. If organizational values conflict with one’s
personal values, a choice of either setting aside the latter or embracing the values of
the organization, or leaving the organization and working for one whose values are
compatible with his or hers. (Santamaria 2009)

Duane Brown’s Values-based Holistic Approach to Career Development

Values have cognitive, affective, and behavioral components which facilitate

prioritization of values for decision-making. Each person develops a relatively small
number of values that are prioritized in a value system. Values are prioritized when a
person can rank the order of importance assumed by his or her values in guiding his or
her behavior and when he or she can act according to that priority.

Authentic values are brought out through an insightful dialogue involving

selfreflection. True values, when fully expressed, are capable of leading a person toward
focus, purpose, satisfaction, and happiness. Furthermore, a value is crystallized once it
has a label that is meaningful to the individual. Once values are crystallized and
prioritized, the individual can go on directly to career choice making (Villar, 2009).

II. Application
Activity 3: Rerouting Values

1. Make a plan on how you will resolve the conflict in values that may lead
to the attainment of your career goals.

Module 6
Sample Template

Values least Resolution

valued (Plan on how to resolve conflict in values)

(Examples) From now on, I will avoid being too dependent on others
Working alone and will do individual tasks on my own.

Leadership I will correct my idea of leadership as being someone

who has the position to decide always for the group to
someone who uses the position in a way that changes
the opinions of others.

III. Reflection
Directions: In your journal notebook or on a piece of paper, write your insights and
realizations on the Side A, Side B activity using the following format:

I learned that ………….

I realized that ………….
In order to achieve my career goal, I will.........

IV. Evaluation

Title: Look Ahead!

1. Present the given scenario to the students.
Ten years after graduation, you were invited by your high school alma mater
as speaker to the Commencement Exercises of the Senior High School with the
theme “Values Brought Us to Success.” Banking on your own experience and
realizations from the activities you just had, what are you going to tell the
graduates? You are given only five minutes to convey the inspiring message.
2. Write you speech on a piece of paper.

Module 6
V. Agreement

The learners will discuss their career plans with their parents or guardians and elicit
suggestions/opinions on how they can best contribute to the realization of their plans.
Write those suggestions/opinions in your activity notebook.

Module 6

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