International Human Resource Management Policies and Practices For Multinational Enterprises 5th Tarique Test Bank

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International Human Resource Management Policies and Practices for Multinational Enterprises

International Human Resource Management

Policies and Practices for Multinational Enter-
prises 5th Tarique Test Bank

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Chapter 2 Strategic International Human Resource Management


1. IHRM managers do not need to be involved in the global strategic management of the business in or-
der to make an effective contribution.

ANS: F REF: 36

2. Ideally, an organization conducting international business actively engages in strategic planning and
strategic management processes on a global basis.

ANS: T REF: 37

3. A strategy signals an organization’s commitment to specific markets, competitive approaches, and

ways of operating.

ANS: T REF: 38

4. Most organisations develop strategies pro-actively to deal with anticipated market forces and reac-
tively as a response to what is happening in the marketplace.

ANS: T REF: 38

5. HR issues are among the most critical issues for successfully competing in the international market-

ANS: T REF: 39

6. Internationalization through export and import has relatively little impact on a firm and IHRM.

ANS: T REF: 42

7. As firms progress through the stages of becoming more internationalised and increase their

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international activities, their IHRM responsibilities become increasingly less complex to manage.

ANS: F REF: 42

8. Licensing the rights to manufacture or market a product or service in an option for internationalisation
that does not involve the setting up of directly owned subsidiaries.

ANS: T REF: 43

9. Subsidiaries can be developed in a number of ways, including involvement in greenfield or brownfield


ANS: T REF: 44

10. There has been a steady decline in the use of international joint ventures (where two or more firms cre-
ate a new business entity) as an internationalisation option.

ANS: F REF: 44

11. The terms off-shoring and outsourcing should not be used interchangeably.

ANS: T REF: 46

12. An MNEs business strategy is primarily guided by the extent of integration and/or local responsiveness
required by the firm to manage its worldwide operations.

ANS: T REF: 49

13. Adopting a multi-domestic business strategy typically means that a firm views each national market as
a specialized market for its particular subsidiaries’ products and services, and as such involves being
responsive to needs, values and demands of the local market.

ANS: T REF: 50

14. The tension between integration (centralisation) and differentiation (localization) is seldom a major
dilemma for global firms and their HR managers.

ANS: F REF: 53

15. The creation of regional operations is based on the assumption that countries within a region share
some common characteristics such as cultures or stage of economic development.

ANS: T REF: 51

16. A number of models have been developed in relation to strategic international HRM, however, re-
search evidence to support the essential components of international HR strategy is still in the early
stages of development.

ANS: T REF: 56


1.Strategic IHRM is the part of IHRM that focuses on

a developing budgets
b creating and implementing IHRM policies and practices to achieve international objec-
. tives
c networking with industry partners
d all of the above
ANS: B REF: 37

2. The two essential needs that compel senior executives to develop specific strategies for their organisations
a to react to changes in the environment and respond to new legislation
b to resolve issues in emerging markets and keep customers satisfied
c to actively shape how business will be conducted and to mold a coordinated approach
. across the company
d to actively downsize the business and meet shareholder needs
ANS: C REF: 38

3. As HR issues are among the most critical issues for successfully competing in the international market-
place, HR should be providing
a help with creating a mission and goal setting
b input to the international strategic decision making
c design of people specific strategies
d all of the above
ANS: D REF: 39

4. An element of the strategic management process used to develop a global business strategy is
a environmental scanning
b downsizing
c outsourcing
d all of the above
ANS: A REF: 38

5. For a long time, ___________ has been the first step of internationalization for most firms while they were
still relatively small.
a importing
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482. Maury, ‘Magie,’ &c., p. 158. Brand, ‘Pop. Ant.’ vol. ii. p. 366, &c.
Hunt, ‘Pop. Rom. 2nd Series,’ p. 40, &c. Forbes Leslie, ‘Early
Races of Scotland,’ vol. i. p. 156, &c.

483. ‘Journ. Ind. Archip.’ vol. i. p. 307.

484. Beeker, ‘Dyaks,’ in ‘Journ. Ind. Archip.’ vol. iii. p. 111.

485. Marsden, ‘Sumatra,’ p. 301.

486. S. S. Farmer, ‘Tonga,’ p. 127.

487. Bastian, ‘Der Baum in vergleichender Ethnologie,’ in Lazarus and

Steinthal’s ‘Zeitschrift für Völkerpsychologie,’ &c., vol. v. 1868.

488. Chr. Colombo, ch. xix.; and in Pinkerton, vol. xii. p. 87.

489. Burton, ‘W. & W. fr. W. Afr.’ pp. 205, 243.

490. Waitz, vol. ii. p. 188.

491. Bosman, letter 19, and in Pinkerton, vol. xvi. p. 500.

492. Krapf, ‘E. Afr.’ p. 77; Prichard, ‘N. H. of Man,’ p. 290; Waitz, vol.
ii. p. 518. See also Merolla, ‘Congo,’ in Pinkerton, vol. xvi. p. 236.

493. Bastian, ‘Oestl. Asien,’ vol. ii. pp. 457, 461, vol. iii. pp. 187, 251,
289, 497. For details of tree-worship from other Asiatic districts, see
Ainsworth, ‘Yezidis,’ in ‘Tr. Eth. Soc.’ vol. i. p. 23; Jno. Wilson,
‘Parsi Religion,’ p. 262.

494. Hardy, ‘Manual of Budhism,’ pp. 100, 443.

495. Fergusson, ‘Tree and Serpent Worship,’ pl. xxiv. xxvi. &c.

496. Tabary in Bastian, l.c. p. 295.

497. Hartknoch, ‘Alt. und Neues Preussen,’ part i. ch. v.

498. See Pauly, ‘Real-Encyclopedie.’ Homer. Odyss. xiv. 327, xix. 296.

499. Hymn. Homer. Aphrod. 257.

500. Ausonii Idyll. De Histor. 7.

501. Apollon. Rhod. Argonautica, ii. 476. See Welcker, ‘Griech. Götterl.’
vol. iii. p. 57.

502. Ovid. Metamm. i. 452, ii. 345, xi. 67.

503. Dante, ‘Divina Commedia,’ ‘Inferno,’ canto xiii.

504. Ariosto, ‘Orlando Furioso,’ canto vi.

505. Grimm, ‘D. M.’ p. 615, &c. Bastian, ‘Der Baum,’ l.c. p. 297;
Hanusch, ‘Slaw. Myth.’ p. 313.

506. Wuttke, ‘Volksaberglaube,’ p. 57, see 183.

507. Euseb. ‘Præp. Evang.’ i. 10.

508. Further details as to tree-worship in Bastian, ‘Der Baum,’ &c., here

cited; Lubbock, ‘Origin of Civilization,’ p. 206, &c.; Fergusson,
‘Tree and Serpent Worship,’ &c.

509. Bastian, ‘Der Baum,’ l.c. &c.

510. Irving, ‘Astoria,’ vol. ii. ch. viii.

511. Darwin, ‘Journal,’ p. 68.

512. Polack, ‘New Z.’ vol. ii. p. 6; Taylor, p. 171, see 99.

513. St. John, ‘Far East,’ vol. i. p. 89.

514. Wallace, ‘Eastern Archipelago,’ vol. i. p. 338.

515. Prichard, ‘Nat. Hist. of Man,’ p. 531.

516. Merolla in Pinkerton, vol. xvi. p. 236.

517. Lubbock, p. 193; Bastian, l.c.; Park, ‘Travels,’ vol. i. pp. 64, 106.

518. Castrén, ‘Finn. Myth.’ p. 86, &c., 191, &c.; Latham, ‘Descr. Eth.’
vol. i. p. 363; Simpson, ‘Journey,’ vol. ii. p. 261.

519. Boecler, ‘Ehsten Abergläubische Gebräuche,’ &c., ed. Kreutzwald,

pp. 2, 112, 146.

520. Hodgson, ‘Abor. of India,’ pp. 165, 173.

521. Macpherson, p. 61.

522. Dalton, ‘Kols,’ in ‘Tr. Eth. Soc.’ vol. vi. p. 34. Bastian, ‘Oestl.
Asien.’ vol. i. p. 134, vol. iii. p. 252.

523. Deut. xii. 3; xvi. 21. Judges vi. 25. 1 Kings xiv. 23; xv. 13; xviii. 19.
2 Kings xvii. 10; xxiii. 4. Is. lvii. 5. Jerem. xvii. 2. Ezek. vi. 13; xx.
28. Hos. iv. 13, &c., &c.

524. Sil. Ital. Punica, iii. 675, 690. Harduin, Acta Conciliorum, vol. i. For
further evidence as to Semitic tree-and-grove worship, see Movers,
‘Phönizier,’ vol. i. p. 560, &c.

525. Hunter, ‘Rural Bengal,’ pp. 131, 194.

526. Boehtlingk and Roth, s.v. ‘chaityataru.’ Ward, ‘Hindoos,’ vol. ii. p.

527. Ovid. Metamm. viii. 741.

528. Cato de Re Rustica, 139; Plin. xvii. 47.

529. Hanusch, ‘Slaw. Myth.’ pp. 98, 229. Hartknoch, part i. ch. v. vii.;
Grimm, ‘D. M.’ p. 67.

530. Maxim. Tyr. viii.; Plin. xvi. 95.

531. Tacit. Germania, 9, 39, &c.; Grimm, ‘D. M.’ p. 66.

532. Hyltén-Cavallius, ‘Wärend och Wirdarne,’ part i. p. 142.

533. Ralston, ‘Songs of Russian People,’ p. 153, see 238.

534. Grimm, ‘D. M.’ p. 62, &c.

535. Steller, ‘Kamtschatka,’ p. 276.

536. Garcilaso de la Vega, ‘Comentarios Reales,’ i. ch. ix. &c.

537. Marsden, ‘Sumatra,’ p. 303.

538. Petron. Arb. Fragm.; Statius, iii. Theb. 661.

539. See ante, ch. xi.

540. Mouhot, ‘Indo-China,’ vol. i. p. 252.

541. Charlevoix, ‘Nouvelle France,’ vol. v. p. 443.

542. W. M. Wood in ‘Tr. Eth. Soc.’ vol. iv. p. 36.

543. Simpson, ‘Journey,’ vol. ii. p. 269; Erman, ‘Siberia,’ vol. i. p. 492;
Latham, ‘Descr. Eth.’ vol. i. p. 456; ‘Journ. Ind. Archip.’ vol. iv. p.

544. Ellis, ‘Polyn. Res.’ vol. i. p. 336.

545. Farmer, ‘Tonga,’ p. 126; Mariner, vol. ii. p. 106.

546. Williams, ‘Fiji,’ vol. i. p. 217, &c.

547. Turner, ‘Polynesia,’ p. 238.

548. Shortland, ‘Trads. of N. Z.’ ch. iv.

549. Marsden, ‘Sumatra,’ p. 292.

550. Loskiel, ‘Ind. of N. A.’ part i. p. 40; Catlin, ‘N. A. Ind.’ vol. i. p. 36;
Schoolcraft, ‘Tribes,’ part i. p. 34, part v. p. 652; Waitz, vol. iii. p.

551. See ante, p. 8; Callaway, ‘Rel. of Amazulu,’ p. 196.

552. Steinhauser, ‘Religion des Negers,’ l.c. p. 133. J. L. Wilson, ‘W.

Afr.’ pp. 210, 218. Schlegel, ‘Ewe-Sprache,’ p. xv.

553. Bosman, ‘Guinea,’ letter 19; in Pinkerton, vol. xvi. p. 499. See
Burton, ‘Dahome,’ ch. iv., xvii. An account of the Vaudoux serpent-
worship still carried on among the negroes of Hayti, in ‘Lippincott’s
Magazine,’ Philadelphia, March, 1870.

554. Castrén, ‘Finn. Myth.’ p. 196, see 228.

555. J. F. McLennan in ‘Fortnightly Review,’ 1869-70; reprinted in

‘Studies in Ancient History,’ 2nd Series, pp. 117, 491.

556. John Long, ‘Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter,’ London,

1791, p. 86. See pp. 233, 411 of present volume.

557. Grey, ‘Journals of Expeditions in N. W. & W. Australia,’ vol. ii. pp.

225-9; ‘Archæologia Americana,’ vol. ii. p. 109.

558. J. G. Frazer, ‘Totemism,’ p. 53; ‘Golden Bough,’ 2nd ed. vol. iii. pp.
419, 423.

559. Codrington, ‘Melanesians,’ pp. 32-3, 170.

560. Spencer and Gillen, ‘Native Tribes of Central Australia,’ 1899, pp.
73, 121.

561. General references in J. F. McLennan, ‘Studies in Ancient History;’

J. G. Frazer, ‘Totemism.’

562. Herod. ii.; Plutarch, De Iside & Osiride; Strabo, xvii. 1; Wilkinson,
‘Ancient Eg.,’ edited by Birch, vol. iii.; Bunsen, 2nd Edition, with
notes by Birch, vol. i.
563. Ward, ‘Hindoos,’ vol. ii. p. 195, &c.

564. Schoolcraft, part iii. p. 231; Brinton, p. 108, &c.

565. Garcilaso de la Vega, ‘Comentarios Reales,’ i. 9.

566. Herodot. viii. 41.

567. Servius ad Æn. v. 95.

568. Hartknoch, ‘Preussen,’ part i. pp. 143, 162.

569. Grimm, ‘D. M.’ p. 648.

570. Grimm, ‘D. M.’ p. 650. Rochholz, ‘Deutscher Glaube,’ &c., vol. i.
p. 146. Monnier, ‘Traditions Populaires,’ p. 644. Grohmann,
‘Aberglauben aus Böhmen,’ &c., p. 78. Ralston, ‘Songs of Russian
People,’ p. 175.

571. Fergusson ‘Tree and Serpent Worship,’ p. 55, &c., pl. xxiv.
McLennan l.c. p. 563, &c.

572. Strabo, xiii. 1, 14.

573. J. G. Müller, ‘Amer. Urrel.’ pp. 62, 585.

574. J. B. Schlegel, ‘Ewe-Sprache,’ p. xiv.

575. Hanusch, ‘Slaw. Myth.’ p. 217.

576. Pausan. ii. 28; Ælian, xvi. 39. See Welcker, ‘Griech. Götterl.’ vol. ii.
p. 734.

577. Macrob. Saturnal. i. 9. Movers, ‘Phönizier,’ vol. i. p. 500.

578. Details such as in Schoolcraft, ‘Ind. Tribes,’ part i. pp. 38, 414, may
be ascribed to Christian intercourse. See Brinton, p. 121.
579. Lepsius, ‘Todtenbuch,’ and Birch’s transl. in Bunsen’s ‘Egypt,’ vol.

580. Spiegel, ‘Avesta,’ vol. i. p. 66, vol. iii. p. lix.

581. Epiphan. Adv. Hæres. xxxvii. Tertullian. De Præscript. contra

Hæreticos, 47.

582. Further collections of evidence relating to Zoolatry in general may

be found in Bastian, ‘Das Thier in seiner mythologischen
Bedeutung,’ in Bastian and Hartmann’s ‘Zeitschrift für Ethnologie,’
vol. i., Meiners, ‘Geschichte der Religionen,’ vol. i.

583. Comte, ‘Philosophie Positive,’ vol. v. p. 101.

584. Turner, ‘Polynesia,’ p. 242.

585. Brinton, ‘Myths of New World,’ p. 105.

586. Acosta, ‘Historia de las Indias,’ book v. c. iv.; Rivero & Tschudi, pp.
161, 179; J. G. Müller, p. 365.

587. Le Jeune in ‘Rel. des Jés. dans la Nouvelle France,’ 1634, p. 13.
Lafitau, ‘Mœurs des Sauvages,’ vol. i. p. 370. See also Waitz, vol.
iii. p. 194; Schoolcraft, part iii. p. 327.

588. Ralston, ‘Songs of the Russian People,’ p. 375. The Slavonic myth
of Buyán with its dripping oak and the snake Garafena lying
beneath, is obviously connected with the Scandinavian myth of the
dripping ash, Yggdrasill, the snake Nidhögg below, and the two
Swans of the Urdharfount, parents of all swans.

589. Morgan, ‘Iroquois,’ p. 162.

590. Castrén, ‘Finn. Myth.’ pp. 106, 160, 189, &c.

591. Eisenmenger, ‘Judenthum,’ part ii. p. 376; Bastian, ‘Mensch,’ vol.

iii. p. 194.
592. De Brosses, ‘Dieux Fétiches,’ p. 58.

593. Eyre, ‘Australia,’ vol. ii. p. 362; Oldfield in ‘Tr. Eth. Soc.’ vol. iii. p.
228; Lang, ‘Queensland,’ p. 444.

594. Martius, ‘Ethnog. Amer.’ vol. i. p. 583.

595. Loskiel, ‘Ind. of N. America,’ part i. p. 43.

596. Ellis, ‘Polyn. Res.’ vol. i. p. 1322.

597. St. John, ‘Far East,’ vol. i. p. 180.

598. J. B. Schlegel, ‘Schlüssel zur Ewe Sprache,’ p. xii.; compare

Bowen, ‘Yoruba Lang.’ in ‘Smithsonian Contrib.’ vol. i. p. xvi.

599. Samoiedia, in Pinkerton, vol. i. p. 531.

600. Macpherson, p. 84, &c.

601. Clavigero, ‘Messico,’ vol. ii. ch. i.

602. Gladstone, ‘Juventus Mundi,’ ch. vii. &c.

603. Ward, ‘Hindoos,’ vol. ii.

604. ‘Journ. Ind. Archip.’ vol. i. pp. 33, 255, 275, 338, vol. ii. p. 692.

605. Brebeuf in ‘Rel. des Jés.,’ 1636, p. 107; Lafitau, ‘Mœurs des
Sauvages Amériquains,’ vol. i. p. 132. Schoolcraft, ‘Iroquois,’ p. 36,
&c. 237. Brinton, ‘Myths of New World,’ pp. 48, 172. J. G. Müller,
‘Amer. Urrelig.’ p. 119.

606. Callaway, ‘Zulu Tales,’ vol. i. p. 203.

607. Waitz, ‘Anthropologie,’ vol. ii. p. 168, &c.; Burton, ‘W. & W. fr. W.
Afr.’ p. 76.

608. Castrén, ‘Finn. Myth.’ p. 7, &c.

609. Plath, ‘Religion und Cultus der alten Chinesen,’ part i. p. 18, &c.;
part ii. p. 32; Doolittle, ‘Chinese,’ vol. ii. p. 396. See Max Müller,
‘Lectures,’ 2nd S. p. 437; Legge, ‘Confucius,’ p. 100. For further
evidence as to savage and barbaric worship of the Heaven as
Supreme Deity, see chap. xvii.

610. Max Müller, ‘Lectures,’ 2nd Series, p. 425; Grimm, ‘D. M.’ ch. ix.;
Cicero, De Natura Deorum, iii. 4. Connexion of the Sanskrit Dyu
with the Scandinavian Tyr and the Anglo Saxon Tiw is perhaps
rather of etymology than definition.

611. Duff Macdonald, ‘Africana,’ vol. i. p. 60 (E. Centr. Afr.). Waitz,

‘Anthropologie,’ vol. ii. p. 169 (W. Afr.) p. 416 (Damaras).

612. Markham, ‘Quichua Gr. and Dic.’ p. 9; J. G. Müller, ‘Amer. Urrel.’

pp. 318, 368.

613. Ibid. pp. 496-9; Oviedo, ‘Nicaragua,’ pp. 40, 72.

614. Macpherson, ‘India,’ pp. 89, 355.

615. Dalton, ‘Kols,’ in ‘Tr. Eth. Soc.’ vol. vi. p. 34. Compare 1 Kings

616. Castrén, ‘Finn. Myth.’ p. 36; Kalewala, Rune ii. 317.

617. Marc. Antonin. v. 7. ‘Ἐὐχὴ Ἀθηναίων, ὖσον, ὖσον, ὦ φίλε Ζεῦ,

κατὰ τῆς ἀρούρας τῶν Ἀθηναίων καὶ τῶν πεδίων.’

618. Petron. Arbiter. Sat. xliv. ‘Antea stolatæ ibant nudis pedibus in
clivum, passis capillis, mentibus puris, et Jovem aquam exorabant.
Itaque statim urceatim pluebat: aut tunc aut nunquam; et omnes
redibant udi tanquam mures.’ See Grimm, ‘D. M.’ p. 160.

619. Pr. Max v. Wied, ‘N. Amer.’ vol. ii. pp. 152, 223; J. G. Müller, p.
120; Waitz, vol. iii. p. 179.

620. Keating, ‘Narr.’ vol. i. p. 407; Eastman, ‘Dahcotah,’ p. 71; Brinton,

p. 150, &c.; see M’Coy, ‘Baptist Indian Missions,’ p. 363.
621. De la Borde, ‘Caraïbes,’ p. 530; Rochefort, ‘Iles Antilles,’ p. 431.

622. De Laet, ‘Novus Orbis,’ xv. 2. Waitz, vol. iii. p. 417; J. G. Müller, p.
270; also 421 (thunderstorms by anger of Sun, in Cumana, &c.).

623. Brinton, p. 153; Herrera, ‘Indias Occidentales,’ Dec., v. 4. J. G.

Müller p. 327. ‘Rites and Laws of the Yncas,’ tr. & ed. by C. R.
Markham, p. 16, see 81; Prescott, ‘Peru,’ vol. i. p. 86.

624. Bowen, ‘Yoruba Lang.’ p. xvi. in ‘Smithsonian Contr.’ vol. i. See

Burton, ‘Dahome,’ vol. ii. p. 142. Details as to thunder-axes, &c., in
‘Early Hist. of Mankind,’ ch. viii.

625. Steller, ‘Kamtschatka,’ p. 266.

626. Klemm, ‘C. G.’ vol. iv. p. 85. (Ossetes, &c.) See Welcker, vol. i. p.
170; Grimm, ‘D. M.’ p. 158. Bastian, ‘Mensch.’ vol. ii. p. 423 (Ali-

627. Castrén, ‘Finn. Myth.’ p. 39, &c.

628. ‘Rig-Veda,’ i. 32. 1, 55. 5, 130. 8, 165; iii. 34. 9; vi. 20; x. 44. 9, 89.
9. Max Müller, ‘Lectures,’ 2nd S. p. 427; ‘Chips,’ vol. i. p. 42, vol.
ii. p. 323. See Muir, ‘Sanskrit Texts.’

629. Homer. Il. viii. 170, xvii. 595. Ovid. Fast. ii. 69. See Welcker,
‘Griech. Götterl.’ vol. ii. p. 194.

630. Hanusch, ‘Slaw. Myth.’ p. 257.

631. Grimm, ‘Deutsche Myth.’ ch. viii. Edda; Gylfaginning, 21, 44.

632. Schoolcraft, ‘Algic Res.’ vol. i. p. 139, vol. ii. p. 214; Loskiel, part i.
p. 43; Waitz, vol. iii. p. 190. Morgan, ‘Iroquois,’ p. 157; J. G.
Müller, p. 56. Further American evidence in Brinton, ‘Myths of
New World,’ pp. 50, 74; Cranz, ‘Grönland,’ p. 267 (Sillagiksartok,
Weather-spirit); De la Borde, ‘Caraïbes,’ p. 530 (Carib Star
Curumon, makes the billows and upsets canoes).
633. Ellis, ‘Polyn. Res.’ vol. i. p. 329 (compare with the Maori Tempest-
god Tawhirimatea, Grey, ‘Polyn. Myth.’ p. 5); Schirren,
‘Wandersage der Neuseeländer,’ &c. p. 85; Yate, ‘New Zealand,’ p.
144. See also Mariner, ‘Tonga Is.’ vol. ii. p. 115.

634. Steller, ‘Kamschatka,’ p. 266.

635. Castrén, ‘Finn. Myth.’ pp. 37, 68.

636. Boecler, pp. 106, 147.

637. See also Klemm, ‘Cultur-Gesch.’ vol. iv. p. 85 (Circassian Water-

god and Wind-god).

638. Muir, ‘Sanskrit Texts,’ vol. v. p. 150.

639. Homer. Il. xxiii. 192, Odyss. xx. 66, 77; Apollon. Rhod.
Argonautica; Apollodor. i. 9. 21; Virg. Æn. i. 56; Welcker, ‘Griech.
Götterl.’ vol. i. p. 707, vol. iii. p. 67.

640. Grimm, ‘Deutsche Myth.’ pp. 121, 871.

641. Wuttke, ‘Deutsche Volksabergl.’ p. 86.

642. Tanner’s ‘Narrative,’ p. 193; Loskiel, l.c. See also Rochefort, ‘Iles
Antilles,’ p. 414; J. G. Müller, p. 178 (Antilles).

643. Garcilaso de la Vega, ‘Commentarios Reales,’ i. 10; Rivero &

Tschudi, p. 161; J. G. Müller, p. 369.

644. Waitz, ‘Anthropologie,’ vol. ii. p. 170.

645. ‘Report of Ethnological Committee, Jubbulpore Exhibition,’ 1866-7.

Nagpore, 1868, part ii. p. 54.

646. Macpherson, ‘India,’ chap. vi.

647. Georgi, ‘Reise im Russ. Reich,’ vol. i. pp. 275, 317. Castrén, ‘Finn.
Myth,’ p. 86, &c.

648. Plath, ‘Religion der alten Chinesen,’ part i. pp. 36, 73, part ii. p. 32.
Doolittle, ‘Chinese,’ vol. i. pp. 86, 354, 413, vol. ii. pp. 67, 380,

649. ‘Rig-Veda,’ i. 89. 4, &c., &c.

650. Welcker, ‘Griech. Götterl.’ vol. i. p. 385, &c.

651. Varro de Ling. Lat. iv.

652. Tacit. Germania, 40. Grimm, ‘Deutsche Myth.’ p. 229, &c.

653. Wuttke, ‘Deutsche Volksabergl.’ p. 87.

654. Liebich, ‘Die Zigeuner,’ pp. 30, 84.

655. Schoolcraft, ‘Indian Tribes,’ part iii. p. 485; Eastman, ‘Dahcotah,’

pp. i. 118, 161.

656. Clavigero, vol. ii. p. 14.

657. Marsden, ‘Sumatra,’ p. 301; see also 303 (Tagals).

658. Ellis, ‘Polyn. Res.’ vol. i. p. 328.

659. Bosman, ‘Guinea,’ letter xix.; in Pinkerton, vol. xvi. p. 494. Burton,
‘Dahome,’ vol. ii. p. 141. See also below, chap. xviii. (sacrifice).

660. Schlegel, ‘Ewe Sprache,’ p. xiv.

661. Garcilaso de la Vega, ‘Commentarios Reales,’ i. 10, vi. 17; Rivero

& Tschudi, ‘Peru,’ p. 161.

662. Steller, ‘Kamtschatka,’ p. 265.

663. Siebold, ‘Nippon,’ part v. p. 9.

664. Herod. vi. 76.

665. Cicero, De Natura Deorum, iii. 20.

666. Homer, Il. i. 538, xiii. 18, xx. 13. Welcker, ‘Griech. Götterl.’ vol. i.
p. 616 (Nereus), p. 622 (Poseidon). Cox, ‘Mythology of Aryan
Nations,’ vol. ii. ch. vi.

667. Loskiel, ‘Ind. of N. A.’ part i. pp. 41, 45. See also J. G. Müller, p.

668. Irving, ‘Astoria,’ vol. ii. ch. xxii.

669. Torquemada, ‘Monarquia Indiana,’ vi. c. 28, x. c. 22, 30; Brasseur,

‘Mexique,’ vol. iii. pp. 492, 522, 536.

670. Schirren, ‘Wandersage der Neuseeländer,’ &c., p. 32; Turner,

‘Polynesia,’ pp. 252, 527.

671. Burton, ‘Dahome,’ vol. ii. p. 148; Schlegel, ‘Ewe Sprache,’ p. xv.

672. Steller, ‘Kamtschatka,’ p. 276.

673. Batchelor in ‘Tr. As. Soc. Japan,’ vols. x. xvi.

674. Castrén, ‘Finn. Myth.’ p. 57; Billings, ‘N. Russia,’ p. 123 (Yakuts);
Bastian, ‘Vorstellungen von Wasser und Feuer,’ in ‘Zeitschr. für
Ethnologie,’ vol. i. p. 383 (Mongols).

675. Klemm, ‘Cultur-Gesch.’ vol. vi. p. 85 (Circassia). Welcker, vol. i. p.


676. See ‘Records of the Past,’ vol. iii. p. 137, vol. ix. p. 143; Sayce,
‘Lectures on Rel. of Ancient Babylonians,’ p. 170. For accounts of
Semitic fire-worship, see Movers, ‘Phönizier,’ vol. i. p. 327, &c.,
337, &c., 401.

677. ‘Rig-Veda,’ i. 1. 1, 19. 2, iii. 1. 18, &c.; Max Müller, vol. i. p. 39;
Ward, ‘Hindoos,’ vol. ii. p. 53. Haug, ‘Essays on Parsis,’ iv.; ‘Early
Hist. of Mankind,’ p. 255.

678. Hanway, ‘Journal of Travels,’ London, 1753, vol. i. ch. lvii.

679. Diog. Lært. Proœm. ii. 6. Sextus Empiricus adv. Physicos, ix.;
Strabo, xv. 3, 13.

680. John Wilson, ‘The Parsi Religion,’ ch. iv.; ‘Avesta,’ tr. by Spiegel,
Yacna, i. lxi.

681. Max Müller, ‘Chips,’ vol. i. p. 169. Haug, ‘Essays on Parsis,’ p. 281.

682. Hanusch, ‘Slaw. Myth.’ pp. 88, 98.

683. Homer. Hymn. Aphrod. 29, Hestia 1. Welcker, ‘Griech. Götterl.’

vol. ii. pp. 686, 691.

684. Ovid. Fast. vi. 295.

685. Boecler, ‘Ehsten Abergl.’ p. 29, &c.

686. Wuttke, ‘Volksabergl.’ p. 86. Grohmann, ‘Aberglauben aus

Böhmen,’ p. 41.

687. D’Orbigny, ‘L’Homme Américain,’ vol. i. p. 242.

688. Herod, i. 216, iv. 184. Baker, ‘Albert Nyanza,’ vol. i. p. 144.

689. Waitz, ‘Anthropologie,’ vol. iii. p. 181 (Hudson’s B.,

Pottawatomies), 205 (Virginians). J. G. Müller, ‘Amer. Urrel.’ p. 117
(Delawares, Sioux, Mingos, &c.). Sproat, ‘Ind. of Vancouver’s I.’ in
‘Tr. Eth. Soc.’ vol. v. p. 253. Loskiel, ‘Ind. of N. A.’ part i. p. 43
(Delawares). Hennepin, ‘Voyage dans l’Amérique,’ p. 302 (Sioux),
&c. Bartram, ‘Creek and Cherokee Ind.’ in ‘Tr. Amer. Eth. Soc.’
vol. iii. part i. pp. 20, 26; see also Schoolcraft, ‘Ind. Tribes,’ part ii.
p. 127 (Comanches, &c.); Morgan, ‘Iroquois,’ p. 164; Gregg, vol. ii.
p. 238 (Shawnees); but compare the remarks of Brinton, ‘Myths of
New World,’ p. 141.
690. Martius, ‘Ethnog. Amer.’ vol. i. p. 327 (Botocudos). Waitz, vol. iii.
p. 518 (Araucanians). Dobrizhoffer, vol. ii. p. 89 (Puelches).
Charlevoix, ‘Hist. du Paraguay,’ vol. i. p. 331 (Diaguitas). J. G.
Müller, p. 255 (Botocudos, Aucas, Diaguitas).

691. Charlevoix, ‘Nouvelle France,’ vol. vi. p. 172; Waitz, vol. iii. p. 217.

692. Rochefort, ‘Iles Antilles,’ book ii. ch. viii.

693. Torquemada, ‘Monarquia Indiana,’ ix. c. 34; Sahagun, ‘Hist. de

Nueva España,’ ii. App. in Kingsborough, ‘Antiquities of Mexico;’
Waitz, vol. iv. p. 138; J. G. Müller, p. 474, &c.; Brasseur,
‘Mexique,’ vol. iii. p. 487; Tylor, ‘Mexico,’ p. 141.

694. Piedrahita, ‘Hist. Gen. de las Conquistas del Nuevo Reyno de

Granada,’ Antwerp, 1688: part i. book i. c. iii. iv.; Humboldt, ‘Vues
des Cordillères;’ Waitz, vol. iv. p. 352, &c.; J. G. Müller, p. 432, &c.

695. Garcilaso de la Vega, ‘Commentarios Reales,’ lib. i. c. 15, &c., iii. c.

20; v. c. 2, 6; ‘Rites and Laws of the Yncas,’ tr. & ed. by C. R.
Markham, (Hakluyt Soc., 1873) p. 84; Prescott, ‘Peru,’ book i. ch.
iii.; Waitz, vol. iv. p. 447, &c.; J. G. Müller, p. 362, &c.

696. Meiners, ‘Gesch. der Rel.’ vol. i. p. 383. Burton, ‘Central Afr.’ vol.
ii. p. 346; ‘Dahome,’ vol. ii. p. 147.

697. Hodgson, ‘Abor. of India,’ pp. 167, 175 (Bodos, &c.).

698. Dalton, ‘Kols,’ in ‘Tr. Eth. Soc.’ vol. vi. p. 33 (Oraons, &c.);
Hunter, ‘Annals of Rural Bengal,’ p. 184 (Santals).

699. Macpherson, ‘India,’ p. 84, &c. (Khonds).

700. Castrén, ‘Finn. Myth.’ pp. 16, 51, &c. Meiners, l.c. Georgi, ‘Reise
im Russ. Reich.’ vol. i. pp. 275, 317. Klemm, ‘Cultur-Geschichte,’
vol. iii. p. 87. Sun-Worship in Japan, Siebold, ‘Nippon,’ part v. p. 9.
For further evidence as to savage and barbaric worship of the Sun as
Supreme Deity, see chap. xvii.
701. ‘Rig-Veda,’ i. 35, 50; iii. 62, 10. Max Müller, ‘Lectures,’ 2nd Ser.
pp. 378, 411; ‘Chips,’ vol. i. p. 19. Colebrooke, ‘Essays,’ vol. i. pp.
30, 133. Ward, ‘Hindoos,’ vol. ii. p. 42.

702. ‘Khordah-Avesta,’ xxvi. in Avesta tr. by Spiegel, vol. iii.; M. Haug,

‘Essays on Parsis.’ Strabo, xv. 3, 13. Nonnus, xl. 400. Movers,
‘Phönizier,’ vol. i. p. 180: ‘Ἡλίῳ Μίθρᾳ ἀνικήτῳ’; ‘Διὸς ἀνικήτον

703. Plat. Sympos. xxxvi. See Welcker, ‘Griech. Götterlehre,’ vol. i. pp.
400, 412.

704. Cæsar de Bello Gallico, vi. 21: ‘Deorum numero eos solos ducunt,
quos cernunt et quorum aperte opibus juvantur, Solem et Vulcanum
et Lunam, reliquos ne fama quidem acceperunt.’

705. Cicero de Natura Deorum, iii. 21.

706. See Wilkinson, ‘Ancient Egyptians’; Renouf, ‘Religion of Ancient


707. Deut. iv. 19, xvii. 3; 2 Kings xxiii. 11.

708. Movers, ‘Phönizier,’ vol. i. pp. 162, 180, &c. Lamprid. Heliogabal.

709. Euseb. Præparat. Evang. i. 6.

710. Neander, ‘Church History,’ vol. vi. p. 341. Carsten Niebuhr,

‘Reisebeschr.’ vol. ii. p. 396.

711. Palgrave, ‘Arabia,’ vol. i. p. 9; vol. ii. p. 258. See Koran, xli. 37.

712. Tertullian. Apolog. adv. Gentes, xvi. See Lucian. de Saltat. xvii.;
compare Job. xxxi. 26.

713. Leo. I. Serm. viii. in Natal. Dom.

714. Wuttke, ‘Volksaberglaube,’ p. 150.

715. Grimm, ‘Deutsche Myth.’ p. 581, &c. Wuttke, pp. 17, 93. Brand,
‘Pop. Ant.’ vol. i. p. 157, &c. ‘Early Hist. of Mankind,’ p. 260.
Murray’s ‘Handbook for Syria and Palestine,’ 1868, p. 162.

716. See Pauly, ‘Real-Encyclop.’ s.v. ‘Sol;’ Petavius, ‘Juliani Imp.

Opera,’ 290-2, 277. Bingham, ‘Antiquities of Christian Church,’
book xx. ch. iv.; Neander, ‘Church Hist.’ vol. iii. p. 437; Beausobre,
‘Hist. de Manichée,’ vol. ii. p. 691; Gibbon, ch. xxii.; Creuzer,
‘Symbolik,’ vol. i. p. 761, &c.

717. Grimm, ‘D. M.’ pp. 593, 1223. Brand, ‘Popular Antiquities,’ vol. i.
p. 467. Monnier, ‘Traditions Populaires,’ p. 188.

718. Grimm, ‘D. M.’ p. 583; Brand, vol. i. p. 298; Wuttke, pp. 14, 140.
Beausobre, l.c.

719. Spix and Martius, ‘Reise in Brasilien,’ vol. i. pp. 377, 381; Martius,
‘Ethnog. Amer.’ vol. i. p. 327; Pr. Max. v. Wied, vol. ii. p. 58; J. G.
Müller, pp. 218, 254; also Musters, ‘Patagonians,’ pp. 58, 179.

720. De la Borde, ‘Caraibes,’ p. 525.

721. Sproat, ‘Savage Life,’ p. 206; ‘Tr. Eth. Soc.’ vol. v. p. 253.

722. Brebeuf in ‘Rel. des Jés.’ 1635, p. 34.

723. Livingstone, ‘S. Afr.’ p. 235; Waitz, vol. ii. pp. 175, 342.

724. Römer, ‘Guinea,’ p. 84; Du Chaillu, ‘Ashango-land,’ p. 428; see

Purchas, vol. v. p. 766. Müller, ‘Fetu,’ p. 47.

725. Merolla, ‘Congo,’ in Pinkerton, vol. xvi. p. 273.

726. Kolbe, ‘Beschryving van de Kaap de Goede Hoop,’ part i. xxix. See
ante, vol. i. p. 355.

727. Loskiel, ‘Ind. of N. A.’ part i. p. 43.

728. Bickmore, ‘Ainos,’ in ‘Tr. Eth. Soc.’ vol. vii. p. 20.

729. Hodgson, ‘Abor. of India,’ p. 167.

730. Georgi, ‘Reise im Russ. R.’ vol. i. p. 275.

731. Clavigero, ‘Messico,’ vol. ii. pp. 9, 35; Tylor, ‘Mexico,’ l.c.

732. Waitz, vol. iv. p. 362.

733. Garcilaso de la Vega, ‘Commentarios Reales,’ iii. 21.

734. Siebold, ‘Nippon,’ part v. p. 9.

735. Deuteron. xvii. 3; Polyb. vii. 9; see Movers, ‘Phönizier,’ pp. 159,
536, 605.

736. Lucian. de Syria Dea, iv. 34.

737. Wilkinson, ‘Ancient Egyptians,’ ed. by Birch, vol. iii. p. 174. See
Plutarch. Is. et Osir.

738. Welcker, ‘Griech. Götterl.’ vol. i. p. 550, &c.

739. Cic. de Nat. Deor. ii. 27.

740. Grimm, ‘D. M.’ ch. xxii.

741. Akerblad, ‘Lettre à Italinsky.’ Burton, ‘Central Afr.’ vol. ii. p. 346.
Mungo Park, ‘Travels,’ in ‘Pinkerton,’ vol. xvi. p. 875.

742. Grimm, ‘D. M.’ pp. 29, 667; Brand, vol. iii. p. 146; Forbes Leslie,
‘Early Races of Scotland,’ vol. i. p. 136.

743. Herrera, ‘Indias Occidentales,’ Dec. i. 3, 3; J. G. Müller, ‘Amer.

Urrel.’ pp. 175, 221.

744. Turner, ‘Polynesia,’ p. 174.

745. Rivero and Tschudi, ‘Peru,’ p. 160.

746. Kingsborough, ‘Mexico,’ vol. v. p. 179.

747. Castrén, ‘Finn. Myth.’ p. 89.

748. Welcker, ‘Griech. Götterl.’ vol. i. p. 371.

749. Ovid. Fast. ii. 449.

750. Doolittle, ‘Chinese,’ vol. i. p. 264.

751. Morgan, ‘Iroquois,’ p. 158.

752. De Laet, ‘Novus Orbis,’ xv. 2; Waitz, vol. iii. p. 417; Brinson, pp.
152, 185; J. G. Müller, p. 271, &c.

753. D’Orbigny, ‘L’Homme Américain,’ vol. ii. p. 319.

754. Clavigero, ‘Messico,’ vol. ii. pp. 16, 68, 75.

755. Ellis, ‘Polyn. Res.’ vol. i. p. 333. Mariner, ‘Tonga Is.’ vol. ii. p. 115.

756. Cross, in ‘Journ. Amer. Oriental Soc.’ vol. iv. p. 316; Mason, p. 215.

757. Macpherson, ‘India,’ pp. 91, 355.

758. Castrén, ‘Finn. Myth.’ p. 89.

759. Welcker, ‘Griech. Götterl.’ vol. ii. p. 467. Cox, ‘Mythology of

Aryan Nations,’ vol. ii. p. 308.

760. J. G. Müller, ‘Amer. Urrel.’ pp. 141, 271, 274, 591, &c.

761. Dobrizhoffer, ‘Abipones,’ vol. ii. p. 90.

762. Clavigero, ‘Messico,’ vol. ii. pp. 17, 81.

763. Ellis, ‘Polyn. Res.’ vol. i. p. 326; vol. iv. p. 158. See also Mariner,
‘Tonga Is.’ vol. ii. p. 112; Williams, ‘Fiji,’ vol. i. p. 218.
764. Macpherson, ‘India,’ pp. 90, 360.

765. Doolittle, ‘Chinese,’ vol. i. p. 267.

766. Welcker, ‘Griech. Götterl.’ vol. i. p. 413. Cox, ‘Myth. of Aryan N.,’
vol. ii. pp. 254, 311.

767. J. G. Müller, ‘Amer. Urrel.’ pp. 137, &c., 272, 286, &c., 500, &c.
See Sproat, p. 213 (Ahts), cited ante, p. 85. Chay-her signifies not
only the world below, but Death personified as a boneless greybeard
who wanders at night stealing men’s souls away.

768. Lery, ‘Bresil,’ p. 234.

769. Clavigero, vol. ii. pp. 14, 17; Brasseur, ‘Mexique,’ vol. iii. p. 495.

770. ‘Rites and Laws of Yncas,’ tr. and ed. by C. R. Markham, pp. 32, 48
(prayer from MS. communication by C. R. M.); Garcilaso de la
Vega, lib. ii. c. 2, 7; Brinton, ‘Myths of New World,’ p. 251.

771. Turner, ‘Polynesia,’ p. 237; Farmer, ‘Tonga,’ p. 126. Yate, ‘New

Zealand,’ p. 140; J. Williams, ‘Missionary Enterprise,’ p. 145. See
Schirren, ‘Wandersagen der Neuseeländer,’ p. 89; Williams, ‘Fiji,’
vol. i. p. 246.

772. Castrén, ‘Finn. Myth.’ pp. 128, 147, 155; Waitz, vol. ii. p. 171

773. Welcker, ‘Griech. Götterl.’ vol. i. p. 395; Roscher, s.v. ‘Hades.’

Grimm, ‘Deutsch. Myth.’ p. 288.

774. Brugsch, ‘Religion der alten Aegypter’; ‘Book of Dead.’

775. Pr. Max. v. Wied, ‘N. Amerika,’ vol. ii. p. 157.

776. J. G. Müller, ‘Amer. Urrel.’ pp. 133, &c., 228, 255. Catlin, ‘N. A.
Ind.’ vol. i. pp. 159, 177; Pr. Max v. Wied, vol. ii. pp. 149, &c.
Compare Sproat, ‘Savage Life,’ p. 179 (Quawteaht the Great Spirit
is also First Man).

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