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Good day learner.

Today we will begin our lesson in reviewing the magma..

Specifically, we will be studying the following:

Figure 1

Figure 2

Diastrophism - geological process that forms structures such as

mountains, valleys, and plateau on the crust.

Magmatism - geological process by which magma is produced by partial

melting of subsurface rocks.


Figure 3

is pushed upward by pressure through vents and can

reach the earth’s surface. Diastrophism and magmatism
continuously change the face of the earth. The displacement
and deformation of rock layers in the earth’s crust and mantle
also cause observable variations in the topography of the
earth, such as the great depths and heights of land structures
that are distributed worldwide.

Deformation in the earth’s crust are caused by

multidirectional forces of pressure. These may result in
changes in the total area and overall configuration or shape of
the ground and in the position or elevation of the rock layers.


Figure 4

Also known a volcanic activity or igneous activity is one of the endogenic processes.
Magma beneath the crust is under very great pressure. When folding and faulting
occur, cracks or fractures which are lines of weakness. When these lines of weakness
develop downward in the crust and reach the magma, they will release the pressure in
the magma. This allows magma to rise up along the lines of weakness and intrude into
the crust. Some magma may even reach the Earth’s surface.

Two Types of Vulcanicity

 Intrusive Vulcanicity

Figure 5

It is when the magma remains inside the volcano but is already the magma

 Extrusive Vulcanicity

Figure 6

It is when the magma reaches the Earth’s outside surface.

What Causes them to Erupt?

Driven by buoyancy and gas pressure, molten rock, which is lighter than the surrounding
solid rock, forces its way upward and may ultimately break though zones of weaknesses in
the Earth’s crust. If so, an eruption begins.

The molten rock may pour from the vent as no explosive lava flows or it may shoot violently
into the air as dense clouds of lava fragments. Molten rock below the surface of the Earth that
rises in volcanic vent is known as magma. After it erupts from a volcano it is called lava.


Figure 7

Metamorphism comes from the Greek words “meta” means change and “morphe” means form.
It is a change in the structure of rock due to natural agencies, as pressure and heat.
Metamorphic rocks form by soli-state (no melting) transformation of preexisting rock by
processes that take place beneath Earth’s surface. Chemical, mineralogical, and structural
adjustments of solid rocks to physical and chemical changes at depths below the region of
sedimentation. Metamorphism takes place when there is vulcanicity.

Studies of metamorphic rocks provide insights into the physical and chemical changes that
take place deep within the Earth. Knowledge of metamorphic processes and rocks is valuable
because metamorphic minerals and rocks have economic value. For example, slate and
marble are building materials, garnets are used as gemstones and abrasives, talc is used in
cosmetics, paints, and lubricants, and asbestosis used for insulation and fireproofing

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