DP Bite Sized Learning

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Bite-sized Learning in Remote Instruction: How does it work?

Jumhela Joy R. Dinglas
Teacher I, Biaan Aeta Integrated School

In this modern age, most students live in a world where instant pleasure has become the norm.

Their attention span is eroding, and teachers are struggling to keep them interested due to many

distractions. The students’ instant gratification has become more challenging when the pandemic

dramatically changed from traditional practices in education to remote instruction. Remote instruction is

employed to maintain educational continuity when traditional regular classes are unable to meet in

person. Students participating in programs that use remote instruction may be required to attend an online

lecture at a specific time or may be given the option to complete lessons, activities, and assignments, and

tests from a distance while following teacher-defined due dates. Although there is no spell to make

learners more engaged, motivated, and retain their learning, there is a method called bite-sized learning

which could be of big help.

Bite-sized learning – also known as Microlearning – consists of brief learning modules that last

no more than five minutes. It concentrates on a specific learning goal at a time and gives students only the

essentials. It divides the material into manageable bits rather than subjecting the learners in an extended,

and continuous session. This can be done by looking for e-resources such as quick video lessons, and

printed resources that provide short lessons, which can be finished in few minutes while also allowing

learners to practice their skills.

Microlearning shows to have very meaningful benefits according to research. Koh, Gottipati,

et.al. (2018), emphasized that bite-sized lectures have many advantages. It can help students learn more

by helping them to “digest” knowledge into smaller chunks. The study of Gutierrez (2014), stated that

bite-sized content hacks the limits of working memory. The attention span and short-term memory of a
learner are limited to smaller parts of information. As a result, it recommends breaking up the content into

understandable chunks rather than simply dumping endless strings of text. This method simplifies

learning and makes it easier to retain information in long-term memory. Further, Neel (2021), stated that

bite-sized learning enhances psychological involvement. Boredom and distraction can be reduced by

dividing down a major learning course content into fractions. This method can assist the learners to

prevent mental exhaustion and carefully integrate the course material.

Here are the suggested steps to create a bite-sized learning environment.

1. Determine the learning objectives

Understanding objectives can go beyond simple content objectives to include things like learning

how to learn, applying principles to new situations, and more.

2. Break down the content

The next step in establishing a bite-sized learning environment is breaking down the content into

much-focused sections. Bite-sized learning is intended to prevent cognitive overload, which can occur

when learners are bombarded with information at once. The teacher should offer new knowledge,

promptly review it, and actively employ the concept to engage learners, enhance their understanding, and

commit it to long-term memory.

3. Make mini-class activities and evaluation

Giving learners a low-stakes mini-assessment helps them enhance their learning. These

assessments may or may not be linked to classroom activity. They should be meaningful, brief, but

challenging, and immediately followed by feedback. At this point, feedback is crucial in reinforcing

knowledge, clarifying mistakes, and influencing future learning.

Bite-sized learning can provide a terrific way to differentiate education. Providing material in a

concise style may discover that some learners absorb and retain their learning better. Learning is a
continuous process that does not end in school, but it may take a different form that recent graduates who

are used to long, traditional lectures are unfamiliar with. If a teacher augments a traditional school setting

with instances of bite-sized learning, he could give K-12 learners a taste of what learning will look like in

the near future.


Koh, N., Gottipati, S., et. al. (2018). Effectiveness of Bite-sized Lecture on Student Learning Outcomes.
Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326494524_EFFECTIVENESS_OF_BITE-

Gutierrez, K. (2014). Desinin E-Learning to Maximize the Working Memory. Retireved from

Neel, P. (2021). Sinificance of Bite-sized Learning. Retrieved from https://wizcabin.com/significance-of-


Alqurashi, E. Bite-sized Learning: Smaal, Short, and Focused. Retrieved from


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