UAV Paper 2nd

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Optimal Adaptation of 3D Beamformers in UAV

Kasun Prabhath Sudharman K. Jayaweera
CISL, ECE Department CISL, ECE Department
University of New Mexico University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM, USA Albuquerque, NM, USA
Email: Email:

Abstract—The optimal beamformer weight update timing is also bring benefits in terms of spectral and energy efficiencies
derived for 3D beamforming between Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and reduced backhaul operations [4].
(UAVs). The use of optimal update period (∆t∗ ) ensures that Recent research on 3D beamforming provides promising
beamforming gain (Gtx ) drops below a required threshold least
frequently. When the exact flight path of the UAV receiver methods to improve the efficiency of wireless communication
(UAV-RX) is available, the proposed optimization problem cal- systems in several aspects [1]. However, in U2U mmWave
culates optimal ∆t∗ exactly. It is shown that when the antenna communications, the high-speed mobility may make it in-
aperture is fixed, the optimal ∆t∗ monotonically decreases as creasingly difficult to align the transmitter and receiver beams.
the operating frequency increases. As a result, the beamformer Indeed, even in a UAV-to-ground communication system, there
needs to be updated more often when using higher frequencies.
However, it is shown that the fractional overhead relative to are many difficulties to overcome to maintain fast and reli-
the large bandwidths available in mmWave spectrum can still able communications [5]. Still, UAV-to-ground communication
be lower, justifying the use of mmWave frequencies in UAV- systems have benefited from the use of recently developed
to-UAV communications. When exact flight path knowledge is 3D beamforming technologies [6]. For example, the authors
not available, the proposed algorithm incorporates UAV-RX of [7] proposed a method to update beamforming weights at
location predictions to update the beamforming weights in a
timely manner. The proposed method was simulated in a UAV the receiver based on the received signal. In this method, the
communication system and the performance of the system is receiver tracks the Angle of Arrival (AOA) of the received
analyzed in terms of the UAV-RX location prediction error. The signal to update its beamforming weights.
findings indicate that when there are location prediction errors, The high mobility of the UAVs may expect to require
incorporating a gain margin to the minimum gain threshold more frequent changes in the beams depending on the relative
further enhances the algorithm’s performance by approximately
10-20%. locations of the transmitter and the receiver. Even a slight
Index Terms—UAV communication, 3D beamforming, deviation of the beam alignment can cause significant loss in
mmwave the communication link. In this paper we investigate this prob-
lem in U2U communications that employ 3D beamforming.
I. I NTRODUCTION We first derive the optimal beamforming weights update time
period assuming the knowledge of full trajectory of the UAV-
Millimeter wave (mmWave) communications is expected to RX (UAV receiver). Next, we propose a method to update the
meet the capacity and connectivity requirements of 6G. How- beamforming weights by predicting the location of the UAV-
ever, certain aspects of high frequency communication systems RX for a certain time period ahead. The effectiveness of the
make it challenging to establish fast and reliable connections. proposed algorithm and its behaviour in systems operating in
For example, compared to lower frequency antennas, mmWave low and high frequencies and the dependence of beamforming
massive antenna arrays can produce highly directional and gain on the prediction error is also investigated.
much narrower beams. It can be challenging to align such The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II
narrow beams in a communication link even when nodes are presents the system model for U2U communications, Sec-
stationary [1]. tion III derives the optimal 3D beamforming weights update
With the advent of new applications, the use of drones is timing, Section IV shows the simulation results based on
becoming more widespread. For example, Unmanned Aerial trajectories in an example UAV network and, finally, Section
Vehicles (UAVs) have found many applications in cellular V concludes the paper.
UAV communication, mobile communications, surveillance,
aerial photography, search & rescue missions and disaster II. T HE SYSTEM MODEL FOR U2U COMMUNICATIONS
relief [2]. In many of these emerging applications, direct We consider a typical UAV network in which U2U com-
communication between UAVs are expected to be reliable and munications is between a UAV-TX (UAV transmitter) and a
fast [3]. Similar to device-to-device (D2D) terrestrial commu- UAV-RX as shown in Fig. 1. The UAV-TX is equipped with
x y
nications, cellular UAV-to-UAV (U2U) communications may Mtx number of antenna elements where Mtx = Mtx Mtx and
UAV-RX is equipped with Mrx number of receiver antenna where wr CMrx ×1 is the receiver beamforming weight vector
x y
elements where Mrx = Mrx Mrx . The number of elements and Pz is the received signal noise power. The transmitter
in the UAV-TX antenna’s horizontal and vertical directions beamforming gain Gtx can be defined as
x y x
are assumed to be Mtx and Mtx , respectively. Similarly, Mrx 2
y 1 tx rx rx 1/2 H
and Mrx , are the number of elements in the UAV-RX’s array Gtx = x y f (θ , φ ) atx wt .
Mtx Mtx
in each direction.
Note that, while radiation pattern of antenna elements depends
on the particular structure of the antenna and thus is fixed, it
is possible to control Gtx electrically using the beamforming
weights, wt , at the transmitter.
For later use, we introduce the notation
e(φ, θ, M x , M y , dx , dy ) = py ⊗ px where py =
qy (M y −1)qy T y
[1, e , ..., e ] , qy = j2πd sin θ sin φ/λ,
px = [1, eqx , ..., e(M −1)qx ]T , qx = j2πdx sin θ cos φ/λ
and dx and dy are the element spacing along the vertical and
Fig. 1. A UAV-to-UAV communication system
horizontal directions of the transmit/receive antenna arrays,
The received complex baseband signal at the UAV-RX Y ϵ
Mrx ×1 √ By supporting a large number of elements in a smaller
C can be expressed as Y = pHX + Z where H ϵ
C Mrx ×Mtx
is the LOS channel coefficients matrix from UAV- aperture, mmWave antennas can produce highly directional
TX to the UAV-RX, X ϵ C is the transmit signal vector, p is narrow beams. However, even a slight misalignment in such
the transmit symbol power and Z ϵ CMrx ×1 is the receiver narrow beams could result in significant signal loss at the UAV-
noise vector at the UAV-RX. The transmit signal vector X RX. As a result, due to the mobility of both UAV-RX and UAV-
can be expressed as X = wt x where wt ϵ CMtx ×1 is the TX, it is important to maintain the alignment of both beams
transmit beamformer weight vector and x ϵ C is the transmit in order to ensure a reliable connection. To accomplish this,
symbol. The channel coefficient matrix can be expressed as beamforming weights have to be updated sufficiently fast in
H = αarx aH accordance with relative movement of the two UAVs. Timely
tx where α ϵ R≥0 is the LOS path gain from
the UAV-TX to the UAV-RX [8], atx ϵ CMtx ×1 is the array adaptation of the beamforming weight wt allows maintaining
response vector at the UAV-TX antenna based on the UAV- the required beamforming gain Gtx enabling the received
RX location and arx ϵ CMrx ×1 is the array response vector signal power to remain above a minimum desired threshold.
at the UAV-RX corresponding to the received signal from the For timely update of transmit beamforming weights, this paper
UAV-TX. The LOS path loss α can be represented as [8], proposes an algorithm based on estimated positions of UAV-
TX and UAV-RX.
gt gr λ2 tx rx rx rx tx tx A. Optimal 3D beamforming weight vector update timing
α= f (θ , φ )f (θ , φ )
(4πr)2 Without loss of generality, let us consider the relative motion
of a UAV-RX with respect to the UAV-TX as illustrated in
where gt and gr are the UAV-TX and UAV-RX antenna Fig. 1. Let Xtrx , φrx rx
t and θt be the location vector, azimuth
element gains, θrx and φrx are the elevation and azimuth angle and elevation angle of the UAV-RX with respect to
angles of the UAV-RX with respect to the UAV-TX antenna the UAV-TX at time t, based on a coordinate system where
orientation, θtx and φtx are the elevation and azimuth angles the Z axis is perpendicular to the UAV-TX’s planner antenna
of the UAV-TX with respect to the UAV-RX antenna orienta- array. Similarly, let φrx rx
t+∆t and θt+∆t be the corresponding
tion, f rx (θtx , φtx ) is the normalized beam pattern of the UAV- angles of the UAV-RX at time t + ∆t. The relationship
RX antenna elements, f tx (θrx , φrx ) is the normalized beam between (φrx rx rx rx
t ,θt ) and (φt+∆t ,θt+∆t ) can be expressed as
pattern of the UAV-TX antenna elements and r is the distance φt+∆t = φt + ∆φt and θt+∆t = θtrx + ∆θtrx where ∆φrx
rx rx rx rx
between the UAV-TX and UAV-RX. Using these definitions, and ∆θtrx represent the variation of φrx and θrx from time t to
t+∆t rx
t+∆t, respectively, and are give by ∆φrx
the received signal vector Y can be written as t = t φ̇ (τ )dτ
R t+∆t rx
and ∆θt = t θ̇ (τ )dτ . It can be seen that in the
absence of noise, the optimal transmit beamforming weight
pgt gr λ2 tx rx rx rx tx tx
Y = f (θ , φ )f (θ , φ )arx aH
tx X + Z vector based on UAV-RX location, at time t0 are given by
(4πr)2 wt0 = e(θtrx , φrx x y x y
0 t0 , Mrx , Mrx , d , d ). The transmit antenna
steering vector corresponding to time t + ∆t can be given as
so that the received signal power can be expressed as [9]

pgt gr λ2 tx rx rx rx tx tx 2 atx (t + ∆t) = e(φrx rx x y x y

t+∆t , θt+∆t , Mrx , Mrx , d , d )
Py = f (θ , φ )f (θ , φ ) wH H
r arx atx X +Pz = e(φrx rx rx rx x y x y
(4πr)2 t + ∆φt , θt + ∆θt , Mrx , Mrx , d , d ).
Therefore, the transmitter beamforming gain at time t + ∆t update period while tracking the UAV-RX flight path. In recent
can be written as research, there are several promising methods developed for
Gtx = f tx (θtrx + ∆θtrx , φrx rx UAV-flight path prediction, including, for example, Kalman
t + ∆φt )
2 filter [11] and machine learning [12], [13]. Past flight path
x y (1)
sin(Mtx Φx /2) sin(Mtx Φy /2) information may be utilized by the Algorithm (in step 1)
x y
Mtx sin(Φx /2) Mtx sin(Φy /2) to predict the relative flight path of the UAV-RX depending
on the prediction method used. The accuracy of UAV-flight
path prediction can be characterized by the prediction error
2πdx variance.
Φx = sin(θtrx + ∆θtrx ) cos(φrxt + ∆φt )
λ In the following, we propose an algorithm to update the
2πdx beamforming vector at optimal update times by using UAV-RX
− sin(θtrx ) cos(φrx
t0 )
λ 0
location predictions. Based on the present estimate of UAV-RX
and location, the proposed algorithm calculates ∆t∗ at current time
2πdy instant t as shown in Fig. 2. If UAV-RX is moving away from
Φy = sin(θtrx + ∆θtrx ) sin(φrxt + ∆φt )
the UAV-TX signal transmit range, for example, ∆t∗ will keep
2πdy reducing with time. Once ∆t∗ reaches the minimum prediction
− sin(θtrx ) sin(φrx
t0 ).
λ 0 error threshold, the proposed algorithm will update wt .
Frequent update of beamforming weights requires frequent The estimated location of UAV-RX is perturbed by mea-
transmission of training bits [10]. Therefore maximization surement noise and prediction error [13]. Let us denote X̂t|t
of ∆t reduces the training overhead. However, it may also as the estimated location of the UAV-RX w.r.t. UAV-TX based
reduce the beamforming gain as seen from (1). Based on on measurement and other information available at time t. The
the relative angular velocities θ̇trx and φ̇rx relationship between predicted and true UAV-RX location with
t of UAV-RX with
respect to the UAV-TX, the optimal ∆t, denoted as ∆t∗ , to respect to the UAV-TX can be represented as
maintain a minimum required beamforming gain Gtx,min can rx
X̂t+∆t|t rx
= Xt+∆t + N∆t
be expressed as
where X̂t+∆t|t is the predicted location of the UAV-RX w.r.t.
∆t∗ = max ∆t
∆t (2) rx
rx UAV-TX based on X̂t|t and other available information at time
s.t. Gtx (Xt+∆t ) ≥ Gtx,min .
t and N∆t is the prediction error. Assuming the prediction
Due to the form of (1), in general, ∆t∗ can not be expressed rx
error is Gaussian distributed, f (Xt+∆t ) can be expressed as
in closed form but can only be determined numerically. More-
rx 1 rx T −1 rx
over, calculation of ∆t∗ requires the knowledge of the UAV- f (Xt+∆t )= exp(−X̃t+∆t|t Σ∆t X̃t+∆t|t )
(2π)3/2 |Σ ∆t |
RX trajectory from time t to t + ∆t, requiring the complete (3)
knowledge or estimation of the relative flight paths of the rx
where X̃t+∆t|t rx
= X̂t+∆t|t − Xt+∆trx
and Σ∆t is the covariance
UAVs. matrix of prediction error N∆t . Let us assume that the variance
As a special case, let us assume that the UAV-RX is moving of the prediction error along each axis changes with the
only in the elevation plane (i.e φ̇rx t = 0). In addition, we will prediction horizon ∆t and the non-diagonal elements of Σ∆t
assume that φrx t = 0 and constant relative angular velocity of are zero, indicating that prediction errors along each axis are
UAV-RX with respect to UAV-TX is ωrx . Let ∆t∗el be the ∆t∗ independent. Then, Σ∆t can be expressed as Σ∆t = σ02 ∆tI3
corresponds to this scenario. In this case, the ∆tel to maintain where σ02 is the prediction error variance per unit time and I3
a required minimum transmit beamforming gain of Gtx,min is the 3 × 3 identity matrix. Based on the estimated location
can be expressed in closed form as, of the UAV-RX with respect to the UAV-TX, the estimated
ˆ ∗ , to maintain a minimum required
−1 sinc−1 ( Gtx,min ) optimal ∆t, denoted as ∆t
sin x (π dx ) + sin(θt ) − θtrx

Mtx λ beamforming gain Gtx,min can be expressed as
∆tel = .
However, in general, the relative UAV movement may not ˆ ∗ = max ∆t
be confined to the elevation plane in a real U2U communi- s.t. rx
E{Gtx (Xt+∆t , wt0 )} ≥ Gtx,min (4)
cation system. When that is the case, even if the complete
relative flight path of the UAV-RX is available, calculating
∆t∗ numerically can still be computationally demanding. where
E{Gtx (Xt+∆t , wt0 )} =
B. Beamforming weights update algorithm with location pre- Z
dictions rx rx rx (5)
Gtx (Xt+∆t , wt0 )f (Xt+∆t )dXt+∆t
D{Xt+∆t }
UAV flight path may either be predefined or varied with
rx rx
time according to the current status of the network. In light and D{Xt+∆t } is the integral domain of Xt+∆t . To lower the
of this, the UAV-TX must determine the optimal beamforming computational cost of step 2 in Algorithm 1, the numerical
computation of E{Gtx (Xt+∆t , wt0 )} in (5) can be performed If td ≤ ∆T as in Case 1, the proposed Algorithm will
using the empirical rule of the Gaussian distribution [14]. be able to adjust the beamforming weights prior to obtaining
We may assume that UAV-RX location X̂t|t is measured the subsequent measurement. In this case, the algorithm will
every ∆T period. Due to processing and measurement delays, ˆ ∗ every ∆T period as it updates X̂ rx
iteratively updates ∆t t|t
X̂t|t may be available at the processing unit only after a certain with new measurements allowing it to adjust wt before Gtx
time delay [11]. In addition, there may be a reaction time delay reaches Gtx,min . It is, however, possible to conceive of a
associated with updating wt once the algorithm decides to do system where td > ∆T , although, such a system may not be
so [15]. Let us define the combined processing, measurement desired in practice as it is unable to take advantage of faster
and reaction delays as td and let the binary variable Dw,t ∈ measurement rates. In this case, the proposed algorithm will
{0, 1} denote the decision of whether or not to update wt at ˆ ∗ after the update of w (i.e t0 ≤ t).
need to recalculate ∆t t
time t.
The Algorithm 1 iteratively updates ∆t ˆ ∗ every ∆T period as Algorithm 1: Adaptive optimal beamforming weight
it updates X̂t|t with new measurements allowing it to adjust wt update period algorithm
before Gtx reaches Gtx,min . To avoid the risk of being unable rx rx
ˆ ∗ ≤ td , the proposed Input: X̂t|t , X̂t−∆T , ...
to update wt in a timely manner when ∆t
ˆ ∗ falls Output: Dw,t
algorithm must make a decision to update wt before ∆t rx
1 Estimate X̂t+∆t|t for 0 ≤ ∆t ≤ ∆T + td by using the
below td . As depicted in Fig. 2, the timeline of the proposed
location prediction method
algorithm can be analyzed based on the relative values of td
ˆ ∗ regions for the first, second, 2 if t0 ≤ t then
and ∆T . The corresponding ∆t 3
Calculate E{Gtx (wt0 , Xt+∆t|t )} for
and∗ third scenarios can be written as ∆tˆ ∗ > ∆T + td , td ≤
∗ 0 ≤ ∆t ≤ ∆T + td based on (3)
ˆ ≤ ∆T + td , and ∆t
∆t ˆ < td , respectively. ˆ ∗ numerically based on (4)
4 Compute ∆t

5 ˆ ≤ ∆T + td then
if ∆t
Case 1: ∆𝑻 ≥ 𝒕𝒅 Last time instant Earliest time instant that
of UAV-RX’s beamformer can update its
6 Dw,t = 1
Last time instant
𝑤𝑡 was updated
relative location weights If 𝐷𝑤,𝑡 = 1 due to 7 update the beamforming weight to receiver
measurement 𝑡𝑑 dealy rx
1 ∆𝑡 ∗ 8 location X̂t+t d |t
as wt+td at t0 = t + td
2 ∆𝑡 ∗ 𝐷𝑤,𝑡 = 0
scenarios for 3 𝐷𝑤,𝑡 = 1 9 else
∆𝑡 ∗ ∆𝑡 ∗
𝐷𝑤,𝑡 = 1 Time
10 Dw,t = 0
11 else
𝑡0 𝑡 𝑡 + 𝑡𝑑 𝑡 + ∆𝑇 𝑡 + ∆𝑇 + 𝑡𝑑
12 Dw,t = 0
Case 2: ∆𝑻 < 𝒕𝒅 13
Go back to step 1 with X̂t+∆T
1 ∆𝑡 ∗
2 ∆𝑡 ∗ 𝐷𝑤,𝑡 = 0
scenarios for 3 ∆𝑡 ∗ 𝐷𝑤,𝑡 = 1
∆𝑡 ∗ 𝐷𝑤,𝑡 = 1
𝑡0 𝑡 𝑡 + ∆𝑇 𝑡 + 𝑡𝑑 𝑡 + ∆𝑇 + 𝑡𝑑 In this section, we investigate the behaviour of ∆t∗ with
respect to the operating frequency and the effectiveness of the
Fig. 2. Timeline of the proposed algorithm proposed algorithm in the presence of prediction errors.
∗ Recall that wt needs to be updated within ∆t∗ time to
ˆ > ∆T + td in either of the cases depicted in Fig.
If ∆t maintain the normalized beamforming gain Gtx ≥ Gtx,min .
2, the algorithm will not update wt (i.e Dw,t = 0). Instead, We assume that the antenna aperture is fixed at 100cm2 ,
ˆ ∗ with the new observations
it will wait and recalculate ∆t
x y
Gtx,min = 0.5 [16], dλ = dλ = 0.5, r = 30 m and
obtained after ∆T period. On the other hand, whenever the relative speed of the UAV-RX in the tangential direction
ˆ ∗ ≤ ∆T + td , the Algorithm makes the decision to update
∆t with respect to the transmitter UAV is vt = 10ms−1 . This
wt at time t (Dw,t = 1). However, since the change will corresponds to a relative angular velocity of ωrx = 0.33 rad/s
only take effect at time t + td , when ∆t ˆ ∗ < td in either w.r.t. the transmitter. Note that, this particular scenario is
case, the algorithm will not be able to update wt in a timely assumed only for investigating the relationship between the
manner, causing the beamforming gain Gtx to fall below the operating frequency and ∆t∗ .
minimum beamforming gain threshold Gtx,min . To reduce The maximum aperture of the transmit antenna can be
the occurrence of this scenario and improve the effectiveness approximated by the physical area of the antenna, Ae,t = Ap,t
of the proposed algorithm in the presence of arbitrary UAV where Ap,t denotes the physical area of the transmitter an-
dynamics, an additional gain margin ∆Gd can be incorporated tenna [9]. Since Ap,t of the antenna can be expressed as
into Gtx,min to maintain the desired beamforming gain. With Ap,t = dx (Mtx x
− 1)dy (Mtx − 1), for a fixed aperture antenna,
this modification, the Gtx,min in (4) can be replaced by the number of antenna elements increases as the frequency
G̃tx,min = ∆Gd + Gtx,min where ∆Gd is an appropriately increases. Hence, for a fixed aperture antenna, the radiation
selected gain margin. pattern beamwidth becomes narrower as operating frequency
100 10-3




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Frequency (GHz)
Frequency (GHz)

Fig. 3. Dependence of ∆t∗ on frequency for different initial receiver locations Fig. 5. Variation of the ratio of overhead bitrate and available bitrate with
(with transmitter aperture 100 cm2 , ωrx = 0.33rad/s and r = 30m) operating frequency

TX move randomly within the specified cuboidal space with

speeds ranging from 5 to 15ms−1 [4]. Every 10ms, the
acceleration of each UAV is randomly set to a value between
−10ms−2 and 10ms−2 in each of the three Cartesian axis
directions, following a uniform distribution. If any of the
UAVs approach the border of the cuboidal area, that particular
UAV will accelerate at 5ms−2 in the opposite direction of the
border to avoid crossing it. Note that, the UAV-TX antenna has
an aperture of Ae,t = 100cm2 and the operating frequency
of 60 GHz. Throughout these simulations, we assume that
Fig. 4. Comparison transmit signal beam shape when the beam is directed Gtx,min = 0.5 [16], ∆T = 0.1s and td = 0.05s.
to Z-axis direction and (θ, φ)

< 02 = 50m 2 s!1 < 02 = 20m 2 s!1 < 02 = 0

increases and, as a result, ∆t∗ decreases with increasing
frequency as shown in Fig. 3. 0.9
Figure 3 also shows the variation of ∆t∗ with the oper-
ating frequency when different initial elevation positions are
assumed for the UAV-RX. When the signal beam is directed to

(θrx , φrx ) position, the shape of the boundary of the HPBW
changes with the change in transmit beam direction as shown 0.6
in Fig. 4. Therefore, ∆t∗ may vary depending on the position
of the UAV-RX at time t according to (1). Figure 3 shows that
∆t∗ is lower when the transmitter orientation is aligned with 0.4
0 20 40 60 80 100
the UAV-RX location so that θrx = 0 than when they are not
Time /(s)
(i.e θrx ̸= 0).
Smaller ∆t∗ requires frequent transmission of overhead Fig. 6. The variation of beamforming gain Gtx of the UAV-RX for different
training bits. Let us consider the same scenario as that in σ02
Fig. 3. The overhead bit rate corresponding to ∆t∗ can be
calculated by assuming that the number of overhead bits per Figure 6 shows the transmitter beamforming gain as a func-
beam training process is fixed. Figure 5 shows the dependence tion of time for different location prediction error variances
of the relative overhead, defined as the ratio between the adopted according to the Algorithm 1. When the flight path
overhead and total bit rates, on the operating frequency. prediction is accurate (σ02 = 0), the proposed algorithm will
Clearly, the relative overhead is lower at higher frequencies ensure that Gtx does not drop below the required minimum
even with frequent weight updates indicating the advantage of threshold of 0.5 as shown in Fig. 6. However, wt may not
operating in higher frequencies. always get updated before Gtx drops below the threshold when
To investigate the implications of above findings in a the prediction error variance is non-zero. Occasionally, there
U2U communication system, let us consider a 3D area of is the possibility that Gtx may drop below minimum threshold
1km × 1km × 100m [17]. Assume that initially the UAV- Gtx,min due to prediction errors, as can be seen from in Fig.
TX is located at the center of the cuboidal area and the 6 with σ02 = 50m2 s−1 .
UAV-RX is placed in a random location within the region. Let us denote by Pout the probability of Gtx dropping below
Additionally, it is assumed that both the UAV-RX and UAV- the minimum threshold Gtx,min before wt is updated. Figure 7
r=50 m was also observed that as the operating frequency increased,
r=70 m
r=100 m the relative overhead decreased indicating that even with more
r=200 m
0.3 r=300 m
frequent weight updates, using mmWave frequencies can lead
r=500 m
to better throughput performance.
The proposed algorithm for determining the beamformer

weight update timing was tested in a U2U communication
0.15 system. The results showed that when accurate UAV-RX loca-
tion prediction was available the beamforming gain remained
consistently above the minimum threshold resulting in a stable
connection. As expected, when there is a non-zero location
10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2
prediction error, there is a corresponding non-zero probability
<02 / m2 s!1 of beamformer gain falling below the desired threshold which
increases with the variance of the prediction error. However,
Fig. 7. Dependence of the Gtx drops below Gtx,min before updating the
wt probability Pout on the prediction error variance per unit time σ02 when
we also observe that incorporating a gain margin ∆Gd helps
UAV-RX is at a distance of r apart from UAV-TX and ∆Gd = 0 reduce this by 10-20% resulting in more stable connections
between UAVs in the presence of non-zero location prediction
r=50m "Gd = 0 r=50m "Gd = 0:1Gtx;min r=50m "Gd = 0:2Gtx;min errors.
r=70m "Gd = 0 r=70m "Gd = 0:1Gtx;min r=70m "Gd = 0:2Gtx;min
r=100m "Gd = 0
0.4 r=100m "Gd = 0:1Gtx;min r=100m "Gd = 0:2Gtx;min
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