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Sem. Romeo Macali Jr.

Political Philosophy
May 04, 2023

Sun Yat-Sen helped the growth of nationalism during the early 20th century. After
experiencing and studying in Hawaii, he got a taste of what the western world was like. Sun
wanted to help westernize China to keep up with the world's technology and economy. His goal
was to nationalize China. He also wanted to aid in reforming the social problems China was

‘1He started groups to revolutionize China and overthrow the rule of the Qing dynasty.
Sun Yat-Sen traveled all over the world to hide from the officials of the Qing dynasty and to gain
funds for his Chinese Revolutionary Army. In 1911, the revolution occurred, and Sun became the
president of the Republic of China. He was mainly interested in, integrating ethnic minorities,
enhancing the welfare needs of the poor, promoting women's rights, and opposing the archaic
practice of foot binding.’

Yet, Sun was unsuccessful with his dreams for China; he did some writing for a
democratic, government. He had three principles that he wanted his followers to carry on after he
died; these principles came from the countries he visited, namely, the United Kingdom, the USA,
Canada, and Hawaii. The three principles consisted of nationalism, democracy, and socialism.
Nationalism is intended to create a unified Chinese identity. Democracy should provide people
with ample access to the government. And socialism is needed so that the government will look
after its people. Sun's plans were implemented in Taiwan, and credit was given to him for his
three principles. That made Taiwan, even at this time, prosper and be successful as a country.
Now one might ask, "If man were given a chance to be the Sun Yat Sen of the Philippines, what
principles would he apply? Why?

In today’s time, the Philippines is suffering a division within the country where all people
are very divided with their own beliefs simply because of their social status in life, their own
political perception, their own basis of morality, and many other things that often times lead
other Filipinos to be loyal to other countries rather than to their own country. That will lead men

“Sun Yat Sen Essay,” Sun Yat-Sen Essay ⋆ History Essay Examples ⋆ EssayEmpire Retrieved April 28, 2023.
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to have the idea that they need to be like Sun Yat Sen who will help the country flourish and not
be forgotten by time. The principles that will be used are, namely, nationalism by Sun Yat Sen
and man will use the principles of Bhutan's Gross Domestic Happiness.

Nationalism is one way to help Filipinos be open and awake to what is happening to the
country. As man observed in the country, many corruptions are happening that cause the country
to be in the third world; they are not loyal to the country but to the money. Just like in the past
election, Filipinos will vote for the one who will give them money and who will help them feed
their hungry stomachs for a day. Without thinking that it is only for one day, and if only they vote
for the one who is a wise and charitable leader to his people. Then, that leader will truly find a
way to solve the crisis in the economy. If he solves the problem, then there will be smiling faces
for each and every Filipino simply because they will not have a problem filling their stomachs.
Also, oftentimes leaders will be willing to be the subject of other country leaders rather than their
countrymen; these leaders have no nationalism in them. So, they needed to have one. Just take,
for example, our former President Rodrigo Duterte, who was himself loyal to China and not to
the country and his countrymen. He would borrow money from China, which has much greater
interest, even though other countries would want to help with less interest. Which, in the action
itself, is a manifestation of loyalty to China. That leads to the country being in much greater debt,
and not only that, it also causes the country to be a servant of the Chinese simply because the
country or the Filipinos have debt on them. If only people were nationalistic then, maybe they
would have already overthrown the former president simply because he is a self-centered
president who creates division in the country and its people. If Filipinos are now nationalistic,
every now and then they will have the same goal, which is solidarity of the country. That they
will not only care for themselves but also to their neighbor. That leads to the second principle or
philosophy: Gross Domestic Happiness in Bhutan. Which aims to balance material and non-
material aspects of wellbeing and happiness, giving equal importance to economic, social,
environmental, and cultural factors. That will lead the country to a state of happiness where
everyone will think about the welfare of the nation and the people. A very good place of
prosperity, love, and happiness.
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To conclude, principles of nationalism help the Filipinos to be aware that they solidarity
and the principles of Gross Domestic Happiness of Bhutan helps the Filipinos to be in constant
happiness and love.

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