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Seminar 2

The Picture of Dorian Gray

1. It would be unbecoming if he become sunburnt.
2. Youth
3. When he’ll be old and wrinkled and ugly.
4. It needs no explanation, it is the greatest facts of the world, it cannot be questioned, it makes
princes of those who have it.
5. Thought.
6. Time.
7. Worthless objectives like listening to boring people, trying to improve the hopeless failure, or giving
live to the ignorant, the common, and the vulgar.
8. Live ! Live the wonderful life that is in you! Let nothing be lost upon you.
Be always searching for new sensations. Be afraid of nothing.
9. Hill-flowers wither, but they blossom again/ The laburnum will be as yellow next June as it is now.
In a month there will be purple stars on the clematis, and a year after year the green night of its
leaves will hold its purple stars.

1. A. -line 12-15
- Line 35-38
b. – 16-23
-line 19
c. line 22-25; 26-27; 30-34;
2. Lord Henry doesn’t share the views of other people,
3. – line 17-20;
-line 48-51
- line 52;

Oscar Wilde’s writing style incorporates the vivid descriptions, aesthetic appearance,
conversational style, repetitive pattern, simple and clear language.

It is the face of my soul

1. His soul.
2. Horror broke from the painters lips when he saw the figure of the painting , and recognized in this
painting his own work.
3. Blood had changed in a moment from fire to sluggish ice/ his mouth twitched, and his parched
tongue seemed unable to articulate/ passed his hand across his forehead… it was dank with
clammy sweat. Dorian was watching at him with strange expression.
4. He said that the thing is impossible. The room is damp. Mildew had got into the canvas. And the
paints he used had some awful mineral poison in them.
He saw that the surface of the painting seemed to be undisturbed and as he had left it. And he
realized that the ugliness and horror come from inside. Sin was eating and poisoning the picture/
5. Selfishness and narcissism

1.a. 27-30
b. line 55; line 85
c. No matter how one is raised, and what environment one is in they will always do good and bad. He
remembered Hallward his word when they were younger to be vain of his good looking. Line 35-40
2. line 78-81
3. – line 11-15
- line 7; line 21-26;

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