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222 Liceo de Cagayan University College of Arts and Sciences Natural Sciences Department

Cagayan de Oro City

COURSE SYLLABUS Revised: Effective SY 2005-2006 I. COURSE NUMBER PHYSICS 2 II. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE Applied Physics III. RATIONALE OF THE COURSE Applied Physics deals with general laws of Physics that apply universally in all physical situations. In Applied Physics, general laws are used to study the more specialized laws that apply to matter in each of its three states: gas, liquid, and solid. Important topics include energy transformations involving the atoms and molecules of which matter is made, the strength of the materials is also presented. Fundamental principles of fluid mechanics, laws of thermodynamics, and physical concepts of electrostatics are also included. IV. COURSE DESCRIPTION

The subject is divided into five parts. The first part covers the application of the physical properties of solids, liquids, and gases. The second part deals with the strength of the material in terms of elasticity, stress, strain, and Hookes law. The third part deals with the physical principles involved in fluids such as Archimedes and Bernoullis principles. The fourth part deals with temperature and heat, mechanisms of heat transfer and calorimetry, first and second law thermodynamics processes. The fifth part deals with the physics of charges at rest, Direct Current (DC) and Alternating Current (AC) circuits. The physical concepts involved are Coulombs law, Ohms law, and basic electric circuit theory. V. COURSE OBJECTIVES At the end of this course, the students should be able to 1. develop the analytical thinking skills through problem solving that carry over in the students personal and professional lives.

223 2. better understand how the physical principles affect the aesthetic sense thereby relating and appreciating the importance of the physical properties of matter, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and electricity. 3. increase the students repertoire of elastic, fluid, mechanical, thermodynamics, and electrical concepts and how they are applied to real situations. VI. COURSE CONTENT AND OUTLINE TOPICS ASSESSMENT TOOLS TIME FRAME MASTERY LEVEL At the end of the chapter, the students shall have attained 95% mastery level

STRATEGIES/ACTIVI TIES PRELIMINARY TERM At the end of each unit, I. Review of Physics 1 Lecture and the students will be able to discussions 1.1 Conversion of Boardwork/gam 1. recall the basic units es formulas, units and 1.2 Force and motion Group dynamics principles of physics. 1.3 Condition of on problem equilibrium solving 1.4 Work, energy and Visual aids power Film showing/group activities during laboratory sessions Laboratory experiments Research paper At the end of the unit, the II. Physics of student must be able to Particles 1. state and explain the basic 2.1 Basic properties of Lecture and discussions Boardwork/gam es


6 hours Quizzes Term exams Assignment s Recitation Seatwork

6 hours Quizzes Term exams Assignment s

At the end of the chapter, the students shall have

224 properties of solid, liquid and gas solid, liquid and 2.2 Mass density, gas. weight density and define and specific gravity express symbolically weight density, mass density and specific gravity. distinguish between mass and weight density compute the mass (or weight) of a body of matter given its volume and density or its mass (weight) and density. Elasticity 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Stress Strain Hookes Law Modulus of Elasticity Group dynamics on problem solving Film showing Group activities during laboratory sessions Laboratory experiments Research paper Project study Field trips Recitation Seatwork Boardwork attained 95% mastery level




At the end of the unit, the III. student must be able to 1. state and explain the relationship between forces and deformation. present the equations that express Youngs modulus of


Lecture and discussions Boardwork/seat work Games Group dynamics on problem solving Visual aids Film showing

3 hours Quizzes Term exams Assignment s Recitation Seatwork Boardwork

At the end of the chapter, the students shall have attained 95% mastery level

225 elasticity and bulk modulus elasticity. discuss the concepts of stress, strain, and elastic properties of materials. state and explain Hookes Law. Group activities during laboratory session Laboratory experiments Research paper Project study



At the end of the unit, the IV. Fluids and Statics students must be able to 4.1 Pressure, force, 1. define pressure and and area relate pressure to 4.2 Gauge and force and area absolute pressures 2. work on problems 4.3 Pascals principle involving the 4.4 Archimedes pressure in principle stationary liquids. 3. distinguish between gauge and absolute pressures. 4. state Pascals principle and give examples of its application in the hospital and within the human body. 5. work on problems involving the hydraulic pressure,

MIDTERM Lecture and discussions Boardwork/seat work Games Group dynamics on problem solving Visual aids Film showing Group activities during laboratory session Laboratory experiments Research paper Project study

5 hours Quizzes Term exams Assignment s Recitation Seatwork Boardwork

At the end of the chapter, the students shall have attained 95% mastery level

226 such as finding the force required to lift a specified load, given the dimensions of the cylinders of the hydraulic pressure. 6. use Archimedes principle to calculate the buoyant force on a submerged object, given its mass and volume and given the density of the liquid in which it is submerged. At the end of the unit, the V. students must be able to 1. 2. 3. distinguish between laminar and turbulent flow. compute the rate of flow of a fluid through a pipe. use Bernoullis equation to relate the pressure, height and speed of a liquid at one place with their values at another

Fluid Dynamics 5.1 Laminar and turbulent flow 5.2 Flow rate and it is relation to velocity 5.3 Bernoullis equation 5.4 Torecillis theorem 5.5 Medical application of pressures in fluid: 5.5.1 The Bernoulli effect 5.5.2 The Venturi tube

Lecture and discussions Boardwork/seat work Games Group dynamics on problem solving Visual aids Film showing Group activities during laboratory session Laboratory

5 hours Quizzes Term exams Assignment s Recitation Seatwork Boardwork

At the end of the chapter, the students shall have attained 95% mastery level

227 place. 4. show the Torricellis theorem for special relationship between pressure and depth 5. relate the application of fluids in the medical world. At the end of the unit, the VI. student must be able to 1. distinguish between temperature and heat. 2. explain the principle of temperature and thermal equilibrium 3. identify and express thermal expansion and its equation. 5.5.3 The entrainment of fluids. experiments Research paper Project study

Temperature and Expansion

6.1 Temperature 6.2 Thermal expansions of solids and liquids

At the end of the unit, the VII. Heat and Heat

Lecture and discussions Boardwork/seat work Games Group dynamics on problem solving Visual aids Film showing Group activities during laboratory session Laboratory experiments Research paper Project study

5 hours Quizzes Term exams Assignment s Recitation Seatwork Boardwork

At the end of the chapter, the students shall have attained 95% mastery level




5 hours

At the end of

228 student must be able to 1. explain and consider the actual mechanism which heat is transferred to or from an object. state and explain the principle of Calorimetry, ex. Heat of Combustion: The dietary calorie. solve problems involving heat. Transfer Methods 7.1 Heat 7.2 Conduction, Convection, and Radiation 7.3 Temperature Change 7.4 Specific Heat, phase changes, latent heat discussions Boardwork/seat work Games Group dynamics on problem solving Visual aids Film showing Group activities during laboratory session Laboratory experiments Research paper Project study Lecture and discussions Boardwork/seat work Games Group dynamics on problem solving Visual aids Film showing Group activities during laboratory Term exams Assignment s Recitation Seatwork Boardwork the chapter, the students shall have attained 95% mastery level



At the end of each unit, VIII. Thermodynamics the student must be able to 8.1 First law of thermodynamics 1. describe the 8.2 Work done by an significance of the expanding gas first law of 8.3 Isothermal and thermodynamics. adiabatic processes 2. solve the work done 8.4 Pressure-volume by an expanding diagram gas. 3. distinguish between isothermal and adiabatic processes.

5 hours Quizzes Term exams Assignment s Recitation Seatwork Boardwork

At the end of the chapter, the students shall have attained 95% mastery level

229 4. use the indicator (pressure-volume) diagram of an engine to find the work done per cycle. At the end of the unit, the IX. student must be able to 1. describe the electrical nature of the human body. 2. state and explain Coulombs law 3. identify the direction of force between charged particles 4. compute problems involving electric charge. 5. identify the direction of the electric field between charged particles. 6. compute the magnitude of electric field between charged particles. Electric Charge and Electric Field session Laboratory experiments Research paper Project study Lecture and discussions Boardwork/seat work Games Group dynamics on problem solving Visual aids Film showing Group activities during laboratory session Laboratory experiments Research paper Project study 5 hours Quizzes Term exams Assignment s Recitation Seatwork Boardwork At the end of the chapter, the students shall have attained 95% mastery level

1. The electrical nature of matter 2. Static Electricity and Charge: Conservation of Charge 3. Coulombs Law 4. Electric field: Concept of a Field 5. Electric Field Lines: Multiple Charges 6. Static Electricity and Charge: Conservation of Charge 7. Cathode Ray Tube 8. The Oscilloscope

230 FINAL Lecture and discussions Boardwork/seat work Games Group dynamics on problem solving Visual aids Film showing Group activities during laboratory session Laboratory experiments Research paper Project study Lecture and discussions Boardwork/seat work Games Group dynamics on problem solving Visual aids Film showing Group activities

At the end of the unit, the X. student must be able to 1.

Electric potential and Electric Energy

explain the principle of 10.1 Electric Potential electric potential Energy: Potential energy. Difference 10.2 Electric Potential in a Uniform Electric Field due to a Point Charge 10.3 Current, Ohm Law: Resistance and Simple Circuits, and Electromotive Force 10.4 Electric Power and Energy: Alternating Current versus Direct Current

3 hours Quizzes Term exams Assignment s Recitation Seatwork Boardwork

At the end of the chapter, the students shall have attained 95% mastery level

At the end of the unit, the XI. Electrical Safety students must be able to 11.1 The Physiological 1. outline the levels of Effects of Electric Physiological Current effects of electric 11.2 Microshock Hazards current. 11.3 The nature of 2. state the condition leakage current under which a 11.4 Examples of Hazards patient will be 11.5 Recommendation for microshock safety sensitive.

3 hours Quizzes Term exams Assignment s Recitation Seatwork Boardwork

At the end of the chapter, the students shall have attained 95% mastery level

231 explain why the ground connection is so critical when a patient is microshock sensitive. 4. list the precautions to be taken with a microshock sensitive patient. At the end of the unit, the XII. Bioelectricity students must be able to 12.1 The Living Cell as an 1. state and describe Electric Source the three basic 12.2 The influences, which Electrocardiogram determine the 12.3 The relative ion Electroencephalogra concentrations m inside and outside 12.4 The Electronic the membranes of Pacemaker living cells. 12.5 Other Bioelectric 2. sketch a typical Measurements action potential for a cell membrane and describe what is happening to the sodium, potassium, and chlorine ions during each stage of the action potential. 3. identify the basic 3. during laboratory session Laboratory experiments Research paper Project study

Lecture and discussions Boardwork/seat work Games Group dynamics on problem solving Visual aids Film showing Group activities during laboratory session Laboratory experiments Research paper Project study

3 hours Quizzes Term exams Assignment s Recitation Seatwork Boardwork

At the end of the chapter, the students shall have attained 95% mastery level

232 features of the electro-cardiogram in terms of the action potential of the heart. describe the action of the electronic pacemaker in terms of its effect upon the action potentials of the heart. COURSE TEXT AND REFERENCES



Textbook: Nave, C. et. al (2003). Physics for the Health Sciences. 3rd ed. New York: W.B. Saunders Company. References: Beiser, ,Arthur. (2003). Concepts of Modern Physics. 6th ed. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Duncan, ,Tom and Kenneth, Heather. (2001). Physics. 4rth ed. Great Britain: Buttler and Tanner, Ltd. Frome and London. Jones, Mary, ,Jones, Geoff and Marchington, Phillip. (2000). Physics. 2nd ed. United Kingdom: University Press, Cambridge. Nave, C. et. al (2003). Physics for the Health Sciences. 3rd ed. New York: W.B. Saunders Company. Nayak, A.K. (2004). Teachings of Physics. New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation. Reese (2000). University Physics. USE: Brook/Cole Publishing Company.

233 Squires, G.L. (2001). Practical Physics. 4rth ed. United Kingdom: University Press, Cambridge. Serway, Raymond A. and Beichner, Robert J. (2000). Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics. 5th ed. USA: Saunders College Publishing. Wilson, Jerry D. and Buffa, Anthony J. (2000). College Physics. 4rth ed. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Zemansky, et. al. (2002). University Physics. USA: Massachusetts, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. Internet Sources: Andersen, Joseph. What is Thermodynamics? Available : . May 8, 2005 Romero, Dana. Absolute Humidity. Available: May 8, 2005 Weisstein, Eric W. Electric Dipole. Available: May 8, 2005 Weisstein, Eric W. Boiling. Available: May 8, 2005 Prepared by: Engr. Ruby Agbuya, M.S.T. _____________________

234 Abundol Nawang _____________________

Engr. Arnie Petalcorin, M.S.T. _____________________ Students present during consultation/course syllabi making: (May 15, 2005) Glenn B. Dacao Rechel M. Lagunero Homer T. Lao Librarian: Dr. Mondoedo Received by: _____________________ Approved by: _____________________ _____________________ ----------------------------------Louis Carlo V. Lim Joharimah B. Balt _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Jamaica P. Balawag

Engr. Ruby Agbuya, M.S.T. Chairperson Natural Sciences Department

Dr. Fe S. Tolibas Dean College of Arts and Sciences

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