Rising Mail Design

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A. Design Data:

1 Water Requirement:
Population Year Water Demand
A) Initial 252.00 KLD
B) Intermediate 252.00 KLD
C) Ultimate 252.00 KLD

2 Actual Length of Rising Main: 300.00 m

3 Length of Rising Main considered for Design : 300 m
4 RL at Tube Well Site (TW-4): 96.00 m
5 Suction Depth: 40.00 m
6 RL at Suction Level: 56 m
7 Destination of rising main: 121.000 m
8 Static head for pump (St. Head): 65 m
9 Static head on pump considered for Design: 65 m
10 Design Period (Years): 30 yrs
11 Combined Eff. Of pump set: 50 %
12 Cost of pumping unit per KW: 15000 Rs.
13 Interest rate: 12 %
14 Life of electric motor: 15 yrs
15 Energy charges/KWH unit: 6 Rs.
16 Pumping hours for discharge : 14 hrs
17 Pump Standby : 0 %

1st 15 years 2nd 15 years
Discharge at starting of period Qs1 252 KLD Qs2 252 KLD
Discharge at ending of 10 yrs Qe1 252 KLD Qe2 252 KLD
Average discharge Qav1 252 KLD Qav2 252 KLD
Average pumping hours
T1 14.00 hrs T2 14 hrs
during period

V = 143.534 CR r0.6575S0.5525
h = [L(Q / CR)1.81]/994.62D4.81
in which,
V = velocity of flow in m/s.
CR = pipe roughness coefficient, ( 1 for smooth pipes; < 1 for rough pipes);
r = hydraulic radius in m;
s = friction slope;
D = internal diameter of pipe in m;
h = friction head loss in m;
L = length of pipe in m; and
Q = flow in pipe in m3 / s

Dia of Hydraulic Head
1 st stage Dia of pipe s Total
S.No. pipe Gradient Loss per Velocity (m/s)
Flow (cum/s) (m) Coefficien Losses (m)
(mm) (m) 1000m
t (CR)
1 0.005 100 0.1 0.03 1 4.44 0.64 1.333
2 0.005 150 0.15 0.04 1 0.632 0.28 0.190
3 0.005 200 0.2 0.05 1 0.159 0.16 0.048
4 0.005 250 0.25 0.06 1 0.055 0.10 0.017
5 0.005 300 0.3 0.08 1 0.023 0.07 0.007

Dia of Hydraulic Head
2 st stage Dia of pipe s Total
S.No. pipe Gradient Loss per Velocity (m/s)
Flow (cum/s) (m) Coefficien Losses (m)
(mm) (m) 1000m
t (CR)
1 0.005 100 0.1 0.03 1 4.441 0.64 1.333
2 0.005 150 0.15 0.04 1 0.632 0.28 0.190
3 0.005 200 0.2 0.05 1 0.159 0.16 0.048
4 0.005 250 0.25 0.06 1 0.055 0.10 0.017
5 0.005 300 0.3 0.08 1 0.023 0.07 0.007

Prepared By:Shubh Consultants, Raipur

Velocity and Head loss for Different Pipe sizes
Total head (m) for
Frictional head loss per 1000m Velocity in m/s Length(m)
300 ; Static head(m)= 65
S.No Diameter of
1st stage flow 2nd stage flow
. Pipe
1st stage 2nd stage Total
1st stage flow 2nd stage flow Frictional Total Head Frictional Other
flow flow Other Losses Head
Losses (H1) Losses Losses
1 100 4.441 4.441 0.637 0.637 1.333 0.133 66.466 1.333 0.133 66.466
2 150 0.632 0.632 0.283 0.283 0.190 0.019 65.209 0.190 0.019 65.209
3 200 0.159 0.159 0.160 0.160 0.048 0.005 65.053 0.048 0.005 65.053
4 250 0.055 0.055 0.103 0.103 0.017 0.002 65.019 0.017 0.002 65.019
5 300 0.023 0.023 0.072 0.072 0.007 0.001 65.008 0.007 0.001 65.008

B. KW required at 60% combined efficiency of pumping set

KW 1 = Qe1 x 106 x H1 x 100 x24 / (60 x 60 x 24 x 102 x η x t)
KW 1 = 6.373
KW 2 = Qe2 x 106 x H2 x 100 x24 / (60 x 60 x 24 x 102 x η x t)
KW 2 = 6.373
KW Required = (QxH)/(102 x η x T)

Kilowatts & cost of pump sets required for different pipe diameter and pipe cost
1st stage flow 2st stage flow Total
Cost of
Diameter of cost of
S.No. Class of pipe Pumping Total Pumping pipe per
Pipe KW pipe Rs.
Total Losses (H1) cost Rs. Losses KW required cost Rs. unit m
required Lacs
Lacs (H2) Lacs
1 100 DI K9 66.466 6.516 0.977 66.466 6.516 0.977 1,191.41 3.574
2 150 DI K9 65.209 6.393 0.959 65.209 6.393 0.959 1,728.48 5.185
3 200 DI K9 65.053 6.378 0.957 65.053 6.378 0.957 2,332.32 6.997
4 250 DI K9 65.019 6.374 0.956 65.019 6.374 0.956 3,103.50 9.311
5 300 DI K9 65.008 6.373 0.956 65.008 6.373 0.956 3,877.60 11.633

C. Annual Cost in Rs. Of electrical energy @ Rs.6.00 per unit (KWT hours of pumping x average days per year x 6.00)
1st Stage Flow
30680.16 x KW 1
2nd Stage
30680.16 x KW 2
Flow =
Pump Cost
Pn = C =
Po = C/(1+r)n
Po = Initial Capitalized Investment
C = Amount needed after 10 years to purchase the second stage Pumping set
r = Rate of Compound Interest = 10% per year
n = no. of
years = 10
Po = C/ 2.594
E. Energy charges capitalized
CC = CR {(1-
For values r = 10% and n = 10 years

CC = 7.606 CR

CC 1st Stage = 7.606 CR 1st Stage
CC 2nd Stage = 7.606 CR 2nd Stage
Present Energy Charges (CP) for 2nd stage capitalized value i.e. for CC 2nd stage
CP = CC 2nd Stage/2.594

Prepared By:Shubh Consultants, Raipur

Comparative statement of overall cost structure of pumping main for different pipe sizes
1st Stage 2st Stage Grand
Annual Capitalize Annual Total of OD in
Cost of pump Capitalized Energy Cost of Capitalized Capitalized
Energy d total Energy Capitalize (mm)
sets Charges pump sets Energy Charges total cost
charges cost charges d cost for
0.977 1.999 15.206 19.758 0.977 1.999 15.206 16.183 35.941 100
0.959 1.961 14.918 21.063 0.959 1.961 14.918 15.877 36.940 150
0.957 1.957 14.883 22.836 0.957 1.957 14.883 15.839 38.676 200
0.956 1.956 14.875 25.141 0.956 1.956 14.875 15.831 40.972 250
0.956 1.955 14.872 27.461 0.956 1.955 14.872 15.828 43.289 300

Total of Capitalized cost for 20 years

45.000 40.97
40.000 35.94 36.94
100 150 200 250 300

Dia of Pipe in mm

Minimum Cost of Rising Main is 35.941 Lacs

Most economical size is 100 mm
Adopted Size (outer diameter) 100 mm

PROPOSED 300 m DI K9 100 mm Pipe from TW-4 to TW-3

Prepared By:Shubh Consultants, Raipur


A. Design Data:

1 Water Requirement:
Population Year Water Demand
A) Initial 504.00 KLD
B) Intermediate 504.00 KLD
C) Ultimate 504.00 KLD

2 Actual Length of Rising Main: 300.00 m

3 Length of Rising Main considered for Design : 300 m
4 RL at Tube Well Site (TW-3): 97.00 m
5 Suction Depth: 40.00 m
6 RL at Suction Level: 57 m
7 Destination of rising main: 121.000 m
8 Static head for pump (St. Head): 64 m
9 Static head on pump considered for Design: 64 m
10 Design Period (Years): 30 yrs
11 Combined Eff. Of pump set: 50 %
12 Cost of pumping unit per KW: 15000 Rs.
13 Interest rate: 12 %
14 Life of electric motor: 15 yrs
15 Energy charges/KWH unit: 6 Rs.
16 Pumping hours for discharge : 14 hrs
17 Pump Standby : 0 %

1st 15 years 2nd 15 years
Discharge at starting of period Qs1 504 KLD Qs2 504 KLD
Discharge at ending of 10 yrs Qe1 504 KLD Qe2 504 KLD
Average discharge Qav1 504 KLD Qav2 504 KLD
Average pumping hours
T1 14.00 hrs T2 14 hrs
during period

V = 143.534 CR r0.6575S0.5525
h = [L(Q / CR)1.81]/994.62D4.81
in which,
V = velocity of flow in m/s.
CR = pipe roughness coefficient, ( 1 for smooth pipes; < 1 for rough pipes);
r = hydraulic radius in m;
s = friction slope;
D = internal diameter of pipe in m;
h = friction head loss in m;
L = length of pipe in m; and
Q = flow in pipe in m3 / s

Dia of Hydraulic Head
1 st stage Dia of pipe s Total
S.No. pipe Gradient Loss per Velocity (m/s)
Flow (cum/s) (m) Coefficien Losses (m)
(mm) (m) 1000m
t (CR)
1 0.01 100 0.1 0.03 1 15.57 1.27 4.672
2 0.01 150 0.15 0.04 1 2.215 0.57 0.665
3 0.01 200 0.2 0.05 1 0.556 0.32 0.167
4 0.01 250 0.25 0.06 1 0.190 0.20 0.057
5 0.01 300 0.3 0.08 1 0.079 0.14 0.024

Dia of Hydraulic Head
2 st stage Dia of pipe s Total
S.No. pipe Gradient Loss per Velocity (m/s)
Flow (cum/s) (m) Coefficien Losses (m)
(mm) (m) 1000m
t (CR)
1 0.01 100 0.1 0.03 1 15.572 1.27 4.672
2 0.01 150 0.15 0.04 1 2.215 0.57 0.665
3 0.01 200 0.2 0.05 1 0.556 0.32 0.167
4 0.01 250 0.25 0.06 1 0.190 0.20 0.057
5 0.01 300 0.3 0.08 1 0.079 0.14 0.024

Prepared By:Shubh Consultants, Raipur

Velocity and Head loss for Different Pipe sizes
Total head (m) for
Frictional head loss per 1000m Velocity in m/s Length(m)
300 ; Static head(m)= 64
S.No Diameter of
1st stage flow 2nd stage flow
. Pipe
1st stage 2nd stage Total
1st stage flow 2nd stage flow Frictional Total Head Frictional Other
flow flow Other Losses Head
Losses (H1) Losses Losses
1 100 15.572 15.572 1.273 1.273 4.672 0.467 69.139 4.672 0.467 69.139
2 150 2.215 2.215 0.566 0.566 0.665 0.067 64.732 0.665 0.067 64.732
3 200 0.556 0.556 0.319 0.319 0.167 0.017 64.184 0.167 0.017 64.184
4 250 0.190 0.190 0.204 0.204 0.057 0.006 64.063 0.057 0.006 64.063
5 300 0.079 0.079 0.141 0.141 0.024 0.002 64.026 0.024 0.002 64.026

B. KW required at 60% combined efficiency of pumping set

KW 1 = Qe1 x 106 x H1 x 100 x24 / (60 x 60 x 24 x 102 x η x t)
KW 1 = 12.549
KW 2 = Qe2 x 106 x H2 x 100 x24 / (60 x 60 x 24 x 102 x η x t)
KW 2 = 12.549
KW Required = (QxH)/(102 x η x T)

Kilowatts & cost of pump sets required for different pipe diameter and pipe cost
1st stage flow 2st stage flow Total
Cost of
Diameter of cost of
S.No. Class of pipe Pumping Total Pumping pipe per
Pipe KW pipe Rs.
Total Losses (H1) cost Rs. Losses KW required cost Rs. unit m
required Lacs
Lacs (H2) Lacs
1 100 DI K9 69.139 13.557 2.034 69.139 13.557 2.034 1,191.41 3.574
2 150 DI K9 64.732 12.692 1.904 64.732 12.692 1.904 1,728.48 5.185
3 200 DI K9 64.184 12.585 1.888 64.184 12.585 1.888 2,332.32 6.997
4 250 DI K9 64.063 12.561 1.884 64.063 12.561 1.884 3,103.50 9.311
5 300 DI K9 64.026 12.554 1.883 64.026 12.554 1.883 3,877.60 11.633

C. Annual Cost in Rs. Of electrical energy @ Rs.6.00 per unit (KWT hours of pumping x average days per year x 6.00)
1st Stage Flow
30680.16 x KW 1
2nd Stage
30680.16 x KW 2
Flow =
Pump Cost
Pn = C =
Po = C/(1+r)n
Po = Initial Capitalized Investment
C = Amount needed after 10 years to purchase the second stage Pumping set
r = Rate of Compound Interest = 10% per year
n = no. of
years = 10
Po = C/ 2.594
E. Energy charges capitalized
CC = CR {(1-
For values r = 10% and n = 10 years

CC = 7.606 CR

CC 1st Stage = 7.606 CR 1st Stage
CC 2nd Stage = 7.606 CR 2nd Stage
Present Energy Charges (CP) for 2nd stage capitalized value i.e. for CC 2nd stage
CP = CC 2nd Stage/2.594

Prepared By:Shubh Consultants, Raipur

Comparative statement of overall cost structure of pumping main for different pipe sizes
1st Stage 2st Stage Grand
Annual Capitalize Annual Total of OD in
Cost of pump Capitalized Energy Cost of Capitalized Capitalized
Energy d total Energy Capitalize (mm)
sets Charges pump sets Energy Charges total cost
charges cost charges d cost for
2.034 4.159 31.635 37.243 2.034 4.159 31.635 33.669 70.911 100
1.904 3.894 29.618 36.708 1.904 3.894 29.618 31.522 68.230 150
1.888 3.861 29.368 38.252 1.888 3.861 29.368 31.255 69.508 200
1.884 3.854 29.312 40.507 1.884 3.854 29.312 31.196 71.703 250
1.883 3.852 29.296 42.812 1.883 3.852 29.296 31.179 73.990 300

75.000 73.99
Total of Capitalized cost for 20 years

72.000 70.91
69.000 68.23
100 150 200 250 300

Dia of Pipe in mm

Minimum Cost of Rising Main is 68.230 Lacs

Most economical size is 150 mm
Adopted Size (outer diameter) 150 mm

PROPOSED 300 m DI K9 150 mm Pipe from TW-3 to TW-2

Prepared By:Shubh Consultants, Raipur


A. Design Data:

1 Water Requirement:
Population Year Water Demand
A) Initial 756.00 KLD
B) Intermediate 756.00 KLD
C) Ultimate 756.00 KLD

2 Actual Length of Rising Main: 300.00 m

3 Length of Rising Main considered for Design : 300 m
4 RL at Tube Well Site (TW-2): 98.00 m
5 Suction Depth: 40.00 m
6 RL at Suction Level: 58 m
7 Destination of rising main: 121.000 m
8 Static head for pump (St. Head): 63 m
9 Static head on pump considered for Design: 63 m
10 Design Period (Years): 30 yrs
11 Combined Eff. Of pump set: 50 %
12 Cost of pumping unit per KW: 15000 Rs.
13 Interest rate: 12 %
14 Life of electric motor: 15 yrs
15 Energy charges/KWH unit: 6 Rs.
16 Pumping hours for discharge : 14 hrs
17 Pump Standby : 0 %

1st 15 years 2nd 15 years
Discharge at starting of period Qs1 756 KLD Qs2 756 KLD
Discharge at ending of 10 yrs Qe1 756 KLD Qe2 756 KLD
Average discharge Qav1 756 KLD Qav2 756 KLD
Average pumping hours
T1 14.00 hrs T2 14 hrs
during period

V = 143.534 CR r0.6575S0.5525
h = [L(Q / CR)1.81]/994.62D4.81
in which,
V = velocity of flow in m/s.
CR = pipe roughness coefficient, ( 1 for smooth pipes; < 1 for rough pipes);
r = hydraulic radius in m;
s = friction slope;
D = internal diameter of pipe in m;
h = friction head loss in m;
L = length of pipe in m; and
Q = flow in pipe in m3 / s

Dia of Hydraulic Head
1 st stage Dia of pipe s Total
S.No. pipe Gradient Loss per Velocity (m/s)
Flow (cum/s) (m) Coefficien Losses (m)
(mm) (m) 1000m
t (CR)
1 0.015 100 0.1 0.03 1 32.44 1.91 9.732
2 0.015 150 0.15 0.04 1 4.614 0.85 1.385
3 0.015 200 0.2 0.05 1 1.157 0.48 0.348
4 0.015 250 0.25 0.06 1 0.396 0.31 0.119
5 0.015 300 0.3 0.08 1 0.165 0.21 0.050

Dia of Hydraulic Head
2 st stage Dia of pipe s Total
S.No. pipe Gradient Loss per Velocity (m/s)
Flow (cum/s) (m) Coefficien Losses (m)
(mm) (m) 1000m
t (CR)
1 0.015 100 0.1 0.03 1 32.440 1.91 9.732
2 0.015 150 0.15 0.04 1 4.614 0.85 1.385
3 0.015 200 0.2 0.05 1 1.157 0.48 0.348
4 0.015 250 0.25 0.06 1 0.396 0.31 0.119
5 0.015 300 0.3 0.08 1 0.165 0.21 0.050

Prepared By:Shubh Consultants, Raipur

Velocity and Head loss for Different Pipe sizes
Total head (m) for
Frictional head loss per 1000m Velocity in m/s Length(m)
300 ; Static head(m)= 63
S.No Diameter of
1st stage flow 2nd stage flow
. Pipe
1st stage 2nd stage Total
1st stage flow 2nd stage flow Frictional Total Head Frictional Other
flow flow Other Losses Head
Losses (H1) Losses Losses
1 100 32.440 32.440 1.910 1.910 9.732 0.973 73.705 9.732 0.973 73.705
2 150 4.614 4.614 0.849 0.849 1.385 0.139 64.524 1.385 0.139 64.524
3 200 1.157 1.157 0.478 0.478 0.348 0.035 63.383 0.348 0.035 63.383
4 250 0.396 0.396 0.306 0.306 0.119 0.012 63.131 0.119 0.012 63.131
5 300 0.165 0.165 0.213 0.213 0.050 0.005 63.055 0.050 0.005 63.055

B. KW required at 60% combined efficiency of pumping set

KW 1 = Qe1 x 106 x H1 x 100 x24 / (60 x 60 x 24 x 102 x η x t)
KW 1 = 18.529
KW 2 = Qe2 x 106 x H2 x 100 x24 / (60 x 60 x 24 x 102 x η x t)
KW 2 = 18.529
KW Required = (QxH)/(102 x η x T)

Kilowatts & cost of pump sets required for different pipe diameter and pipe cost
1st stage flow 2st stage flow Total
Cost of
Diameter of cost of
S.No. Class of pipe Pumping Total Pumping pipe per
Pipe KW pipe Rs.
Total Losses (H1) cost Rs. Losses KW required cost Rs. unit m
required Lacs
Lacs (H2) Lacs
1 100 DI K9 73.705 21.678 3.252 73.705 21.678 3.252 1,191.41 3.574
2 150 DI K9 64.524 18.978 2.847 64.524 18.978 2.847 1,728.48 5.185
3 200 DI K9 63.383 18.642 2.796 63.383 18.642 2.796 2,332.32 6.997
4 250 DI K9 63.131 18.568 2.785 63.131 18.568 2.785 3,103.50 9.311
5 300 DI K9 63.055 18.546 2.782 63.055 18.546 2.782 3,877.60 11.633

C. Annual Cost in Rs. Of electrical energy @ Rs.6.00 per unit (KWT hours of pumping x average days per year x 6.00)
1st Stage Flow
30680.16 x KW 1
2nd Stage
30680.16 x KW 2
Flow =
Pump Cost
Pn = C =
Po = C/(1+r)n
Po = Initial Capitalized Investment
C = Amount needed after 10 years to purchase the second stage Pumping set
r = Rate of Compound Interest = 10% per year
n = no. of
years = 10
Po = C/ 2.594
E. Energy charges capitalized
CC = CR {(1-
For values r = 10% and n = 10 years

CC = 7.606 CR

CC 1st Stage = 7.606 CR 1st Stage
CC 2nd Stage = 7.606 CR 2nd Stage
Present Energy Charges (CP) for 2nd stage capitalized value i.e. for CC 2nd stage
CP = CC 2nd Stage/2.594

Prepared By:Shubh Consultants, Raipur

Comparative statement of overall cost structure of pumping main for different pipe sizes
1st Stage 2st Stage Grand
Annual Capitalize Annual Total of OD in
Cost of pump Capitalized Energy Cost of Capitalized Capitalized
Energy d total Energy Capitalize (mm)
sets Charges pump sets Energy Charges total cost
charges cost charges d cost for
3.252 6.651 50.586 57.412 3.252 6.651 50.586 53.838 111.250 100
2.847 5.822 44.285 52.317 2.847 5.822 44.285 47.131 99.448 150
2.796 5.719 43.502 53.295 2.796 5.719 43.502 46.298 99.593 200
2.785 5.697 43.329 55.425 2.785 5.697 43.329 46.114 101.539 250
2.782 5.690 43.277 57.691 2.782 5.690 43.277 46.059 103.750 300

Total of Capitalized cost for 20 years

106.000 103.75
104.000 101.54
102.000 99.59
100 150 200 250 300

Dia of Pipe in mm

Minimum Cost of Rising Main is 99.448 Lacs

Most economical size is 150 mm
Adopted Size (outer diameter) 150 mm

PROPOSED 300 m DI K9 150 mm Pipe from TW-2 to TW-1

Prepared By:Shubh Consultants, Raipur


A. Design Data:

1 Water Requirement:
Population Year Water Demand
A) Initial 1008.00 KLD
B) Intermediate 1008.00 KLD
C) Ultimate 1008.00 KLD

2 Actual Length of Rising Main: 3500.00 m

3 Length of Rising Main considered for Design : 3500 m
4 RL at Tube Well Site (TW-1): 100.00 m
5 Suction Depth: 40.00 m
6 RL at Suction Level: 60 m
7 Destination of rising main: 121.000 m
8 Static head for pump (St. Head): 61 m
9 Static head on pump considered for Design: 61 m
10 Design Period (Years): 30 yrs
11 Combined Eff. Of pump set: 50 %
12 Cost of pumping unit per KW: 15000 Rs.
13 Interest rate: 12 %
14 Life of electric motor: 15 yrs
15 Energy charges/KWH unit: 6 Rs.
16 Pumping hours for discharge : 14 hrs
17 Pump Standby : 0 %

1st 15 years 2nd 15 years
Discharge at starting of period Qs1 1008 KLD Qs2 1008 KLD
Discharge at ending of 10 yrs Qe1 1008 KLD Qe2 1008 KLD
Average discharge Qav1 1008 KLD Qav2 1008 KLD
Average pumping hours
T1 14.00 hrs T2 14 hrs
during period

V = 143.534 CR r0.6575S0.5525
h = [L(Q / CR)1.81]/994.62D4.81
in which,
V = velocity of flow in m/s.
CR = pipe roughness coefficient, ( 1 for smooth pipes; < 1 for rough pipes);
r = hydraulic radius in m;
s = friction slope;
D = internal diameter of pipe in m;
h = friction head loss in m;
L = length of pipe in m; and
Q = flow in pipe in m / s

Dia of Hydraulic Head
1 st stage Dia of pipe s Total
S.No. pipe Gradient Loss per Velocity (m/s)
Flow (cum/s) (m) Coefficien Losses (m)
(mm) (m) 1000m
t (CR)
1 0.02 100 0.1 0.03 1 54.60 2.55 191.107
2 0.02 150 0.15 0.04 1 7.767 1.13 27.185
3 0.02 200 0.2 0.05 1 1.947 0.64 6.815
4 0.02 250 0.25 0.06 1 0.666 0.41 2.331
5 0.02 300 0.3 0.08 1 0.277 0.28 0.970

Dia of Hydraulic Head
2 st stage Dia of pipe s Total
S.No. pipe Gradient Loss per Velocity (m/s)
Flow (cum/s) (m) Coefficien Losses (m)
(mm) (m) 1000m
t (CR)
1 0.02 100 0.1 0.03 1 54.602 2.55 191.107
2 0.02 150 0.15 0.04 1 7.767 1.13 27.185
3 0.02 200 0.2 0.05 1 1.947 0.64 6.815
4 0.02 250 0.25 0.06 1 0.666 0.41 2.331
5 0.02 300 0.3 0.08 1 0.277 0.28 0.970

Prepared By:Shubh Consultants, Raipur

Velocity and Head loss for Different Pipe sizes
Total head (m) for
Frictional head loss per 1000m Velocity in m/s Length(m)
3500 ; Static head(m)= 61
S.No Diameter of
1st stage flow 2nd stage flow
. Pipe
1st stage 2nd stage Total
1st stage flow 2nd stage flow Frictional Total Head Frictional Other
flow flow Other Losses Head
Losses (H1) Losses Losses
1 100 54.602 54.602 2.546 2.546 191.107 19.111 271.218 191.107 19.111 271.218
2 150 7.767 7.767 1.132 1.132 27.185 2.719 90.904 27.185 2.719 90.904
3 200 1.947 1.947 0.637 0.637 6.815 0.682 68.497 6.815 0.682 68.497
4 250 0.666 0.666 0.408 0.408 2.331 0.233 63.564 2.331 0.233 63.564
5 300 0.277 0.277 0.283 0.283 0.970 0.097 62.067 0.970 0.097 62.067

B. KW required at 60% combined efficiency of pumping set

KW 1 = Qe1 x 106 x H1 x 100 x24 / (60 x 60 x 24 x 102 x η x t)
KW 1 = 23.922
KW 2 = Qe2 x 106 x H2 x 100 x24 / (60 x 60 x 24 x 102 x η x t)
KW 2 = 23.922
KW Required = (QxH)/(102 x η x T)

Kilowatts & cost of pump sets required for different pipe diameter and pipe cost
1st stage flow 2st stage flow Total
Cost of
Diameter of cost of
S.No. Class of pipe Pumping Total Pumping pipe per
Pipe KW pipe Rs.
Total Losses (H1) cost Rs. Losses KW required cost Rs. unit m
required Lacs
Lacs (H2) Lacs
1 100 DI K9 271.218 106.360 15.954 271.218 106.360 15.954 1,191.41 41.699
2 150 DI K9 90.904 35.648 5.347 90.904 35.648 5.347 1,728.48 60.497
3 200 DI K9 68.497 26.861 4.029 68.497 26.861 4.029 2,332.32 81.631
4 250 DI K9 63.564 24.927 3.739 63.564 24.927 3.739 3,103.50 108.623
5 300 DI K9 62.067 24.340 3.651 62.067 24.340 3.651 3,877.60 135.716

C. Annual Cost in Rs. Of electrical energy @ Rs.6.00 per unit (KWT hours of pumping x average days per year x 6.00)
1st Stage Flow
30680.16 x KW 1
2nd Stage
30680.16 x KW 2
Flow =
Pump Cost
Pn = C =
Po = C/(1+r)n
Po = Initial Capitalized Investment
C = Amount needed after 10 years to purchase the second stage Pumping set
r = Rate of Compound Interest = 10% per year
n = no. of
years = 10
Po = C/ 2.594
E. Energy charges capitalized
CC = CR {(1-
For values r = 10% and n = 10 years

CC = 7.606 CR

CC 1st Stage = 7.606 CR 1st Stage
CC 2nd Stage = 7.606 CR 2nd Stage
Present Energy Charges (CP) for 2nd stage capitalized value i.e. for CC 2nd stage
CP = CC 2nd Stage/2.594

Prepared By:Shubh Consultants, Raipur

Comparative statement of overall cost structure of pumping main for different pipe sizes
1st Stage 2st Stage Grand
Annual Annual Total of OD in
Cost of pump Capitalized Energy Capitalized Cost of Capitalized Capitalized
Energy Energy Capitalize (mm)
sets Charges total cost pump sets Energy Charges total cost
charges charges d cost for
15.954 32.631 248.194 305.848 15.954 32.631 248.194 264.148 569.996 100
5.347 10.937 83.187 149.031 5.347 10.937 83.187 88.534 237.565 150
4.029 8.241 62.682 148.342 4.029 8.241 62.682 66.711 215.053 200
3.739 7.648 58.168 170.530 3.739 7.648 58.168 61.907 232.437 250
3.651 7.468 56.798 196.165 3.651 7.468 56.798 60.449 256.614 300

Total of Capitalized cost for 20 years



300.000 256.61
237.56 232.44


100 150 200 250 300

Dia of Pipe in mm

Minimum Cost of Rising Main is 215.053 Lacs

Most economical size is 200 mm
Adopted Size (outer diameter) 200 mm

PROPOSED 3500 m DI K9 200 mm Pipe from TW-1 to OHT

Prepared By:Shubh Consultants, Raipur

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