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Now, some people will turn off right here, stating that they know that there are only 7
church types mentioned in the book of Revelation, and they would be “partially” correct;
BUT NOT 100% correct.
Revelation chapters 2 & 3:
In these two chapters, Jesus dictated the message to Apostle John, about the Church
types which will exist in the world, from the time of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2, until
Jesus returns to the earth again, in Revelation chapter 19.
Jesus identified the good points and the bad points for each of the church types
(except for the Church in Laodicea, which had absolutely no good points!).
Jesus then outlines the actions which must be taken, to correct these bad points, and
the blessings which will follow, to those churches which obey His instructions,
and the punishments, to those churches who refuse to listen and be corrected
~ who refuse to repent and change their ways.
So, you say: “Yeah, we know all of that, that is not new information for us.”
OK, so, let us now proceed to look at the 8th Church. Some of you will say there is no
8th church in the Book of Revelation, but you would be wrong; because the 8th church
The 8th Church in the Book of Revelation:
You have studied the 7 church types, and now it is time to do an audit of YOUR Church.
Go through the 7 churches previously identified, and tick off the “good points” that
you believe exist in your church. Be as honest as you possibly can, because Jesus knows
the truth about your church, and its congregation members anyway.
Then check the “bad points” that Jesus has identified with the 7 church types, already
mentioned. Again, be as truthful as you possibly can, because again Jesus knows the
real truth about your church and its members.
Now, if you have identified any bad points, have you corrected them, as the LORD told
you to? Or, have you closed your eyes and heart to this truth, and continued on your
merry way?
Do you realize that there will be punishment for YOUR CHURCH, if you have
refused to correct your faults? I am not making this up! God’s word makes it very
clear. He says: “Get away from ME; I never knew you!”
The 9th Church in the book of Revelation:
The scripture tells us that Jesus is coming back in the clouds, (1 Thessalonians chapter
4) to collect his “Perfect Church” ~ His Bride. Only those that Jesus judges as being
perfect, will be chosen for his 9th Church, the one that goes to heaven for the marriage
of the Lamb. It is this church, which comes back with Jesus, at the end of the Tribulation
period to live, rule and reign with Jesus, on the earth for 1,000 years. But what about
the 10th Church?
The 10th Church in the book of Revelation:
When the 9th church is taken up from the earth, to be the Bride of Christ, there will be
many “so-called Christians” still left behind. They are the 10th Church, the apostate
church, which has “a form of godliness, but are not godly.” Why do I say that?
Because Jesus rejected them!
Jesus searches the heart of each person, who claims to be a Christian, and He (and only
He), makes that decision, as to whether each person is worthy to have their names
remain in the Lamb’s book of Life, or not!
For the people left in this church, it is time to become a martyr during the Tribulation
period, if you want to be included in “the extra mass of people” seen by Apostle John,
in Heaven, called the “Tribulation saints”. They are in heaven, BUT THEY ARE NOT PART
OF THE BRIDE OF CHRIST! ~ Because the wedding Ceremony has already taken place!
They will be the Temple servants in the New Jerusalem, for 1,000 years on this existing
earth, and in the New Jerusalem Temple in the new earth to come, for eternity.
1. So, now is a good time, to have a serious thought about which church you belong to.
Is your church one of the 7 churches, or a combination of some, or all-of them?
2. Have you made the necessary corrections, as commanded by Jesus, through the
writings of Apostle John, to make your church acceptable to Him?
3. If not, why not? Do you really want to be left behind to face the Tribulation period?
4. Do you really want to be severely persecuted, for refusing to take the “Mark of the
Beast” on your hand, or on your forehead?
5. Do you really want to become a martyr to enter heaven? When it is so much easier,
to repent, and be accepted as righteous believers into the Bride of Christ right now?
I cannot make this decision for you; this is a decision that every person on the earth
must make for themselves. Jesus sets before each person, spiritual life or death: He
says, choose life. I pray that you hearken to the words of the LORD, and choose LIFE!

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