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Computer Security

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Computer Security

CloudWatch helps to monitor and manage services that ensures performance and

security of AWS applications. It monitors and collects data on logging information. Maintaining

a log of every single action occurs against your AWS can be invaluable in troubleshooting and

security investigations (Piper & Clinton,2019, p.2). Problems are inevitable and some of them

may take time to be discovered. Having a record of what happened at a particular time helps to

understand what caused it and the effect on the application. This information can be used to

prevent the breach from happening again. Data collected by CloudWatch can be used for

development purposes to enhance monitoring.

CloudWatch also collects data on numeric performance metrics. A metric is a

fundamental concept in CloudWatch and represents a time-ordered set of data points (Baron et

al.,2016, p.9). It stores the logging information thus making it easy to search them and also to

send notifications or act when a metric crosses a threshold. A threshold being the value of data

point the monitor must meet to indicate when something is wrong (Piper & Clinton,2019, p.15).

CloudWatch helps you to monitor your online applications and sends notifications when an

intrusion is made or attempted and acts on the threats. This is a useful resource as it helps the

user to concentrate on other issues rather than worry about their online safety.

Having CloudWatch provides assistance needed in resolving computer utilization

issues. CloudWatch is a useful tool to online applications as it provides one platform to view and

monitor all AWS data hence highly recommended.



Baron, J., Baz, H., Bixler, T., Gaut, B., Kelly, K. E., Senior, S., & Stamper, J. (2016). AWS

certified solutions architect official study guide: Associate exam. John Wiley & Sons.

CloudTrail, CloudWatch, and AWS Config. (2019). AWS Certified Solutions Architect Study

Guide, 141-167.

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