Protection Project Implemented in Yemen, Hani Banafa

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Protection project implemented in Yemen

According to they implement between September 2019 and June 2020, Saudi Arabia's funding
of the UNDP's Yemen Emergency Crisis Response Project (YECRP) contributed to famine response
efforts. The funding supported UNDP's ongoing strategy to address the causes of food insecurity where
there are comparative advantages and proven results:

(a) income deficiency

(b) Insufficient food production

(c) gaps in institutional capacity and delivery of critical services.

With implementing the project, they can achieve in the end:

 Assisting 16,799 Yemenis and the communities to which they belong between September 2019
and June 2020.
 Rehabilitation of 64 community infrastructure projects – such as roads, markets, schools and
health services – benefited 235,605 community members and created 101,929 days of
 Providing temporary jobs for 6,554 workers that restored dignity and helped them access basic
 1,149 farmers, ranchers and fishermen were empowered through grants and technical training to
enhance their productivity. Grants and technical support provided by the Social Fund for
Development provided 10,245 new jobs and 78,186 working days.
 The farmers interviewed reported a 98 percent increase in their yields, while fishermen reported a
300 percent increase in their catch. Water consumption of farmers decreased by 50 percent after
the introduction of drip irrigation technology, while fuel consumption decreased by 39 percent.
 Creating 16,799 job opportunities.
 The outbreak of the Coronavirus necessitated the implementation of preventive measures to
protect the health of workers. By the end of June 2020, UNDP had allocated and used
US$159,220 for this purpose.
 In addition to US$135,600, the project allocated US$23,620 to purchase personal hygiene and
awareness raising items for 452 beneficiaries under the Social Fund for Development (US$300
each). The amounts have been allocated as follows: US$250 to purchase agricultural/fishery
inputs or rations and US$50 for hygiene items to protect against Corona.
Project to strengthen social protection in Yemen and respond to the Covid-19 pandemic by
Partnership between the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the Fund Social
In cooperation with local and international organizations, they worked on a project that would enhance
community protection after the Corona pandemic in 2021. The project included enhancing protection for
families affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, enhancing individual protection from sexual assaults on
children, and protecting their livelihoods in order to give them a decent life and an environment that
enables them to protect themselves after the impact They are faced with war and Covid-19, which has left
them in a weak state and in dire need of humanitarian intervention.

Emergency response in protection by SDF.

The “Emergency Response in Protection” project in the governorates of (Sana’a and Al-Hudaydah),
funded by the Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF), aims to provide emergency protection services to
(6,280) displaced persons and the host community affected by the war in the governorates of Sana’a,
(Arhab) district, and Al-Hudaydah. (Bajil and Al-Qannas) districts, where community centers have been
established through which emergency protection services, psychological and social support, and case
management are provided in order to achieve an effective response to protect the beneficiaries. These
centers also support the most vulnerable cases with financial assistance to victims affected by the war, as
well as provide livelihood activities to contribute to Alleviating the poverty rate and increasing
sustainable living opportunities for the most vulnerable groups by establishing small projects at low costs
in order to meet their emergency needs, as the number of beneficiaries from this project reached 14,996
beneficiaries they achieved their goals witch where : Meeting the emergency protection needs of the most
vulnerable people through community centres.

- Supporting and developing community structures and initiatives to meet community protection needs.

The project contributes to achieving the objectives of the Protection Cluster, which focuses on the
relevant humanitarian response

The highest priority is to save lives in the protection sector through... establishing community centers
through which emergency protection services are provided to girls, boys, women and men, including:

• Assess protection needs.

• Legal aid (providing identification documents - birth certificates for children and ID cards for adults).

• Case management for children.

• Case management for people most at risk.

• Providing cash assistance to meet the protection needs of the most vulnerable and affected people.

• Distribution of transitional bags for women and girls.

• Referral to other actors.

• Providing livelihood activities.

Protecting children and youth most at risk in Yemen by SDF
The goal of the protect children and youth most at risk in Yemen through social and economic
support and improve their standard of living, funded by the International Labor Organization (ILO). To
create friendly spaces that will be a safe environment for children in which educational and recreational
activities are provided and psychological and social support services are provided in three governorates.
(Amanat Al-Asimah, Hajjah, Lahj) This project also aims to support literacy centers with full equipment
to ensure that children receive basic services in education. This project also contributes to the economic
empowerment of the most vulnerable adolescents in the targeted areas, as the number of beneficiaries
from this project reached 1,701 beneficiaries by implementing the project they can achieved those goals:

- Contributing to the economic and social integration of adolescents affected by war and those most at
risk, as well as vulnerable youth groups and marginalized groups, protecting them from forms of violence
and empowering them economically in the targeted areas.

- Creating a safe environment for children and adolescents and working in a sustainable and formal
manner to integrate and rehabilitate children and adolescents affected by war.

An initiative to care for children who are survivors of violence by SDF & IRC.
The goal of the project... The Child Survivors Care Initiative, funded by the International Rescue
Committee (IRC), is to provide priority needs for the safety of child and adolescent survivors in Aden and
Lahj by building the capacity of workers and improving their skills in case management to respond to the
needs of child and adolescent survivors to improve their lives, and seek their empowerment. And ensuring
their livelihood free from violence and inequality. The project also aims to form community committees
for child protection and train them on the importance of supporting the protection of children and
adolescent survivors. The project will also work to update the service map of service providers available
in the targeted areas to enhance the referral system. And coordination with social workers at the Ministry
of Social Affairs and Labor in the national case management team for referral purposes.

Project goals:

- Comprehensive case management services and support structures are available and effective for
child and adolescent survivors.
 Surviving children, adolescents, girls and boys at risk have improved capacities and safe access to
the resources and support services they need.

Done by: Hani A. Banafa

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