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1. A rod specimen of ductile cast iron was tested in a torsion-testing machine.

The rod diameter

was 16 mm, and the rod length was 400mm. When the applied torque reached 275.7 N•m, a
shear strain of 2320 microradians was measured in the specimen. What was the angle of twist in
the specimen?
2. A rod specimen of ductile cast iron was tested in a torsion-testing machine. The rod diameter
was 18 mm, and the rod length was 160mm. When the applied torque reached 252.9 N•m, a
shear strain of 1645 microradians was measured in the specimen. What was the angle of twist in
the specimen?
3. A simple torsion-bar spring is shown. The shear stress in the steel [G = 11,500 ksi] shaft is not to
exceed 8200 psi, and the vertical deflection of joint D is not to exceed 0.625 in. when a load of P
= 4300 lb is applied. Neglect the bending of the shaft and assume that the bearing at C allows
the shaft to rotate freely. Determine the minimum diameter required for the shaft. Use
dimensions ofa = 74in., b = 32 in., and 28 in.
4. Determine the magnitude of the vertical force Cy for the cantilever beam, where P = 29 kips, w =
6 kips/ft, LI = 3 ft, and L2 = 10 ft.

5. Give the following problem a try. If you get stuck, here is one way to work it: Essential Solution
Video. Use the graphical method to construct the shear-force diagram and identify the
magnitude of the largest shear force (consider both positive and negative). The ground reactions
are provided.
6. LISE the graphical method tc construct the shear-force d iagram and identify the magnitude cf
the largest shear force (consider both *sitive •nd negative. The ground reactions •re provided.
7. For the simply supported beam subjected to the loading shown, derive equations for the shear
force V and the bending moment M for any location in the beam. (Place the origin at point A.)
Let a=11.5 ft, b=7.0 ft, c= 6.5 ft, w = 2 kips/ft and M = 215 kip-ft. Construct the shear-force and
bending-moment diagrams on paper and use the results to answer the questions in the
subsequent parts of this GO exercise.
8. For the simply supported beam subjected to the loading shown, derive equations for the shear
force V and the bending moment M for any location in the beam. (Place the origin at point A.)
Let a=9.5 ft, 19.5 ft, P = 46 kips and w = 8.5 kips/ft. Construct the shear-force and bending-
moment diagrams on paper and use the results to answer the questions in the subsequent parts
of this GO exercise.

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