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Starter GRADE ❶ suggested

annual plan
MODULE ❶ My computer
1. Dinosaurs and
The student will learn the evolution of computers. 1
2. He/she are every where What a computing machine is. 1
3. The computer The typical parts of a computer. 1
How to use the two basic input devices. The mouse and
4. Click and type 1
the keyboard. Other input devices.
Total 4
MODULE ❷ Let’s start
1. My desktop What a computer desktop is. 1
2. Start a program To handle a window 1
3. Text and pictures To recognize the most common file icons. 1
To keep his/her workspace and computer clean. • To sit
4. My work space 1
in a correct posture in front of a computer.
Total 4
MODULE ❸ Let’s paint
1. Free drawing To use a simple drawing program. 1
2. Make shapes To draw and edit basic shapes. 2
3. Copy and paste What is copy command in a computer program. 1
4. Save my picture What is save command in a computer program. 1
Total 5
MODULE ❹ Let’s type
1. T he notepad To open a simple typing program. 1
2. L etter and words To use the keyboard. 2
3. M ove around To move the cursor throughout a text. 1
4. S elect and change a
To select and make basic formatting to a text. 2
Total 6
MODULE ❺ Let’s surf
1. T
 he Internet What the Internet is and how to surf with safety. 1
The ways to communicate with his/her friends via
2. Communicate 1
3. H
 ave fun Some activities he/she can do with Internet. 2
How to use Internet to gather information about a
4. Learn 1
Total 5

© Binary Logic SA 2013-2018. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
Explorer GRADE ❷ suggested
annual plan
MODULE ❶ I use the computer
1. My computer The parts of the Central Unit and the peripheral devices. 1
2. My desktop To work with the desktop. 1
The usages of the mouse and keyboard. How the cursor
3. Mouse and keyboard 1
changes according to the action he/she do.
4. My work space How to protect himself/herself and his/her work space. 1
Total 4
MODULE ❷ I type a letter
1. I start typing How to do basic editing in a text. 2
2. Change the font How to add basic formatting in a text. 1
3. Insert pictures How to insert drawings and pictures. 2
4. Save and print How to save and print a document. 1
Total 6
MODULE ❸ I visit the world
How to be safe while surfing on the Internet. What a
1. How to surf 1
virus is and how to protect his/her computer.
2. The web page How to visit a web page. 1
3. Educational games Expand his/her knowledge through the Internet. 1
4. Copy from the web How to take information from a web page. 2
Total 5
MODULE ❹ I have friends
1. My email To communicate with others via email. 1
2. Send a message To create and send an email. 2
3. Read and reply How to read and reply to an email message. 1
How to write a proper email. • What types of harmful
4. Email rules 1
emails exist.
Total 5
MODULE ❺ I give commands
1. Logo and the turtle How the computer can do something. 1
2. Move the turtle To give commands with Logo. 2
3. Draw a shape More commands in Logo. 2
4. Let’s have fun! Combine and give complex commands. 2
Total 7

© Binary Logic SA 2013-2018. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, DIGITAL KIDS GRADE ❷ Explorer
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
Racer GRADE ❸ suggested
annual plan
MODULE ❶ My devices
1. Store With what devices he/she can store files and folders.
2. Print Which devices he/she are going to use for printing a file.
How he/she can capture his/her voice or his/her image
3. Capture
and store it in his/her computer. 1
4. Interact How he/she can interact with his/her computer.
Group Work 1
Total 3
MODULE ❷ My files
Do you remember? 1
1. What is a file? To understand the icons on his/her desktop. 1
2. Organize my folders To organize his/her files into folders and subfolders. 1
3. Search and find To search for files and folders. 1
4. Start a program To start programs in Microsoft Windows. 1
Group Work 1
Total 6
MODULE ❸ My first article
Do you remember? 1
How to format or find part of a text, undo an action and
1. Work with text 1
change the size of a document on screen.
2. Give a title How to format the title of a document. 1
3. Make a list To make lists. 1
4. Check and save To correct spelling or grammar mistakes. 1
Group Work 1
Total 6
MODULE ❹ My wired world
Do you remember? 1
1. Search for anything How to search the web for information. 1
2. Knowledge treasure sites How to use online encyclopedias. 1
What are the rules which he/she must follow when he/
3. Be polite 1
she use the Internet.
How to protect himself/herself and his/her computer
4. Safety online 1
from the dangers of the Internet.
Group Work 1
Total 6
MODULE ❺ My first presentation
1. All about slides How to create and personalize a presentation. 1
2. Insert text How to use text to express his/her ideas. 2
How to insert pictures to make interesting
3. Insert pictures 1
4. Presenting is cool How to create and give the perfect presentation. 1
Group Work 1
Total 6

© Binary Logic SA 2013-2018. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, DIGITAL KIDS GRADE ❸ Racer
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
Flyer GRADE ❹ suggested
annual plan
MODULE ❶ Learning the basics
Do you remember?
1. M
 y desktop How to work faster with shortcuts
How to compress files and folders. • How to view more
2. F iles and folders 1
information about files.
3. C
 ontrol panel How to change basic computer settings
4. P
 rotect my computer How to protect his/her computer from malware
Group Work 1
Total 4
MODULE ❷ Working with text
Do you remember?
1. F ormat a paragraph How to create a document that is easy to read and eye catching
2. Images - Advanced How to use images in his/her document in order to
formatting make it more attractive
3. S pelling and grammar check How to correct mistakes and use the Thesaurus
4. Print How to put his/her document on paper
Group Work 1
Total 5
MODULE ❸ Communicating online
Do you remember?
1. M
 y friends How to manage his/her contacts
How to send a message he/she received to another
2. F orward an email email address. • How to send the same message to more 1
than one person.
3. S
 end a file How to send a photo, video or document via email 1
4. E
 mail tips How to write a proper email 1
Group Work 1
Total 5
MODULE ❹ Working with media
1. C reate a sound clip How to record sound on his/her computer
2. V iew images and videos How to view images and watch videos
3. F ix a photo How to edit his/her photos 1
4. A pply photo effects How to make photos look better 1
Group Work 1
Total 4
MODULE ❺ Presenting your ideas
Do you remember?
1. T ransitions and animations How to make his/her presentation exciting
2. S et the timing How to animate a slide 1
3. Insert a sound or video clip How to use videos and sound
4. Transfer data across apps How to move information between programs
Group Work 1
Total 4
MODULE ❻ Working with numbers
1. W hat is a spreadsheet? How to create a spreadsheet. 1
2. R ow - Column - Cell How to organize information 1
3. Insert numbers and text How to insert numbers and text in a spreadsheet 1
4. S imple calculations How to make simple calculations 1
Group Work 1
Total 5

© Binary Logic SA 2013-2018. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, DIGITAL KIDS GRADE ❹ Flyer
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
Genius GRADE ❺ suggested
annual plan
MODULE ❶ Creating a document
Do you remember?
1. A
 dvanced formatting How to add more space in the text
How to find a word or phrase anywhere in the
2. S
 earch and replace document quickly. • How to replace a word or phrase 1
with a few clicks
3. W
 orking with tables How to work with tables
4. D
 ocument views How to change the view of the document
Group Work 1
Total 4
MODULE ❷ Producing multimedia
Do you remember?
1. U se capture devices How to get images from a scanner or camera
2. C reate and edit a sound clip How to edit sound recordings. 1
3. F ind and use multimedia material How to find and use images and videos from the Internet 1
4. C reate an animated story How to create a simple slideshow with music 1
Group Work 1
Total 5
MODULE ❸ Using communication tools
Do you remember?
1. Internet and the web What a network is and why he/she need it
2. C ommunication tools How to communicate with friends through the Internet 1
3. S haring your moments How to exchange photos, music and videos via the Internet 1
4. B e secure online How to be safe online 1
Group Work 1
Total 5
MODULE ❹ Sharing your ideas
1. Blogging What a blog is and how he/she can use it 1
2. S ocial media How to use social media and have fun with his/her friends 1
3. S afety rules Some rules to protect them from the dangers of the Internet
4. Intellectual property Respect intellectual property
Group Work 1
Total 4
MODULE ❺ Formatting numbers
Do you remember?
1. F ormat a cell How to format information
2. M ake calculations How to make calculations 1
3. C reate a graph How to create a graph to present some information 1
4. P rint a sheet How to print information 1
Group Work 1
Total 5
MODULE ❻ Collecting information
1. G ather data The use of databases in his/her everyday life
2. Introduction to databases What a database is
How to organize information in a database.
3. C
 reate a database 1
• What a record is
How to manage his/her data by sorting and selecting.
4. S
 ort and print 1
• How to print his/her database
Group Work 1
Total 4

© Binary Logic SA 2013-2018. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, DIGITAL KIDS GRADE ❺ Genius
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.
Expert GRADE ❻ suggested
annual plan
MODULE ❶ Designing a document
Do you remember?
1. P
 resentation graphics How to present information with graphics
2. C
 olumns and tabs How to use columns to make his/her text easier to read
3. H
 eader and footers How to use Headers and Footers
How to use a page layout with a cover and page
4. T
 he final touch 1
numbers. • How to make the document look professional
Group Work 1
Total 4
MODULE ❷ Building a website
1. W
 hat is a web page What a web page is
2. D
 esign a web page How to design a web page
3. A
 dd more pages Add content to web pages 1
4. P
 ublishing the web page How to publish his/her website 1
Group Work 1
Total 4
MODULE ❸ Analyzing data
Do you remember?
1. M
 ore calculations How to make calculations with multiple cells
2. Functions How to use functions 1
3. References How to protect his/her data from accidental changes 1
4. M
 ore charts How to create more charts 1
Group Work 1
Total 5
MODULE ❹ Handling data
Do you remember?
What structured information is. • How to create a 1
1. S
 tructured information
database. • How to create a database table
2. U se a data entry form How to create and edit a data entry form. 1
3. F ilter the data How to create a query. • How to filter data 1
4. C reate a report How to create and edit a report 1
Group Work 1
Total 5
MODULE ❺ Programming the computer
1. Introduction to programming What a program really is. • What an algorithm is 1
2. H ow to design a How to design a program. • How to describe a solution
program to a problem
3. Variables and commands The different types of variables. • How to give simple commands 1
4. M ore programming How to write the correct code for the solution of a problem 1
Group Work 1
Total 5
MODULE ❻ Let’s have fun
1. F un with shapes How to display shapes and graphics 1
How to take measurements of temperature, sound and
2. W
 hat is datalogging
light. • How to use datalogging for experiments 1
3. Robots! How to set up a robotics project
4. C reate your computer game How to start his/her own computer game 1
Group Work 1
Total 4

© Binary Logic SA 2013-2018. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, DIGITAL KIDS GRADE ❻ Expert
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers.

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