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Data binding controls in .

NET are controls that can be bound to a data

source to display and modify data in a web application. Data binding is the
process of establishing a connection between the app UI and the data it
displays. Data binding allows you to create a read/write link between the
controls on a form and the data in their application.
Data binding controls are composite controls that combine other ASP.NET
Web controls, such as Label and TextBox controls, into a single layout. For
example, a DetailsView control can be bound to a table of products
containing product number, name, and description.
Data binding can be simple or complex. Simple data binding is the ability of
a control to bind to a single data element, such as a value in a column in a
dataset table. Complex data binding is when multiple elements are bound
Data-bound controls are controls that can be bound to a data source, such as a
database table, XML file, or list of items. For example, a DetailsView control can be
bound to a table of products.
Some examples of data-bound controls in ASP.NET include:

Repeater Control, DataGrid Control, DataList Control, GridView Control, DetailsView,

FormView, DropDownList, ListBox.
Data-bound controls are composite controls that combine other ASP.NET controls, such
as text boxes, radio buttons, and buttons.
In a simple data binding example, you can create a WPF application with three controls
on the user interface. The value of two controls would be bound to the data in the third
control. For example, you can bind the value of the ProgressBar and TextBlock to the
Slider control's value.

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