EduSec Features 04082020

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The ​EduSec​ web-based College Management System(ERP) provides a number of highly

integrated modules. Built on a secure application framework that lets you implement many of
your own processes, this system is designed to meet the needs of geographically distributed

EduSec is a complete business intelligence system with roots in the education sector. The
system is designed to aid you in every aspect of your training business operations. Its aim is to
enable you to centralise valuable information about Courses, Student information, Fee
payments and receivables, Schedules and Attendance, Complete Payroll system with HR
policies and compliance management, Document management, Exam management with the
dynamic grading system, result generation and publication with automated transcript
generation, Hybrid Learning management system(LMS) with Digital Content Management and
Virtual Classroom, Library and Hosel Management, separate Parent’s login with a
communication module, HelpDesk for internal communication, Integration with SMS, Email
and Payment gateway, System Audit and highly secured Password policy.

Edusec works seamlessly and accessed remotely through all platforms including desktop,
laptop and Mobile. It helps you to improve the reputation of your academy with smart access
through digital media by automating the tasks at any time by analysing the data.

The feature list of EduSec Enterprise version 3.0

Module List with submodules

Trust To define the organization and upload information
Program Define program running in the Institute
Institute To define multiple institute or college or school
Bank Bank master
Cast To define cast
Nationality To define Nationality
Religion To define religion
Country Country master
State State master
City City master
Holiday Holidays Master
Tags To define different status tags for student

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Academic Year To manage different academic year
Admission Year To manage admission
Batch Year To define the batch(Batch starting year)
Course To manage different courses
Batch To manage class/standard/Semester
Group To manage different student group for a particular class
Subject To manage different subjects for the course
Term To manage terms of course like Semester or Year
Employee Subject To assign subject and manage batch-wise subject


i HR Settings
Department Department master
Designation Designation master
Category To define category
Document Type To create a document type
Identity Category The dynamic field for Aadhar Card, PAN card etc
ID Card Layout To manage different ID card template layout
Shift To create shift
Week Off To create and schedule a week off for employees
Loan Type To create and manage different loan type
Employee Settings To create and manage different payroll (Salary &
Leave) settings for employee

ii Employee
Add To add /create a new employee profile
Manage To manage employee like update or delete profile
Shift Allocation To allocate/update employee shift
Attendance To take/manage/import employee attendance
Loan and Advance To generate/manage loan and advance
Import To import employee through an excel sheet
ID Card To generate employee ID Card

iii Leave Management

Leave Type To create leave type
Leave Structure To create and manage leave structure of employee
Leave Reporting To create and manage leave reporting level

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Leave Entitlement To create/manage and import leave entitlement
Leave Applications To manage/apply leave applications

iv Payroll
Salary Component To create and manage salary component
Configuration To manage and configure the salary component
Employee To create/import and manage employee salary
Components structure/components
Salary Slip To manage/generate salary slip
Publish Slip To publish salary slips for employees to view from their
login portal.

v Report
Employee Info To generate a dynamic employee information report
Identity Information To generate Adhar card, PAN Card number report
Resigned List To generate resigned employee report
Leave Report To generate employee leave report
Proxy Report To generate a proxy report
ID Card To generate employee ID Card report
Employee Attendance To generate employee attendance report
Loan/Advance Report To generate employee loan/advance report
Salary Bill To generate a salary bill report
Employee Salary To generate employee salary report
Salary Bank To generate employee salary bank statement report
Assign Subject To generate a list of subjects assigned to the

i Settings
Enquiry Sources To create and manage enquiry source master
Follow-up Response To create and manage follow-up response master
Applicant Letter To create and manage different letter template for an
Settings Course wise online application activate

ii Enquiry
New Enquiry To generate a new enquiry for a particular course

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Enquiry List To manage enquiry like do follow-up, send invitation
letter, registration and pre-registration for course etc

iii Reports
Date Wise Enquiry To generate reports for date wise enquiry received and
filter with like received date. source of enquiry, last
follow update, enquiry statue and followed by, etc
Registered Enquiry Date wise report for registered enquiries
Enquiry Statistics Graphic report of enquiries with different status

i Student Settings
Admission Status To create and manage admission status
Admission Category To create and manage admission category
ID Card Layout To create/manage different ID Card template layout for

ii Student
Add To create/add a new student profile
Manage To create/manage student profile
Import To import bulk students through excel sheet
ID Card To generate student ID Card
Bulk Action To perform a bulk action on students like reset
password, add/update particular field data in the
student profile
Resit Student Add/Remove students in resit batch

iii Reports
Student Info To generate student information report
Special Search Search students in Multiple campuses
Student Summary To generate student summary report
Course Wise History To generate student per course history report
ID Card To generate an ID Card report
Assign Subject List of students with assigned subjects with email
Section-wise Subject Section-wise assigned subject list and manage them
Credit Exemption / To generate a list of students with credit exemption
Transfer and credit transfer
Student Profile Print student profile will complete academic

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Student Sibling To generate student siblings details
Inactive Students To generate a list of inactive students

Manage Account To manage user’s account like Primary profile, Special
note, profile in Multiple institutes, Role and
permissions, Change password, Access History and

i Document
Category To create and manage document category

ii Certificate/Letters
Template To create a certificate or letter template
Student To manage/issue student certificate/letter
Employee To manage/issue employee certificate/letter

iii Reports
Student Document To generate student document report
Employee Document To generate an employee document report
Student Certi/Letter To generate student certificate report
Employee Certi/Letter To generate an employee certificate report

i Configuration
Fees Category To create and manage fees category
Miscellaneous Fees To create and manage miscellaneous fees
Adjustment Category To create and manage fees adjustment category
Payment Type To create and manage fees payment type
Fees Structure To create and manage different fees structure

ii Manage Fees
Assign Fees To assign/update/manage assigned fees
Discount/Adjustment To create fees discount/adjustment
Collect Fees To manage and collect fees
Import Fees Payment Import fees collections of students
Cheque Return To manage returned cheque details

iii Report

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Fees Collection To generate fees collection report
Fees Discount To generate a discount report
Category Wise Fees To generate fees collection per category
Category wise Fees To generate category wise fees summary
Collection by Fees To generate category wise fees collection for course
category and batch
Outstanding by Fees To generate category wise fees outstanding summary
Course Fees defaulter To generate Course wise fees defaulters list
All Fees defaulter To generate a list of defaulters for different
departments like academic, hostel, library
Revenue Generation To generate batch-wise revenue generation report
by Batch
Semester wise To generate semester wise fees summary report
Outstanding report To generate defaulters report for a particular term
User Fees Collection To generate user fees collection report
Batch Wise Student To generate fees per batch report
Returned Cheque To generate a returned check report
Student Ledger To generate student ledger report
Daily Fees Statistics To generate daily fees collection resort and
automatically send through email

i Configuration
Group To create and manage the Account group
Sub Group To create and manage Account subgroup
Ledger To create and manage different Ledgers
Voucher Type To create and manage different type of Voucher
Voucher To create and manage different voucher entries
Settings To set start and end month for the current financial

ii Employer’s
Statutory Policy To create a policy for CPF, EPF contribution
Statutory To assign a statutory deduction policy to all employees

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Statutory To generate a statutory contribution for all employees
Contribution Create a CSV file template for contribution submission
Template on a government portal
Statutory Summar To generate statutory generation report
Statutory To generate employee and employer contribution
Contribution Breakup report
Employee To generate employee contribution report
Contribution Breakup

iii Expense
Expense Category To create different expense categories
Petty Cash To manage daily cash expense
Project To create a project for which I need to manage expense
Expense Reporting To define a person who manages expense for a Project
Expense To create and manage different expense details for a
Advance Payments To manage advance payment details for a project
Expense Report To generate expense report for a project and
Manage Expense To approve/reject different expense reports for project

iv Expense Reports
Expense Details To generate different expense details report
Advance Payments To generate an advance payment report
Expense Report To generate detailed expense reports for claim and
Detail settlement of the payment.
Reimbursement To generate reimbursement report
Advance Return To generate an advance return report

v Finance Report
Trial Balance To generate trial balance report
Ledgers To generate different ledgers
Student Ledger To generate a statement of account for student
Monthly Expense To generate a monthly expense report

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i Timetable
Room Category To create/manage room category
Room To create/manage Classroom, Laboratories etc.
Class Timing To create class timing
Combine Class To create/manage combined class for different courses
Timetable To create/manage timetable
Workload Transfer To transfer lecture workload from one teacher to
another teacher

ii Report
Employee Timetable To generate teacher timetable report
Employee Workload To generate teacher workload report

i Attendance
Student Attendance To manage student attendance

ii Report
Subject Wise To generate attendance per subject report
Section Wise Monthly To generate monthly section attendance report
Daily Section-wise To generate a daily section attendance report
Daily Subject To generate a daily subject wise attendance summary
Attendance Summary report

i Dashboard
Notice To create and manage notice for staff, student and
Task Management To create/manage the task
Event Management To create and manage events
Parent Comm. Config To create/manage parent communication

ii Telephone Directory
Employee Directory To view the employee directory
Student Directory To view student directly

iii Help Desk

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Subject To create different topics for help desk support and
assign to a responsible person for that topic
Ticket To open/manage ticket generated by students and

iv Report
Parent Comm. Topic To generate parent communication topic report
Task To generate a task report

i Hostel
Type To create and manage hostel-type
Details To create/manage hostel details
Block To create/manage hostel block
Room Facility To create/manage room facility
Room Category To create/manage room category
Room To create/manage room
Allocation To manage hostel room allocation
Registered User List To view registered user, collect fees and transfer room
Attendance To take/manage hostel attendance
Visitor To create/manage visitor details

ii Fees
Fees Category To create/manage fees category
Miscellaneous Fees To create/manage miscellaneous fees
Fees Structure To create/manage fees structure
Collect Fees To collect fees
Cheque Return To generate hostel fees cheque return report

iii Reports
Room allotment To generate room allotment report
User Fees Collection To generate cashier wise fees collection report
Fees Collection To generate hostel fees collection report
Defaulters To generate hostel fees defaulter’s report

Role & Permission To create/manage roles
Import Template To create/manage import template
Upload Signature To create/manage the signature
System Settings System settings

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Notification Settings To create/manage notification of email and SMS for
different modules

i Activity
Details To morning different activities in each module with
detailed information update by, delete by, location with
date and time etc.

ii Report
Employee Login To generate employee’s monthly login details with
different activities.

i Configuration
Grading System Manage Exam Grades and Grade Point
Exam Type Manage Various Exam Types and Configure whether to
redo exam type. Ex, Mid Sem, Final, Presentation etc
Exam Manage Various Exam Names
Exam Block Create block master
CGPA Calculation Manage CGPA Calculation Formula
1) Define GPA Calculation Formula
2) Define CGPA Calculation Formula
3) Define Revision/Resit Rule and How it will affect the
CGPA calculation
Result Template Create result templates
- Course wise different result template can be
Report / Transcript Create a temple for exam reports
Template - Create a template for transcript

ii Examination
Exam Group Manage Exam Group (Regular or Resitter)
1) Create and Configure Subject Wise Exam Schedule
2) Assign the Grading System and Assessment method
3) Associate Employee for each Exam Schedule
4) Define Up to 3 Moderator level for single Exam
5) Enrol/Register student to particular Exam Schedule
6) Publish Exam Schedule and Exam Result

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Manage Registered To manage students registered in a particular exam
Students - Block student appearing/writing exam
Exam Hall Manage Exam Hall
Management 1) Configure Exam Hall Block numbers
2) Assign Invigilator, Room and Exam Block for
Scheduled Exams
3) Select Students who will be appearing in the Exam
and allocate Seat No.
4) Print Exam Schedule or Exam Hall wise Students list
5) Print Hall Ticket for multiple students
Exam Attendance Manage Exam Attendance
1) Facility to mark the attendance by Invigilator of
Exam Hall
2) Mark attendance of students by Scheduled Exams
Exam Score Manage Exam Score
1) Facility to enter the score obtained by the student for
the particular exam for multiple students at once
2) Automatic Grade and Grade point Calculation from
obtained score using the Grading System
3) Facility to enter exam score by multiple moderators
Re-evaluation and Manage exam wise re-evaluation of marks for student
Gracing - Also, manage Gracing marks
Manage Student Manage student result publication.
Result - Can block/stop result of student for a particular
exam or subject

iii Report
Exam Wise Report Generate Exam wise reports
- First-term exam
- Midterm exam
- Practicals
- Final exam
Subject Wise Report Subject wise report for all exam for a semester
Exam Group Result Complete exam result summary with all internal exams
with a final grade for a semester
Grade Assessment Batch year wise complete grade assessment report for
all semesters
Result Notification Send result notification to the students
Banned Student Exam wise banned student list
Exam Schedule Employees can view the exam schedule with result
publication status

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Subject wise Exam View subject wise exam schedule
Fail Student List Generate exam wise fail student list with subject
Subject wise Fail Generate subject wise fail student list
Subject wise Student Generate subject wise student list with course,
academic year and batch
Subject wise Student Generate subject wise student list with exam group,
Marks batch, marks and attendance
Re-evaluation and Generate exam wise list of students with new marks,
Gracing Report old marks, gracing mark and result status
Associated Employee Employee/Teacher wise mark entered details
Score Report

iv Print Result
Exam Result Manage Exam Result and Publication
1) Automatic Exam Result Generation
2) Student can view Exam Schedule and Results
3) Facility to Print mark-sheet of multiple students.
Student Transcript Print transcript of multiple students

i Settings
Media Type Manage library media like Audio/visuals, Books,
Journals, Thesis, etc.
Category Manage library book categories like story, novel, sports,
magazine etc.
Cupboard Manage various library cupboards. It’s used to indicate
a book place on a cupboard.
Cupboard Shelf Manage various library cupboard shelves. It’s used to
indicate a book place on a cupboard shelf.
Author Manage various book author details.
Publisher Manage various book publisher details.
Supplier Manage various book supplier details.
Purchase Manage various book purchase details.
Tags Manage various book tags to identify different books.

ii Library
Catalogue Manage various catalog(books) items.

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Following functionality:
1) Add single or multiple book copy
2) Manage book copy
3) Add multiple authors
4) Manage book cover photo
Circulations Manage check-out(issue) and check-in(return) of library
Following functionality:
1) Quick check-out
2) Quick check-in
3) Reserved book
Barcode Generate and print book barcodes.

iii Library Fine

Fine Manage library books fine like overdue, book damage,

Survey (Feedback System)

i Settings
Question Category To create and manage different question categories
Question To create and manage question bank for different
Legend To create and manage different legend groups
Point Add pints for legends
Survey Category To create and manage different survey category

ii Survey/Feedback
Survey Group Create and manage survey
1) Create a survey
2) Add Legend to survey
3) Add points to survey
4) Add survey category
5) Add questions
6) Add Publish the survey
Survey Analysis Graphical report of survey analysis

i Settings
Timing Create and manage a new scheduler (configure the
scheduler to run a particular task)
Templates Different report templates of automatic alerts for:

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1) Email templates
2) SMS templates

ii Manage
Scheduler Tasks To manage the different tasks with running status like
Scheduled, Running, Disabled, Expired with complete
execution report.
System Tasks To manage different system related tasks:
1) Clear Cache
2) D
​ atabase Backup
3) Delete Activity Log
4) Delete Older Notifications
5) Delete Scheduler Execution History
6) Delete Scheduler System Execution History
7) Delete Temporary Applicant Record
8) Security Scan Report
Execution Summary Different automated task summary reports for
successful completed and failure.

Learning Management System (Add on module)

Content Management Create and manage course content
Material Document sharing and tracking of students
Assignment Assignment sharing with students and submission
URL URL or Video link sharing
Group Discussion Group discussion for students & teacher
Online Test Manage Online test like MCQ, True & False, Short
answer etc
Grade Book Centralised grade book integrated with the Student
Management System
Time table Lecture Schedules integrated with Student information
Virtual Class Virtual Class integrated with Zoom and Big Blue
Button with:
1) Whiteboard
2) Chat and Poll
3) PPT sharing
4) External Video sharing
5) Screen sharing

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