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CUS2201: Teaching Techniques and Planning for Teaching 2023

Dashboard / My courses / CUS2201 / Reports / Complete report

Speria Ainobushoborozi  Message

Forum: Announcements
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Forum: Self - Introduction

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Forum: Course Outline

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Teaching and Related Concepts

Forum: Difference between education and learning
No posts

Wiki: Difference between teaching and instruction

Never seen

File: Educated but not learned

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Forum: PPT Uploads

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Nature and components of teaching

Forum: The Teaching Profession (Deadline 20/03/2023)
by Speria Ainobushoborozi - Friday, 21 April 2023, 7:41 PM

Teaching as a profession
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by Speria Ainobushoborozi - Friday, 21 April 2023, 8:43 PM
Reasons for showing that teaching is a profession
The continued professionalism of teaching is a long standing goal of the Alberta teachers
association. The association continues towork to advance teaching as a profession.
Professionalism is a complex and elusive concept, it is dynamic and fluid. Six generally
accepted criteria at every used to define a profession. The teaching profession in Alberta
fulfills those criteria in the following ways

It's members have an organized body of knowledge that separates the group from all other.
Teachers are equipped with such a body of knowledge having a extensive background in the
world and it's culture an asset of teaching methods experientially derived through continuous
research in all parts of th world.

Is serves a great social purpose. Teachers carry responsibilities weighted with social
purpose. Through a rigid and self imposed adherence to the code of professional conduct,
which sets out their accumulated culture and assist each student under care in achieving self

There is a cooperation achieved through a professional organization. Cooperation plays an

important role in the development of the teaching profession because it represents a banding
together to achieve commonly desired purposes. The teaching profession has won it's we
deserved place in the socal order through continuous cooperation in the research,
professional conduct which obligates every teacher to treat each student within a sacred

There if a formal period of preparation and a requirement for continuous growth and
development. Teachers are required to complete a defined teacher preparation program
followed by a period of induction or internship prior to being granted permanent certification.

There is degree of autonomy accorded the professional. Teachers have opportunities to make
decisions about important aspects of their work.

The profession has control or influence over education standards, admissions, incensing,,

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Forum: The Teaching Cycle (Deadline 27th March 2023)

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URL: The status of teaching as a Profession

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Folder: Module 2: Resources

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Workshop: Schemes of Work and Lesson Plans in your Major Teaching Subject
Grade for submission: 5.71 / 12.00
Grade for assessment: -
Forum: Key Decisions for a successful Teaching - learning Cycle
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Forum: Core Activities at the major stages of the teaching cycle

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Workshop: Late Submissions of Schemes of Work and Lesson PLans

Grade for submission: -
Grade for assessment: -

Generic Teaching/learning methods:

Forum: Lecture Proceedings
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Forum: Video Sessions on General Methods of Teaching

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File: A debate in a rural school setting in Uganda

Never seen

Class management and control

Forum: Forms of classroom management and control challenges in a secondary school
classroom (Deadline Sunday 21st May, 2023)
No posts

Folder: Classroom Misbehaviour Folder

Never seen

The teacher as a reflective practitioner

File: Using Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle
4 views - most recently Thursday, 11 May 2023, 10:59 PM

School Practice
File: Practicing Teachers’ Perceptions of Teacher Trainees: Implications for Teacher
Never seen
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