Classroom Management Dr. Radhika Kapur

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Understanding the Principles and Strategies of

Classroom Management

Dr. Radhika Kapur


The primary objective of this research paper is to understand the principles and
strategies that needed to facilitate the management of classrooms. Within educational
institutions at all levels, the instructors and the students need to put into practice their tasks
and activities in such a manner, which would not only help them in facilitating the teaching
and learning processes and achievement of academic goals, but also in managing the
classrooms. Within the classrooms, there are various types of teaching-learning materials,
equipment, furniture and other resources which needs to be managed. Furthermore, the tasks
and activities related to academic goals as well as the overall system of education are carried
out in accordance to the norms, principles, values and standards. In putting into operation the
task of classroom management, the instructors and students need to work in collaboration.
The instructors assign the job duties to the students, which they need to implement through
skills and abilities. Therefore, in order to promote student learning, achieve educational goals
and up-grade the overall system of education, it is necessary to take into account the concept
of classroom management. The main areas that are taken into account in this research paper
are, principles of classroom management, classroom management strategies and factors to
consider, when making selection of the classroom management system.

Keywords: Academic Concepts, Classroom Management, Instructors, Knowledge,

Principles, Strategies, Students

Classroom management refers to different types of skills and abilities that are put into
practice by the instructors to keep the students organized, focused, and attentive. The
instructors work diligently in augmenting their knowledge and understanding in terms of the
lesson plans. It is comprehensively understood, when the instructors will be well-aware, only
then, they will contribute in an efficient manner in promoting student learning. Ideally, when
the instructors and the students come to the classroom, they are motivated and possess
positive attitudes. The instructors are vested with the job duty and responsibility of imparting
information to the students in terms of lesson plans. Furthermore, the students need to pay
attention and make their efforts to understand the lessons in an appropriate manner. In order
to promote the teaching and the learning processes in a well-organized and satisfactory
manner, it is of utmost significance to pay attention towards the implementation of all types
of approaches and strategies, needed to enhance classroom management.

Classroom management consists of techniques and attitudes, through which the

instructors exercise control on the classroom environment, so the learning of the students get
up-graded. In accordance to the research studies, in some cases, the students do get involved
in conflicts and disagreements with each other. Hence, when the classroom management will
take place in an appropriate manner, the conduct and behaviour of the individuals will get
redirected. Classroom management is action-oriented and goal-oriented (Johnston, 2020).
When the educationists are conducting research on the management of the classroom, they
need to take into consideration various factors, i.e. teaching-learning methods, instructional
strategies, teaching-learning materials, needs and requirements of the students, resources and
infrastructure, academic goals and objectives, traits of morality, ethics, norms, values,
principles and standards, development of motivation among students and up-grading the
overall system of education. Therefore, when the instructors and students are informative in
terms of these factors, the task of classroom management will take place in an efficacious

In the implementation of the task of classroom management in an effectual manner,

the instructors and the students will need to work in collaboration and integration with each
other. It is not the sole job duty of the instructors, but they need to obtain support and
assistance from their students as well. They assign job duties to the students, which they carry
out in their presence as well as absence. For example, the students, belonging to all grade
levels need to aware of the fact that they need to maintain cleanliness, and be well-aware in
terms of ways of promoting discipline. When the instructors give any assignments, tasks or
activities, they need to carry them out and ensure they get completed on time. In other words,
depicting efficiency, possessing effective communication skills, time management skills and
treating others with respect and courtesy are regarded as crucial factors that are needed in
carrying out the task of classroom management in an efficient manner. The instructors impart
knowledge to the students in terms of these factors in schools. Whereas, in higher educational
institutions, they are usually aware of these factors.

Principles of Classroom Management

The principles of classroom management are the principles that guide the instructors
and the students in terms of behaviour and conduct. As they need to conduct themselves well
and follow the rules necessary in generating the desired outcomes. In order to perform well in
one’s tasks and activities, the individuals need to conduct themselves well and be well-aware
in terms of the necessary aspects. When the behaviour and conduct of the instructors and the
students will be appropriate, they will be able to implement the task of classroom
management in a well-ordered manner. The important principles of classroom management
are, using proper names, form simple rules and regulations within the classroom settings,
establish the areas within the classrooms for supplies, identify the timings for classroom
disruptions, generating awareness in terms of ways of promoting academic honesty, obtain
commitments from students and differentiate between the teaching and the learning methods.
These are stated as follows:

Using Proper Names

When the instructors and the students are addressing each other, they need to make
use of proper names. When the instructors are speaking to the students, they need to make use
of proper names. On the other hand, when the students are communicating with their
instructors, they normally make use of the terms ‘sir’ for males and ‘madam’ or ‘maam’ for
females. On the other hand, when the instructors are addressing their students, they need to
make use of proper names. In some cases, when there are large number of students within
classrooms, the instructors may find it difficult to remember all the names. But they
communicate with their students in a polite manner, even when they do not remember the
names. Within the course of implementation of the teaching and the learning processes, the
use of humour is regarded as essential. When the individuals make use of humour, they may
joke with their students. But one needs to take into consideration one important point that
they should not label others through using a term, which may hurt their feelings. Hence, it is
vital to treat each other with respect and courtesy. Therefore, it can be stated, using proper
names is regarded as one of the crucial principles of classroom management.

Form simple Rules and Regulations within the Classroom Settings

Within the classroom settings, there is a need to form simple rules and regulations.
These rules and regulations are related to various aspects within the classroom settings, i.e.
teaching-learning methods, use of technologies and teaching-learning materials, utilization of
equipment, resources tools and so forth and implementation of other tasks and activities. The
instructors are vested with the authority and responsibility of forming rules and regulations.
When there are formation of rules and regulations and tasks are carried out in accordance to
them, they will be able to get implemented in a well-organized and regimented manner. The
rules and regulations need to be favourable to the academic goals and objectives. The overall
system of education also needs to be taken into consideration in the formation of rules and
regulations within the classroom settings. Normally, before the initiation of the academic
session, the instructors need to focus upon the formation of rules and regulations. The job
duties of the instructors as well as the students is influenced by the formation of rules and
regulations to a major extent. Therefore, it is well-understood, formation of simple rules and
regulations within the classroom settings is regarded as one of the indispensable principles of
classroom management.

Establish the areas within the Classrooms for Supplies

Within the classroom settings, it is essential to establish the areas for supplies. The
supplies are primarily the materials that are utilized in the teaching and the learning
processes. It is comprehensively understood that within the classroom settings, it is necessary
to form a pleasant environment with all the facilities and amenities. This would enable the
students to be attentive and concentrate better. For example, having proper furniture, heating
and cooling equipment in accordance to the weather conditions will be comforting to the
instructors as well as the students. When any form of teaching and learning materials such as,
papers, notebooks, stationary items and so forth are supplied, then it is necessary to make
provision of proper space. When the classrooms are not large in size, then the instructors and
the students need to create space for keeping the supplies as well as for the implementation of
teaching and learning methods. When the classrooms are not spacious and there are number
of supplies, then the instructors and the students will experience problems. Hence,
establishment of areas for supplies will lead to alleviation of problems. Therefore, it is well-
understood, establish the areas within the classrooms for supplies is regarded as one of the
vital principles of classroom management.

Identify the timings for other Activities within the Classroom

Within the classroom settings, the main objective of the instructors is to teach and the
primary goal of students is to learn (Zook, 2020). Apart from the implementation of the
teaching and learning processes, there are other aspects as well that are carried out within the
classrooms. The various types of activities are, the instructors communicate with the students
in terms of the problems and difficulties that they are experiencing within the course of
acquisition of education, personal issues, families, and so forth. The students are encouraged
to participate in various types of creative activities as well, which would enhance their skills
and abilities. For example, the classrooms organize canteens and students are encouraged to
prepare certain food items. When there are organization of picnics, and exhibitions, there are
discussions between the instructors and the students. The instructors impart knowledge to the
students in terms of various aspects. Hence, when discussions are to take place or other
activities need to be put into practice, the timings need to be identified. One of the factors that
needs to be taken into account is, they should not take place within the course of
implementation of teaching-learning processes. Therefore, identify the timings for other
activities within the classroom is regarded as one of the important principles of classroom

Generating awareness in terms of ways of promoting Academic Honesty

Academic honesty is regarded as one of the indispensable factors, which needs to be

taken into consideration in performing academic assignments, reports and projects, in
achieving academic goals and in up-grading the overall system of education. Academic
honesty is referred to implementing morality and ethics and doing one’s work to the best of
their abilities. When students are working on a research paper and are using the ideas of other
author or source, they are expected to sight the author or the source. On the other hand, when
the students do not sight the source, it is referred to as plagiarism. Plagiarism is an act of
academic dishonesty and the students have to experience detrimental effects. Within the
classroom settings, the instructors impart knowledge to the students in terms of meaning and
significance of academic honesty and ways of promoting them. When they are taking help
and support from their classmates, then also they need to take into account academic honesty.
They can understand the concept by taking help from them, but when they are preparing the
assignments and projects, they need to make use of their own viewpoints. Therefore, it is
comprehensively acknowledged that generating awareness in terms of ways of promoting
academic honesty is regarded as a principle of classroom management, which is of utmost
significance in promoting student learning and in up-grading the overall system of education.

Obtain commitments from Students

The instructors cannot carry out their tasks and functions related to classroom
management in seclusion. They need to obtain help and assistance from the students. The
main reason being, the job duties and responsibilities of the instructors are concerned with the
learning and progression of the students. The instructors need to obtain commitments from
the students. They assign job duties and responsibilities to them. The primary objective of
this principle is to facilitate the understanding among students in terms of significance of
their job duties and academic goals. In other words, they realise that they need to put them
into practice in order to achieve academic goals and to sustain ones living conditions in an
appropriate manner. After assigning them various types of job duties and responsibilities in
accordance to their skills and capabilities, the instructors expect that they complete them on
time. As when they will be completed on time, it will be beneficial and will contribute in
generation of desired outcomes. Ideally, the students are committed towards their job duties.
When they are to work on an academic assignment, project or any extra-curricular or creative
activity, they are committed towards it. Therefore, obtaining commitments from students is
regarded as a vital principle of classroom management.

Differentiate between the Teaching and the Learning Methods

This is comprehensively understood that in educational institutions at all levels that

the teaching methods are the methods that are put into practice by the instructors in teaching,
whereas, the learning methods are the methods that are utilized by the students in augmenting
their learning and understanding. It is essential to differentiate between the teaching and the
learning methods. The instructors make use of various types of teaching methods in
accordance to the grade levels of students, academic subjects and concepts, and academic
goals of the students. The primary aim of all types of teaching methods is to lead to up-
gradation of student learning. On the other hand, the learning methods are the methods,
which are put into practice by the students in enhancing their learning and understanding.
Furthermore, it is ensured they are suitable to their needs and requirements. The instructors
and the students need to learn to differentiate between the teaching and the learning methods.
Therefore, it is well-understood, when they are able to differentiate between these methods,
they are able to augment their understanding in terms of what methods can be useful in the
implementation of the teaching processes, whereas, what can be used in an operative manner
in facilitating the learning processes.

Classroom Management Strategies

The worthwhile and efficacious strategies, which are put into practice to manage the
classroom at all levels of education are stated as follows:
Communicating in an Effective Manner – Putting into practice effective
communication processes is the key in leading to management of the classroom in an
appropriate manner. The instructors and the students and the students among themselves need
to communicate in an effectual and meaningful manner in generating the desired outcomes.
The communication takes place in verbal, and in a written form. Verbal communication takes
place either face to face or over the phone. Whereas, written communication takes place
through emails, messages, letters, notices and so forth. When the individuals are
communicating with each other through verbal or written manner, they need to make
provision of factual information and treat each other with respect and courtesy. The
instructors need to guide and lead the students in the right direction, so they are able to carry
out their tasks and activities well and generate the desired outcomes. Therefore, it can be
stated that communicating in an effective manner is a classroom management strategy, which
is regarded to be of utmost significance at all levels of educational institutions.

Implementing Teaching-Learning Processes in an Effective Manner – The primary

objective of management of classroom is to put into practice the teaching-learning processes
in an effective manner, so the learning of the students can be augmented and they are able to
achieve the desired goals and objectives. When the instructors are teaching students, they
need to make use of modern, technical, scientific and innovative methods, so they are able to
promote student learning in a well-organized manner. On the other hand, the students will be
able to understand well and contribute towards the achievement of educational goals, if they
listen and follow the instructions of their instructors. Getting engaged in regular practice is
the key in implementing teaching-learning processes in a useful and efficacious manner.
Therefore, this is comprehensively understood, when the teaching-learning processes will be
implemented in an effective manner, the instructors and the students will not only be able to
contribute well in achieving academic goals, but also put emphasis towards management of
the classroom in a satisfactory manner.

Establish Guidelines and Rules – Establishment of guidelines and rules are regarded
as essential, not only in educational institutions as a whole, but also within the classrooms.
Within the classrooms, the establishment of guidelines and rules are in terms of various
aspects, i.e. teaching and learning processes, utilization of modern, scientific, technical and
pioneering methods, teaching-learning materials, utilization of technologies, equipment,
materials, tools and so forth and implementation of other tasks and activities. The instructors
are vested with the authority and responsibility of establishing guidelines and rules. In most
cases, the individuals in leadership positions guide and lead them in the right path and make
suggestions in terms of establishment of guidelines and rules. The students need to
adequately understand and abide by them. Therefore, when the guidelines and rules will be
established in a well-organized and appropriate manner, they will not only prove to be
beneficial in leading to the overall functioning of the classroom settings in an efficient
manner, but also their management in accordance to the needs and requirements of the
overall system of education.

Give Rewards – When the students are given assignments or projects, or other
activities by their instructors, they need to work towards them with diligence and
conscientiousness. When they have performed well, they should be rewarded. The rewards
are in the form of scholarships, good grades, appreciation in a verbal or written manner,
certificates, medals, trophies or gifts in the form certain items such as, stationary, other
opportunities and so forth. When the students acquire different types of rewards, they are
regarded as favourable and beneficial to them in enhancing their career prospects. The
students aspire to achieve rewards and hence make attempts to put in their efforts to the best
of their abilities in enhancing their performance. The giving of rewards is vital in stimulating
the mind-sets of the students towards learning and developing their knowledge as well as in
the management of classroom. Therefore, it can be stated, giving of rewards arouses interest
and enthusiasm among students, so they are able to contribute towards management of the
classroom in an agreeable manner.

Make Provision of Equal Rights and Opportunities – Within the classroom settings,
the students are different from each other in terms of number of factors, i.e. caste, creed, race,
religion, ethnicity, age, gender, personality traits, cultures and socio-economic backgrounds.
When the students are provided with the opportunities to participate in any tasks, functions or
activities, there should be provision of equal rights and opportunities. Providing equal rights
and opportunities are useful in leading to management of the classroom. For example, in a
class of 25 students, all students should be assigned the job duties of a monitor. In this
manner, they are able to augment their leadership skills. As the students are progressing,
apart from possession of communication skills, they need to be well-equipped in terms of
leadership skills. Therefore, one is able to understand well that making provision of equal
rights and opportunities is a classroom management strategy, which would render a
significant contribution in developing interest and enthusiasm among students towards
learning as well as in the management of the classroom.
Enhancement of Non-Discriminatory Policies - Enhancement of non-discriminatory
policies are crucial at all levels of educational institutions. As it has been stated above that
students are different from each other in terms of number of factors. There should not be any
kind of discrimination on the basis of the demographic factors. But it is the conduct,
behaviour, and academic performance of the students that matter. When the instructors are
assigning jobs, projects or other tasks to the students, they normally see that they are capable
and possess the necessary skills and abilities. When one student is more capable than the
other, the tasks and activities will be assigned to him or her. At all levels of educational
institutions, it is of utmost significance to formulate non-discriminatory policies. These
render an important contribution in not only leading to management of the classroom, but
also in promoting the overall functioning of the educational institutions in an appropriate
manner. Therefore, one is able to understand well that enhancement of non-discriminatory
policies is a classroom management strategy, which would render a significant contribution
in managing the classroom in a well-ordered and satisfactory manner.

Encourage the Students to express their Ideas and Perspectives – The students have
ideas and perspectives, which they are willing to express before their instructors. Hence, they
should be encouraged to express their ideas and perspectives. The instructors are vested with
the authority and responsibility to make decisions in terms of various aspects of the
classrooms. Normally, the students listen to and obey their instructors. But in some cases,
they give their ideas and suggestions, particularly when they have personal issues. For
example, an activity has to be put into practice related to a lesson plan, and a student will be
on leave and will not be able to participate, in such cases, they should be given the rights to
express their ideas and perspectives. Furthermore, ideas and perspectives are also expressed
by the students in terms of implementation of tasks and activities within the classrooms.
When the instructors find them meaningful, they are accepted, otherwise, they are not
accepted. Therefore, it is comprehensively understood, when the students are encouraged to
express their ideas and perspectives, they will carry out the task of management of the
classroom in a well-ordered and efficacious manner.

Encourage the Participation of Students in various Tasks and Activities – The tasks
and activities that are organized within the classroom setting are primarily related to
academic learning. The various tasks and activities are the ones that encourage the
participation of students in active, meaningful, co-operative, constructive, authentic and
intentional tasks and activities. Useful learning ways and activities are the ones, where the
students are able to take, what they have learnt from the activities and make use of them in
another framework or for another purpose (Examples of Learning Activities, 2018). The
participation of students in these tasks and activities will not only help them in understanding
the academic concepts and lesson plans in an adequate manner, but also in managing the
classroom. In the management of classroom, the students need various skills and abilities and
this is facilitated through participation in various tasks and activities. Therefore, one is able to
understand well that encouraging the participation of students in various tasks and activities
is regarded as an important strategy, which leads to up-gradation of skills and abilities,
needed in the management of classroom.

Develop Motivation among Students – The instructors need to be well-aware in terms

of methods and approaches that are put into practice to develop motivation among students.
The mind-sets of the students need to get stimulated to promote learning and understanding.
When the instructors form the viewpoint that support and participation of students is
indispensable in implementing the management of classroom, they formulate the measures to
develop motivation among students. In order to develop motivation, there are various factors
that need to be put into practice, i.e. giving of various types of rewards, encouraging the
students to participate in various tasks and activities, giving of scholarships, and good grades,
and so forth. These contribute in development of curiosity among students. When the
students develop motivation, they are able to form positive viewpoints and perform to their
best abilities. Hence, when the students develop motivation, they are able to possess a strong
determination, needed in understanding and achievement of academic goals. Therefore,
development of motivation among students is regarded as a key in enriching academic
learning, achievement of educational goals and management of the classroom in a useful

Creation of a Pleasant and Amiable Environment – The creation of a pleasant and

amiable environment is regarded to be of utmost significance in implementation of the
management of the classroom in an efficacious manner. In the creation of a pleasant and
amiable environment, there are various factors that need to be taken into consideration, i.e.
communicating with each other in an effective manner, providing equal rights and
opportunities to all the students, providing infrastructure, amenities, materials, and
technologies, not discriminating on the basis of any factors, conducting research on a regular
basis, initiating modern, technical, scientific and innovative methods in the teaching-learning
methods, teaching-learning materials and instructional strategies, bringing about helpful and
favourable transformations in various aspects, implementing appropriate evaluation methods,
augmenting competence, abilities and aptitude and developing mutual understanding with the
each other. The instructors and the students need to work in co-ordination in the
implementation of these factors. In addition, they need to be aware of measures to overcome
the limitations, associated with them. Therefore, one can understand well that creation of a
pleasant and amiable environment is regarded as central in enhancing academic learning,
achievement of educational goals and promoting management of the classroom in a
satisfactory manner.

Factors to Consider, when making selection of the Classroom

Management System

When making selection of the classroom management system, there are various
factors which contribute in leading to up-gradation of efficaciousness and effectiveness
(Terada, 2019). The students get enrolled in educational institutions with the main objective
of enhancing their knowledge, competencies and abilities. In some cases, they receive
financial assistance, whereas, in other cases, they need to self-finance their education. Ideally,
when the students are self-financing their education, they are well-aware that they are
spending their hard-earned money towards acquisition of education and need to perform their
tasks and activities to their best abilities. Hence, in order to achieve the educational goals and
objectives and acquire an efficient understanding of the academic concepts and lesson plans,
classroom management is an important concept that needs to be taken into consideration by
the instructors as well as the students. The instructors experience number of choices, when it
is related to the management of the classroom. Furthermore, the instructors and students need
to develop mutual understanding and work in co-ordination and integration with each other.

The instructors and the students aspire to work in an environment that is free from any
form of disruptions (Classroom Management, 2020). Hence, creating a pleasant and sociable
environment is regarded to be of utmost significance. In the creation of a pleasant and
amiable environment, there are various factors that need to be taken into consideration, i.e.
communicating with each other in an polite and respectful manner, providing equal rights and
opportunities to all the students, providing infrastructure, amenities, materials, and
technologies, not discriminating against the students on the basis of any factors, conducting
research on a regular basis in terms of various factors needed to up-grade teaching and
learning methods, initiating modern, technical, scientific and innovative methods in the
teaching-learning processes, teaching-learning materials and instructional strategies, bringing
about supportive, useful and constructive transformations in various aspects, implementing
suitable evaluation methods, augmenting proficiency, capabilities and aptitude and focus on
building a friendly approach with the students. Therefore, one is able to understand well that
when a pleasant and sociable environment is created, a suitable classroom management
system will be selected.

In the management of the classroom, there are various techniques in terms of which
the instructors need to be aware of. When they are well-aware in terms of these techniques,
they impart them to the students. Classroom management can often be the difference between
a focused classroom that is doing well in the achievement of educational goals and the
classroom that is experiencing setbacks. When the students are experiencing setbacks within
the course of achievement of academic goals, this signifies that the task of classroom
management has not been carried out in an appropriate manner. When the instructors put into
practice these techniques in an appropriate and suitable manner, they are able to carry out the
task of classroom management in a well-organized manner. Furthermore, the instructors are
able to focus towards augmenting productivity. Therefore, it is comprehensively understood,
implementation of different types of talents and aptitudes that are put into practice by the
instructors to keep the students equipped, precise, meticulous and concentrated is a crucial
factor in making selection of the classroom management system.

After the instructors have completed a lesson plan, they need to find out how much
the students have learned and whether they will be able to achieve educational goals or there
is a need to bring about improvements. The instructors give them assignments and projects.
Furthermore, there are also organization of tests and competitions, which aim to assess their
capabilities. The primary objective of evaluating students is to ensure, whether they are
moving in the right direction and to facilitate understanding among students in terms of
significance of their tasks and activities and educational goals. In other words, they generate
awareness that they need to put them into practice in order to achieve academic goals and to
sustain ones living conditions in a suitable manner. After assigning them various types of job
duties and responsibilities in accordance to their competencies and abilities, the instructors
expect that they complete them on time. As when they will be completed on time, it will be
beneficial and the students will also generate information in terms of how they have
performed. Therefore, when the instructors are putting into practice the assessment strategies
in finding out how much the students have learned and understood, it is regarded as one of
the fundamental factors in making selection of the classroom management system.


Classroom management refers to different types of skills and abilities that are put into
practice by the instructors to keep the students prepared, controlled, concentrated, and
attentive. The important principles of classroom management are, using proper names, form
simple rules and regulations within the classroom settings, establish the areas within the
classrooms for supplies, identify the timings for other activities within the classroom,
generating awareness in terms of ways of promoting academic honesty, obtain commitments
from students and differentiate between the teaching and the learning methods. The different
types of classroom management strategies are, communicating in an effective manner,
implementing teaching-learning processes in an effective manner, establish guidelines and
rules, give rewards, make provision of equal rights and opportunities, enhancement of non-
discriminatory policies, encourage the students to express their ideas and perspectives,
encourage the participation of students in various tasks and activities, develop motivation
among students and creation of a pleasant and amiable environment. It is necessary to
consider these factors, when making selection of the classroom management system. Finally,
it can be stated, when the instructors and the students are well-aware in terms of methods of
managing the classroom, they will be able to contribute satisfactorily in achievement of goals
and up-grading the overall system of education.
Classroom Management. (2020). Retrieved October 16, 2020 from

Examples of Learning Activities. (2018). Retrieved October 15, 2020 from teaching-

Johnston, T. (2020). What is Classroom Management? Retrieved October 15, 2020 from

Terada, Y. (2019). The Key to Effective Classroom Management. Retrieved October 16,

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Zook, C. (2020). 11 Principles of Classroom Management to Teach Digital Natives.

Retrieved October 15, 2020 from

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