Application Letter

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March 12, 2023

Dear Sir/Maam,

I am Alexis, a senior high school student from TNHS and I am currently taking the
course Humanities and Social Sciences, or HUMSS. I am indicating my intent to
apply to this reputable office as an aid for the work immersion training. I humbly state
that as a HUMSS student, I can say that I am capable enough to handle tasks that
are linked to my specialization.

If you were to hire me, I can assure you that I would do my utmost and with great
passion my duties and responsibilities not just as a student but as a worker in this
establishment. I have the necessary skills to function adequately in most tasks
offered to me if they are within my range of capabilities. I have knowledge and
experiences gained in my studies that will aid me during this work immersion.
Furthermore, I am willing to do my best in any scenario that will help my growth in
society, not only as a student but also as the functioning member of society that I will
soon become.

Attached with this letter are my resume and personal data sheet for your perusal. I
would appreciate meeting you to discuss my qualifications, and I look forward to
working with you and your staff in your office. Thank you for your time and effort. God

Respectfully yours,

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