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Fill in the blanks in the following paragraph using the appropriate modals :

Najma : ….. I borrow your bicycle?

Salma : I am sorry. The bicycle is out of order. Do you know a mechanic in this village to whom I ….. take
the bicycle?

Najma : I do not know but I ….. try to find someone who ….. repair your bicycle.

Ans. : can, may, shall, can.

2. Seeing a crow ea�ng a piece of bread, a fox thought how it …..(a) …..trick that fellow. It sad, “ ….. (b) …..
I talk to you sir?” The crow didn’t even look at the fox. The fox again said.” ….. (c) you please pay a litle
aten�on to me? What a nice bird you are! Your voice ….. (d) ….. be very sweet. I am sure you ….. (e) …..
sing very well. “ The crow who ….. (f) not be persuaded �ll then now looked at the fox. It ….. (g) have felt
flatered. The crow said to itself . “ I’ll show this fox how well I ….. (h) ….. sing.”It opened its beak. The
piece of bread fell down and was eaten away quickly by the fox.

Ans. : could, may, would, must, can, could, must, can

3. Fill in the blanks using suitable modals :

Rashmi : Papa, we have long autumn vaca�on. We ….. (a)visit our grandmother who has called us many

Papa : My programme is not certain so far. It (b) ….. be clear by the week-end. We ….. (c) leave the
sta�on a�er that only.

Rashmi : ….. (d) ….. we take our puppy with us?

Papa : You ….. (e) ….. if you so like.

Mother : No. You ….. (f) not. It ….. (g) be a cause of trouble to the whole family there.

Rashmi : That is my responsibility. You know it ….. (h) ….. not act against my wishes.

Mother : Well then it is all right.

Ans.: (a) must (b) will (c) shall (d) may (e) may (f) can (g) may (h) dare.
4. Fill in the blanks using suitable modals :

Persons who ….. (a) ….. remain an outdoor shoo�ngs ….. (b) be given a chance to go abroad. But they …..
(c) ….. have their passports ready. They ….. (d) get a free �cket for one of their family members, if only
their passport ….. (e) ….. be arranged. The company would provide them spare dollars. So the members
….. (f) take more foreign exchange with them. If they do so they will ….. (g) declare them at the checking
counter. They ….. (h) ….. get in to unnecessary trouble this way.

Ans. : (a) have to (b) must (c) should (d) should (e) can (f) can (g) have to (h) won’t

5. Complete the following conversa�ons by filling in appropriate modals :

Naresh : Raghu, I ….. (a) ….. get my watch repaired ….. (b) ….. you get it done for me if you are
going to the market?

Raghu : I ….. (c) ….. surely get your work done but I am not going to the market today. I ….. (d) …..
go tomorrow.

Naresh : Then you ….. (e) ….. take my watch tomorrow.

Raghu : You ….. (f) give it to me right now if you like. In that case I ….. (g) come back all the way to
your house tomorrow.

Naresh : Thanks a lot.

Raghu : There is no need to be thankful. I ….. (h) ….. go to the market in any case.

Ans. : (a) have to (b) would (c) will (d) may (e) can (f) should (g) shall not, have to (h) have to

6. Fil in the blanks using the suitable modals:

Don’t eat this fruit. It ….. be poisonous. This ….. prove harmful for your health. This, perhaps, ….. lead to
death. Therefore, you ….. not eat this fruit. It ….. not be eaten raw. Before ea�ng, its skin ….. be removed.

Ans.: (a) could (b) may (c) could (d) should (e) must (f) should
7. The Vidyut Board office has warned that they ….. cut the electricity connec�on if I don’t pay the bill by
today. So I ….. go to the Vidyut Board office to pay the bill. I ….. have paid the amount yesterday but the
office was closed. I ….. finish my work immediately and rush to the Board office so that I ….. pay the bill
before 2 p.m. I ….. be late, perhaps.

Ans.: (a) will (b) have to (c) would (d) will (e) can (f) may

8. Accidents ….. happen anywhere and ….. result in injuries. Correct first aid at the earlier stage ….. mean a
difference between life and death. It ….. prevent and payment loss. A knowledge of what ….. be done in
such cases �ll the doctor arrives ….. always be helpful to the common man.

Ans.: (a) can (b) may (c) could (d) might (e) should (f) can

9. An average child ….. speak clearly by the �me he is three or four years old. Some children at this stage
….. experience some difficul�es. As a caring parent you ….. do many things. Read to the child whenever
you ….. but you ….. never do this in a tense, loud voice. The child ….. know that you love him.

Ans.: (a) can (b) may (c) can (d) can (e) should (f) must

10. Fill in the blanks in the following paragraphs using the appropriate modals :

Visitor : ….. we have booking at this counter?

Clerk : ….. you mind going in to the next building on your le�? You ….. look at the third
counter on your le�.

Visitor : I wonder, if you ….. also tell us the fare from Delhi to Shimla?

Clerk : I’m afraid, I don’t know. But you ….. find the details in the chart just above the
booking counter.

Visitor : Thank you. I ….. just find out from the chart.

Ans.: (a) do (b) would (c) can (d) will (e) will
11. Recep�onist: Good morning. ….. I help you?

Visitor : Good morning. We are planning to visit Solan. ….. you direct us on how to get there?

Recep�onist: ….. you like to go by taxi or you will like to go by bus?

Visitor : We ….. like to go by bus.

Recep�onist : That is easy. Buses go from here to all the places around. But you can’t enjoy the
visit. You ….. beter take a taxi.

Ans.: (a) may (b) can (c) would (d) should (e) should

12. Milk is a complete food, full of vitamins and proteins. Children ….. drink it regularly otherwise they …..
suffer from under-nourishment. Elders ….. also take it but those who ….. not afford it ….. take pulses, fruits
and vegetables as an alterna�ve. We ….. purchase milk of good quality from milk booths opened by the

Ans.: (a) should (b) might (c) must (d) cannot (e) should (f) should

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