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Nutritional Neuroscience

An International Journal on Nutrition, Diet and Nervous System

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Nutritional intake and its impact on patients with

epilepsy: an analytical cross-sectional study

Rania Shehata Ismail, Nirmeen Adel Kishk, Hoda Ibrahim Rizk, Thanaa El-
Kholy, Lamiaa M. Abd El-Maoula, Ola Ibrahim El-Desoky, Shaimaa Shaheen &
Enji El-Sawy

To cite this article: Rania Shehata Ismail, Nirmeen Adel Kishk, Hoda Ibrahim Rizk, Thanaa El-
Kholy, Lamiaa M. Abd El-Maoula, Ola Ibrahim El-Desoky, Shaimaa Shaheen & Enji El-Sawy
(2021): Nutritional intake and its impact on patients with epilepsy: an analytical cross-sectional
study, Nutritional Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1080/1028415X.2021.1905371

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Published online: 29 Mar 2021.

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Nutritional intake and its impact on patients with epilepsy: an analytical

cross-sectional study
Rania Shehata Ismaila, Nirmeen Adel Kishk a, Hoda Ibrahim Rizkb, Thanaa El-Kholyc, Lamiaa M. Abd El-Maoulac,
Ola Ibrahim El-Desokyc, Shaimaa Shaheena and Enji El-Sawya
Neurology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt; bPublic Health and Community Medicine Department, Faculty of
Medicine, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt; cNutrition and Food Science Department, Faculty of Home Economics, Al-Azhar University, Tanta,
Cairo, Egypt

Background: Anecdotal reports have proposed that diet might influence the occurrence of Epilepsy; seizure control;
seizures. nutritional assessment;
Objectives: Our objectives were to assess nutritional status in a sample of patients with epilepsy dietary intake;
and to investigate the impact of nutrition on epilepsy control. macronutrients;
Patients and methods: One hundred and fifty patients with epilepsy participated in the study. To
assess nutritional status, sociodemographic characteristics, anthropometric measurements, dietary
food intake, and 24-hour food intake were evaluated. Patients answered questions using a food
frequency questionnaire.
Results: In patients with epilepsy, there was insufficient intake of water, fiber, potassium, magnesium
and some vitamins (C, E, B12, folate and niacin); suboptimal intake of calories, zinc, calcium, and some
vitamins (A, B1 and B6); optimal intake of total fats; and over-intake of proteins, carbohydrates,
phosphorus, iron, sodium, and vitamins D and B2. Moreover, there was a statistically significant
difference between patients with controlled versus uncontrolled seizures regarding frequency of
vegetable intake and percentage of caloric intake from the recommended dietary allowance.
Stepwise logistic regression indicated that those with low intake of vegetables had a 2.3 times
higher likelihood of uncontrolled seizure occurrence compared to those with a high intake of
vegetables per week. Also, those with optimal caloric intake were 80% less likely to have
uncontrolled seizures than those with too much caloric intake.
Conclusion: Macro- and micronutrient intake were unbalanced in patients with epilepsy. Patients who
consumed too many calories and too few vegetables were more likely to have improper seizure control.

1. Introduction relationship between food and seizures. Foods are com-

monly considered provoking agents for seizures, and
Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological dis-
proper nutritional intake can be considered therapeutic
eases in the world [1], affecting 0.5–1% of the world’s
[6]. A ketogenic diet is one of the recommended methods
population [2]. Several theories have been suggested to
to control epilepsy in some drug-resistant cases [7].
explain the pathogenesis of epilepsy, one of which is
Many researchers have investigated nutritional status
related to nutrition [3].
in children with epilepsy. However, very few studies
Nutritional factors are involved in the regulation of elec-
have assessed nutrition in adult patients with epilepsy.
trical activity in the brain. Severe deficiency of thiamin, pyr-
This study was designed to assess nutritional status in
idoxine, vitamin D, calcium, magnesium (Mg) and
a sample of patients with epilepsy and to investigate
carnitine can cause seizures. A subnormal concentration
the impact of nutrition on epilepsy control.
of each of these nutrients is common in patients with epi-
lepsy, for example, in vitamin B6-dependent epilepsy, a
condition in which intractable seizures can be controlled 2. Patients and methods
by administration of large doses of vitamin B6 [4]. Proper
2.1. Study design and participants
intake of copper, zinc, and selenium is important for anti-
oxidant function and eradication of free radicals, for nor- This was an analytic cross sectional study conducted on
mal brain function and to control epilepsy [5]. 150 Egyptian patients with epilepsy, carried out from
In epilepsy outpatient clinics, patients are frequently May 2018 to June 2020 in Epilepsy unit, Cairo university
asked about what foods they eat to explore the Hospital. The study included patients of both genders

CONTACT Rania Shehata Ismail Alsaray street, ELManial, Cairo 11956 Egypt
This article has been republished with minor changes. These changes do not impact the academic content of the article.
© 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

aged over 13 years who had epilepsy for at least 1 year, control’ as the absence of consecutive seizures in
according to the International League Against Epilepsy the previous 12 months
(ILAE) 2017 classification [8]. Patients were excluded if . Interview questionnaires for nutritional assessment,
they were non-compliant, had combined true and which contained several sections, including
pseudo seizures, had a disease-causing significant nutri- ▪ Sociodemographic data: It collected data on individ-
tional status impairment (malignancy, chronic infec- ual characteristics such as age, educational and occu-
tions), had an endocrinal disorder causing alterations pational status of the patient and salary per month.
in energy metabolism (hyper-hypothyroidism), diabetic ▪ Anthropometric measurements: Included weight,
patients, patients on specific dietary regimens such as height, waist circumference, hip circumference,
ketogenic diet or were pregnant or lactating at the time and body mass index (BMI), which was calculated
of the study. using the formula BMI (kg/m2) = BW (kg)/BH2
Flow diagram for the eligible and excluded people (m2).
with epilepsy is illustrated in (Figure 1). ▪ Dietary intake: The patients were asked about
every food, drink, or snack consumed and the
amount in units or parts, and then the researcher
2.2. Sampling
changed these units or parts into grams to calcu-
All patients who attended the outpatient neurology late the daily intake of different nutrients [10].
clinic in Cairo university hospital over a 4 month period ▪ 24-hour food intake: The mean of 3 days food intake
who fulfilled the inclusion criteria and agreed to partici- data was analyzed based on food composition tables
pate in the study were included (150 patients). [11]. Results were compared with current rec-
ommendations for nutrient intake (diet adequacy
was estimated by using dietary reference intakes
2.3. Data collection tools and methods
for energy, carbohydrates, fiber, fat, fatty acids,
All patients were subjected to the following: cholesterol, protein and amino acids) [12].
▪ Dietary pattern food frequency questionnaire: This
. Careful clinical assessment with special emphasis on was used to obtain qualitative descriptive infor-
age at onset and duration of epilepsy, seizure semiology, mation about usual food and beverage consump-
seizure frequency, antiepileptic treatment, family his- tion patterns per week for patients with epilepsy,
tory of epilepsy, and history of febrile convulsions including
. Categorization of patients as controlled or not - Energy foods: Cereals, oils, fats, sugar and sweets
according to Kwan et al. [9] who defined ‘seizure - Tissue building foods: Meat, chicken, fish, eggs,
legumes, milk and its products
- Fruit and vegetables
- Beverages: Tea, coffee, milk, energy drinks, cola, and
fruit juice. We used ‘standard’ portion sizes and par-
ticipants were simply asked how often they ate from
these food groups per day, week and month [13].
. Percent nutrients intake from the RDA(rec-
ommended dietary allowance) according to age and
sex of the patients was classified as:Insufficient intake
<75% from the RDASuboptimal intake 75–<100%
from the RDAOptimal intake 100–<120% from the
RDAOver intake >120% from the RDA

2.4. Statistical analysis

Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS (Statistical Package
for Social Sciences version) version 23. The Kolmo-
gorov–Smirnov test was used to assess the normal distri-
bution of the variables. Quantitative data were described
as mean and standard deviation or median and interquar-
Figure 1. Flow diagram for the eligible and excluded people tile range (IQR), whereas qualitative data were presented
with epilepsy. by frequency. Chi-squared test and Fisher’s exact test

were used to detect differences between qualitative vari- 3. Results

ables. Independent sample t-test and Mann–Whitney
3.1. Descriptive results
test were used to detect differences between quantitative
variables. Pearson and Spearman correlation analyses 3.1.1. Sociodemographic characteristics of patients
were used to test correlations between variables. Stepwise Patients with controlled seizures included 28 (35.4%)
logistic regression was used to detect the nutritional pre- males and 29 (40.8%) females. Their ages ranged from
dictors of uncontrolled seizures. P-value < 0.05 was con- 13 to 71 years, median = 30 years and IQR = 25–41.
sidered statistically significant. Patients with uncontrolled seizures included 51
(64.6%) males and 42 (59.2%) females, and their ages
ranged from 13 to 61 years, median = 31 and IQR =
2.5. Ethical considerations 25–37. There was no statistically significant difference
The study proposal was approved by the Ethical Com- between patients with controlled versus uncontrolled
mittee of Department of Neurology, Faculty of seizures regarding age and gender (P = 0.98, 0.52,
Medicine, Cairo University. Our research proposal was respectively). They were also matched regarding type
approved on 25 April 2018. The aim, procedures of the and etiology of seizures (P-value = 0.13, 0.32), respect-
study, the data confidentiality, as well as the impact of ively. Sociodemographic characteristics and personal
the study was explained to every participant. The habits of patients are shown in Table 1.
researcher confirmed that participation in the study
was voluntary and informed consent was obtained before 3.1.2. Anthropometric and clinical findings of
patients were enrolled in the study. All procedures were patients
performed in accordance with the Declaration of According to BMI, four patients (3.1%) were under-
Helsinki. weight, 47 (36.7%) were normal weight, 31 (24.2%) were

Table 1. Patient sociodemographic characteristics and personal habits.

Age Range: 13–71years
Median: 30.50
IQR: 25–38

Gender n% M: 79 (52.7%)
F: 71 (46.7%)

Occupation n% Working 33 (22%)

Not working 117 (78%)

Smoking n% Yes 18 (12%)

No 130 (86.7%)
Ex-smokers 2 (1.3%)

Drug addiction n% Yes 2 (1.4%)

No 148 (98.7%)

*Salary per month n% <1000 81 (54%)

By Egyptian pound 1000–2000 49 (32.7%)
2000–3000 8 (5.3 %)
3000–5000 2 (1.3%)
>5000 2 (1.3%)

**Sports Frequency per week n% 0 131 (87.3%)

1 4 (2.7%)
3 4 (2.7%)
5 4 (2.7%)

***Education n% Illiterate 73 (48.75%)

Primary and preparatory 39 (26%)
Secondary education 21 (14%)
University education 7 (4.7%)

Number of meals/day n% <3meals/day 89 (59.3%)

3meals/day 54 (36%)
>3meals/day 7 (4.7%)

****Outdoor feeding n% Yes 14 (9.3%)

no 133 (88.7%)
Note: *8 missing data, ** 7 missing data, ***10 missing data, **** 3 missing data.

Table 2. Patient anthropometric and clinical findings.

Weight (kg) 76 ± 20
Height (cm) 165 ± 9
BMI (kg/m2) 28 ± 6
Underweight n% 4(3.1%)
Normal weight n% 47 (36.7%)
Overweight n% 31 (24.2%)
Obese n% 46 (35.9%)
Waist circumference (cm) 90 ± 16
Hip circumference (cm) 104 ± 16

Age at onset (Years) Range:0.08–45

IQR: 8–19

Type of seizures n% Focal 71 (47%)

Generalized 79 (52.7%)

Etiology of seizures n% Idiopathic 84 (56%)

Genetic 28 (18.7%)

Symptomatic 38 (25.3%) Congenital and birth injuries 18 (12%)

Vascular 6 (4%)
Traumatic 11 (7.3%)
Neoplastic 3 (2%)

*Number of AEDs n% Monotherapy 60 valproate: 20 (13.3%)

(40%) levetiracetam:14 (9.3%)
carbamazepine: 18 (12%)
diphenylhydantoin: 7 (4.7%)
lamotrigine:1 (0.7%)
Polytherapy 89 (59.3%)

Epilepsy control Yes 57 (38%)

No 93 (62%)

*Status epilepticus Yes 5 (3.3%)

No 144 (96%)
*1 missing data.

overweight, and 46 (35.9%) were obese. Anthropometric regarding BMI (P = 0.6). Also, there was no statisti-
and clinical findings of patients are shown in Table 2. cally significant difference in BMI categorization
between patients with controlled versus uncontrolled
seizures (P = 0.6).
3.1.3. The mean and median daily intake of
nutrients in patients with epilepsy
In patients with epilepsy, there was insufficient intake of 3.2.2. Comparison of daily nutrient intake between
water, fiber, potassium, Mg and some vitamins (C, E, population subgroups distributed according to
B12, folate and niacin); suboptimal intake of calories, seizure control
zinc, calcium and some vitamins (A, B1 and B6); opti- There was no statistically significant difference between
mal intake of total fats; and over-intake of proteins, patients with controlled versus uncontrolled seizures
carbohydrates, phosphorus, iron, sodium, and vitamins regarding the mean and median of daily nutrient intake
D and B2 (Table 3). (Table 4).

3.2.3. Comparison of percentage of nutrient intake

3.2. Comparative results
from the recommended dietary allowance (RDA)
3.2.1. Comparison of BMI between population between population subgroups distributed
subgroups distributed according to seizure control according to seizure control
The BMI mean in patients with controlled seizures A statistically significant difference was found regarding
was 27.4 ± 5.6, whereas in patients with uncon- percentage of caloric intake from RDA between popu-
trolled seizures it was 28.07 ± 6.94. There was no lation subgroups distributed according to seizure control.
statistically significant difference between patients Seventy-seven percent of patients with uncontrolled sei-
with controlled versus uncontrolled seizures zures had too much caloric intake compared to only

Table 3. The mean and median daily intake of nutrients in patients with epilepsy.
Nutrients Actual intake % intake from RDA
Water (ml) mean ± SD 540.29 ± 234.34 17 ± 8
Calories (gm) mean ± SD 2024.04 ± 826.02 97 ± 37
Proteins (gm) mean ± SD 62.89 ± 28.65 123 ± 53
Carbohydrates (gm) mean ± SD 258.64 ± 124.63 199 ± 96
Total fats (gm) median (IQR) 75.65 (53.225–107.4) 116 (84-170)
Fiber percent mean ± SD 61.55 ± 37.45 65 ± 39

Phosphorus (mg) mean ± SD 1097.4 ± 578.5 155 ± 83
Iron (mg) mean ± SD 14.1 ± 6.56 133 ± 87
Sodium (mg) mean ± SD 1875.1 ± 1008.7 126 ± 67
Potassium (mg) mean ± SD 1889.1 ± 809.5 40 ± 17
Zinc(mg) mean ± SD 9.5 ± 4.6 99 ± 47
Magnesium (mg) mean ± SD 351.2 ± 178.9 31(18-50)
Calcium(mg) median (IQR) 310.4 ± 27.7 96 ± 46
Vitamin A (mcg) median (IQR) 362.8 (178.4–693.5) 84 ± 47
Vitamin C (mg) median (IQR) 25.35 (15–70) 73 ± 37
Vitamin D (mcg) median (IQR) 0.75 (1.3–10) 308 ± 177
Vitamin E (mg) mean ± SD 64.1 ± 26.5 45 (23–84)
Folate (mcg) mean ± SD 290.9 ± 146.2 30 (15–70)
Niacin (mg) mean ± SD 12.7 ± 7.1 5 (1–10)
Vitamin B1 (mg) median (IQR) 1.10 (0.7–1.5) 92 (66–133)
Vitamin B2 (mg) median (IQR) 2(1.3–2.9) 163 (108–237)
Vitamin B6 (mg) median (IQR) 1.2 (0.6–1.5) 88 (69–115)
Vitamin B12 (mcg) median (IQR) 88.14 (0.9–2.5) 67 (41–104)
Note: RDA: recommended dietary allowance; IQR Interquartile range.

Table 4. The mean and median daily nutrient intake in patients with controlled and uncontrolled seizures.
Nutrients Controlled seizures Uncontrolled seizures P-value
calories (gm) mean ± SD 1936.22 ± 705.4849 2077.86 ± 891.2948 0.31
proteins (gm) mean ± SD 60.85 ± 27.28 64.14 ± 29.53 0.49
Carbohydrates (gm) mean ± SD 240.16 ± 92.40 269.96 ± 140.06 0.16
cholesterol (gm) mean ± SD 222.87 ± 219.19 219.895 ± 219.3490 0.93
Water (ml) mean ± SD 500.28 ± 218.44 564.81 ± 241.44 0.12
Fiber intake (gm) mean ± SD 287.60 ± 134.35 292.942 ± 153.70 0.57
Fiber percent mean ± SD 71.90 ± 33.58 73.23 ± 38.42 0.05
fats Animal fat 14.9 (9.05–27.75) 19 (11.05–35.2) 0.08
Plant fat median (IQR) 47 (32.3–75.35) 53 (32.3–75.35) 0.93
Total fat 72.1 (51–109.7) 79 (54.35–107.5) 0.63
Phosphorus (mg) mean ± SD 155.1 ± 97.1 155.7 ± 73.6 0.96
Iron (mg) median (IQR) 113 (69.2–183.2) 107 (61.7–189.4) 0.83
Sodium (mg) mean ± SD 123.5 ± 72.5 127.7 ± 64.4 0.72
Potassium (mg) mean ± SD 38.5 ± 15.9 41.2 ± 17.9 0.36
Zinc (mg) mean ± SD 94.9 ± 42.8 102.1 ± 50.2 0.37
Magnesium (mg) mean ± SD 93.9 ± 42.5 97.5 ± 49.5 0.65
Calcium (mg) median (IQR) 27 (15–45) 32 (18.7–54.7) 0.25
Vitamin A (mcg) median (IQR) 41 (16.3–77.7) 48 (25.7–89) 0.23
Vitamin C (mg) median (IQR) 25 (14.2–46) 36 (15.2–84.5) 0.17
Vitamin D (mcg) median (IQR) 5 (2–10.7) 5 (1.3–9.6) 0.65
Vitamin E (mg) mean ± SD 47.4 ± 28.2 45.5 ± 25.7 0.67
Folate (mcg) mean ± SD 71.9 ± 33.6 73.2 ± 38.4 0.83
Niacin (mg) mean ± SD 80.6 ± 44.3 86.5 ± 48.9 0.46
Vitamin B1 (mg) median (IQR) 92 (65.1–127.2) 100 (65.4–134.8) 0.43
Vitamin B2 (mg) median (IQR) 162 (112.2–216.8) 169 (96.2–274.8) 0.76
Vitamin B6 (mg) median (IQR) 85 (65.4–107.7) 92 (69.2–123) 0.37
Vitamin B12 (mcg) median (IQR) 63 (41.7–89.6) 71 (37.5–108.3) 0.37
Note: IQR: Inter quartile range.

23.1% of patients with controlled seizures (P = 0.005). 3.2.4. Frequency of macronutrient intake among
However, no statistically significant difference was patients with controlled and uncontrolled seizures
found between percentages of carbohydrate, protein, fat There was a statistically significant difference between
and fiber intake from RDA between the two groups (P patients with controlled versus uncontrolled seizures
= 0.58, 0.44, 0.7 and 0.17, respectively) (Table 5). regarding frequency of vegetable intake (P = 0.03).

Table 5. Percentage of nutrient intake from RDA in patients with controlled and uncontrolled seizures.
Nutrients % intake from the RDA Controlled seizures Uncontrolled seizures
N % N % P-value
Calories <75 17 40.5 25 59.5 *0.005
75–<100 11 29.7 26 70.3
100–<120 20 62.5 12 37.5
>120 9 23.1 30 77

Carbohydrates <75 4 44.4 5 55.6 0.58

75–<100 2 20.0 8 80.0
100–<120 3 30 7 70
>120 48 39.7 73 60.3

Proteins <75 13 46.4 15 53.6 0.44

75–<100 6 26.1 17 73.9
100–<120 6 31.6 13 68.4
>120 32 40.0 48 60.0

Fats <75 11 36.7 19 63.3 0.70

75–<100 8 40 12 60
100–<120 14 46.7 16 53.3
>120 24 34.3 46 65.7

Fibers <75 36 37.5 60 62.5 0.17

75–<100 14 53.8 12 46.2
100–<120 4 28.6 10 71.4
>120 3 21.4 11 78.6
*Statistically significant, RDA: recommended dietary allowance.

However, no statistically significant differences were regarding outdoor feeding, number of meals per day
found between the groups regarding frequency of (P = 0.6 and 0.7) respectively.
other macronutrient intake (Table 6).
3.2.6. Comparison of sports frequency per week
3.2.5. Comparison of outdoor feeding and number between population subgroups distributed
of meals per day between population subgroups according to seizure control
distributed according to seizure control Fifty-two (39.7%) patients with controlled seizures did
There was no statistically significant difference between not practice sports whereas, 79 (60.3%) patients with
patients with controlled versus uncontrolled seizures uncontrolled seizures did not practice sports.

Table 6. Comparison of macronutrient frequency intake in patients with controlled and uncontrolled seizures.
Frequency of intake
more than 5
0–2 times/week 3–4 times/week times/week
Nutrients Seizure control N % N % n % P-value
Carbohydrates controlled 24 36.4 18 31.6 15 55.6 0.1
uncontrolled 42 63.4 39 68.4 12 44.4

Butter controlled 45 38.1 5 31.3 4 31.3 0.79
uncontrolled 73 61.9 11 68.8 5 55.6
Vegetable oil controlled 8 47.1 8 36.4 40 36.4 0.69
uncontrolled 9 52.9 14 63.6 70 63.6

Meat and poultry controlled 40 40.8 12 27.9 5 55.6 0.18
uncontrolled 58 59.2 31 72.1 4 44.4
Eggs controlled 30 37.0 9 25.7 18 52.9 0.06
uncontrolled 51 63.0 26 74.3 16 47.1
Beans controlled 39 43.8 9 36.0 9 25.0 0.14
uncontrolled 50 56.2 16 64.0 27 75.0
Milk and dairy products controlled 18 36.0 16 43.2 23 36.5 0.75
uncontrolled 32 64 21 56.8 40 63.5

Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables controlled 15 25.4 19 46.3 23 46 0.03*
uncontrolled 44 74.6 22 54 27 54
Fruits controlled 34 38.6 8 29.6 15 42.9 0.55
uncontrolled 54 61.4 19 70.4 20 57.1

Table 7. Logistic regression analysis for significant nutritional recommended, respectively), while fat intake was opti-
predictors of uncontrolled seizures in epileptic patients among mum to recommended levels. This signifies that these
the study population (n = 150). patients had a high carbohydrate-to-fat ratio. This dis-
Odds 95% CI
turbed ratio could lead to improper seizure control,
Variables B P-value ratio Lower Upper
but, unfortunately, no statistically significant difference
Vegetable intake
Vegetable intake 0–2 .852 .049 2.35 1.003 5.485 was found between controlled and uncontrolled patients
times/week regarding the mean and median of macronutrient daily
Vegetable intake 3–4 −.058 .897 .95 .393 2.269
times/week intake. This was in accordance with a Brazilian study
carried out by de Azevedo Fernandez et al. [2] who
Calories intake
Calories intake (< 75% −.905 .073 .41 .150 1.090 found elevated carbohydrate and protein intake in
from RDA) people with epilepsy (approximately 2 and 4 times
Calories intake (75% – −.274 .609 .76 .266 2.176
< 100% from RDA) higher than recommended, respectively). Contrary to
Calories intake (100% – −1.614 .003 .20 .070 .569 our results, they found that the daily intake of monoun-
< 120% from RDA)
Constant .895 .043 2.448 saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as
Note: R-square = 0.16, RDA: recommended dietary allowance; CI: confidence omega 3 and 6, was below recommended levels, whereas
interval. saturated fatty acid intake was significantly higher than
recommended guidelines. In agreement with our
Four (33.3%) patients with controlled seizures prac- results, they did not find significant differences in food
ticed sports whereas, 8 (66.7%) patients with uncon- intake between patients with controlled versus uncon-
trolled seizures practiced sports. trolled seizures.
There was no statistically significant difference In the present study, a statistically significant difference
between patients with controlled versus uncontrolled was detected regarding adequacy of caloric intake between
seizures regarding sports frequency per week (P = 0.7). patients with controlled versus uncontrolled seizures. Sev-
enty-seven percent of patients with uncontrolled seizures
3.3. Regression analysis of nutritional predictors experienced over-caloric intake compared to only 23.1%
of uncontrolled seizures among the study of patients with controlled seizures. However, we did
population not find a statistically significant difference between
carbohydrate, protein, fat, and fiber intake between the
Stepwise logistic regression was performed using the two groups. Moreover, stepwise logistic regression
following variables: frequency of vegetable intake revealed that patients with optimal caloric intake are
per week and percent of caloric intake from the 80% less likely to be uncontrolled than those with over-
RDA. It indicated that those with low intake of veg- caloric intake. This was supported by a study conducted
etables, from 0 to 2 per week, had a 2.3 times higher by Greene et al. [16] who proved that caloric restriction
likelihood of uncontrolled seizure occurrence com- (CR) was an effective dietary therapy for preventing sei-
pared to those with a high intake of vegetables, 5 zures in a genetic model of idiopathic epilepsy. They
times or more per week. Also, those with optimal found that the antiepileptogenic effect of CR was signifi-
caloric intake (100–<120% of RDA) were 80% less cantly correlated with reductions in plasma glucose levels
likely to have uncontrolled seizures than those with and with elevations in plasma ketone body levels. CR
too much caloric intake (120% and more of RDA) reduces energy production through glycolysis. It limits
(Table 7). the ability of the neuron to achieve the high levels of
synaptic activity required for seizure generation. More-
over, it leads to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) release
4. Discussion
through pannexin hemichannels localized in neurons,
Anecdotal reports have proposed that certain foods which would be rapidly degraded to adenosine by ectonu-
might influence the occurrence of seizures. However, cleotidases. The increased level of adenosine activates A1
the existing data are scanty and sometimes controversial receptors, which activate ATP-sensitive potassium
[14]. (KATP) channels. These channels hyperpolarize neuronal
There are conflicting data regarding whether membranes [17].
decreases or increases in bioenergetic substrates are Our study participants had a low intake of minerals,
favorable for seizure control [15]. Our study partici- in particular calcium, Mg, zinc, and potassium. This was
pants had unbalanced macronutrient intake character- in accordance with Bertoli and colleagues [18], who
ized by over-intake of carbohydrates and proteins found that there was a low intake of calcium, iron,
(approximately 1 and 0.3 times higher than and zinc in children with refractory epilepsy. Prior

reports have suggested that altered levels of minerals intake of vegetables. The mechanism proposed is that
play an important role in the pathophysiology of sei- vegetables are rich in antioxidant vitamins, which
zures [19]. Yuen and Sander [20] found that people limit the oxidative stress by reacting with reactive oxi-
with epilepsy have lower Mg levels than people without dants [33].
epilepsy. In another study by Oladipo et al. [21] the In conclusion, macro- and micronutrient intake were
plasma Mg concentrations were found to be signifi- unbalanced in patients with epilepsy. Patients with over-
cantly lower in those with epilepsy than in controls. caloric consumption and little vegetable intake were
Mg is important in the utilization of vitamin B6, more likely to have bad seizure control. Therefore,
which is a cofactor required for gamma aminobutyric people with epilepsy may benefit from individual nutri-
acid (GABA) synthesis. Mg could also inhibit N- tional assessment and dietary alteration, which may
methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors [22]. Moreover, comprise a novel approach to epilepsy treatment.
significantly lower levels of serum zinc have been The strength of this work is that it is the first work to
detected in people with epilepsy [19, 23, 24]. Zinc may study nutritional intake in a sample of adult patients
play a role in pyridoxal phosphate-mediated regulation with epilepsy and to clarify the nutritional predictors
of glutamic acid decarboxylase, the key enzyme in the of uncontrolled seizures among people with epilepsy.
synthesis of GABA [25]. Low levels of serum zinc can The limitation of this study was that we did not have
induce epileptic seizures by activating NMDA receptors the opportunity to analyze micronutrients in serum.
[26]. Furthermore, Prassad et al. [27] found low levels of Another limitation to our study is the lack of further
serum calcium in patients with genetic generalized epi- categorization of fat dietary intake data into saturated
lepsy when compared to the control group. Also, in a fat, trans fat, monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsatu-
prospective case-control study conducted by Oladipo rated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids.
et al. [28] calcium levels were found to be lower in
patients with epilepsy. It was suggested that decreased
serum calcium levels produce a membrane state of Conflict of interest
hyper excitability of neurons, which is associated The authors declare that the research was conducted in
strongly with seizures. absence of any commercial relationships that could be
Several studies have evaluated oxidative stress and constructed as a potential conflict of interest.
antioxidant status in people with epilepsy. Most of
these studies have shown enhanced levels of oxidative
stress and reduced levels of antioxidant vitamins [29]. Availability of data and material
This was shown by Gaby [30], who found that vitamin
The datasets generated and/or analyzed during the cur-
C increases the latency to first seizure and decreases
rent study are not publicly available due to the current
the mortality rate and lipid peroxidation levels in
Cairo University regulations and Egyptian legislation
adult rats with seizures induced by pilocarpine. Also,
but are available from the corresponding author on
Tamai et al. [31] found that plasma vitamin E concen-
reasonable request and after institutional approval.
trations were lower in children with epilepsy than in
healthy controls. In the current work, we found that
some vitamins (A, C, E, B1, B6, B12, folate and niacin) Acknowledgement
were also below the RDA for age and gender. This was
in agreement with Bertoli and colleagues [18], who sta- The authors acknowledge subjects for their participation and
cooperation in this study.
ted that mean daily intake of riboflavin and niacin in
children with refractory epilepsy was greatly reduced
compared with European RDA for sex and age. Disclosure statement
An imbalance in oxidants and antioxidants is
known to be involved in the pathogenesis of various dis- No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
eases including epilepsy. Consequently, antioxidant
therapies are important for the treatment of epilepsy
Notes on contributors
[32]. In the present work, controlled patients have
increased frequency of vegetable intake compared to Rania Shehata Ismail is currently an associate professor of
Neurology at Cairo University (since 2019). I am interested
uncontrolled patients. Using stepwise logistic
in epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and movement disorders sub-
regression, we found that patients with low intake of specialties, and medical teaching programs. I have multiple
vegetables were 2.3 times more likely to be uncontrolled international publications in epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease
for seizure occurrence compared to those with a high and multiple Sclerosis. I am a member of the American

Academy of Neurology and Egyptian society of Neurology. I interpretation, Shaimaa Shaheen, Enji El-Sawy: data
am one of the staff members of Cairo University Epilepsy interpretation and manuscript writing and reviewing.
Nirmeen A. Kishk is currently a full Professor of Neurology at
Cairo University (since 2014). After completing his residency ORCID
training at the Neurology department Cairo university hospi-
tals, she has multiple fields of interest. She focused on epilepsy Nirmeen Adel Kishk
clinic science 2004 after that at 2010 she became the modera-
tor of the Epilepsy clinic and share in the upgrading into Epi-
lepsy Unit; she joined many internationally educational EEG References
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