IGCSE - 2nd - Sample Essay

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The government is proposing to build a new highway passing close to

the place where we live. Some people are welcoming this plan
because there will be benefits. However, I strongly disagree to
constructing the new highway.

First of all, there will be bad effects on our environment. In order to

build a new highway, people have to destroy the land by cutting
considerable numbers of trees and digging out mountains. Animals
will lose their habitats and we will lose beautiful scenery.

Secondly, our town people will suffer from noise pollution. There will
be lots of cars running on the highway days and nights, so distracting
noise will be made by large vehicles such as trucks and buses. It will
disturb our sleep at night and our study in school.

In conclusion, there are much more disadvantages than advantages.

Therefore, I oppose to the plan building a highway near my town.

Nowadays, a significant number of naturalists have been campaigning

against zoos arguing that it is cruel to keep wild animals in cages,
away from their natural environment. However, like many other
people, I believe that zoos have a positive role to play.
First of all, many species of animal are in danger of extinction because
their natural habitat is disappearing, due to deforestation. Some, like
elephants, are hunted for their ivory or the tiger for their skins.
Therefore, if animals are kept in captivity they can breed in safety,
which will prevent the species from dying out.

Another reason for keeping animals in captivity is that it gives many

of us a chance to see animals from all round the world without
having to travel. A trip to the zoo is an example way to spend the
day out because we can enjoy ourselves and learn about animals at
the same time.

To sum up, in my opinion zoos should not be closed down because

they are beneficial both to human and to animals.

There is a plan to build a wind farm. Do you agree or disagree?

Until now, power generation has relied on natural resources, such as

coal, gas and oil. As these supplies begin to run out, scientists have
been investigating alternative methods of producing electricity, such
as windmills.

One of the main arguments against windmill is that they are an

eyesore, and spoil areas of natural beauty. This may lead to a
reduction of tourism, which would be bad for the local economy.
Moreover, many people are concerned that the windmills are not only
a distraction to motorists, but that the noise they make may disturb
local wildlife.
On the other hand, the main argument in favour of windmills is that
they will provide a much more reliable power supply to remote areas
and consequently small industries will be established which will
provide employment for local people and at the same time boost the

In conclusion, I believe that it would be a good idea if plans for the

windmill farm went ahead, as they pose no threat to the environment
in terms of air pollution and they would certainly be more attractive
than a conventional power station.

All students should take part in competitive team sports.

Nowadays, due to the media and awareness campaigns, the vast

majority of people realize the importance of exercise, and the benefits
it can have on health. In an effort to promote this idea, a large
number of schools want to make participation in team sports

One of the main arguments against anything compulsory is that when

a student is forced into something, he will not be an enthusiastic
participant, and this may weaken the performance of his team.
Consequently, he could become unpopular, isolated socially, or even
become a victim of bullying.

On the other hand, many people would argue that sport makes us fit
and gives us energy. In order to have a healthy mind in a healthy
body, sport should be a compulsory subject on every school
timetable. Furthermore, it is a fact that team sport encourages co-
operation and promotes social interaction.
To sum up, in my opinion, it would be a good idea if team sports
were made compulsory in schools to establish healthy habits early in
life, and to prevent students from becoming unfit due to laziness.

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