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Language Learning Life Story

Gerard Jornet
1. What is (are) your mother tongue(s)?

2. With what dialects / languages have you been in contact througout your life?

3. What do you think is your current level of each language taking into account the CEFR (Common
European Framework of Reference? Do you have any certificates?

4. How do you think languages are learned? Which is the best way to learn a language, and why?

5. What would you do to improve your:

1. oral communication skills

2. writing skills
3. spelling
4. intonation / pronuntiation
5. reading skills
1. What are your mother tongues?

My mother tongues is Catalan and Spanish

2. With what dialects / languages have you been in contact througout your
My dialect or languages I have been contact in my life is catlà, català de lleida
Spanish and english with one friend.
3. What do you think is your current level of each language taking into
account the CEFR Framework of Reference?
I think that my current level is C2 and I don’t have any certficate
4. How do you think languages are learned? Which is the best way to learn a
language, and why?
I learned this language in the school and practis or watch TV shows or films in
other language. The best way to learn language is practise with other people who
know the language you want learn.
5. What would you do to improve your:

1. oral communication skills

- Speak with random people who know speak the language you want to learn
2. writing skills
- Read more books and write something
3. spelling
- The same as the question 3
4. intonation / pronuntiation
- Watch TV programmes, series, films…
5. reading skills
- Read everyday something in the language you want to learn

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