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Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

PETE 434 Fall 2010 Chapter 3_Sample Problems 1

1. Calculate the gravimetric dissolving and volumetric dissolving powers for the dissolution of
dolomite using a 30 w% solution of HCl.


4 HCl + CaMg ( CO3 )2 ⇌ CaCl2 + MgCl2 + 2 H 2O + 2CO2

Gravimetric dissolving power of 100 wt% acid (mass of rock dissolved per unit mass of 100 wt%
HCl reacted).

M wr Csr 184.3 × 1
β100 = = = 1.26 gram of dolomite dissolved/gram of100% HCl
M wa Csa 36.47 × 4

Csa : stoichiometric coefficient of HCl=4

Csr : stoichiometric coefficient of dolomite=1
Mwa: molecular weight of HCl=36.47
Mwr : molecular weight of dolomite=184.3

Gravimetric dissolving power of 30 wt% acid (mass of rock dissolved per unit mass of 30 wt% HCl

β 30 = β100 wa = 1.26 × 0.3 = 0.378 gram of dolomite dissolved/gram of 30% HCl

Volumetric dissolving power of 30 wt% of HCl

Χ = β a ( ρ a / ρ r ) = 0.378 × (1.1493 / 2.87) = 0.151 cc of dolomite dissolved/cc of 30% HCl

ρa: 30 wt% HCl density=1.1493 g/cc

ρr: dolomite density=2.87 g/cc

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Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

2. Calculate the volume of 10 w% formic acid (density=1.022 g/cc) required to increase permeability
of a limestone formation 33 ft thick by a factor of 10 in a zone 5 ft in radius around the wellbore.
The wellbore radius is 3 in.; formation porosity is 10%; and the permeability response of the
limestone is given by

k φ 
= 
k o  φ o 

where ko and φo are the original permeability and porosity, respectively.


k φ   φ 

=   = 10 =  
ko  φo   0.1 

Porosity after acidizing: φ = 0.1× 101/10 = 0.159

Thus to increase the porosity of rock from φ=0.1 to φo=1.259, the volume of rock dissolved is

Vr = π ( ra2 − rw2 ) (φ − φo ) φ h = π ( 52 − (3 / 12) 2 ) × (0.159 − 0.1) × 33 = 152.5 ft3

2HCOOH + CaCO3 ⇌ Ca(COOH)2 +H 2O+CO2

M wr Csr 100.09 × 1
β100 = = = 1.082 gram of limestone dissolved/gram of100% HCOOH
M wa Csa 46.03 × 2

Csa : stoichiometric coefficient of HCOOH=2

Csr : stoichiometric coefficient of limestone=1
Mwa: molecular weight of HCOOH=36.47
Mwr : molecular weight of limestone=100.09

β10 = β100 wa = 1.087 × 0.1 = 0.1087 gram of limestone dissolved/gram of 10% HCOOH

Χ = β a ( ρ a / ρ r ) = 0.1087 × (1.022 / 2.71) = 0.041 cc of limestone dissolved/cc of 10% HCOOH

ρa: 10 wt% HCOOH density=1.022 g/cc

ρr: limestone density=2.71 g/cc

Therefore from definition volumetric dissolving power, acid volume becomes

Va = Vr / X = 152.5 / 0.041 = 3719.5 ft3

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Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

3. Calculate the fraction of a 10 w% of acetic acid solution which will react in the presence of an
excess of dolomite at 150° and a pressure sufficient to retain all of the CO2 produced by the
reaction in the aqueous solution. The equilibrium state can be predicted approximately by the
empirical equation
cCaA2 cCO2
1.6 ×10 4 K D = (3.1)

Where cHA=acetic acid conc.; cCaA2=calcium acetate conc.; cCO2=carbon dioxide conc.


The fraction of the acid that will react is the same whether the formation rock is limestone or
dolomite. Thus we will make the calculation as though the formation is CaCO3. Equation (3.1) then

Since there are 100 g of acid and 900 g of water in 1000 g of acid solution, the acid concentration is
wHAC wsolution 100 × 1000
cHAC = = 1.85 moles of HAC/1000 g of H2O
M HAC ww 60 × 900

wHAC: weight of acetic acid

wsolution: weight of acid solution
ww: weight of water
MHAC: molecular weight of acetic acid (=60)

lt we let ϕ be the number of moles of acetic acid/1000 g of H2O that react, therı at equilibrium
(neglecting the small quantity of H2O produced by the reaction)

cCO2 = ϕ / 2 (carbon dioxide produced)

cCa (CH 3COO )2 = ϕ / 2 (calcium acetate produced)
cH (CH3COO ) = 1.85 − ϕ (unreacted acid remaining)
The value of KD at 150°F is 1.48×l0 found using the eqn and Table given in Slide 37 of 4.Matrix
Acidizing 1-1-09
Acid A A A
1 2 3
− log10 K D = 1 − A2 + A3T Acetic 1,170.48 3.1649 0.013399
T Formic 2,342.85 5.2748 0.015168
Propionic 1,213.26 3.3860 0.014055
Chloroacetic 1,229.13 6.1714 0.016486

Substituting these values in Eq. (3.1) we find

(ϕ / 2)(ϕ / 2)
(1.6 × 104 )(1.48 × 10−5 ) =
1.85 − ϕ

Solving this quadratic equation yields ϕ=0.93 mole of acid reacted 1000g of H2O.

The fraction of acid converted is then 0.93/1.85 = 0.50.

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Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

4. Calculate the volumetric dissolving power of a 3 w% HF and 12 w% HCl solution, assuming that
the formation is composed of quartz. Consider two cases. In the first case, take the predominant
reaction product to be SiF4; in the second case, consider it to be H2SiF6. Density of HF and HCl
are the same (1.07 g/cc) and density of quartz is 2.42 g/cc. Molecular weights of quartz and HF
are 60 and 20, respectively.

SiO2 + 4HF ⇌ SiF4 + 2H 2O

SiF4 + 2 HF ⇌ H 2 SiF6


When SiF4 (Silicon tetrafluoride) is the reaction product, the gravimetric dissolving power of 100
w% HF is given by

M wr Csr 60 × 1
β100 = = = 0.75 gram of quartz dissolved/gram of 100w% HF
M wa Csa 20 × 4

The gravimetric dissolving power of 3 w% HF is given by

β 3 = β100 wa = 0.75 × 0.03 = 0.0225 gram of quartz dissolved/gram of 3w% HF

The volumetric dissolving power of a 3 w% HF

Χ = β a ( ρ a / ρ r ) = 0.0225 × (1.07 / 2.42) = 9.95 × 10−3 = 0.01 cc of quartz dissolved/cc of 3w% HF

If H2SiF6 (Fluosilicic acid) is the reaction product

M wr Csr 60 ×1
β100 = = = 0.5 gram of quartz dissolved/gram of 100w% HF
M wa Csa 20 × (4 + 2)

β 3 = β100 wa = 0.5 × 0.03 = 0.015 gram of quartz dissolved/gram of 3w% HF

Χ = β a ( ρ a / ρ r ) = 0.015 × (1.07 / 2.42) = 0.0063 cc of quartz dissolved/cc of 3w% HF

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Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

5. Calculate maximum safe injection rate, preflush volume and preflush injection time for a mud acid
treatment in a gas well. The following information is available.

Depth : 7,200 ft
Wellbore diameter : 8.5 in
Fracture gradient : 0.8 psi/ft
Formation lithology : Sandstone
Porosity : 0.20
Permeability : 42 md
Skin factor : 8
Skin zone radius : 10 in
Carbonate content of skin zone : 0.05, Limestone
Reservoir pressure : 3,000 psi
Drainage radius : 800 ft
Perforated interval : 30 ft
Preflush : 7.5 w% HCl
Acid density : 8.62 lb/gal (1.0352 g/cc)
Acid viscosity : 0.8 cp


Step 1. Calculate maximum allowable bottom hole pressure (formation fracture pressure), pfr from Eq.1.

p fr = g f D = 0.8 × 7, 200 = 5, 760 psi

Step 2. Calculate maximum safe Injection rate without fracturing, qi, from the following Eqs.

4.917 × 10−6 khp ( p fr − pR )

qm =
µ[ln(re / rw′ ) − 0.75]

rw′ = rw exp(− s ) = (8.5 / 2 /12) exp(−8) = 1.188 ×10 −4 ft

4.917 × 10−6 (42)(30)(5, 760 − 3, 000)

qm = = 1.43 bbl / min
0.8[ln(800 / (1.188 × 10−4 )) − 0.75]

qi = 0.9qm = 0.9 × 1.43 = 1.287 bbl / min

Step 3. Estimate the preflush volume, Vpf

Preflush is an important feature of sandstone acid treatment. The main purpose of the preflush are to
remove those formation materials which will react to a significant extent with HCl, to displace those
+ ++
formation waters containing ions (Na , Ca , etc) which will tend to precipitate with HF, and to cool the
formation thereby permitting deeper acid penetration.

The volume of carbonate dissolved in skin zone is

VC = 0.16319(rC2 − rw2 )(1 − ϕ )hp f C

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Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

VC = 0.16319(102 − 4.252 )(1 − 0.2) × 30 × 0.05 = 16 gal

The gravimetric dissolving power of 100 w% HCl is given by

M wr Csr 100.09 × 1
β100 = = = 1.373 gram of limestone dissolved/gram of100% HCl
M wa Csa 36.46 × 2

The gravimetric dissolving power of 7.5 w% HCl is given by

β 7.5 = β100 wa = 1.373 × 0.075 = 0.103 gram of limestone dissolved/gram of 7.5w% HCl

The volumetric dissolving power of a 7.5 w% HCl

Χ = β a ( ρ a / ρ r ) = 0.103 × (1.0352 / 2.71) = 0.0393 cc of limestone dissolved/cc of 7.5w% HCl

The preflush volume

V pf = VC / X = 16 / 0.0393 = 407 gal

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Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

6. 600 gal of 15 w% HCl acid is injected at maximum safe rate into the dolomite formation. Calculate
acid injection time and stimulation ratio. The following information is available.

Depth : 4,600 ft
Wellbore diameter : 8.5 in
Fracture gradient : 0.7 psi/ft
Molecular wt of formation : 184.3
Formation density : 2.87 g/cc
Porosity : 0.10
Permeability : 26 md
Skin factor : 17
Skin zone radius : 9 in
Reservoir pressure : 2,000 psi
Drainage radius : 400 ft
Perforated interval : 16 ft
Preflush : 28 w% HCl
Acid density : 9.49 lb/gal (1.1392 g/cc)
Acid viscosity : 0.9 cp


Step 1. Calculate maximum allowable bottom hole pressure (formation fracture pressure), pfr from Eq.1.

p fr = g f D = 0.7 × 4, 600 = 3, 220 psi

Step 2. Calculate maximum safe Injection rate without fracturing, qi, from the following Eqs.

4.917 × 10−6 khp ( p fr − pR )

qm =
µ[ln(re / rw′ ) − 0.75]

rw′ = rw exp(− s ) = (8.5 / 2 / 12) exp(−17) = 1.466 × 10−8 ft

4.917 × 10−6 (26)(16)(3, 220 − 2, 000)

qm = = 0.12 bbl / min
0.9[ln(400 / (1.466 × 10−8 )) − 0.75]

qi = 0.9qm = 0.9 × 0.12 = 0.11 bbl / min

Step 3. Calculate acid injection time

V = V pf + VA = 0 + 600 = 600 gal

V 600
tp = = = 130 min
42qi 42 × 0.11

Step 4. Calculate stimulation ratio, Js/Jd Assume that skin zone is fully covered by HCl (ra=rs)

J s ln(re / rw′ ) − 0.75 ln(400 / (1.466 × 10−8 )) − 0.75

= = = 41.6
J d ln(re / rA ) − 0.75 ln(400 / 9 / 12) − 0.75

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Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

7. Design a matrix acidizing treatment for a well with the following characteristics:

Depth : 8,000 ft
Wellbore diameter : 6.0 in
Fracture gradient : 0.85 psi/ft
Formation lithology : Limestone
Formation specific gravity : 2.71
Limestone molecular wt. : 100.09
Porosity : 0.10
Permeability : 6 md
fractal dimensionality : 1.67
Skin factor : 12
Reservoir pressure : 3,000 psi
Drainage radius : 550 ft
Perforated interval : 23 ft
Perforation density : 6 spf
Perforation diameter : 0.028 in
Discharge coefficient : 0.9
Acid type : HCl
Acid concentration : 28 wt%
Acid specific gravity : 1.1392
Acid molecular weight : 36.47
-6 2
Acid diffusivity : 4.52×10 ft /min
Acid viscosity : 5 cp
Acid friction loss : 0.186 psi/ft
Acid pumping time : 90 min.


Step 1. Calculate maximum allowable bottom hole pressure (formation fracture pressure), pfr

p fr = g f D = 0.85 × 8000 = 6800 psi

Step 2. Calculate maximum possible Injection rate without fracturing, qm

rw′ = rw exp(− s ) rw′ = (3 / 12) exp(−12) = 1.536 × 10 −6 ft

4.917 ×10 −6 (6)(23)(6800 − 3100)

qm = = 0.0265 bbl / min
5[ln(550 /(1.536 × 10−6 )) − 0.75]

q i = 0.9(0.0265) = 0.02385 bbl / min

Step 3. Determine acid volume, VA from Eq. 6

V A = 42(0.02385)(90) = 90.2 gal η = 90.2 / 23 ≅ 3.9 gal / ft

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Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Step 4. Calculate maximum surface injection pressure, psi from Eq. 7.

psi = p p + p fr + p f − ph (Eq.7)

n = 6 × 23 = 138 holes

ρ a = 1.1392(8.34) = 9.5 lb / gal

q p = 0.02385 / 138
0.2369q 2p ρ a 0.2369(0.02385) 2 (9.5)
pp = = = 0.135 psi
d p4α 2 (0.0284 )(1382 )(0.9 2 )

p h = 0.052(9.5)(8000) = 3,952 psi

p f = 0.186(8000) = 1,488 psi

p si = 0.135 + 6800 + 1,488 − 3,952 = 4,336 psi

Step 5. Calculate penetration distance of acid, rA from Eq. 11

+ Pe =

5.61q i 5.61(0.02385)
+ Pe = = = 1,287 (Eq.12)
DAhp 4.52 × 10 −6 (23)

M wr Csr 100.09(1)
β100 = = = 1.372 (Eq.15)
M wa Csa 34.47(2)

β15 = 1.372(0.28) = 0.3842 (Eq.14)

Χ = β a ( ρ a / ρ r ) = 0.3842(1.392 / 2.71) = 0.1615 (Eq.13)

1/ n f
 n 33.6n f VA X 
rA =  rw′ f + + −1/ 3

0.3048 f (1 − φ )h
n Pe
 
1 / 1.67
 33.6(1.67)(90.2)(0.1615) −1 / 3 
rA = (1.536 × 10 −6 )1.67 + (1, 287 )  = 7.1 ft
 (0.3048)1.67 (1 − 0.10)23 

Step 6. Calculate stimulation ratio, Js/Jo from Eq.16

J s ln(re / rw′ ) − 0.75 ln(550 / 1.536 × 10 −6 ) − 0.75

= = = 5.26
J d ln(re / rA ) − 0.75 ln(550 / 7.1) − 0.75

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Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

8. Design a matrix acidizing treatment for a well with the following characteristics:

Depth : 5,000 ft
Wellbore diameter : 6.0 in
Casing OD : 5.0 in
Casing ID : 4.0 in
Tubing OD : 3.0 in
Tubing ID : 2.0 in
Fracture gradient : 0.7 psi/ft
Temperature gradient : 0.014 °F/ft
Surface temperature : 80 °F
Formation lithology : Sandstone
Porosity : 0.15
Permeability : 50 md
Skin factor : 10
Skin zone radius : 12 in
Carbonate content of skin zone : 0.15, Limestone
Reservoir pressure : 1,000 psi
Drainage radius : 660 ft
Earth’s surface temperature : 80 °F
Formation temperature : 150 °F
Geothermal gradient : 0.014 °F/ft
Perforated interval : 10 ft
Perforation density : 6 spf
Perforation diameter : 0.028 in
Discharge coefficient : 0.9
Acid type : Mud Acid
Acid concentration : 3 w% HF + 12 w% HCl
Preflush : 15 w% HCl
Acid temperature at surface : 68 °F
Acid density : 8.81 lb/gal
Acid viscosity : 0.78 cp
Acid friction loss : 0.186 psi/ft

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Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Design Procedure for Matrix Acidizing of Sandstones
This code was written by H. Ali Dogan, TPAO Research Center - Drilling Technology Department
Step 1: Calculate maximum allowable bottom hole pressure (Frac. Press.), pfr

gf 0.7 psi/ft ◄ fracture gradient p fr = g f D

D 5000 ft ◄ formation vertical depth
pfr 3500 psi ◄ maximum allowable bottom hole pressure

Step 2: Calculate maximum possible Injection rate without fracturing, Vpf

rw′ = rw exp( − s )
rw 3 in ◄ wellbore radius
s 10 ◄ skin factor
r'w 0.000136 ft ◄ effective wellbore radius

4.917 ×10−6 khp ( p fr − pR )

k 50 md ◄ average permeability qm =
µ[ln(re / rw′ ) − 0.75]
hp 10 ft ◄ perforated interval (use pay zone thickness for open hole completion)
pR 1000 psi ◄ reservoir pressure
µ 0.78 cp ◄ qi = 0.9qm
acid viscosity
re 660 ft ◄ drainage radius
qm 0.538105 bbl/min ◄ injection rate without fracturing

qi 0.484294 bbl/min ◄ safe injection rate

M wr Csr
β100 =
Step 3: Estimate the preflush volume, Vpf M wa Csa
Limestone, CaCO3
Form. Limestone, CaCO3 1 Dolomite, CaMg(CO3)2

β a = β100 wHClOther
Mwr 100.09 ◄ molecular weight of mineral
Csa 1 ◄ stoichiometric coefficient of mineral
Csr 2 ◄ stoichiometric coefficient of acid
Mwa 36.46 ◄ molecular weightΧ =ofβ aacid
( ρa / ρr )
β100 1.3726 ◄ mass of rock dissolved per unit mass of 100 wt% acid reacted

wHCl 15 wt.% ◄ HCl acid concentration Vc = 0.16319(rc2 − rw2 )(1 − φ )h p f c

βa 0.20589 ◄ mass of rock dissolved per unit mass of “a” wt% acid reacted
V pf = VC / X

ρa 1.07255 g/cc ◄ acid density

ρr 2.71 g/cc ◄ rock density
X 0.081486 ◄ dissolving power of acid

2 3
  t    t    t 
0.31333 log   
− 0.06 log   
+ 0.006666 log  
rC 12 in ◄ radius of zone containing
 2.609 2    acid 2soluble
 mineral
  2.609 d 2  
f (t ) = 10    2.609 d ce    ce  
d ce  
φ 0.15 ◄ porosity
fC 6 wt.% ◄ weight percent of acid soluble minerals (q i ρ a ) 0.8
h = 4778 . 8
VC 11.23551 gal ◄ volume of carbonates in formation d 1.8 µ 0.4

Vpf 137.8826 gal ◄ preflush volume −1

 1 d + d te − d ci − d ti d ci − d te 
U =  + ce + 
h 600 8.304 

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Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Step 4: Estimate acid temperature at the end of treatment, Ta

t 6.24906 hr ◄ injection time

dce 5 in ◄ casing OD
f(t) 0.40883 ◄ transient heat-conduction time function
2 3
  t    t    t 
0.31333  log    − 0.06  log    + 0.006666  log  
  2.609 d 2    2.609 d 2    2.609 d 2 
f (t ) = 10   ce    ce    ce 

dti 2.5 in ◄ tubing ID

(qi ρ a ) 0.8
h 327.388 Btu/ ◄ film coefficient of heat transfer h = 4778.8
hr-ft -°F d t1,.8 µ 0.4

dci 4 in ◄ casing ID
dte 3 in ◄ tubing OD −1
 1 d + d te − d ci − d ti d ci − d te 
U 7.93787 Btu/ ◄ overall heat transfer coefficient U =  + ce + 
hr-ft -°F h 600 8.304 

d tiU
B 0.59062 B=
1 + Bf (t )
F 15.9933 hr/ft2 F = 7.094 ρ a

A 2609.29 ft A = 336.9 Fq i

Tes 80 °F ◄ earth’s surface temperature

Tas 68 °F ◄ temperature of acid at surface
gT 0.016 °F/ft ◄ geothermal gradient
Ta 122.629 °F ◄ acid temperature at the end of treatment

Ta ( z , t ) = g T D + Tes − g T A + (Tas + g T A − Tes ) e − D / A

Step 5: Determine mud acid volume, Va

z -0.52371 z = (Ta − 175) / 100

y -1.31489 y = log( qi / h p )

rs 12 in ◄ radius of damaged zone

x 5 in x = rs − rw − 4
C1 -88.836 C6 21.975 C11 -15.226 C16 -14.834
C2 18.72 C7 1.3124 C12 6.0995 C17 0.3812
C3 0.67336 C8 -9.473 C13 -62.05 C18 -0.84504
C4 4.4285 C9 6.8514 C14 6.051 C19 -3.8846
C5 -22.83 C10 1.511 C15 -24.813 C20 -0.99883

η 748.86 gal/ft ◄ specific mud acid volume

η = 140 + C1 + C 2 x + C3 y + C 4 x 2 + C 5 xy + C 6 y 2 + C 7 x 3 + C8 x 2 y

+ C 9 xy 2 + C10 y 3 + C11 z + C12 zx + C13 zy + C14 zx 2 + C15 zxy

+ C16 zy 2 + C17 zx 3 + C18 zx 2 y + C19 zxy 2 + C 20 zy 3

wHF 3 wt.% ◄ HF acid concentration 3h pη rs + rw

Va 7488.64 gal ◄ mud acid volume Va =
wHF rs − rw + 6

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Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Step 6: Determine injection time, tp

V 7626.52 gal ◄ total acid volume V = V pf + Va 8

tp 6.24909 hr ◄ calculated injection time t=

tp-t 2.9E-05 hr ◄ Compare tp with initial guess t . Repeat Steps 4 through 6 taking t =tp
USE GOAL SEEK, set the cells on Goal Seek Shown
Step 7: Calculate maximum surface injection pressure, psi

ph 2327.23 psi ◄ hydrostatic head of acid ph = 0.052 ρ a D

n 60 ◄ number of open perforations

dp 0.028 in ◄ perforation diameter
α 0.9 discharge coefficient, usually 0.9
0.2369(qi n) ρ a
◄ 2
pp 277.479 psi ◄ friction pressure drop through perforations Pp =
d p4α 2

ka 0.186 psi/ft ◄ Acid friction loss

pf 930 psi ◄ friction pressure drop in tubular goods
psi 2380.25 psi ◄ maximum surface injection pressure psi = p p + p fr + p f − ph

Step 8: Calculate stimulation ratio, Js/Jo

J s ln( re / rw′ ) − 0.75

Js/Jo 4.49559 ◄ stimulation ratio =
Jd ln( re / rs ) − 0.75

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