Tic Tac Toe and MC Script of Brigada

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Tic Tac Toe

You probably already know how to play Tic-Tac-Toe. It's a really simple game,
right? That's what most people think. But if you really wrap your brain around
it, you'll discover that Tic-Tac-Toe isn't quite as simple as you think!

Tic-Tac -Toe (along with a lot of other games) involves looking ahead and
trying to figure out what the person playing against you might do next.

Rules for Tic-Tac-Toe

1. The game is played on a grid that's 3 squares by 3 squares.
2. You are X , your friend (or the computer in this case) is O . Players take
turns putting their marks in empty squares.
3. The first player to get 3 of her marks in a row (up, down, across, or
diagonally) is the winner.
4. When all 9 squares are full, the game is over. If no player has 3 marks
in a row, the game ends in a tie.

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How can I win at Tic-Tac-Toe?

To beat the computer (or at least tie), you need to make use of a little bit of
strategy. Strategy means figuring out what you need to do to win.

Part of your strategy is trying to figure out how to get three X s in a row. The
other part is trying to figure out how to stop the computer from getting
three O s in a row.
After you put an X in a square, you start looking ahead. Where's the best
place for your next X ? You look at the empty squares and decide which ones
are good choices which ones might let you make three X s in a row.

You also have to watch where the computer puts its O . That could change
what you do next. If the computer gets two O s in a row, you have to put your
next X in the last empty square in that row, or the computer will win. You are
forced to play in a particular square or lose the game.

If you always pay attention and look ahead, you'll never lose a game of Tic-
Tac-Toe. You may not win, but at least you'll tie.

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Brigada Eskwela (Program with Emcee

Started 19 hours ago by teachersportalph in School Events, Brigada

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Get involved in Brigada Eskwela! Uncover our
comprehensive program guide and emcee script to
ensure a successful community event.
Brigada Eskwela is an event where everyone helps prepare public schools for a
new year. We all work together: teachers, parents, students, and the local

Our sample guide shows you how to run the event. It starts with a parade and
sign-ups. Next, everyone joins in a fun Zumba workout. Then, we have a
formal program with a prayer, the national anthem, a welcome speech, and a
presentation of all the volunteers. A respected community leader gives an
inspirational talk. Finally, the school principal explains how the event works.

The guide also includes a script for the event's host. It helps the event run
smoothly and makes sure everyone feels welcome. The script keeps the event
organized but still fun and lively.

Sample Brigada Eskwela Program

Part I. Brigada Kick Off Parade

Part II. Registration

Part III. Zumba

Part IV. Opening Program

A. Invocation - Rafaela D. Alfonso, TIII

B. National Anthem - Layla D. Lema, TIII

C. Welcome Address - Johnson S. Infiesto, MTI

D. Presentation of Volunteers and Stakeholders - Roger Basillio, MTI

E. Inspirational Message- Hon. Khaleed Moran, Barangay Captain

Part V. Orientation on the Mechanic of the Brigada Eskwela Program - Floryn

Sepe, School Principal

Valentina Ramos, TIII Master of Ceremony

Sample Brigada Eskwela Program Emcee Script

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! A very warm welcome to
all of you on this wonderful and vibrant day! My name is Valentina Ramos,
your host for the day, and I am immensely excited to get this program

Part I. Brigada Kick Off Parade

We will begin this momentous occasion with the Brigada Kick Off Parade. I
invite everyone to join in and make some noise as we march to the rhythm of
unity and shared purpose. Your enthusiastic participation is what makes this
event truly special.

[After Parade]

Thank you, everyone, for such a lively and energetic start! Now, it's time to
make things official.

Part II. Registration

I now invite everyone to proceed to the registration tables situated around the
school grounds. Please ensure you have your names registered so we can
acknowledge your valuable contribution.

[After Registration]

Thank you all for your cooperation. Let's continue the energy and enthusiasm
with our next activity.

Part III. Zumba

To add more life to this wonderful day, let's get our bodies moving with a
Zumba session. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-timer, it's all about
having fun! So, everyone, get ready to move to the beat!

[After Zumba]

Wasn't that fun? Now, let's gather around and commence the formal program.
Part IV. Opening Program
We will start our opening program by seeking blessings for our endeavors.

A. Invocation

I am honored to call upon Rafaela D. Alfonso, TIII to lead us in the Invocation.

Please, let us all stand and bow our heads in prayer.

[After Invocation]

Thank you, Rafaela, for that spiritually uplifting invocation.

B. National Anthem

Now, I would like to invite Layla D. Lema, TIII to lead us in singing the National
Anthem. May we all rise and honor our beloved nation.

[After National Anthem]

Thank you, Layla. Now let's welcome our very own Johnson S. Infiesto, MTI.

C. Welcome Address

He will be delivering our Welcome Address today. Mr. Infiesto, the stage is

[After Welcome Address]

Thank you, Mr. Infiesto, for such a warm welcome.

**D. Presentation of Volunteers and Stakeholders **

Moving forward, we have Mr. Roger Basillio, MTI, who will be introducing the
dedicated volunteers and stakeholders of Brigada Eskwela 2023. Please, give
him a round of applause.

[After Presentation]
Our gratitude extends to all volunteers and stakeholders for your invaluable

E. Inspirational Message

Now, we are honored to have with us Hon. Khaleed Moran, our esteemed
Barangay Captain. He will be sharing an Inspirational Message with us today.
Let's give a big round of applause for him.

[After Inspirational Message]

Thank you, Hon. Khaleed Moran, for those inspiring words.

Part V. Orientation on the Mechanic of the Brigada

Eskwela Program
And finally, we invite Ms. Floryn Sepe, our esteemed School Principal, to
provide an orientation on the Mechanic of the Brigada Eskwela Program.
Please, pay close attention to ensure we all work harmoniously towards our
common goal.

[After Orientation]

Thank you, Ms. Sepe. With that, we are ready to embark on this journey
together. Thank you all once again for your presence and participation today.
Let's make Brigada Eskwela 2023 a memorable and successful event!

This concludes our opening program. Together, let's build, let's grow, let's
uplift. Onwards, Brigada Eskwela 2023!
Tags: Brigada Eskwela, 2023, community involvement, school
maintenance, Emcee Script, program guide, Education, public
schools, volunteerism, event planning

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