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Vocabulary test: Companion book p. 51-53

1.Use the right form of the words listed below to fill in the gaps. Make any necessary
changes. Be careful, there is an extra word!
shortage, climate change, heat up, industry, factor, common, widespread, pull down,
maintain, make my point, miss the point, beside the point, fall through, signature, get down
to, think it through

1. I didn't agree with you, but now that you ...…................................., I'm starting to
change my mind.
2. I was supposed to meet Bill yesterday, but our plans ..................................... at the last
3. I think Jim..…............................... about why he should exercise more.
4. Whether you like studying maths or not is ..................................... ; you must do your
5. It costs a lot of money to …......…........................... our house, because it's so old.
6. In Greece, a lot of people work in the tourist.….................................... .
7. I might travel around Europe for a year before starting my university, but I have to
.................................... first.
8. Let's stop wasting time and ................................... work.
9. There is a................................... belief that life in this country was better 10 years ago.
10. The low price tickets was one of the ....................................... that influenced my
choice to go on holiday now.
11.A water ….........…....................... can be caused by two little rain.
12. It’s .…................................. for young children to be afraid of the dark.
13.The old houses near the airport were ...…................................. to make room for a new
14. World leaders are meeting this week to discuss the environment and
…................................... .
15. The parked car ….................................. in the summer, especially if the windows are
2. Fill in the gaps using the appropriate derivative of the word given:

education (adj) -
equal (n) (adv)
coast (adj) -
signature (v) -

Good luck!

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