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Vocabulary test: Companion book p. 15-17

1.Use the right form of the words listed below to fill in the gaps. Be careful, there is an extra
Initial, buzz with, engrave, press charges, influence, (be) short of (money), keep in shape,
make sense, come alive, enforce, get the hang of something, reasonable, there is no need,
bond, innocence, humiliate

1. The police were sure that Bob was not the thief, so they didn't…........................ .
2. The house was ................................... activity as the family gathered for the holiday
3. Peter's parents …............................... him to become a doctor.
4. It doesn't .................................... to stay up all night before a big test.
5. I love that author because she makes the characters in her books…...........................
6. I like the cafe near my house because the food is good and the prices are
................................ .
7. Tom and I grew up together so we have a very close ….................................... .
8. Harry told the police of his ................................…......., but they didn't believe him.
9. Sam........................... me in front of my friends when he accused me of copying his
10. ................................. to buy any milk because I got some this morning.
11. This game isn't difficult once you…....................... it.
12. I …...............….................... by going to the gym twice a week.
13. Jack decided not to go out at the weekend because he was ….................................. .
14. Janet's name is …............................... on her bracelet.
15. My cousin’s name is Joshua Jason but everyone calls him by his
........................................... J.J.

2. Fill in the gaps using the appropriate derivative of the word given:

❖ Reliable (n) ….................................. (opp) ….................................

❖ Innocence (adj) …................................. (opp) …............................
❖ Embarrass (n) …..................................
❖ Disgust (n) ….................................. (adj) …..................................
❖ Disappoint (n) ….................................

Good luck!

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