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Use Spot Welds for the entire fire pit then go back and do full welds or 2-3 inches

of welds per “joint”.

Take the time to line up every piece perfectly and it’ll pay off at the end. If you’re off an 1/8” of an inch
here and there, by the time you get to the top of the sphere nothing will line up and you’ll be stuck
grinding down pieces to fit. Use a second set of hands to line up the pieces the best you can before spot
welding each piece.

1) Cut 5 “GeoPitBaseX5” pieces and 1 “GeoPitbottomX1” piece.

2) Cut 5 “GeoPitHexigonLowerFireX5” pieces

3) Cut 5 “GeoPitUpsideDownPentigonCampFireX5” pieces.

4) Cut 12 “GeoPitHexigonFullFireX12” Files. You’ll need 12 total but only 4 for the next step. Place 1
between each of the hexagons. The one place that doesn’t get a hexagon is the beginning of your
opening. In my picture, it’s closest to the camera. (Ignore the extra piece at the top of the picture, I
don’t know why I had that sitting there)

5) Use 3 more “GeoPitHexigonFullFireX12” pieces for the next layer. The two places at this level that are
left empty will be the rest of the opening for fire wood.
5) Cut 4 Pentagons using “GeoPitPentigonHotDogsx2” and “GeoPitPentigonMarshmallowX2”. I used 2
and 2 and alternated. You’ll need 4 total for this level, use whichever ones you please. The 5th space left
empty completes the top of your opening at the front for fire wood.

6) The last layer is the remaining 5 “”GeoPitHexigonFullFireX12” pieces. They fill the top of the sphere
leaving 1 spot open for the “GeoPitTopX1” piece. When you get to these 5 Hexagons only use 1 strong
tac weld per piece so they can be manipulated slightly to close up all the gaps evenly when adding the
top Hexagon.
Note: When cutting the Marshmallow file on a plasma CNC, choose no offset for the fine lines and no
lead in/out. The tool path will not generate properly with an inside offset or lead ins. All of the other
pieces can be cut with normal inside and outside offsets and lead ins and lead outs.

For any questions or problems please email me at

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